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I am an Associate Professor of Physical-Theoretical (Computational) and Analytical Chemistry with an earned PhD (Chemistry) from the University of Alberta (Canada), one of the top universities in the world, an MSc (Environmental/Electro-Analytical Chemistry) from Kenyatta University, and a BEd (Science) (Chemistry and Mathematics) from the University of Nairobi.



To be a globally competitive professional with relevant knowledge and skills in Science, Research, Education, Management and related disciplines compatible with contemporary and emerging trends in the modern world. To have a high degree of professionalism, moral dignity and integrity.


To use my knowledge in Science, Research and Management to create a competitive advantage for the institution and organization ensuring that its aims and objectives are realized, thus making it a Centre of Excellence and a market leader.



  • Excellent oral and written communication skills with ability to relate and communicate effectively at all levels
  • Flexible and adaptable to change
  • Can work well as a team player as well as a team leader
  • Good organizational skills
  • Ability to work well even when under pressure
  • Quick to learn and apply new ideas
  1. PhD (1999): University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
  2. MSc (1988): Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  3. BEd (Science) (1985): University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. High School Education: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) (1980): Kĩanyaga High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya.
  5. East African Certificate of Education (EACE) (1978): Kĩanyaga High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya.
  6. Primary School Education: Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) (1974): Ngariama Primary School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya.
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Research in Computational Chemistry (Modelling)
  • Research in Analytical-Environmental Chemistry (Modelling)
  • Research in Indusrial-Environmental Chemistry (Modelling)
  • research in Molecular Spectroscopy (Microwave, Infrared and Raman)


  1. NUSESA Regional Project Leaders Meeting: National Symposium on Scientific Equipment, Ambassoira Hotel and University of Asmara, Asmara, Eritrea, November 3rd, 2003.
  2. Needs Assessment and Priority Setting, Project Monitoring and Project Evaluation Training Workshop for Regional Leaders, University of Asmara, Eritrea, November 4-7, 2003.
  3. Poverty Reduction and Wealth Creation, Symposium of the Kenya Chemical Society and AGM, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, September 14th, 2003.          
  4. Alternative Approaches to Teaching Practice Supervision and Management, Teaching Practice Workshop for Cooperating Teachers, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, March 19-21, 2003.
  5. Workshop on Student Academic Advising, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, July 23-24, 2001.
  6. Workshop on University Teaching Methods, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, July 25-27, 2001.
  7. National Council for Science and Technology in Conjunction with NUSESA: National Workshop on Scientific Equipment Management, Nairobi Safari Club, Nairobi Kenya, 17th September, 2004. Co-Convenor and Chair.
  8. NUSESA Sponsored Kenya National Workshop on the Development of People on Biotechnology, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, October, 2002. Co-Organizer, Facilitator and Conference Resource Person.
  9. The Launching Conference of African Council for Distance Learning, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, January 22-24, 2004. Co-Organizer and Steering Committee Member.
  10. Open and Distance Learning Materials Development Workshop. Bureau of Learning Development, UNISA and Egerton University, Travellers Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya, September 22-27, 2003.
  11. Workshop for Development of HIV/AIDS Policy for Egerton University, Lake Nakuru Lodge, June 7-8, 2004.
  12. Working Party Workshop for Development of HIV/AIDS Policy for Egerton University, (Final Document Preparation), Lake Elmenteita Lodge, July 29-31, 2004.
  13. Workshop on Microfinance, Organized by Equity Building Society, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, March 25-26, 2004.
  14. Kenya Chemical Society Annual Seminar, Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya, October 2nd, 2004.
  15. Trustee Training Seminar on the Pension Fund Industry in Kenya by Old Mutual Asset Managers. Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret. On 17th August 2007
  16. Quality Management Systems Training Seminar on Implementation of ISO 9001 – 2000 by Kenya Bureau of Standards. Egerton University, Njoro. May 5 – 6, 2008.
  17. Property Investment Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Holiday Inn Hotel, Nairobi. Friday 6th June 2008.
  18. Corporate Governance Training Course by Centre fo Corporate Governance. Hotel Cathay, Nakuru. June 24 -25, 2008.
  19. Performance Contracting Training by Prime Ministers Office. Utalii Hotel, Nairobi. March 19 – 21, 2009.
  20. Strategic Planning Workshop at Cathay Hotel, Nakuru. Friday 12th May, 2009.
  21. ICT Training Workshop for Egerton University Management Committee. Wednesday 12th August, 2009.
  22. International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, Reef Hotel, Mombasa. October 5 – 9, 2009
  23. Investment Management Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Friday 16th June 2010.
  24. Pedagogy Workshop, FASS Theatre, Egerton University. March 20th – 22nd, 2006.
  25. niversity Teaching Methodology Course, Egerton University. July 25th – 27th
  26. Theological Education by Extension Course, covering: The Book of Proverbs, Helping the Church to Grow. Organised by the ACK Diocese of Nakuru.
  27. A facilitator in an ICT sensitization seminar, organised by the Department of Computer Science, Egerton University. September 16th I received a Certificate of Achievement.
  28. Conference on Agricultural Productivity, Competitiveness and Rural Poverty in Kenya: Laying the Foundation for the Kenya Vision 2030. Organised by Egerton University’s Tegemeo Institute at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies. September 17th – 16th
  29. Investment Management Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Friday 2nd July 2010.
  30. HIV/AIDS Curriculum Review Workshop: Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Science and Engineering Curricula in the University. February 27th – 28th
  31. 6th Kenya Chemical Society and East and Southern Africa Environmental Chemistry – 8th Theoretical Chemistry in Africa Conference. Reef Hotel, Mombasa. October 5th – 9th
  32. In-Country Workshop on Higher Education Science and Curricular Reforms: African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. Organised by UNESCO and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) at the KIE. May 6th – 10th 2007.
  33. In-Country Workshop on Higher Education Science and Curricular Reforms: African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. Organised by UNESCO and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) at the Nairobi Safari Club. April 11th – 13th
  34. Leadership, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning & Institutional Management Seminar. Organised by Ashley Management Consultants (AMC), at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies. January16th – 18th
  35. Resource Person in a Workshop on Validation of HIV/AIDS Policy Document: HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project. Organised by Egerton University at Utafiti Hostel, Egerton University. Thursday, May4th 2006.
  36. In-House Training on Accounting and Financial Management for Non-Finance Managers for Egerton University Deans and Heads of Department. Organised by the Federation of Kenya Employers, at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University August 4th -5th 2005.
  37. Open and Distance Learning Materials Writers and Authors Workshop. Organised by Egerton University College of Open and Distance Learning at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University. November 13th – 22nd 2007.
  38. Strategic Leadership and Change Management Workshop for Directors of State Corporations. Organised by the State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) and the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA). November 19th – 20th
  39. Trustees Training Seminar for Egerton University Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme Board of Trustees. Organised by Retirements Benefits Authority (RBA). May 5th
  40. Higher Education Management Training for Managers of Newly Established University Colleges and Campuses. Organized by Regional Eastern Africa DIES Alumni Network (REAL), Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), National Council of Science and Technology and Pwani University College. Pwani University College, Kilifi, October 25th - 28th 2011.
  41. raining on Corruption Prevention. Organized by Kisii University College and Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission. Dados Hotel, Kisii, February 9th -10th
  42. The First Kenya Careers and Mentorship Conference and Expo 2012: Solving Unemployment Through The Provision of Appropriate Work and Entrepreneurial Skills. Organized by Express Communications Limited and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, August 15th – 17th 2012
  43. Workshop on Development of the National Research and Development Agenda, and Establishment of University Students’ Science , Technology and Innovation Congress. Organised by the Kenya Vision 2030 Secretariat and the National Council for Science and Technology, Laico Regency, Nairobi, 14th June 2012.
  44. Scientific Communication and Publishing, hosted by the TCC Africa Team (2021)
  45. Seminar on Curriculum Review and Self Evaluation - Egerton University (2018)
  46. Seminar of the Kenya Chemical Society – Chiromo Campus University of Nairobi (2015)
  47. Kabarak University International Conference (2014)
  1. Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs) February 2013 – August 2013: Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya
  2. Deputy Principal (Academic and Student Affairs) – Kisii University College (A Constituent College of Egerton University) 2010 – 2015, Kisii, Kenya
  3. Registrar (Academic Affairs) 2007- 2010: Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  4. Associate Professor 2005 – To date: Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  5. Dean, Faculty of Science 2003 – 2007: Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  6. Senior Lecturer 2001-2005: Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  7. Teaching Assistant (1993-1999): University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
  8. Lecturer (1989-2001): Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  9. Assistant Lecturer (1988-1989): Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  10. Graduate Teacher (1985-1988): Teachers Service Commission, Kĩaragana Girls High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya.
  11. Untrained Teacher (1982): Kĩbũria Girls High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya and (1981): Ngariama Secondary School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya.
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry-Cancer research
  1. Fourier Transform Microwave Rotational Spectra of the Ne2-N2O and Ar2- N2O van der Waals Trimers, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jäger, Journal of Chemical Physics 111, 3919-3928 (1999).
  2. Rotational Spectroscopic Investigation of the Weak Interaction between CO and N2O, Mwaniki S. Ngari, Yunjie Xu, and Wolfgang Jäger, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 197, 244-253 (1999).
  3. Study of the Rotational Spectrum of the Ne-N2O van der Waals Dimer with a Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jäger, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192, 320-330 (1998). 
  4. Ground State Average and Partial Substitution Structures of the Ar-N2O van der Waals Dimer, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jäger, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192, 452-454 (1998).
  5. Speciation and Stability Constants of Chloro- and Fluoro- Complexes of Lead in a Salty Lake by a Polarographic Method, M. S. Ngari, K. H. Schrøder, and H. M. Thairu, a Publication of the Inaugural Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 35-37 (1993).       
  6. Ph.D Thesis entitled Fourier Transform Microwave Rotational Spectra of van der Waals Complexes of N2O. University of Alberta, June 1999. 
  7. MSc Thesis entitled Polarographic Determination of the Stability Constants of Lead Complexes in Salty-Lake Media (Lake Elmenteita), March 1988.
  8. The ArNe-N2O van der Waals Trimer: A High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of its Rotational Spectrum, Structure and Dynamics, Mwaniki S. Ngari, Yunjie Xu and Wolfgang Jager, Molecular Physics 99, 13-24 (2001).
  9. Preservice Student Teachers’ Attitude towards Chemistry Teaching: The Case of Egerton University, Kenya, Samuel W. Wachanga, Mwaniki Ngari and D. R. Muchiri, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 15(3), 187 - 198 (2003).
  10. Determination of Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Various Water Sources in Njoro, Nakuru District, Kenya, W. J. Mavura, M. S. Ngari, J. W. Matufari, P. S. Muliro, J. Perry, A. Harden and M Carter, Egerton Journal, Science and Technology Series, (2004).
  11. A Comparative Study of the Speciation of Lead and Copper in an Inland Saline Lake by Differential Pulse Polarography, Johnstone G. Theuri, Hussein H. S. A. Golicha, Mwaniki S. Ngari, Henry M. Thairu and Knut H. Schroder, Egerton Journal, Science and Technology Series, 4 (2), 49 - 67 (2004).
  12. The Physical Construction of a Fourier Transform Microwave (FTMW) Instrument for the Study of Weak Interactions via Rotational Spectroscopy of van der Waals Molecules, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jager, Journal of the Kenya Chemical society, 2(1), 38-46 (2004)
  13. A study of the Effects of Acids on the Absorbance Signals of Lead, Copper, Zinc and Cadmium by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Muiva K. O.,Golicha H. S., A. and Ngari M. S., International Journal of BioChemiPhysics,- Vol. 1, No. 1. 63 – 74 (2004).
  14. Communicating Science to the Public: Challenges and the Way Forward, Ndiritu, F. G., Muriithi, P. M., and Ngari, M. S., Disparities in Science, Technology, Environment, HIV/AIDS and Education:- Disparities in Developing Countries; Types, Challenges and the way Forward. Fourth International Conference Proceedings of the Association of Third World Studies, Inc., Kenya Chapter, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, September 17th -19th, 2003, Vol. 2, 38-42 (2004).
  15. A Study of the Effects of Storage Time and Temperature on the Concentration of Nitrogen Compounds in Water from River Njoro in Nakuru District, Kenya, Njenga, E. W., Okiro, E. O., Kariuki, S. M., and Ngari, M. S., Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002, 131-136 (2004).
    16. Current Themes in the Study of Intermolecular Forces: The Case of (Small Molecule)n-(Atom)m Complexes, Mwaniki S. Ngari, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002, 131-136 (2004).
  16. A Fourier Transform Microwave (FTMW) Instrument for the Study of Weak Interactions via Rotational Spectroscopy of van der Waals Molecules, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jaeger, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002, 131-136 (2004).
  17. Current Techniques in the Determination of Pitch Lengths in the Chelosteric and Smectic C Phases, Hussein Golicha and Mwaniki Ngari, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002, 131-136 (2004).
  18. A Study of the Effects of Acids on the Absorption Signals of Lead, Cadmium, Copper and Zinc by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, O. K. Muiva, H. S. A. Golicha and M. S. Ngari, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002, 131-136 (2004).
  19. Gender Disparity in Education: A Case Study of Science, Odhiambo, O. W., Ndiritu, F. G., and Ngari, M. S., Understanding Gender Inequalities, Proceedings of the International Gender Conference, Center for Women Studies and Gender Analysis, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, 5-8 April, 2004.
  20. The Effect of Phosphatic Fertilizers and Manure on Maize Yields in Southern Nyanza in Kenya. Jacob S. Ademba, Silas M. Ngari and Antony Esilaba. 25th Conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. Kilimanjaro Crane Hotel, Moshi, Tanzania, 7th – 11th December, 2009.
  21. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Nutrient Uptake, Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Yield of Maize in Kisii Ademba J. S., A. O. Esilaba and S. M. Ngari. Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihoods through Product Agricultural Value Chains, 12th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Biennial Scientific Conference. KARI Headquarters Complex, Kaptagat Road, Loresho, Nairobi, Kenya. 8th – 12th November, 2010.
  22. The Effects of Phosphatic Fertilizers and Manure on Maize Yields in South Nyanza in Kenya. Ademba J. S., Ngari S. M., Esilaba A. O.Transformative Research for Sustainable Development, 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo, Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. 21st – 23rd September, 2011.
  23. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Plant Tissue Nutrient Uptake and Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Maize in Kisii County, Kenya. Ademba J. S., Esilaba A. O., Ngari S. M., Mwangi T. J., Kidula N. L. and Magenya O. E. Agricultural Innovation System for Improved Productivity and Competitiveness in Pursuit of Vision 2030, 13th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Biennial Scientific Conference, KARI Headquarters, Kaptagat Road, Loresho, Nairobi, 22nd – 26th October, 2012.
  24. How Safe is the Water We Drink? Determination of Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Various Water Sources in Njoro, Nakuru District, Kenya. Mavura, W. J., Ngari, M. S., Matofari, J. W., Muliro, P. S., Perry, J., Harden, A., and Carter, M., Egerton Journal: Science and Technology Series, VI (1), 16 – 30 (2006).
  25. A Comparative Study of the Speciation of Lead (II) and Copper (I) in an Inland Saline Lake by Differential Pulse Polarography. Theuri, J. G., Golicha, H. H. S. A., Ngarĩ, M. S., Thairũ, H. M., and Schrøder, K. H., Egerton Journal: Science and Technology Series, VI (1), 48 – 67 (2006).
  26. . The Effects of Rotating the Orientation Axis of Chiral Aminoanthraquinone on its Helical Twisting Power in Smectic C Phase, Hussein S. A. Golicha, Mwaniki S. Ngari and H. – G. Kuball, Journal of the Kenya Chemical Society, 4 (2), 23 – 32 (2007).
  27. Physical Chemical Properties of Spring Water in Kabare and Baragwi Locations , Gichugu Division Kirinyaga County of Kenya. Mwaniki S. Ngari, Wanjau T. Wangui, Njeru S. Ngoci and Mavura J. W., International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2 (7), 280 - 285 (2013).
  28. . Analysis of Constituent Chemicals and their Effects on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Spring Water in Ngariama Location Gichugu Division Kirinyaga County of Kenya. Mwaniki Ngari, Wanjau T. Wangui and Njeru S. Ngoci, Journal of Natural Sciences (JNS), 1 (2), 52 – 60 (2013).
  1. Antibacterial Screening of Tea Leaves Extract on Selected Njeru S. Ngoci, Naibei A. Mwanga and Mwaniki S. Ngari, Journal of Biotechnological Sciences (JBS), 1 (2), 149 – 152 (2013).
  2. creening for Antimichrobial Activity of Cissampelos pareira Methanol Root Extract, Njeru S. Ngoci, Musa Ramadhan, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Oduor P. Leonard, European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 4(1), 45–51 (2014).
  1. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Nutrient Uptake, Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Yield of Maize in Kisii County, Kenya. Jacob S. Ademba, Johnson K. Kwach, Silas M. Ngari, Anthony O. Esilaba and Nelson L. Kidula, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 9 (20), 1571 – 1578 (2014).
  2. Electrocatalytic Reduction of 2, 2, 2-Trichloro-1, 1-Bis(4-Chlorophenyl) Ethanol (Dicofol) in Acetonitrile-Aqueous Solution Using Cyanocobalamin as a Catalyst, Wanjau Tabitha Wangui, Geoffrey Njuguna Kamau, Mwaniki Silas Ngari and Muya Catherine Njambi, Science Journal of Chemistry, 3 (1), 1 – 10 (2015).
  3. The fate of Organic Pollutants; 3,5-dimethylphenol and N-phenyl-1-naphthaleneamine in Lake Naivasha Wetland, Kenya, Lawrence magollo, Joshua K. Kibet, and Silas M. Ngari. (2020) Scientific African,
  4. Molecular Modelling of Selected Combustion By-Products from the Thermal Degradation of Croton megalocarpus Biodiesel, Bornes C. Mosonik, Joshua K. Kibet, and Silas M. Ngari. (2019) Open access Library Journal,
  5. 36. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Bottom Sediments of Elburgon River – Kenya: Precursors for Cancer, Francis E. Opuru, Joshua K. Kibet, Samuel K. Kirkok, and Silas M. Ngari. (2019) SN Applied Sciences,
  6. 37. Optimization of Binary Mixtures of Biodiesel and Fossil Diesel for Clean Energy Combustion, Bornes C. Mosonik, Joshua K. Kibet, and Silas M. Ngari. (2019) Chemistry Africa,
  7. 38. Simulating the Health Impact of Particulate Emissions from Transport Fuels using Multipath Particle Deposition Model (MPPD), Bornes C. Mosonik, Joshua K. Kibet, and Silas M. Ngari. (2019) Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation,
  8. 39. Free Radicals and Ultrafine Particulate Emissions from the Co-Pyrolysis of Croton megalocarpus Biodiesel and Fossil Diesel, Joshua K. Kibet, Bornes C. Mosonik, Vincent O. Nyamori, and Silas M. Ngari. (2018) Chemistry Central Journal,
  9. Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals and Particulate Emissions from the Thermal Degradation of Croton megalocarpus Biodiesel, Bornes C. Mosonik, Joshua K. Kibet, Silas M. Ngari and Vincent O. Nyamori. (2018) Environmental Science and Pollution research,
  10. The Degradation of o-ethyltoluene and 1,3,5iTrimethylbenzene in Lake Naivasha wetland, Kenya, Magallo Lawrence, Joshua K. Kibet and Silas M. Ngari. (2018) Bulletin of Enviromental Contamination and Toxicology,
  11. The Effects of Phosphate Fertilizers and Manure on the maize Yields in South Western Kenya, J. S. Ademba, J. K. Kwach, A. O. Esilaba and M. Ngari, (2015) East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, Vol. 81, No 1, 1 – 11.
  12. . Effects of Micellar Solution on the Electrocatalytic Activity of Cyanocobalamin towards the Reduction of Organochlorine Pesticides 2,2,2-Trichloro-1,1-Bis(4-Chlorophenyl) Ethanol (Dicofol) on a Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode, Tabitha W. wanjau, Silas M. Ngari, Catherine N. Muya, Geoffrey N. Kamau. (2014) International Journal of BioChemiPhysics, Vol. 22, 1 – 9 (2014).
  13. Effects of Essential Mineral Ions from Aqueous Media on Adsorption of Fluoride by Bone Char, S. M. Kariuki, S. Ngari, W. J. Mavura, M. S. Ollengo and P. O. Ongoma. (2015) Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, Vol 9, Issue 5 Ver.II 9 – 17 (2015)
  14. Bioactivity of Cissampelos pareira Medicinal Plant against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Sospeter Ngoci Njeru, Meshack a. Obonyo, Samwel O. Nyambati and Silas M. Ngari, (2015) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 3(6): 167 – 173 (2015)
  15. Antituberculosis, Antimicrobial, Cytotoxicity and Phytochemical Activity Study of Piliostigma thonningii Extract fractions, Sospeter Ngoci Njeru, Meshack Amos Obonyo, Silas Mwaniki Ngari, Samwel Nyambati Onsarigo, John Mwaniki Njeru, and Paul Kuria kamweru. (2015) Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Vol. 9(22), 655 – 663 (2015)
  16. Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity Properties of the Crude Extracts and Fractions of Premna resinosa (Hochst.) Schauer (Compositae): Kenyan traditional Medicinal Plant, Sospeter Ngoci Njeru, Meshack Amos Obonyo, Samwel Onsarigo Nyambati, and Silas Mwaniki Ngari. (2015) BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15: 295 (2015)
  17. . Antimibial and Cytotoxicity Properties of the Organic Solvent Fractions of Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) R. Br. Ex Vatke: Kenyan Traditional Medicinal Plant, Sospeter Ngoci Njeru, Meshack Obonyo, Samwel Nyambati, Silas Ngari, Ramadhan Mwakubambanya, and Hawa Mavura. (2016) Journal of Intercaultural Ethnophamacology, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 226 (2016)
  18. The Possible Abuse of Catha edulis and its Associated Health and Socio-economic Impacts, Albert M. Oyugi, Benjamin K. Korir, Joshua K. Kibet, and Silas M. Ngari. (2021) Accepted for publication in Progress in Chemical and Biochemical Research
  1. The Microwave Rotational Spectrum of Ne-N2O van der Waals Complex, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jäger, WI11 p180, 52nd Ohio State University international symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 16-20, 1997.
  2. Poster Presentation of the “The Microwave Rotational Spectrum of the Ne-N2O van der Waals Complex, M. S. Ngari and W. Jäger, 1997 Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Annual Congress June 8-11, 1997. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.
  3. Speciation and Stability Constants of Chloro- and Fluoro- Complexes of Lead in Salty lake by a Polarographic Method, M. S. Ngari, K. H. Schrøeder, and H. M. Thairu, p13, Kenya Chemical Society, The Inaugural Conference, June 7-11, 1993. Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. Voltammetric Investigation of Lead Speciation and The Stability of Lead Complexes with OH-, Cl-, F-, CO32-, and HCO3- as Ligands in a Salty Lake-Lake Elementeita, Kenya. M. S. Ngari, K. H. Schrøder, and H. M. Thairé, Tu-103, Jaroslav Heyrovský Centennial Congress on Polarography organized jointly with 41st Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 20-25, 1990.
  5. The Study of Single Molecule Reactions, Nanoenvironments and Excited State Photophysics, Mwaniki Silas Ngari, Chemistry Department/Public Seminars, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, November 22, 1995.
  6. Communicating Science to the Public: Challenges and the Way Forward, Ndiritu, F. G., Muriithi, P. M., and Ngari, M. S., Disparities in Science, Technology, Environment, HIV/AIDS and Education:- Disparities in Developing Countries; Types, Challenges and the way Forward. Fourth International Conference of the Association of Third World Studies, Inc., Kenya Chapter, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, September 17th -19th, 2003.
  7. A Study of the Effects of Storage Time and Temperature on the Concentration of Nitrogen Compounds in Water from River Njoro in Nakuru District, Kenya, Njenga, E. W., Okiro, E. O., Kariuki, S. M., and Ngari, M. S., 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002.
  8. Current Themes in the Study of Intermolecular Forces: The Case of (Small Molecule)n-(Atom)m Complexes, Mwaniki S. Ngari, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002.
  9. A Fourier Transform Microwave (FTMW) Instrument for the Study of Weak Interactions via Rotational Spectroscopy of van der Waals Molecules, Mwaniki S. Ngari and Wolfgang Jaeger, 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002.
  10. Current Techniques in the Determination of Pitch Lengths in the Chelosteric and Smectic C Phases, Hussein Golicha and Mwaniki Ngari, 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002.
  11. A Study of the Effects of Acids on the Absorption Signals of Lead, Cadmium, Copper and Zinc by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, O. K. Muiva, H. S. A. Golicha and M. S. Ngari, 4th International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, August 19th-23rd, 2002.
  12. Gender Disparity in Education: A Case Study of Science, Odhiambo, O. W., Ndiritu, F. G., and Ngari, M. S., Understanding Gender Inequalities, International Gender Conference, Center for Women Studies and Gender Analysis, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, 5-8 April, 2004.
  13. The Study of Weak Intermolecular Interactions: An Instrument. Mwaniki S. Ngari. Annual Seminar of the Kenya Chemical Society, University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, November, 2005.
  14. The Effect of Phosphatic Fertilizers and Manure on Maize Yields in Southern Nyanza in Kenya. Jacob S. Ademba, Silas M. Ngari and Antony Esilaba. 25th Conference of the Soil Science Society of East Africa. Kilimanjaro Crane Hotel, Moshi, Tanzania, 7th – 11th December, 2009.
  15. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Nutrient Uptake, Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Yield of Maize in Kisii Region. Ademba J. S., A. O. Esilaba and S. M. Ngari. Transforming Agriculture for Improved Livelihoods through Product Agricultural Value Chains, 12th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Biennial Scientific Conference. KARI Headquarters Complex, Kaptagat Road, Loresho, Nairobi, Kenya. 8th – 12th November, 2010.
  16. The Effects of Phosphatic Fertilizers and Manure on Maize Yields in South Nyanza in Kenya. Ademba J. S., Ngari S. M., Esilaba A. O.Transformative Research for Sustainable Development, 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo, Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. 21st – 23rd September, 2011.
  17. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Plant Tissue Nutrient Uptake and Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Maize in Kisii County, Kenya. Ademba J. S., Esilaba A. O., Ngari S. M., Mwangi T. J., Kidula N. L. and Magenya O. E. Agricultural Innovation System for Improved Productivity and Competitiveness in Pursuit of Vision 2030, 13th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Biennial Scientific Conference, KARI Headquarters, Kaptagat Road, Loresho, Nairobi, 22nd – 26th October, 2012. 
  18. NUSESA Regional Project Leaders Meeting: National Symposium on Scientific Equipment, Ambassoira Hotel and University of Asmara, Asmara, Eritrea, November 3rd, 2003.
  19. Needs Assessment and Priority Setting, Project Monitoring and Project Evaluation Training Workshop for Regional Leaders, University of Asmara, Eritrea, November 4-7, 2003.
  20. Poverty Reduction and Wealth Creation, Symposium of the Kenya Chemical Society and AGM, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, September 14th, 2003.          
  21. Alternative Approaches to Teaching Practice Supervision and Management, Teaching Practice Workshop for Cooperating Teachers, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, March 19-21, 2003.
  22. Workshop on Student Academic Advising, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, July 23-24, 2001.
  23. Workshop on University Teaching Methods, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, July 25-27, 2001.
  24. National Council for Science and Technology in Conjunction with NUSESA: National Workshop on Scientific Equipment Management, Nairobi Safari Club, Nairobi Kenya, 17th September, 2004. Co-Convenor and Chair.
  25. NUSESA Sponsored Kenya National Workshop on the Development of People on Biotechnology, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, October, 2002. Co-Organizer, Facilitator and Conference Resource Person.
  26. The Launching Conference of African Council for Distance Learning, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya, January 22-24, 2004. Co-Organizer and Steering Committee Member.
  27. Open and Distance Learning Materials Development Workshop. Bureau of Learning Development, UNISA and Egerton University, Travellers Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya, September 22-27, 2003.
  28. Workshop for Development of HIV/AIDS Policy for Egerton University, Lake Nakuru Lodge, June 7-8, 2004.
  29. Working Party Workshop for Development of HIV/AIDS Policy for Egerton University, (Final Document Preparation), Lake Elmenteita Lodge, July 29-31, 2004.
  30.  Workshop on Microfinance, Organized by Equity Building Society, FASS Theatre, Egerton University, Kenya, March 25-26, 2004.
  31. Kenya Chemical Society Annual Seminar, Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya, October 2nd, 2004.
  32. Trustee Training Seminar on the Pension Fund Industry in Kenya by Old Mutual Asset Managers. Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret. On 17th August 2007.
  33. Quality Management Systems Training Seminar on Implementation of ISO 9001 – 2000 by Kenya Bureau of Standards. Egerton University, Njoro. May 5 – 6, 2008.
  34. Property Investment Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Holiday Inn Hotel, Nairobi. Friday 6th June 2008.
  35. Corporate Governance Training Course by Centre fo Corporate Governance. Hotel Cathay, Nakuru. June 24 -25, 2008.
  36. Performance Contracting Training by Prime Ministers Office. Utalii Hotel, Nairobi. March 19 – 21, 2009.
  37. Strategic Planning Workshop at Cathay Hotel, Nakuru. Friday 12th May, 2009.
  38. ICT Training Workshop for Egerton University Management Committee. Wednesday 12th August, 2009.
  39. International Conference of the Kenya Chemical Society, Reef Hotel, Mombasa. October 5 – 9, 2009.
  40. Investment Management Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Friday 16th June 2010.
  41. Pedagogy Workshop, FASS Theatre, Egerton University. March 20th – 22nd, 2006.
  42. University Teaching Methodology Course, Egerton University. July 25th – 27th
  43. Theological Education by Extension Course, covering: The Book of Proverbs, Helping the Church to Grow. Organised by the ACK Diocese of Nakuru.
  44. A facilitator in an ICT sensitization seminar, organised by the Department of Computer Science, Egerton University. September 16th I received a Certificate of Achievement.
  45. Conference on Agricultural Productivity, Competitiveness and Rural Poverty in Kenya: Laying the Foundation for the Kenya Vision 2030. Organised by Egerton University’s Tegemeo Institute at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies. September 17th – 16th
  46. Investment Management Seminar for Trustees by Genesis Kenya Investment Management Limited. Friday 2nd July 2010.
  47. HIV/AIDS Curriculum Review Workshop: Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Science and Engineering Curricula in the University. February 27th – 28th
  48. 6th Kenya Chemical Society and East and Southern Africa Environmental Chemistry – 8th Theoretical Chemistry in Africa Conference. Reef Hotel, Mombasa. October 5th – 9th
  49. In-Country Workshop on Higher Education Science and Curricular Reforms: African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. Organised by UNESCO and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) at the KIE. May 6th – 10th
  50. In-Country Workshop on Higher Education Science and Curricular Reforms: African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. Organised by UNESCO and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) at the Nairobi Safari Club. April 11th – 13th
  51. Leadership, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning & Institutional Management Seminar. Organised by Ashley Management Consultants (AMC), at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies. January16th – 18th
  52. Resource Person in a Workshop on Validation of HIV/AIDS Policy Document: HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project. Organised by Egerton University at Utafiti Hostel, Egerton University. Thursday, May4th 2006.
  53. In-House Training on Accounting and Financial Management for Non-Finance Managers for Egerton University Deans and Heads of Department. Organised by the Federation of Kenya Employers, at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University August 4th -5th
  54. Open and Distance Learning Materials Writers and Authors Workshop. Organised by Egerton University College of Open and Distance Learning at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University. November 13th – 22nd
  55. Strategic Leadership and Change Management Workshop for Directors of State Corporations. Organised by the State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) and the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA). November 19th – 20th
  56. Trustees Training Seminar for Egerton University Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme Board of Trustees. Organised by Retirements Benefits Authority (RBA). May 5th
  57. Higher Education Management Training for Managers of Newly Established University Colleges and Campuses. Organized by Regional Eastern Africa DIES Alumni Network (REAL), Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), National Council of Science and Technology and Pwani University College. Pwani University College, Kilifi, October 25th - 28th
  58. Training on Corruption Prevention. Organized by Kisii University College and Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission. Dados Hotel, Kisii, February 9th -10th
  59. The First Kenya Careers and Mentorship Conference and Expo 2012: Solving Unemployment Through The Provision of Appropriate Work and Entrepreneurial Skills. Organized by Express Communications Limited and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, August 15th – 17th 2012
  60. Workshop on Development of the National Research and Development Agenda, and Establishment of University Students’ Science , Technology and Innovation Congress. Organised by the Kenya Vision 2030 Secretariat and the National Council for Science and Technology, Laico Regency, Nairobi, 14th June 2012.
  61. Scientific Communication and Publishing, hosted by the TCC Africa Team (2021)
  62. Seminar on Curriculum Review and Self Evaluation - Egerton University (2018)
  63. Seminar of the Kenya Chemical Society – Chiromo Campus University of Nairobi (2015)
  64. Kabarak University International Conference (2014)
  1. Research Grants for PhD and MSc Students: National Research Fund (NRF), National Research Foundation (RSA) (2017)
  2. Research Grants for PhD and MSc students: National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) (2015)
  3. Research Grants for MSc Students: Egerton University, Directorate of Research and Extension (2014
  4. Best Student in A-Level Biology: Kĩanyaga High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya (1980).
  5. Best Student in A-Level Chemistry: Kĩanyaga High School, Kĩrĩnyaga, Kenya (1980).
  6. Kenyatta University/Ministry of Education Postgraduate Studies Scholarship (1985-1987)
  7. The University of Alberta Gordon Kaplan Graduate Conference travel Scholarship (1997).
  8. University of Alberta Faculty of Science Teaching Assistants’ Bursary Award (1993-1999).
  9. University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada, Teaching Assistantship (1993 – 1999).
  10. NORAD Award/Scholarship for collaborative Research in the Chemistry of Salt Lakes in East Africa (1988-2009). NKR 500,000. [We have applied for renewal for another 5-10 years since work was not completed and some parts of the Project were left in the middle].
  11. International Organization for Migration, EU Sponsored Programme for the Return and Reintegration of Qualified African Nationals (1999). USD 7500
  12. Part of the team that prepared the Egerton University in collaboration with the Rift Valley Water Services Board a proposal for the Njoro-Egerton Community Water Conservation, Supply and Sanitation Project. Technical Advisor, European Commission, and Department of External Resources, Ministry of Finance, Awarded to Egerton University to reclaim River Njoro and Eastern Mau forest and Catchment area. 2005. EURO 5,000,000
  13. I am a Director of the Nakuru Region Inter-Diocesan Christian Community Services (NRIDCCS) Board, whose aim is to “improve the livelihoods of the needy and marginalised communities in Nakuru region through facilitation of intergrated development projects in water, agriculture, health and economic enterprise development” We have received a lot of funding locally and abroad through the Diocese over the years 2006-Todate
  14. Small grants Project Funding by KARI Kisii (2006 – 2013), with Dr. Antony Esilaba and Mr. Jacob Ademba which assisted Mr. Ademba to do his experiments for his MSc (Chemistry) degree. This resulted in four(4) publications. The outcomes were a host of new data that informed the extension services in the larger Nyanza Region’s, Phosphatic Fertilizer and Manure usage in Maize farming  
  • Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics.
  • Quantum Chemistry
  • Spectroscopy
  • Chemical applications of Group theory
  • Inorganic Chemistry (Minor)



  1. Mwangome G. C., Milkfat Changes in Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) of Chapati. (MSc, Graduated 2004).
  2. Mugo, T. W., Analysis of Constituent Chemicals and their Effects on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Spring and Stream Waters in Gichugu Division of Kirinyaga District. (MSc Graduated 2006).
  3. Tana, J. B. M., Effects of Mineral Acids on Absorption Signals of Metal Analytes in Water by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. (MSc, Graduated 2008)
  4. Ademba, J. S., Analytical Determination of the Effects of Phosphatic Fertilizers and Manures on Maize Yields in Acidic Soils in Kisii and Rachuonyo Districts. (MSc Graduated 2009).
  5. Machuka, W. O., Fractionation and Analysis of Airborne Particulate Matter in Njoro Area of Nakuru District. (MSc Graduated 2011).
  6. Pamela K. O., Investigating Contact Precipitation as a Viable Water Defluoridation Technique. (MSc, Graduated 2012).
  7. Kariuki S. M., Evaluation of Concentration of Mineral Ions in Water After Defluoridation with Bone Char. (MSc, Graduated 2012).
  8. James W. N., Analysis of Dietary Fibre in Arrow Roots (Maranta Arundinacea). (PhD, Thesis work in Progress)
  9. Mokeira K. G., Effects of Free Primary Education on Examination Perfrmance in Public Primary Schools in Kemera Division of Manga District, Kenya. (MEd, Thesis work in progress)
  1. Tabitha W. W., Electrocatalytic Decomposition of 2,2,2-Trichloro-1,1-Bis(4-Chlorophenyl) Ethanol (Dicofol) in Acetalnitrile-Aqueous Solution and Micro-Assembly (Anionic and Cationic) Using Cyanocobalamin. [PhD, Granduated 2015]
  2. Mosonik Chelagat Bornes, Molecular Products, Thermal Emissions and Radical Kinetics from the Thermal Degradation of Croton megalocarpus Biodiesel and Binary Transport fuels. [PhD, Graduated 2020]
  3. Russel Ouma. Drug Design Characteristics of the Anticancer Active Compounds of Sapium ellipticus using the Amsterdam Density Funcyional and Molecular Docking Computational Suite [PhD proposal defense at Faculty]
  4. Richard M., Speciation 0f Selected Elements in Selected Medicinal Plants and Protein Profiling Uptake in Nyamira County, Kenya. (PhD, Thesis work in Progress)
  5. Evans M. O., Organic Chemistry, Natural Products; Proposal Level Topic to be agreed upon. PhD work in progress
  1. Full Member of the Kenya Institute of Management
  2. Founder and Life Member of the Kenya Chemical Society.
  3. Member of the Chemical Institute of Canada. (This has since lapsed)
  4. Member of NUSESA (Network of Users of Scientific Equipment in Eastern and Southern Africa).
  5. Vice-Chairman and Member of the Association of Third Word Studies (ATWS).
  6. Member of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). (Application Level).
  7. Member of the Kenya National Academy of Sciences (KNAS). (Application Level). 
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