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Faculty of Science
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536-20115, Egerton

2019 Ongoing: PhD, Biochemistry - Egerton University

Proposal title: Pharmacological and Anticancer Potential of Selected Medicinal Plants

2013: Master of Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, Pharmacology Research - Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM)

Thesis title:  Anti-tumor and immunomodulatory effects of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) polysaccharides through upregulation of interleukin 7 (IL 7) gene expression

2009: Bachelors degree, Bachelor of science in Biological sciences - Egerton University

Project title:  A methodology for indigenous oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) cultivation

2001: Diploma in Applied Biology - Eldoret Polytechnic

Project title:  Determination of the occurrence of mastitis in cattle within Soy division of Uasin Gishu District


  • Ethnopharmacology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Conservation biology

Sept. 2019: Certificate, Introduction to Research ethics - TRREE, Clinical trials center, The University of Hong Kong

Feb. 2014: Certificate in Research Proposal Writing and Data Management - Egerton University



Present: Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University

Present: Coordinator, Botanic Garden

2013 to 2021:  Assistant Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University

 2004 to 2013: Technologist, Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University

2020: Member, subcommittee of Diploma in Applied biology curricula development

2020: Secretary, subcommittee of curricula review for Bachelor of science, Botany

2020: Member, subcommittee of curricula review for bachelor of science, Zoology

2015:  Member, subcommittee of development of curriculum for Bachelor of science in Applied Biology

2014: Departmental examination officer

2013 to 2019: Departmental web-representative

2013 to date: Member, Faculty of Science ICT committee

2016: Reviewer, Journal of Complementary Therapies in Medicine (CTIM)

2020: Reviewer, journal of ethnopharmacology

2020: Reviewer, Drug & Chemical Toxicology Journal




  1. Provision of Indigenous Wild Fruits Feasibility Study by National Museums of Kenya (On-going)


  1. Exploring the potential of Togotia a forgotten African leafy vegetable for nutritional security and climate adaptation in Kenya, Funded by Innovate KTN, UK (on-going)
  2. Development of natural medicinal products for mitigation of COVID- 19 pandemic, Funded by NRF (On-going)
  3. AgriAqua – Partnership Program in Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in East Africa. Funded by Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research a Africa- UniNet Programme (On-going)
  4. Determination of the pharmacological and anticancer activity of selected medicinal plants in Kenya (PhD project)
  5. Anti-tumor and immunomodulatory effects of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) polysaccharides through interleukin 7 gene expression (Funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council)
  6. Outdoor Organic Cultivation of Kenyan Indigenous Mushrooms for Improved Food Security. Funded by The Mushroom Initiative Limited, Hong Kong
  7. Arthrospira Biomass Dynamics Project, A Collaborative Project between Vienna University (Austria) and Egerton University (Kenya). Funded By. Austrian Research Funds Foundation
  8. Spawn Production and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Indigenous Mushrooms for Improved Health and Increased Food Security. Funded by Egerton University
  • Phytomedicine for cancer therapy
  • Bioprospecting and development of technologies for identification of lead compounds in new drug discovery
  • Quality and safe phytomedicines for quality health
  • Indigenous edible and medicinal mushroom cultivation technologies
  • Plant biodiversity conservation
  1. Elick O. Otachi, Nehemiah M. Rindoria, Meri M. Medhanit, Peter A. Ayeka and Anna Wąs‐Barcz. (2018). First record of dwarf Victorian mouthbrooder Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae (Schöller, 1903) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya, including data on its molecular identification: Management implications. Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use ISSN: 1440-1770
  2. Ayeka, P. A. (2018). Potential of Mushroom Compounds as Immunomodulators in Cancer Immunotherapy: A Review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018.
  3. Rosette Uzayisenga, Yi Wang, Yu Ren, Peter Amwoga Ayeka, Pramod Singh Kunwar, Epaphrodite Twahirwa. (2018). Vascular activity of protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol, the major saponin fractions isolated from roots of Panax notoginseng. Journal of Pharmacy Research (JPR) ISSN: 0975-7619
  4. Ayeka, P. A., Bian, Y., Githaiga, P. M., & Zhao, Y. (2017). The immunomodulatory activities of licorice polysaccharides (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) in CT 26 tumor-bearing mice. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 17(1), 536
  5. Peter Amwoga Ayeka, Yuhong Bian, Peter Githaiga Mwitari, Xiaoqian Chu, Yanjun Zhang, Rosette Uzayisenga and Elick Onyango Otachi. 2016. Immunomodulatory and anticancer potential of Gan cao (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) polysaccharides by CT-26 colon carcinoma cell growth inhibition and cytokine IL-7 upregulation in vitro. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  6. Peter Amwoga Ayeka, Bian Yu Hong, Peter Githaiga Mwitari, Rosette Uzayisenga, Elick Onyango Otachi. 2016. Immunomodulatory and anticancer potential of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.); potential for Cancer immunotherapy in new drug development. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF HUMANITY. 10th International Research Week, Egerton University. Proceedings
  7. Mwitari, Peter Githaiga, Bian, Yuhong, Ayeka, Peter Amwoga, Zhang, Yan Jun. 2015. Effect of Substrate Dependent Mushroom Polysaccharide Extracts on IL-7 Up Regulation and Cancer Immunotherapy and, their Probable Mode Of Action. International Journal of Cancer Studies & Research (IJCR) ISSN: 2167-9118
  8. Rosette Uzayisenga, Peter Amwoga Ayeka,Yi Wang. 2013. Anti-diabetic potential of Panax Notoginseng Saponins (PNS): A review. Phytotherapy Research Journal
  9. Mwitari PG, Ayeka PA, Ondicho J, Matu EN, Bii CC (2013) Antimicrobial Activity and Probable Mechanisms of Action of Medicinal Plants of Kenya: Withania somnifera, Warbugia ugandensis, Prunus africana and Plectrunthus barbatus. PLoS ONE 8(6):  e65619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065619
  10. Ayeka, Peter Amwoga, Mwitari, Peter Githaiga, Yu HongBian. 2013. Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. extracts augments Interleukin 7 expression to modulate immune system in cancer treatment. The 6th World Cancer Congress. Xi’an, China. Proceedings.
  11. Ayeka, Peter Amwoga, Mwitari, Peter Githaiga, Chu, XiaoQian, Yu HongBian, Zhang, YanJun. 2011.  Mushrooms; A remedy for modulation of immune system. International Forum on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the 13th Annual Meeting of China Association for Science and Technology
  1. Nov. 2019: Workshop on natural products and food security sponsored by Confucius institute and Egerton University
  2. April 2018: Workshop on natural products and food security sponsored by Confucius institute and Egerton University
  3. March 2017: Workshop on natural products and food security sponsored by Confucius institute and Egerton University
  4. June 2016: Department of Biological science seminar on 23rd November 2016
  5. June 2016: Workshop on Natural products and food security held on 30th to 1st June 2016 at Catholic diocese of Nakuru
  6. March 2016: Department of Biological sciences seminars held on 9th march 2016
  7. Nov. 2016: 6th symposium for the society for economic botany; ethnobotany, local knowledge and sustainability held on 12th November 2016
  8. July 2015: Workshop on herbal medicine on 30th July – August 2015 at the ARC-Hotel Egerton University
  9. March 2014: Workshop on intellectual property rights held on 6th March 2014 at Egerton University
  10. May 2013: The 6th world cancer congress in Xian, China, May 2013
  11. April 2011: International Forum on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the 13th Annual Meeting of China Association for Science and Technology 2011.
  12. Dec. 2010: International schools of China (ISC) Regional science fair, Hosted at ISC, China.

Masters Scholarship - Chinese Scholarship Council

  •  Botany courses: Agricultural Botany, Plant taxonomy, General Botany, Plant anatomy and morphology, Taxonomy of higher plants, Plant evolution, economic botany, Plant growth and development, Plant biochemistry
  •  Zoology courses: Cell biology, Histology and Characteristics of riparian vegetation
  • Society of Economic Botany (SEB)
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