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  • 2004: PhD.“Doktor der Naturwissenschaften” (Natural Sciences) - University of Vienna (Austria). Thesis Title: Ecology of the Njoro and the Ellegirini Rivers in the Kenyan Great Rift Valley with emphasis on physical anthropogenic disturbances, macroinvertebrates and drift
  • 1999: Masters in Limnology and Wetlands Ecosystems - I.H.E, Delft The Netherlands. Thesis Title: Decomposition of leaves of Dombeya goetzenii (K.SCUM) on the wet and humid zones of the Njoro River, Kenya.
  • 1995: Bachelor of Science (Bsc. General), in Zoology and Biochemistry - Egerton University, Njoro-Kenya
  • 1989: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - St. Kizito Secondary School
  • 1985: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education - Nkamathi Primary School
  • Litter Processing in streams
  • General Aquatic entomology
  • Bio monitoring of aquatic systems
  • 2004: PhD.“Doktor der Naturwissenschaften” (Natural Sciences) - University of Vienna (Austria). Thesis Title: Ecology of the Njoro and the Ellegirini Rivers in the Kenyan Great Rift Valley with emphasis on physical anthropogenic disturbances, macroinvertebrates and drift
  • 1999: Masters in Limnology and Wetlands Ecosystems - I.H.E, Delft The Netherlands. Thesis Title: Decomposition of leaves of Dombeya goetzenii (K.SCUM) on the wet and humid zones of the Njoro River, Kenya.
  • 1995: Bachelor of Science (Bsc. General), in Zoology and Biochemistry - Egerton University, Njoro-Kenya
  • 1989: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - St. Kizito Secondary School
  • 1985: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education - Nkamathi Primary School
  • November 2001: Einführung in die Limnology (General Hydrobiology) - Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Vienna-Austria
  • June 2003: Algae course (Phycology 1) - University of Vienna-Austria
  • 11th – 22nd August 2008: Biological water quality monitoring training Nile trans-boundary environmental action project
  • 11th – 23rd May 2009: Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) department of Environmental Science Egerton University
  • 3rd – 7th May 2011: An E-learning capacity building course on development and publishing of digital teaching and learning materials Egerton University
  • 26th – 28th April 2011: e-Biokit Bioinformatics Department of Biochemistry and molecular biology at Egerton University
  • 10th – 28th June 2013: River restoration and Rehabilitation UNESCO-IHE, Delf The Netherlands
  • 18th Nov. 2013: Associate Professor-Biological Sciences, Egerton University.
  • 2007- 2013:Senior lecturer, Egerton University
  • 2004-2007: Lecturer, Egerton University
  • 2000-2003: Assistant lecturer, Egerton University
  • 1996-1999: Teaching assistant, Egerton University
  • 1995 – 1996: Teaching Biology and Chemistry, St. Paul Boys Secondary School
  • 1995 – 1995: Teaching Biology and Chemistry, Mfariji Girls Secondary School

2013: Quality. Funded by the Doñana Biological Station-CSIC- Main collaborator Dr. Luz Boyero-Spain (KSH 200,000) 

2013: Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply, Nutrition Security and Environmental Sanitation. Case of Njoro River Water Catchment, Njoro District. (KSH 6 Million)


  1. National Geographical Society (NGS) Project sponsored by Prof. Luz Boyero from Spain (KSH 100 000)
  2. Macroinvertebrates   as   possible   bio-indicators   for   water   quality monitoring of rivers draining Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare ranges. Funded by Egerton University (KSH 0.4Million)

2008: The influence of crabs on exotic and indigenous litter breakdown in the Njoro River Kenya. Funded by Michael Dobson (KSH 50, 000)

2014: Mau Mara Serenget Sustainable Water Initiative (MaMaSe), a collaborative project  supported  by the  Embassy of  the  Kingdom  of  the Netherlands- Nairobi (KSH 30 M)


  1. Response of stream functioning to the replacement of native forests by exotic plantations – a case of Mt. Kenyan streams. Supported by Egerton University (KSH 0.4M)
  2. Investigation of Effects of Disturbance, Exposure Time and Mesh-size on Macroinvertebrate Drift Densities in Two Kenyan Highland Streams. Supported by Egerton University(0.4M)
  3. Response of stream functioning to the replacement of native forests by exotic plantations – a global assessment of the impacts of eucalypt afforestation. Supported by Egerton University (0.4M)

Stream functioning with bias on:

  • Litter Processing in streams
  • General Aquatic entomology
  • Bio monitoring of aquatic systems
  1. Osiemo, M.M., Ogendi, G. M. & M’Erimba, C. (2019): Microbial Quality of Drinking Water and Prevalence of Water-Related Diseases in Marigat Urban Centre, Kenya. Environmental Health Insights, 13: 1 – 7.
  2. M’Erimba, C.M., Mbaka, J.G., Mureithi, P.W. & Ouma K.O. (2018): Invertebrate drift densities in the Njoro and Kamweti Rivers in the Kenyan highlands that differ in the level of anthropogenic disturbances. African Zoology 2018: 1–7.
  3. Mureithi, P.W, Mbaka, J.G., M’Erimba, C.M. & Mathooko, J.M.  (2018): Effect of drift sampler exposure time and net mesh size on invertebrate drift density in the Njoro River, Kenya, African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1465394.
  4. Ferreira, V., Boyero, L., Calvo, C., Correa, F., Figueroa, R., Gonc¸alves Jr, F.,  Goyenola, G.,  Graca, M.A.S., Hepp, L.U., Kariuki, S., Rodrı´guez, A., Mazzeo, N.,  M’Erimba, C., Monroy, S., Peil, A., Pozo, J., Rezende, R. & Teixeira-de-Mello, F. (2018):  A Global Assessment of the Effects of Eucalyptus Plantations on Stream Ecosystem Functioning. Ecosystems.
  5. Boyero L., R.G. Pearson, R.G, Gessner, M.O., Dudgeon, D., Ramírez, A., Yule, C.M., Callisto, M., Pringle, C.M., Encalada, A., Arunachalam, M., Mathooko, J.M., Helson, J.E., Rincón,  J.,  Bruder,  A.,  Cornejo,  A.,  Flecker,  A.S.,  Mathuriau,  C.,  M’ERimba  C. Gonçalves Jr, J.F., Moretti, M., and Jinggut, T. (2015): Leaf-litter breakdown in tropical streams: is variability the norm? Freshwater Science: 34:000–000.  DOI: 10.1086/681093
  6. M’Erimba C.M, Mathooko, J.M, Karanja H.T. & Mbaka J.G (2014): Monitoring water and habitat quality in six rivers draining the Mt. Kenya and Aberdare Catchments using Macroinvertebrates and Qualitative Habitat Scoring. Egerton Journal of Science & Technology 14: 61-80, 2014.
  7. M’Erimba C.M, Mathooko, J.M & Ouma K.O. (2014): Macroinvertebrate distributions in relation to human and animal-induced physical disturbance of the sediment surface in two Kenyan tropical Rift Valley streams. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 39: 337-346, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2014.960790
  8. Mbaka J.G, M’Erimba C.M, Karanja H.T. & Mathooko, J.M (2014): Water and habitat quality assessment in the Honi and Naro Moru rivers, Kenya, using benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and qualitative habitat scores. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 39: 361-368, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2014.976168
  9. Mbaka J.G, M’Erimba C.M, Karanja H.T. & Mathooko, J.M (2014): Effect of Sieve Mesh Size on the Estimation of Benthic Invertebrate Abundance and Composition in the Honi River, Kenya. Journal of East African Natural History, 103:59-68.
  10. Mbaka  J.G,  M’Erimba  C.M.  &  Mathooko,  J.M  (2014):  Impacts  of  benthic  coarse particulate organic matter variation on macroinvertebrate density and diversity in Kenyan Highly land stream, the Njoro River. Journal of East African Natural History, 103:39-48.
  11. Boyero L., R.G. Pearson, D. Dudgeon, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, M.O. Gessner, A.J.Boulton, E. Chauvet, C.M. Yule, R.J. Albariño, A. Ramírez, J.E. Helson, M. Callisto, M. Arunachalam, J. Chará, R. Figueroa, J.M. Mathooko, J.F. Gonçalves Jr., M. Moretti, A.M. Chará, J.N. Davies, A. Encalada, S. Lamothe, L.M. Buria, J. Castela, A. Cornejo, A.O.Y. Li, C.  M’Erimba,  V.D.  Villanueva,  M.C.  Zúñiga,  C.Swan  &  L.A.  Barmuta.  (2012): Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing    climates.    Global    Ecology    and    Biogeography    DOI:    10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00673.x
  12. Boyero Luz, Richard G. Pearson, Mark O. Gessner, Leon A. Barmuta, Verónica Ferreira,
  13. Manuel A.S. Graça, David Dudgeon, Andrew J. Boulton, Marcos Callisto, Eric Chauvet, Julie E. Helson, Andreas Bruder, Ricardo J. Albariño, Catherine M. Yule, Muthukumarasamy  Arunachalam,  Judy  N.  Davies,  Ricardo  Figueroa,  Alexander  S. Flecker, Alonso Ramírez, Russell G. Death, Tomoya Iwata, Jude M. Mathooko, Catherine Mathuriau, José F. Gonçalves Jr., Marcelo S. Moretti, Tajang Jingut, Sylvain Lamothe, Charles M’Erimba, Lavenia Ratnarajah, Markus H. Schindler, José Castela, Leonardo M. Buria, Aydeé Cornejo, Verónica D. Villanueva & Derek C. West (2011): A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but   may   reduce   carbon   sequestration.   Ecological   Letters   doi:   10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01578.x
  14. Mathooko J.M., M’Erimba C.M., Kipkemboi J., & Dobson M., (2009): Conservation of highland streams in Kenya: the importance of the socio-economic dimension in effective management of resources. Journal of the Freshwater Biological Association 2: 153 - 165
  15. M’Erimba C.M,  Leichtfried M., & Mathooko J.M  (2007): Particulate organic matter (POM)  on  the  humid  and  wet  zones  of  the  Ellegirini  River,  Kenya. International Review of Hydrobiologia 92: 392 - 401
  16. Mathooko,  J.M.  M’Erimba  C.M,  Kipkemboi,  J.  &  Mokaya  S.K.  (2006):  Population dynamics of waterbirds in wastewater lagoons in the Njoro Division, Kenya. Revised for the Egerton Journal of Science and Technology 6: 31-47
  17. M’Erimba C.M, Mathooko J.M & Leichtfried M (2006): Variations in coarse particulate organic matter in relation to anthropogenic trampling on the banks of the Njoro River, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 44: 282-285
  18. Mathooko,   J.M.,   B.   Mpawenayo,    J.K.   Kipkemboi   &   C.M.   M’Erimba   (2005).
  19. Distributional patterns of diatoms and Limnodrilus oligochaetes in a Kenyan dry streambed following the 1999 – 2000 drought conditions. International Review of Hydrobiologia 90:185 - 200
  20. Dobson, M., J.M. Mathooko, F.K. Ndegwa & C. M’Erimba (2004): Leaf litter processing rates in a Kenyan stream, the Njoro River. Hydrobiologia 519: 207 – 210
  21. Mathooko, J.M., C.M. M’Erimba & M.Leichtfried (2000): Decomposition of leaf litter of Dombeya goetzenii in the wet and humid zones of the Njoro River, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 418: 147 – 152
  1. August 2003: Participated  in  International  Post  Graduate  lectures  (IPGL)  in Limnology  “River  Ecology)  organized  by  the  Biological  Station Lunz - Austria.
  2. December 2003: Participated in international symposium held in Mukono, Uganda.
  3. November 2003: Participated in a workshop “Long term Development in Fluvial Ecology” organized by the University of Vienna-Austria.
  4. April 2004: Participated  in  IPGL  course  “Stream  Ecology)  organized  by  the Biological Station Lunz - Austria.
  5. May 2004: Lectured at the Institute of Limnology, Mondsee. Topic: Effects of small-scale physical anthropogenic disturbances on macroinvertebrates, particulate organic matter and drift in a tropical river.
  6. September 2004: Participated in International Post Graduate lectures (IPGL) in Limnology “Tropical River Ecology” organized by Mondsee – Austria and the Department of Zoology-Egerton University
  7. December 2004: Participated in UNESCO Bioethics Workshop “Bioethics in Research, Application and Sustainable Development” held at Egerton University. The Egerton University organized the workshop.
  8. September 2005: Participated in lecturing to the International Post Graduate Students (IPGL) in Limnology “Tropical Limnology Course on Rivers” at Egerton University. Mondsee – Austria and the Department of Zoology-Egerton University organized the lecturers.
  9. November 2005: Participated  in  a  regional  refresher  seminar  in  Dar  es  Salaam, Tanzania on “The Assessment  & Management  of Environmental Water Allocations for Rivers”. Organized by UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, WaterNet and GLOWS.
  10. December 2006: Participated in a regional workshop in Mombasa, Kenya on “Bridging Research, Technology and Development: sustainable water resource management in Eastern Africa”. Organized by African Water Facility (AWF), Egerton University and East African water association (EAWA) and Austrian academy of Sciences
  11. April 2008: Attended 1st National conference and exhibition on dissemination of research results and review of innovations organized by the National Council of Science and Technology.
  12. August 2008: Attended conference on bioethics organized by UNESCO regional bioethics research centre at Egerton University
  13. December 2008: Attended a two days workshop by Rapid Results Initiative on Improving Library Services organized by Egerton University
  14. February 2009: Attended workshop  on  academic  advising  organized  by  Egerton University
  15. May 2009: Attended an in-house Information and Communication Technology (ICT) awareness workshop organized by Egerton University16
  16. December 2009: Attended Stakeholders workshop for identification of research priority areas for the period 2010 – 2013 organized by Egerton University, Division of Research and extension
  17. April 2011: Participated in e-Biokit Bioinformatics workshop held at Egerton University Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in collaboration with the Swedish agricultural University (SLU), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), South African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI) and World Health Organization (WHO)
  18. May 2011: Organized a sensitization seminar on proposal writing for first year Master of Science students for the Faculty of Science
  19. May 2011: Participated in PAUSTI curriculum review workshop organized by JKUAT at the Kenya School of Monitory Studies Nairobi
  20. November 2011: Participated  in  the  Pan  African  University  (PAU)  Stakeholders Curriculum Validation Meeting in Addis Ababa – Ethiopia
  21. February 2011: Participated in a pedagogy workshop held at Lake Naivasha Country Club on “Quality Assurance, Reflective Practice, Student-centered Learning  and  Assessment  in  Higher  Education”  organized  by Egerton University (LWE Programme)
  22. September 2012: Water Resource Stake  Holders Workshop on  “Sustainable Water Resource Management for Mt. Kenya Catchment Area” at Nanyuki
  23. July 2013: The 36th WEDC International on "Delivering water, sanitation and hygiene   services   in    an   uncertain   environment."   at       Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya.
  1. 30th January 2011: Certificate of recognition by Egerton University for outstanding contribution in the training of scholars in the Zain Africa challenge competition
  2. 21st December 2012: Recognized in public by the VC for the efforts made in rehabilitating Njoro River during the 28th Graduation Ceremony at Egerton University

MSc. Level

  • Research Methods
  • Management and Restoration of Aquatic systems


  • Stream and River Ecology
  • Watershed Ecology
  • Hydrology and Hydrobiology
  • Groundwater Ecology
  • Aquatic invertebrates

Supervised the following students successfully:-

  1. Mbaka John Gichimu (2010): Impacts of canopy cover   variations on invertebrate community structure and dynamics of organic matter along the Njoro River, Kenya.-
  2. Thiongo Henry Karanja (Reg. No. NM11/2268/08): An ecological evaluation of the status of Tsavo River and Mzima Springs in the Tsavo West National Park, Kenya
  3. Petteson Mwagona Chula (Reg. No. SM18/2256/08): Determination of macroinvertebrate community structure along different habitat types in Nyando wetlands
  4. Koskey  Judith  Chepkorir  (Reg.  No.  NM12/3163/12):  Sediment  characterization  and macroinvertebrate assemblages at selected sites of Lake Baringo, Kenya
  5. Tsisiche  R.  Audrey (Reg.  No.  SM18/3121/  11):  Determination  of  the  relationship between land use, leaf litter processing and stream metabolism in rivers draining the upper Mara Catchment
  6. Frendrick O. Omondo (Reg. No. SM18/3326/12): Effects of stream size and forest type on leaf litter decomposition and macroinvertebrate diversity in central Kenya
  7. Aera Nyaboke Callen (Reg. No. SM18/23567/14): Effects of organic effluents on water quality and benthic macroinvertebrates in Njoro River.
  8. Osiemo M. Mercy (Reg. No. NM12/14373/15): Assessment of water and sanitation     accessibilityand prevalence of water-related disease in Baringo County, Kenya
  9. Chepsoo Jemutai Elizabeth (NM15/14142/15): An assessment of clear-cut on water quality, coarse particulate organic matter and periphyton in Chepkoo River, Kenya
  10. Benjamin Joshua Mwendwa: Longitudinal abundance, distribution and the functional feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates in Gura River, Kenya – To graduate in BOKU, Austria
  11. Beryl Atieno Omollo: Microhabitat preferences of benthic macroinvertebrates in the mountainous River Gura, Kenya– To graduate in BOKU, Austria
  12. Tsisiche  R.  Audrey (Reg.  No.  SM18/3121/  11):  Determination  of  the  relationship between land use, leaf litter processing and stream metabolism in rivers draining the upper Mara Catchment – Graduated
  13. Frendrick O. Omondo (Reg. No. SM18/3326/12): Effects of stream size and forest type on leaf litter decomposition and macroinvertebrate diversity in central Kenya-Graduated
  1. Member of Aquatic Science Club of Egerton University
  2. Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA), Kenya
  3. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL).
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