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Biological Sciences Department, P.O Box 536

My name is Dr Anastasia Wairimu Muia (Ph.D) a Microbiologist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. I am a former Chairman of the Department of Botany and have worked as a lecturer and senior lecture for a total of 30 years teaching many courses in the field of microbiology  and Botany. I am a former Departmental Examination Officer. I supervised many post graduate and undergraduate students in my field. I have been external examiner of University exams for Technical University of Kenya and Maseno University for 10 years. I have reviewed numerous proposals and papers and have been internal and external examiners of many theses.  I am currently the chairperson Seminars Committee and a member of Post Graduate Committee at the department of Biological Sciences. I previously served as Faculty Postgraduate Committee as member and chair for six years (2011-2016) and was a member of Egerton University International Conference and Research Week Committee for 6 consecutive years besides being a member of Bioethics and Botanic Garden Committees. In all cases we organised international and national meetings. Together with my colleagues we published the book “Egerton University Botanic Garden: A model for conservation, Teaching, Research and Recreation”, Media Document and Supplies, Nairobi ISBN 978-9966-817-09-3. I am a former Common Wealth Scholar (2006) at the University of Sheffield UK where I worked as a research fellow in an Environmental Microbiology project between October 2006 and March 2007. I have hands on laboratory and industry experience having worked as a laboratory analyst at the Kenya Bureau of Standards (for 3 years) and have vast research experience at the International Centre of Insect Ecology and Physiology (ICIPE) and at the Egerton University. My research interests include; Aquatic Microbial Biofilms, Water Quality Analysis, Sanitation and Water Pollution studies, Environmental Biotechnology such as pesticide and material degradation, Microbial diversity studies, Plant- microbe interactions including diseases, symbiotic associations, Biological Control, Environmental Mutagens and Cytogenetic studies, prospecting for antimicrobial compounds and other bioactive compounds, antibiotic resistance as well as food fermentation investigations. I have been involved in various collaborative studies with my peers locally and internationally and have participated in development of several research proposals that brought funding to my institution. I has participated in various collaborative projects in the past including: Pesticide project, NACOSTI (Women Scientists grant as PI (2013-2015), Lake Naivasha sustainability project - IDRC (Ecohealth perspectives, 2009 up to 2015), Streptomyces project,  Egerton University as PI (Research Division, 2009) and Arthrospira Soda Lake project- Univ of Vienna (Microbial ecology perspectives, March 2008 – March 2009).I published over 40 papers from my research. I am currently a member of various professional associations including; American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Kenya Society of Microbiology (KSM), Common Wealth Aluminus, Kenya,  Kenya DAAD Scholars and East Africa Water Association (EAWA) (as member and treasurer). I have participated on many social activities within Egerton University and beyond. Of notable importance is that I have been a board member of St. Augustine Primary school, Egerton Catholic Chaplaincy and during my tenure as a board member was instrumental in helping the school acquire land for further expansion in the Njoro area besides getting a British Council grant for linkage with St Marys primary school Middlewich, Cheshire U.K that allowed teachers and pupils visit UK on an exchange programme. On the social perspective I have been a secretary to the Njoro Golf club for 3 years. I have also contributed to training of communities on quality assurance of herbal drugs.


Doctor of Life Sciences (Dr. rer. Nat.) (2001), Area of specialization: Microbiology,  University of Vienna, Austria

Post Graduate Certificate in Limnology (1996), Institute of Limnology, Mondsee, Austria

Master of Science in Botany (1989), Area of specialization: Microbiology, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Bachelor of  Science in Botany and Zoology (1984), University of Nairobi, Kenya

  •  General Microbiology,
  • Aquatic Microbiology,
  • Biofilms and sediment microbiology
  • Industrial and Applied microbiology
  •  Microbial biochemistry and physiology
  • Domestic and Waste Water Management
  • Microbial ecology
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Bioremediation
  • Molecular and Microbial genetics
  • Plant bacteriology
  • Biological Control
  • Food Microbiology
  • Medical Microbiology
  1. Publication 101: Earth Sciences, Geography &Environmental Sciences Springer nature,  August, 2020
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit (EA) Certificate Course conducted by Department of Environmental Sciences Sep, 2018
  3. E-Biokit BioinformaticsS, outh African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI), Egerton University and Swedish Agricultural UniversityUniversity academic advising,  Feb 2009
  4. Distance learning Materials developmentEgerton University,  Nov 2008
  5. Pedagogical Skills.Faculty of Education, Egerton University, 28th - 30th May 2008: Protein Molecular Biology Botany &Biochemistry Departments of University of Nairobi and Hertfordshire University, UK at University of Nairobi Kenya -August 2004:
  6. Instructional Material development, CDE, Egerton University and UNISA,  May, 2003
  7. SENCER training on Civic Engagement Strategies    for HIV/AIDS Education by  American  Association of Universities and colleges on African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE) and Egerton University, October 16th, 2002
  8. Post Graduate Diploma in Limnology, Institute of Limnology, Mondsee, Austria (March 1996 – November, 1996)
  9. Standardization, quality control and metrology for new employees at the Kenya Bureau of Standards. February 1989 –  April 1989

April 2013 to date: Senior Lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Biological Sciences

August 1992 – April 2013: Lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Biological Sciences

January 1992- June 1992: Associate Scientific Officer, International Centre of Insect Physiology       and Ecology (ICIPE)

February 1989 – December 1991: Laboratory Analyst (Microbiology) at Kenya Bureau of Standards

October 1988 – January 1989: Graduate Biology teacher at Moi Forces Academy, Nairobi, Kenya

January 1987 to May 1988: Demonstrator, Botany Department, University of Nairobi


2014- 2016: An Integrative Approach towards Sustainable Environmental Pollution Management - Alexander von Humbodtz funded project, Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environment samples. Collaborating scientist

2013 – 2015: National Council of Science and Technology (NACOSTI, Kenya) funded project: Assessment of Residual Herbicides in Soils of Western Kenya Sugar Belt: Their Removal by Native Bacteria and their effects on Non Target–Organisms; Principal Investigator (2.9 Million KeS)

2009 – 2013: Lake Naivasha Sustainability, Ecohealth Project. Between Egerton University and University of Western Ontario, Canada. As a Collaborating Scientist and Team leader Ecology group ( 35,000 Canadian Dollars)

2009 – 2010: A Search for New Bacterial Antibiotics From The Genus Streptomyces Occurring In Natural Environments- as Principal Investigator (Kes 400,000.00)

2008 – 2012: Arthrospira Biomass Dynamics Project. A Collaborative Project between Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna (Austria) And Egerton University (Kenya), as a Collaborating Scientist


My research interests include; Aquatic Microbial Biofilms, Water Quality Analysis, Waste water management,Sanitation and Water Pollution studies, Environmental Biotechnology such as pesticide and material degradation, Microbial diversity studies, Plant- microbe interactions including diseases, symbiotic associations, Biological Control, Environmental Mutagens and Cytogenetic studies, prospecting for antimicrobial compounds and other bioactive compounds, antibiotic resistance as well as food fermentation investigations. I am particularly interested in all microbiological areas concerned with manufacture of products.


The COVID-19 pandemic

  1. Hellen Wambui Njoroge, Jiangfei Hu, Yijie Yu, Zhixiang Yuan, Yuqing Lin, Xixi Han, Zhuang Liu, Anastasia Wairimu Muia, Hongxia Liu (2024) A rice rhizosphere plant growth-promoting Streptomyces corchorusii isolate antagonizes Magnaporthe oryzae and elicits defense responses in rice, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Volume 135, Issue 12, December 2024, lxae266,
  2. Burian A, Gruber-Dorninger M, Schweichart J, Yasindi A, Bulling M, Jirsa F, Winter C, Muia AW, Schagerl M. 2023 Drivers of microbial food-web structure along productivity gradients. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20231531. Received 29th August 2022 Accepted  26th September  2023
  3. Allan K. Kimisto, Anastasia W. Muia, Geoffrey O Ong'ondo and Kimani.C. Ndung’u (2023) 

    Molecular characterization of microorganisms with industrial potential for methane production in sludge from Kangemi sewage treatment plant, Nyeri county–Kenya, HELIYON (2023), doi:

  4. Oscar Omondi Donde, Austine Owuor Otieno, and Anastasia Wairimu Muia (2023)Wetlands for Remediation in Africa: Threats and Opportunities in; Tatiana Lobato de MagalhãesMarinus L. Otte   Eds Wetlands for Remediation in the Tropics, Springer Nature Switzerland AG., ISBN 978-3-031-23665-5 (eBook)

  5. Kimisto, A. K., Ong’ondo, G. O., & Muia, A. W. (2022). The physico-chemical properties of sewage sludge processed for agricultural use from the Nyeri-Kangemi wastewater treatment plant, Nyeri county, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology1(1),37-47.

  6. Lukhabi D. Khasisi1; Muia A. Wairimu and Kipkemboi K. Julius (2022). Investigating the efficiency of Vertical Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetlands in the Reduction of Faecal Indicator Bacteria and Organic matter Under Varied Sizes of Gravel Substrate Aggregates. DOI:10.47787/pasj.v1i02.15

  7. Musikoyo, Eddison Opiyo, Muia, Anastasia Wairimu and Oduor, Steve Omondi(2021).Chicken feathers degrading bacteria isolated from flamingo feathers in Lake Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(2), 87-94.
  8. Khasisi D. Lukhabi, Muia A. Wairimu and Kipkemboi K. Julius (2021). Assessment of performance of wastewater stabilization ponds using faecal indicator bacteria reduction efficiency in a tropical environment. African Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(2), 16-26. doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.3.2.2021.16-26.
  9. Oscar O. Donde, Evans Atoni, Anastasia W. Muia, Paul T. Yillia.(2021).The COVID-19 pandemic: why the focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) as a critical control measure remains a major challenge in low-income countries. Water Research,191. 
  10. Muia Anastasia Wairimu 2020. Course Module on Industrial Microbiology, Egeron University
  11. Rebecca Ngumburu Karanja, Anastasia Wairimu Muia, Catherine Kariuki, Anastasia Njoki Ngigi, Reuben Mukundi Njue and Joseph Maina Kariuki (2020) Effect of pesticide use on weeds, pollinators and microbial activity in Nzoia Sugar Basin of Western Kenya, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 12(4), 283-290, DOI: 10.5897/IJBC2019.1365,
  12. Muia AW and Kariuki ST (2020) Indigenous Fruits of Egerton University Botanic Garden in: Nkanatha JK(ed.) Egeron Universisity Botanic Garden: A model for conservation, Teaching, Research and Recreation, pp 48-55, Media Document and Supplies, Nairobi ISBN 978-9966-817-09-3
  13. Muia AW and Kariuki ST (2020) Indigenous Vegetables of Egerton University Botanic Garden in: Nkanatha JK(ed.) Egeron Universisity Botanic Garden: A model for conservation, Teaching, Research and Recreation, pp 56-62, Media Document and Supplies, Nairobi ISBN 978-9966-817-09-3
  14. Pauline Macharia, Paul T. Yillia, Wairimu Muia, Norbert Kreuzinger (2019) Confounding risk factors obscure link between intermittent water supply and gastrointestinal illness in Njoro Town, Kenya. 20th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology (HRWM) in Vienna, Austria,
  15. Donde Oscar Omondi, Muia Anastasia Wairimu, Makindi Stanley Maingi, Onyango Godfrey Otieno, Kibet Caroline Jepkorir, Ogalo Joseph Okoth and Xiao Bangding (2018). Integrating MFT-qPCR techniques in constructed wetland faecal bacterial purification monitoring; a case of a typical tropical hybrid constructed wetland. 78 (9) 2008-2017, doi: 10.2166/wst.2018.475. IWA Publishing.Integrating MFT-qPCR techniques
  16. Olilo C.O, W Muia, J.O Onyando, W.N. Moturi (20Integrating MFT-qPCR techniques18)Effect of vegetative filter strips on the dynamics of E. coli biofilm building potential and expression of virulence factors at Mau, Energ. Ecol. Environ, Energy, Ecology and Environment 3,110- 125.,,
  17. Kariunga, S.H., Kitaka, N. and Muia, W., (2018). Performance evaluation of Kangemi Sewage Plant in nutrients and organic matter removal, Nyeri Kenya. In: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9-13 July 2018, paper 2903, 7 pp. https//: 268056d1af815b23ffff840385d5783072fa.pdf  
  18. Itotia, T.K, Muia A.W., Getenga Z and Kiruki S.K (2018). Antibiotic resistance in the sediments of a second order stream passing through agricultural farm land: Njoro river, Kenya. In: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9-13 July 2018, paper 2941, 5 pp.
  19. Itotia T.K, Muia A.W., Getenga Z. and Kiruki S.K (2018)Occurrence of Pathogenic Bacteria HarbouringAntibiotic Resistant Genes in River Njoro in Nakuru County, Kenya, Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 1,31-37, DOI:10.12691/jephh-6-1-5 , Website: 
  20. Njue, R., Kiruki, S. , Muia, A. and Ngigi, A. (2018) Effect Of 2,4-D And Hexazinone On Soil Dehydrogenase Activity In Sugarcane Cultivated Soils in Nzoia Sugarcane Plantations, Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Advanced Research, 4:133-142
  21. Njoroge, H. W., Muia W., Boga H. I., Otaye D. O.( 2018) Antimicrobial Activity of Streptomyces Mau 1 (Acc. No. Kr780774) From A Wheat Farm Soil in the Mau Forest Complex, Kenya, Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Advanced Research (2018) 4:143-150
  22. CW Kariuki, AW Muia, AN Ngigi, WN Moturi (2017): Isolation of Metribuzin Degrading Soil Bacteria and Assessment of Their Growth in Response to Selected Physical Chemical Conditions, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 7(14) 2224-3205
  23. Njoroge Hellen Wambui, Muia W., Boga H.I., Otaye D.O. and J. O. Ouma (2017) Antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated from the Mau Forest Complex in Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 16: 86-101
  24. Olilo C.O, W Muia, J.O Onyando, W.N. Moturi , P. Ombui, W. A. Shivoga (2016) Effect of vegetated filter strips on infiltration and survival rates of Escherichia coli in soil matrix at Mau, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya, Energy, Ecology and Environment 2, 125-142. DOI 10.1007/s40974-016-0049-0
  25. Itotia T.K, Muia W., Getenga Z and Kiruki S.K. (2016) Distribution and Diversity of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Njoro River of Nakuru County. Journal of Environmental Sustainability, Advancement Research, J. Env. Sust. Adv. Res. (2016) 2: 35-46
  26. Olilo C.O, J.O Onyando, W.N. Moturi W Muia , A F Roegner, Z Ogari P. Ombui,W. A. W Shivoga and (2016). Composition and design of vegetative  filter strips instrumental in improving water quality by mass reduction of sediment, nutrients and Escherichia coli in overland flows in eastern escarpment of the Mau Forest, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya Energ. Ecol. Environ.Energy, Ecology and Environment,  Energy, Ecology and Environment (2016), 1(6):386–402. DOI 10.1007/s40974-016-0032-9.  Springer.
  27. Olilo C.O, Muia AW, Moturi WN, Onyando JO and Amber FR (2016) The current state of knowledge on the interaction of Escherichia coli within vegetative filter strips as a sustainable best management practice to reduce fecal pathogen loading into surface waters Energy, Ecology and Environment. Energ. Ecol. Environ. (2016) 1(4):248–266 DOI 10.1007/s40974-016-0026-7, Springer.
  28. Kariuki, C. W., Muia, A. W., Moturi, W. N., Ngigi, A N., and Karanja, R.W. (2016) Relationships between Soil Physico-chemical Properties and Bacteria Counts in Nzoia Sugar Company Farms of Western Kenya, Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 15: 123-131
  29. O. Olilo, J. O. Onyando, W. N. Moturi, A. W. Muia, P. Ombui,W. A. Shivoga & A. F. Roegner (2016) Effect of vegetated filter strips on transport and deposition rates of Escherichia coli in overland flow in the eastern escarpments of the Mau Forest, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya, Energy, Ecology and Environment,1(3):157–182 DOI 10.1007/s40974-016-0006-y, Springer
  30. Rop K. Richard, Donde Oscar Omondi, Muia A. Wairimu, and Makindi S. Maingi (2016) Influence of rainfall intensity on faecal contamination in River Nyangores of Mara Basin, Kenya: An eco-health integrity perspective, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science, 18(2) : 1-9 
  31. EO Musikoyo, AW Muia and SO Oduor (2015) Isolation and characterization of bacteria with industrial potential in lake Nakuru, Kenya, African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 40(2): 205-213, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2015.1044497. Taylor and Francis.
  32. Donde O. Omondi, Muia A. Wairimu, Wanga L. Aketch , Shivoga A. William, Charles G. and Irena F. Creed (2015) Faecal pollution and solar purification of community water sources within Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 5(2) : 253- 260, doi:10.2166/washdev.2015.150
  33. Pauline W. Macharia, Paul T. Yillia, Wairimu A. Muia, Denis Byamukama and Norbert Kreuzinger (2015) Microbial quality of domestic water: following the contamination chain in a rural township in Kenya. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5(1) : 39-49, or doi:10.2166/washdev.2014.070
  34. Oboo H., Muia AW and Kinyua ZM (2014) Effects of selected essential oil plants on bacterial wilt disease development in potatotes. Journal of Applied Biosciences 78: 6666 – 6674 or
  35. Oboo H., Muia A. W. and Kinyua Z. M (2014) Effect of Essential Oil Plant Extracts on in vitro Growth of Ralstonia solanacearum Egerton Journal of Science & Technology , 14: 141 -160
  36. Rop K R, Muia AW, Makindi S and Donde O.O, (2014) Changes in the densities of faecal and organic matter contaminants from upstream to downstream along Nyangores River of Mara catchment, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 3(1), pp. 15 - 25, January 2014
  37. Oscar O. Donde, William O. Ojwang, Anastasia Muia and Lucy A. Wanga (2014) Bacterial abundance on the skin, gills and intestines of Cyprinus carpio in Lake Naivasha, Kenya: Implications for public health and fish quality. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 19:46–55.
  38. Donde O. O., Muia AW, and Shivoga A. W (2013). Temporal Variation In Densities Of Microbiological Indicators Of Pollution In Water Sources Within Naivasha Lake Basin, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(10), 131 – 138. Published, October 2013
  39. Donde O.O, Muia AW, Shivoga AA, Trick GC and Creed IF (2013). Faecal bacterial contamination of borehole water between points-of-access and points-of-use in Naivasha, Kenya; Public health implication, Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 13: 165-184, Published. Published May 2013,
  40. Okoko AA, Muia, AW, Moturi, WN and Oyake A (2012).Levels of coli contamination of River Awach and household water in Western Kenya, Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources 1, 120 – 126.
  41. Macharia P, Yillia P, Byamukama D, Muia W, Kreuzinger N  (2011) P2-443 A retrospective epidemiological study of endemic waterborne illness in a pastoral community in Kenya J Epidemiol Community Health August 2011 Vol 65 Suppl 1, doi:10.1136/jech.2011.142976l.73
  42. Muia A. Wairimu, G.  Bretschko and GJ Herndl (2011) Structure and function of microbial biofilms, with special emphasis on aquatic heterotrophic microbial communities, African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 36: 1-10.
  43. Wairimu A. Muia (2009) Plant as sources of Traditional Medicine: Ethical implications on unregulated and uncontrolled Use in Proceedings of International Conference on Bioethics, at Egerton University, Kenya (12th 14th August 2008) publisher, Unesco Regional Centre for Documentation and Research on Bioethics, Egerton University, pp 81 – 93. ISBN 9966052135.
  44. A W Muia and M L Muia (2009) Bottled Drinking Water: A challenge to Environmental Sustainability and Social Economic Development in Conference proceedings of Kenya DAAD Scolars Association on Technology for Development held on 11th – 12th June 2009 in Masinde Muliro University, Kakamega, pp 112 – 115.
  45. P. Riess , W.A. Muia , S.F. Thornton, A.M. Osborn, J.W.N. Smith (2008) Investigating nitrogen attenuation in the hyporheic zone of a lowland river: a multi-disciplinary approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-07255, 2008 S Ref-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-07255 EGU General Assembly 2008
  46. W Muia, G Bretschko and GJ Herndl (2006) Microbial exopolymers in sediments of a Second Order Stream: Njoro River Kenya. Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology 2(1): 37-45
  47. Muia A. Wairimu, G. Bretschko and G.J. Herndl 2003. An investigation on Biofilm Development in a Second Order Tropical Stream, Njoro River Kenya: First results. Rev. Hydrobiol. 88 (3-4), 372 -384.
  48. Woodruff, R.C., J.N. Thomson, Jr. H.N.B. Gopalan, A. Ngure, E.S. Norris and A.A. Szekely 1990. Genetics and molecular analyses of P DNA elements sampled from natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster in Kenya. Molecular Evolution, UCLA Symposium. Molecular and Cellular Biology. New series, M.T. Clegg and S.J O’Brien (eds). 122, 117 – 125.

TRAINING COURSES, WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES                                   

   Conferences attended

  1. 22nd to 25th June 2021: Attended and participated in the Machakos University, 3rd Annual International conference. Title of my presentation was:  A.W. Muia, A. Kimisto & O.O. Donde: Sludge Management Technologies for Sustainable Development: An Overview
  2. 6th to 8th April 2016: Attended and participated in the Humboldt “Kolleg” 2016. Title of paper presented Antibiotic Resistance in a Second Order Stream Passing through Agricultural Farm Land: Njoro River Kenya. Sweet Lake Resort Naivasha, Kenya.
  3. 30th March - 1st April 2016: Attended and participated in the 10th Egerton University International Conference  organized by Research Division at Education Building Egerton University
  4. 13th-15th April 2015: Attended and participated in the 3rd Conference on Energy and Nuclear Power in Africa in Mombasa, Kenya.
  5. 25th -27th March 2015: Attended and participated in the 9th Egerton University International Conference  organised by Research Division at Education Building Egerton University
  6. 26th -28th March 2014: Attended and participated in the 8th Egerton University Intenational Conference  organised by Research Division at Education Building Egerton University
  7. 4th to 6th Decemer 2013, Attended and participated in the International Soda Lakes Conference organized by Kenya Wildlife Service at KWS training School in Naivasha.
  8. 1st to 5th July 2013: Attended and made a presentation at 36th WEDC international     conference at Education Building, Egerton University. Title of presentation: The use of solar pasteurization in eradication of microbial contaminants in surface water in Kenya
     Muia  A. W., Donde, O.O.,Shivoga  W.A., Creed I.F. and Trick C.G.
  9. 23rd to 25th September 2012: attended the 7th Egerton University International Conference and Research Week at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  10. 16th to 21st July 2012 Attended the Humboldt-Kolleg Conference (At Sarova Taita Hills Game Lodge which was organized by Taita Taveta University College of JKUAT, Kenya and presented a paper entitled, ‘ Biofilms and Biodiversity:  Their Potential Applications in Environmental Bioechnology.
  11. 8th November 2011: Attended the Faculty of Science Training of Postgraduate Supervisors on Improved Research Management.
  12. 21st to 23rd September 2011: attended the 6th Egerton University International Conference and Research Week at ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  13. 22nd to 23rd September 2010: attended the 5th Egerton University International Conference and Research Week at ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  1. 11th -12th June 2009: Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA) National Conference on Science and Technology for Development organised by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) at Bishop Nicholas Stam Pastoral Centre – Kakamega. Presented a paper entitled “Bottled drinking water: A challenge to environmental sustainability and social economic development”
  2. 16th – 18th September 2008. 3rd Annual Research Week and International conference at Egerton University, ARC hotel. Presented a paper entitled “Insitu Biofilm development on glass slides in sediments of a tropical stream: Njoro River Kenya.
  3. 12th – 14th August 2008: International Conference on Bioethics, Egerton University 2008 presented a paper entitled “Plants as Sources of Traditional Medicine: Ethical Implications on Unregulated and Uncontrolled Use”.
  4. 18th - 19th October, 2007: DAAD conference, held at ARC, Egerton University from.
  5. 22nd – 24th September, 2007, Annual Science Research Week and International Conference, ARC hotel August 2007.
  6. 7th to 9th December 2004: Participated and presented a paper in a conference on Bioethics at Egerton University ARC Hotel. Title of presentation: Short Term Tests for Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens: Answer to Emerging Bioethical Issues.
  7. 16th - 19th March 2004: 2nd Regional Microbiology conference on Recent Advances in Microbial Research and their implications to Health, Agriculture and Environment held at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya.
  8. 20th – 22nd February 2004: National Women conference on HIV/AIDS at Kasarani Sports Centre, Nairobi.
  9. 10th to 15th December 2003: Inaugural Meeting for East African Austrian Waters Association (EAAWA), Mukono, Uganda.
  10. 19th – 22nd June, 2000: International meeting River Bottom V,. Gasthaus “KircheWirt”, Kirchenplatz 5, Lunz, Austria.
  11. 15th – 16th April, 1999: First National Symposium of the Kenya Society of Microbiology at Methodist Guest House, Nairobi Kenya.
  12. 27th November - 1st December 1995: Kenya DAAD Scholars conference at Lenana Mount Hotel. Theme: Strengthening the Relationship between the Universities and Industries

 Training courses and workshops

  1. August 2nd to September 2nd 2021: Attended and participated in Pedal Online: Technology for Transformative Pedagogy Course sponsored by Pedagogical Leadership in Africa Pedal.
  2. Publication 101: Earth Sciences, Geography &Environmental Sciences Springer nature, August, 2020
  3. 14th to 16th November 2019; Attended a training workshop on Natural products and food security at organized by Botanic Garden Committee and Confucius Institute at CDN hotel in Nakuru
  4. 27th August, 2018 to 14th September 2018. Attended and participated in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit (EA) Certificate Course conducted by Department of Environmental Sciences , Egerton University.
  5. Committee member for 41st WEDC International  Conference on Transformation towards sustainable and resilient  WASH services  held between 9th and 13th July 2018 at Egerton University , Kenya.
  6. 22nd to 24th September 2014, attended and participated in CAPRO (Community Adaptation to Climate Change) Stakeholders wrap up meeting held in ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  7. 8th to10th September 2014 attended and participated in Kenya COMPRO II team meeting sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation  at Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi, Kenya.
  8.  3rd April 2014 Policy formulation Workshop, CMRT, Multimedia Room, Egerton University
  1. 6th-10th June, 2011: Workshop on E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Publishing of Digital Teaching and Learning Materials held at CMRT – Botanic Hall.
  2. 26th to 28th April 2011: Glossina functional genomics network in collaboration with South African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI), Egerton University and Swedish Agricultural University at Faculty of Science Resource center, Egerton University
  3. 1st - 15th of November, 2010: Advanced Training Course on Research and Development of Medicinal Plants for African Countries at UON School of Pharmacy. Training organized by Tiangin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM) and University of Nairobi.
  4. 22nd - 23rd March, 2010: Intellectual Property Rights Workshop conducted by trainers from Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI), Kenya Copy Right Board (KECOBO) and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  5. 24th – 26th March, 2009: Attended a proposal writing workshop held in ARC, Egerton University.
  6. 18th Feb 2009: University Academic Advising Training for faculty of science lecturers workshop and on at Egerton University, Fass Theatre.
  7. Nov 19th - 30th Nov 2008: Distance learning Materials: Writters Workshop held at FASS theatre Egerton University.
  8. 23rd – 25th June, 2008: Workshop on “ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Training”,. CMRT, Egerton University.
  9. 28th - 30th May 2008: Pedagogical Skill Workshop, held at CMRT, Egerton University from. Workshop organized by the faculty of education.
  10. 6th - 8th May, 2008: Distance learning Materials: Reviewers Workshop held at CMRT, Egerton University. Workshop organized by the Institute of Open learning and Distance Education, Egerton University.
  11. 18th September - 5th October, 2007: International Postgraduate Limnology training workshop on limnology at Egerton University
  12. 8th August, 2007: Training workshop on writing and publishing scholarly papers, ARC hotel, Egerton University.
  13. 15th September - October 4, 2006: International Postgraduate Limnology workshop September 2006 at Egerton University.
  14. 15th September - 4th October 2005: International Postgraduate Limnology workshop at Egerton University.
  15. 27th September - 9th 2004: MSc. Limnology and Wetlands Ecosystems Tropical Limnology Module, Training Course, Dept of Zoology, Egerton University. Group leader, Water Quality Group.
  16. 2nd - 6th August 2004: Protein Molecular Biology Training Course organised by Botany &Biochemistry Departments of University of Nairobi and Hertfordshire University, UK at University of Nairobi Kenya.
  17. 15th October, 2003: Workshop on Access to Scientific Information. Organised by Egerton University, Tea Research Foundation and ICRAF on UTAFITI HALL Egerton University.
  18. 21st – 28th September, 2003: Instructional Material Writers Workshop organised by CDE, Egerton University and UNISA at Travellers Beach Hotel Mombasa from.
  19. 23rd May, 2003: CWS/ SENCER Model Workshop on civic Engagement Strategies for HIV/AIDS Education at Center for Women Studies.
  20. 15th – 16th October, 2002: AWSE/SENCER training workshop on Civic Engagement Strategies for HIV/AIDS Education at ARC, Egerton University.
  21. 4th – 9th May, 1998: A Training course in Aquatic Microbial Ecology at Illmitz Biological Station, Austria
  22. 12th March - 15th November, 1996: International Postgraduate Training Course in Limnology in Mondsee, Austria.
  23. 3rd – 23rd September, 1995: Tropical River Initiative Training Workshop on the Limnology of Njoro River.
  24. 15th – 17th July 1994: Proposal writing workshop at the Agricultural Research centre (ARC), Egerton University.
  25. 27th February 1989 – 5th April 1989: 3rd comprehensive training course in standardization, quality control and metrology for new employees at the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

                             Seminars and workshops of a general nature

  1.  Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 14:30 CET: Attended a virtual seminar on COVID-19 & WASH status in Low-income Countries presented by Paul T. Yillia (Dr. techn.) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1 - A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria- IIASA Water Security Research Group.
  2. 14th July, 2010: Appear proposal stakeholders workshop at ARC hotel Egerton University
  3. 24th July 2009: NAPRECA (K) 2009 Annual Seminar/ AGM Day Held on at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  4. 18th June 2009: Participated in a workshop entitled Community based Plant Biodiversity Conservation Workshop organised by Botanic Garden management Committee and Division of Research and Extension Division at the Botanic Garden.
  5. 21st March 2009: Kenya society of Microbiology Workshop : Networking as an avenue for improving Research and Training in Microbiology and Biotechnology in the Region, in Chiromo Campus, Faculty of Science Deans Board Room, University of Nairobi.
  6. 28th November, 2008: Inauguration ceremony of the Centre for Herbal medicine and Research, Botanic Garden, Egerton University on
  7. 9th - 15th July 2008: Represented Botanic Garden in the National Agricultural show, Rift valley Branch, Nakuru. Theme of the show, Empowering communities in Agribusiness.
  8. 13th – 15th June 2008: EAWA Stakeholders meeting and demonstrations on pro-poor innovations and technologies for safe water supply and creating an opportunity for portential interaction and cooperation between water actors for sustainable management of water resources in EA region. Poster presentation titled, A simple technology for study of biofilm in stream sediments, at Kisumu hotel.
  9. 27th October, 2007: EAWA meeting held at Kunste Hotel Nakuru.
  10. 15th September, 2007: Seminar on Campaign against Drug and Substance Abuse, by NACADA, Fass theatre, Egerton University.
  11. 2nd May, 2006: Fingerponds Project Wrap-up/Stakeholders Seminar at ARC Hotel Egerton University.
  12. 24 th March 2004: Induction workshop for lecturers teaching courses to SSP School Based Students at ARC hotel.
  13. 14TH TO 15TH October, 2003: Workshop on Biodiversity and Conservation of Indigenous Knowledge in Egerton ARC HOTEL.
  14. 29th October, 2003: Workshop on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS) held in FASS THEATRE, Egerton University
  1. Austrian academic exchange service PhD scholarship in University of Vienna Austria (1998-2001)
  2. .Commonwealth Research Fellowship at University of Sheffield, UK (Oct 2006 – March 2007)

Undergraduate Level

  • Diploma Microbiology
  • General Microbiology
  • Industrial Microbiology
  • Applied Microbiology
  • Advanced Microbiology
  • Biology of HIV AIDS and Society etc
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Aquatic microbiology
  • Waterborne and water related diseases
  • Food Microbiology. 
  • Microbial genetics

Post graduate Level

  • Plant Bacteriology
  • Aquatic Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Pollution and Sanitary Microbiology
  • Domestic and Waste water management


  1. Allan Kiptanui Kimisto (Reg No. SM18/2267/18). Molecular Molecular characterization of microorganisms with industrial potential in wastewater sludge from Kangemi Waste Water Treatment Plant, Nyeri County- Kenya, MSc Limnology, Egerton University.
  2. Omondi Lorine Auma (Reg No. SM19/13728/19) Effects of land use on faecal pollution in River Njoro, Kenya.MSC in Limnology and Wetland Management (Submitted thesis)
  3. Lukhabi, Dorothy Khasisi (SM19/11886/16) Characterization of Egerton University wastewater stabilization ponds and assessment of substrate size efficiency in removal of feacal pollutants.
  4. Saeed Hassan Kariunga (SM18/14492/15). Assessment of Kangemi sewage treatment works efficiency and impact of its effluent loading on water quality of Chania River, Nyeri, Kenya.
  5. Reuben Mukundi (SM14/3634/13) Isolation and characterization of hexazinone and dichlorophenoacetic acid (2,4-D) biodegrading native bacteria from sugarcane soils in Nzoia sugar company farms.
  6. Tabitha Kavuli Itotia (SM14/3634/13). Distribution and Diversity of Antibiotic resistant bacteria from a river receiving industrial and agricultural wastes in Njoro, Kenya.
  7. Richard Kipsang Rop (NM 12/2851/10. Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Bacteriological Water Quality of Nyangores River, Mara Basin- Kenya.
  8. Kariuki CW (NM12/3091/11 MSc, Environmental Science) Isolation and characterization of soil bacteria, capable of degrading metribuzin herbicide, used in sugarcane farms, of Nzoia River Drainage Basin, Western Kenya.
  9. Njoroge Hellen Wambui (SM15/2432/09) Testing Streptomyces soil isolates from Mau Forest Complex for potential antimicrobial activity against selected plant pathogens.
  10. Henry Oboo (Reg No. SM 15/2220/08): Management strategies against soil borne bacterial wilt pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum
  11. Eddison Opiyo Musikoyo ( Reg No. Sm18/2267/08) Distribution of microorganisms and isolation of physiological groups with industrial potential in Lake Nakuru (MSc Limnology 2013).
  12. Keiko Kito. Assessment of Groundwater Contamination by Various Land Uses Using Bacterial Communities and Fauna as Indicators in Nyando Wetland, Kenya (UNESCO IHE the DELFT, April, 2012).
  13. Oscar Omondi Donde (SM18/2524/09): Bacteriological water quality analysis and solar improvement of domestic water sources in Naivasha region, Kenya.
  14. Abigael Akoth Okoko (Reg No. SM 15/2220/08): Determinant of water quality and handling practices in Konyano Jieri Sublocation, Nyanza District (MSc. Environmental Science) Graduated 2011
  15. .Macharia, Pauline MSc. Microbial Quality of Drinking Water and its Effect on Health in Sub-saharan Africa: A Survey of Njoro Town, Kenya (IHE the Delft, April, 2011).
  16. Kyule Domitila Ndinda, MSc. Dynamics and Abundance of Bacterio- and Virioplankton in Saline-Alkaline East-African Rift Valley Lakes, Kenya (IHE the Delft, April, 2009)


  1. Ekwar, Eyanae Paul (Reg No. SM18/19019/18). Assessment of water quality from informal water vendors: a case of water tanker trucks and kiosks in Lodwar Township, Turkana County, Kenya. Egerton University, MSC Limnology, Egerton University.
  2. Kiplagat, Gregory Kibiy (Reg No SM15/14451/15). Potential Use of Bacillus Spp. Isolates As Bio-control Agents Against Mango Anthracnose Disease From Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties, Kenya. MSc in Plant Pathology, Egerton University.
  3. Rachel W. Njoroge ( Reg No, NM12/2815/10) Assessing occurrence of opportunistic fish bacterial pathogens and environmental predisposing factors affecting aquaculture fish production in Naivasha, Kenya MSC in Environmental Science, Egerton University
  1. Mr Casianes O. Olilo (Reg No.ND12/0270/10):Title of Thesis: The Influence of Vegetation on the Erosion and Transport State of E coli in Runoff Flow from Agro Pastoral Land Use System. PhD Environmental Science, Egerton University. Status of Thesis: Complete awaiting submission.
  1. Member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM, Outreach program, membership No. 4654956)
  2. Member of Kenya Society of Microbiology
  3. Member of the Commonwealth Scholarships Alumni Association of Kenya (CWSAK)
  4. Member Kenya DAAD Scholars Association No. 105   (KDSA).
  5. Member East African Austrian Water Association (EAWA, Member Reg.No. 029K)
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