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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Science
Directorate / Dept
P.O. Box 536, Egerton 20115

Continuously learning Statistics, while engaging in multidisciplinary research with Statistical applications and research work of immense scholarly repute and high integrity and applying my skills and knowledge in relevant socioeconomic development multisector set up for the advancement of humanity in particular, help nature young and talented statisticians.  


 Ph.D. (Statistics): 2011-2017

University of Missouri,

Columbia 230 Jesse Hall, Columbia,

MO 65211

 M.Sc. (Statistics): 1995-1997

 Egerton University

 P.O. Box 536, Egerton-20115

B.Ed. (Sc. (Double Mathematics)), 2nd Class Honours (Upper Division) : 1990-1993

Egerton University

P.O. Box 536.Egerton-20115.



Feb 4th 2004 To date Lecturer

Department of Mathematics

Egerton University, Njoro

Box 536, Egerton -20115

-Teach Mathematics and Statistics to both undergraduate and post -graduate students

-Supervise Statistics to both undergraduate and post -graduate students


Jun  4th   2007  to   Feb   4th 2024: Assistant Lecturer

Department of Mathematics

Egerton University, Njoro

Box 536, Egerton -20115

-Teach Mathematics and Statistics to both undergraduate and post graduate students

-engaged in periodic curriculum review for B.Sc.   (Actuarial Science) and B.Sc. (Statistics)

 -Supervise Statistics to both undergraduate and post    

  graduate students

-Examination officer


Jan 2002  to  June 2007: Senior Lecturer  

Teachers Service Commission Stationed at

Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology

Box 414, Kiambu- 00900

Teach Mathematics and Statistics to Students pursuing Diplomas and Higher National Diplomas in

·         Computer Science,

·         Civil and Building Engineering,

·         Electrical Engineering,

·         Electronics Engineering,

·         Telecommunication Engineering,

·         Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Jan  2000 To Dec 2001:  Senior Teacher

Teachers Service Commission Stationed at

Sameta Mixed Secondary School

Box 3978, Kisii- 40200

Teach Mathematics to High School students


Jan 1998 to Dec 1999: Senior Teacher

Teachers Service Commission Stationed at

Kenyoro PAG Mixed Secondary School

Box 57, Kisii- 40200

Teach Mathematics to High School students


March 1995 to Dec 1997  :Graduate Assistant

Department of Mathematics

Egerton University, Njoro

Box 536, Egerton -20115

-Conduct tutorials, supervise, invigilate and help in marking of undergraduate exams


May 1994 : March 1995  Graduate Teacher

Teachers Service Commission Stationed at

Kilifi Mixed Secondary School

Box  16, Kilifi- 80108

Teach Mathematics to High School students



My Research interests include but not limited to:

  1. Multivariate Analysis
  2. Spatio-Temporal Modeling
  3. Deep hierarchical Bayesian modeling
  4. Deep Neural Network models
  5. Machine and Supervised Learning
  6. Bayesian Analysis
  1. Okenye, Justin Obwoge, “Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Point Process Models via Conditioning”, Ph.D. Thesis, (2021)
  2. Murithi, I. K., Okenye, J. O., Islam, A. S., and Wanyonyi, R. W. (2020). “Bayesian Estimation of the Shape Parameters of Mcdonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Distribution.”Open Access Library Journal, 7: e6651.
  3. Mweleli, R. M., Orawo, L. A. O., Tamba, C. L., and Okenye, J. O. (2020). “Interval Estimation in a Two Parameter Weibull Distribution Based on Type-2 Censored Data. ”Open Journal of Statistics, 10, 1039-1056.
  4. Kinyanjui P.K., Tamba C.L, Okenye J.O., (2020) “Missing Data Imputation in a t -Distribution with Known Degrees of Freedom Via Expectation Maximization Algorithm and Its Stochastic Variants”International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 60(2):70-81
  5. Kinyanjui, P. K., Tamba, C. L., Orawo, L. A. O., and Okenye, J. O. (2020).“Missing data imputation in multivariate t distribution with unknown degrees of freedom using expectation maximization algorithm and its stochastic variants.” Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 15(3), 263-272.
  6. Otieno Collins, Orawo Luke Akongo, Matiri George Munene, Okenye, Justin Obwoge. (2023). “Bayesian Interval Estimation in a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process with Delayed S-Shaped Intensity Function.”American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Volume 12, Issue 3, May 2023, pp. 43-50
  7. Kinyanjui, P. K., Tamba, C. Okenye, J. O., and L., Orawo, L. A. O (2020). “condMVT : Conditional Multivariate t Distribution, Expectation Maximization Algorithm, and Its Stochastic Variants”. R package version 0.1.0.
  8. Tsuma, S., Prof. Ali Salim, Dr. George Matiri, and Justin Obwoge. (2023). Spatial Regression of the Gross County Product of Kenya on Induced Latent Variables. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 70(1), 146. Retrieved from

1. Micheas A. C (Presenter) , Okenye J.O., Wikle C. K., “Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Point Process Models via Conditioning ”paper presented         

     at the Joint Statistical Meetings held in Baltimore-Maryland, 29 July -3 August 2017.

  1. Teaching Assistantship Scholarship (Egerton University, March 1995 - September 1997)
  2. Fulbright Scholarship (University of Missouri-Columbia August 2011-August 2017)
  3. Teaching Assistantship Scholarship (University of Missouri-Columbia August 2011-August 2017)

 Capable of teaching many courses in Statistics and Mathematics including but not limited to:

  • Statistical Inference (Estimation and Hypothesis Testing)
  • Probability and Statistics (
  • Sampling Methods (
  • Differential and Integral Calculus
  • Data Analysis (vi) Bayesian Statistics
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Forecasting and Financial Modeling
  • Multivariate Statistics (xi) Measure Theory and Stochastic Processes
  • Statistical Computing and Numerical Methods
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Spatio-Temporal Statistics
  • Partial Differential Equations 
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