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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Science
Directorate / Dept
Applied Mathematics
P.O. Box 536-20115 EGERTON

Name Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga
Date of Birth 16th April, 1975
Contact address:
Current; Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga,
Egerton University, Mathematics Department,
P.O Box 536-20115, Egerton.
Permanent; Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga
P.O Box 21, Rakwaro. Kendu-Bay. Kenya
Mobile phone No. +254718894574
E-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nationality Kenyan
Languages English (fluently spoken and written)
Religion Christian (Born again, Evangelist- Deliverance
Church Ngata Bridge, Nakuru-Kenya)
Marital Status Married-One wife (Hilda Okubasu)
-One child (Jeremy Omondi Manyanga)


2009-2013: PhD Applied Mathematics - Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 15001, China.
2002-2004: MSc. Applied Mathematics - Egerton University
1997-2002: B.Ed. Science (Double Mathematics) - Egerton University
1992-1995: K.C.S.E - St. Joseph’s Rapogi School, Awendo, Kenya (Migori County)
1983-1991: K.C.P.E - Kanyang’wena Primary School, Kendu-Bay, Kenya (Homa Bay County)


1. Applied Mathematics (Numerical simulations and processes in Engineering practice)
2. Offshore structures and underwater constructions analysis and implementations (Stratified fluid Platforms)
3. FORTRAN in application of Mathematics to real life problems


Dec.,2013 Doctor of Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Harbin Engineering University


2013-currently: Lecturer: Lecturing mathematics; Mathematics Department
• Supervision of undergraduate and post graduate students
2023-currently: Egerton University, Coordinator, Post graduate programs in Applied Mathematics
• Coordinating all the applied mathematics programs at the Department of Mathematics
• Representing the Department in the post graduate programs in applied Mathematics that require the participation of the department;
2013-2020: Egerton University, Coordinator, Bridging in Mathematics
• Coordinating all the mathematics bridging programs at the three campuses (Njoro, Nakuru and Nairobi City)
• Representing the Department in the income generating unit meetings that require the participation of the department
2018-2019: Part-Time Lecturer- Applied Mathematics for the Graduate students
Kenyatta University, Nakuru Town campus
Department of Mathematics

2013-2014: Part-Time Lecturer- Applied Mathematics for the Graduate students
Kenyatta University, Nakuru Town campus
Department of Mathematics

2008-2009: Part-Time Lecturer
Egerton University, Nakuru Town campus
Department of Industrial and Energy Engineering
• Lecturing Numerical Methods to post Diploma Engineering students
2006-2008: Part-Time Lecturer
Kabarak University, Main campus
• Mathematics Lecturer (Applied Mathematics units)
2005-2006: Part-Time Lecturer
Kenya Methodist University, Nakuru Town campus
• Mathematics Lecturer (General Mathematics)
2005-2009: Egerton University, Coordinator, Timetabling and Examination in Mathematics department
• Making sure that all the Mathematics units are included in the teaching ad examination schedules for the semester
• Coordinating all the mathematics invigilation schedule at the department and ensure that all the exams of the department are well carried out
2005-2013: Mathematics Assistant Lecturer and Academic Advisor
Faculty of Science; Mathematics Department - Egerton University
Jan. 2005-August 2005: Part-Time Lecturer
Egerton University, Main campus (Njoro)
• Mathematics Lecturer (Applied Mathematics)
2003-2005: High school teacher, Teachers Service Commission
Naishi Secondary School, Lare, Nakuru County
2002-2004: Graduate Assistant - Egerton University, Njoro
• To give tutorials in Applied Mathematics units
Sept. 2001- May 2002: BOG Teacher
Kajiei Mixed Sec. School, Homa Bay County
• Maths
• Physics
Jan.- May 2001: Teaching Internship
Classroom Teacher (Mathematics & Physics) – Cheilat Secondary School, Kapkatet
July- Dec. 1999: Sales representative; Madison Insurance Company, Kisii-Homa Bay County
Jan.- July. 1997: Trainee – Automotive Maintainer
Londra Textiles Ltd; Nakuru, Kenya


Ongoing Research Projects or Activities
1. Internal Waves, Interaction with Floating Bodies in a Two-Layer Fluid of Finite Depth, in Collaboration with Prof. Duan W.Y, China P.R and Prof. Grue J, USA.


• Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Numerical Application in Engineering practice )
• Dynamical Systems-Wave Body interaction studies
• Fluid Dynamics (Stratified Fluids study)
• Emerging trends in Offshore and Underwater constructions


1 Kibet Hillary, David O. Manyanga, Patriciah W. Gathia. Analysis of Surface Wave Characters in the Prediction of Wave Restoring Forces. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 13(1)2022, pp: 144-151
2 Juma Charles Membo, Manyanga David Ondiek, Gathia Patriciah Wanjiru. Radiation of Linear Waves for Heaving Rectangular Box in Shallow Waters. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 11(3)2020, pp: 1051-1054
3 Benedict K. Makau, Patriciah W. Gathia and David O. Manyanga. A Boundary Integral Equation Approach to a Free Surface Flow due to a Point Source. Intn. Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Vol. 5(6)2016, pp: 45-60
4 Ng’ang’a Warukira, Dr. John Njenga, Dr. Elisha Ogada and Dr. David Ondiek. Analysis of Krylov-Bogliubov Method in Approximating Solution of Nonlinear Oscillatory Differential Equations. Intn. Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Vol. 4(6)2016, pp: 102-107
5 Purity M. Ngina, David O. Manyanga and Kaguchwa John Njenga. Wave Exciting Force on A floating Rectangular Barge Due to Surface Waves. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 6(6)2015, pp: 1480-1486
6 Manyanga O. David, Duan Wen-yang, Han Xuliang and Cheng Ping: Internal Wave exciting force on a rectangular barge in a Two-layer Fluid of Finite Depth. J. Advancement in Scientific and Engineering Research, Vols. 2(3)2014, pp: 48-61. Scienceweb Publishing
7 Purity M. Ngina1,a*, David O. Manyanga2,band Kaguchwa John Njenga3,c: Derivation and Analysis of wave Exciting Force on A Rectangular Floating Barge in Three-Dimension for a Fluid of Constant Density. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3(10)2014, pp: 1714-1717
8 Purity M. Ngina1,a*, David O. Manyanga2,band Kaguchwa John Njenga3,c: Analysis of Incident Surface Wave Characteristics in 3-Dimension for a Fluid of Finite Depth. J. Advancement in Scientific and Engineering Research, Vols. 2(4)2014, pp: 62-69. Scienceweb Publishing
9 David O. Manyanga and Duan Wen-yang: Internal Wave Propagation from Pulsating Sources in a Two-layer Fluid of Finite Depth. J. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 201-202 (2012), pp: 503-507. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
10 David O. Manyanga, Wen-yang Duan and Li Y. Jun: Hydrodynamic Coefficients of a 3 D Body Floating in a Two-layer Fluid of finite Depth. International Conference on Maritime Technology, 25-28 June, 2012, Harbin, China, pp: 105-110
11 David O. Manyanga and Wenyang Duan: Hydrodynamic Predictions for Oscillation of Three Dimensional Floating Bodies in a Two-layer Fluid of Finite Depth. Proc. Seventh International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics, Sept. 16-19, 2011, Shanghai, China, pp: 337-341
12 Manyanga D. O. and Duan Wen-yang: Green Functions due to Pulsating Sources in a Two-layer Fluid of Finite depth. J. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 25(4)2011, pp: 609-624. Chinese Ocean Engineering Society and Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidenberg.
13 D.O. Manyanga and W. Y. Duan: Three Dimensional Internal Waves due to Pulsating Sources and Oscillation of Floating Bodies. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1376(2011), pp: 265-267. American Institute of Physics


Date/Year Title Place/Institution
Jan 2024 Pedagogical Training on competency based curriculum Egerton Universiy University, Kenya
Nov 2023 Workshop on competency based curriculum Egerton Universiy University, Kenya
Sep. 2015 Egerton University Education Day Egerton Universiy University, Kenya
April 2014 Faculty of Science Seminar Egerton Universiy University, Kenya
June 2012 International Conference on Maritime Technology Harbin Engineering University, P.R. China
Sep. 2011 Intn. Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics Shanghai, P.R. China
June 2011 Intn. Conference on Fluid Mechanics Guangzhou, P.R. China
May 2010 Intn. Workshop on Water Waves on Floating Bodies Harbin Engineering University, P.R. China
Sep. 2008 Research Conference- Science for National Development Egerton Universiy University, Kenya
Nov.,2005 Workshop on Test Development and Management Egerton Universiy University, Kenya



1. Applied Mathematics (Numerical simulations and processes in Engineering practice)
2. Offshore structures and underwater constructions analysis and implementations (Stratified fluid Platforms)
3. FORTRAN in application of Mathematics to real life problems
1. Fluids and Dynamical Systems
2. Numerical Methods or Analysis
3. Ordinary Differential Equations Methods of Applied Mathematics
4. Variation Calculus
5. Partial Differential equations and Applications
6. Vectors and Applications


1. Purity Ngina, "Analysis of Wave Exciting Forces On a Floating Barge at Zero Forward Speed", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2014-2015 {Supervisors: Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga and Dr. John Kaguchwa Njenga
2. Juma Charles Membo, “Added Mass and Damping Effects Due to a Floating Rectangular barge at Zero Forward Speed” , MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2015-2020 {Supervisors: Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga and Dr. Patricia Gathia Wanjiru
3. Warukira Joseph Nganga, "Error Analysis of the Methods of Approximation of Oscillatory Differential Equations", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2015-2018: Supervisors: Dr. John Njenga Kaguchwa and Dr. Ogada Elisha Achieng. INTERNAL EXAMINER
4. Onesmus M. Mutua, "Damping and Positioning Effects Due to an Off-Shore Structure For Fluid Flo In Application to a Sink(Wave Breaker)", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2015-2018: Supervisors: Dr. Ogada Elisha Achieng and Dr. Onyango O. Lawrence. INTERNAL EXAMINER
1. Kibet Hillary, " Analysis Of Wave Restoring Forces Due To Oscillation Of A Rectangular Barge And Their Effects On Construction Of Offshore Structures", MSc. Applied Mathematics Thesis, Egerton University, 2019-2024 {Supervisors: Dr. David Ondiek Manyanga and Dr. Patricia Wanjiru. Gathia

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