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Dr Maurice O. Ogoma

Staff Information
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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
Directorate / Dept
Natural Resources
P.O. Box 536 -20115 Egerton

2016 - 2021: Ph.D. in Natural Resources Management, Egerton University. Thesis title: Performance Evaluation of Beach Management Units in Lake Turkana Fisheries Co-management, Kenya.

2006 - 2008: M.Sc. in International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), University of Bremen, Germany. Thesis title: "Conservation of tropical coastal forest and wetland birds: implications from the study of Gongoni Forest Reserve, Kenya"

1999 - 2004: B.Sc. in Environmental Science, Egerton University

  • Natural Resources Management
  • Wildlife Management
  • Ecotourism
  • Aquatic sciences
  • Environmental sciences
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Climate Change and Adaptation 

2023: Short Course Training on Programme and Project Cycle Management, Oslo New University College, 2023

2019: Micro-plastics pollution training and survey in Lake Victoria, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

2018: Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring for Lake Victoria Basin, the Waterkeeper Alliance

2018: Certificate in Market-based approaches for conservation, Kinship Conservation Fellowship Programme

2018: Exhibitor at the Regional Learning Event and Investment Forum on environment and natural resources management, East African Community (EAC)

2017: Chief Facilitator and Event Planner for International Training of Users of Community Climate Change Adaptation Assessment (C3A2) toolkit in Mara River Basin, United Nations Agency for International Development (USAID)

2017: Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) Stakeholders Validation and Boundaries Delineation workshop, IUCN

2016: Certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit, issued by National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)

2016: Certificate in FishBase and Fish Taxonomy, the Royal Museum of Central Africa and the National Museums of Kenya

2016: Certificate in Improved practices for freshwater fish larval production in East Africa, University of Ghent and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Resource Institute (KMFRI)

2016: Certificate in Climate Change Adaptation, Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP), Kenya

2015: Certificate in International Training of Trainers (ToT) on Community Climate Change Adaptation Assessment (C3A2), USAID

2013: Certificate in Supervisory Skills Course, Government Training Institute, Mombasa

Certificate in Geospatial Database Development and Management using ArcGIS, Remote Sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS), Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)

2012: Certificate in Fisheries Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance (MCS), European Union (EU), Tanzania

2012: Environmental Markets and Nature Conservation in Africa, Eastern Africa Kinship Foundation Network

2011: Training of Trainers for the Fish Farming Enterprise & Productivity Program, Ministry of Fisheries Development

2010: Training of Aquaculture Extension Officers, National Aquaculture Development & Training Center (NARDTC)

2009: Certificate in GIS tools for strategic Biodiversity Conservation, Earthwatch Institute and Ecological Society for East Africa (ESEA)

2006: Training of Trainers course for Important Bird Areas (IBA) Monitoring in Kenya at Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute (KWSTI), Naivasha, Kenya, by BirdLife International Africa Partnership and Nature Kenya

2005: Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Ecosystems, Tropical Biology Association (TBA), Uganda

2004: Human Subjects Protections for Agro-Ecological Research, USAID/Egerton University

2004: Training workshops on Taxonomy for Biodiversity Conservation by Darwin Initiative for Survival of Species, UK

2004: Certificate in Microcomputer Application Packages, Egerton University Faculty of Science


2024 - Present: Chairman, Department of Natural Resources

2024 - Present: Lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Natural Resources

Teaching Course Units:

  • NARE 320: Aquatic Ecology
  • NARE 454: Fisheries Production and Utilisation
  • NARE 222: Wildlife Biology
  • NARE 103/224: Introduction to East African Fauna
  • TOHM 255: Applied Ornithology
  • WIEM 342: Field Mammalogy
  • NARE 453: Wildlife Management and Utilization
  • NARE 731:Wetland Ecology
  • NARE 771: Postgraduate Seminars

2014 - 2023: Assistant Lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Natural Resources

Teaching Course Units:

  • NARE 320: Aquatic Ecology
  • NARE 454: Fisheries Production and Utilisation
  • WIEM 412: Public Relations in Wildlife Enterprise
  • NARE 222: Wildlife Biology
  • NARE 103/224: Introduction to East African Fauna
  • TOHM 255: Applied Ornithology
  • NARE 423: Ornithology
  • WIEM 342: Field Mammalogy
  • NARE 453: Wildlife Management and Utilization
  • WIEM 421: Wildlife Management

2016 – 2021: Examinations and Timetabling Officer, Egerton University, Department of Natural Resources


  • Coordinating all matters pertaining to examinations
  • Collection of examination drafts from lecturers
  • Arranging for internal and external moderation of examination drafts
  • Arranging for external moderation of examination results
  • Ensuring all examination results are delivered on time to respective Deans of Faculties in the case of service course to other faculties
  • Preparation of timetabling requirements for teaching, examinations, and outside visits for the department.

 2012-14: Part-time lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Natural Resources

Teaching Course Units:

  • NARE 454: Fisheries Production and Utilisation
  • NARE 445: Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
  • WIEM 412: Public Relations in Wildlife Enterprise
  • WIEM 311: Vertebrate Population Dynamics
  • NARE 320: Aquatic Ecology
  • NARE 222: Man and Wildlife

 2009 - 2014: Senior Fisheries Officer, State Department of Fisheries, Lamu County.


  • Managing fisheries and other aquatic resources to ensure their sustainable utilization
  • Participation in fisheries exploratory surveys, research, and monitoring
  • Conducting stakeholder training and extension work on co-management of resources
  • Collection, analysis of fisheries statistics, and compilation of technical reports
  • Supervision of junior staff to ensure implementation of departmental objectives and policies

 2008 – 2009: Conservation Programme Officer, Nature Kenya.


  • Conducting pieces of training for community groups on biodiversity conservation and nature-based enterprises in Kenya’s Important Bird Areas (IBA)
  • Assisting in the development and implementation of the biodiversity conservation program
  • Collection, storage, and analysis of field data and compilation of reports
  • Development of nature-based income-generating activities in collaboration with local communities.

2005 – 2006: Research Fellow, Zoology Department, National Museums of Kenya.


  • Technical assistance and arrangement of expedition logistics for the conservation of IBAs in Kenya
  • Participation in conservation sites monitoring, biodiversity surveys, data compilation, and reporting
  • Co-ordinated departmental series of scientific seminars
  1. 2023-2024: Establishment and development of Joint Co-Management Areas (JCMAs) in Kenya’s near-shore marine waters, Kwale County. A consultancy project funded by the World Bank and the Government of Kenya, for the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Socio Economic Development (KEMFSED) Project
  2. 2021: Development of Integrated Safeguards Screening Checklist and Environmental and Social Management Plan for Hydromet Stations Under Nile Basin Regional Hydromet Project. Funded by Nile Basin Initiative/GIZ
  3. 2020: Technical Support for Development of Environmental and Social Safeguards Instruments for Nile Cooperation for Climate Change (NCCR) Project. Funded by Nile Basin Initiative/World Bank
  4. 2020: Development of Ecosystem Management Plans (EMPs) for Turkana, West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties. Funded by World Vision - Kenya
  5. 2018 – 2020: Performance Assessment of Beach Management Units (BMUs) implementing Fisheries Co-Management Approach in Lakes Turkana and Naivasha, Kenya. Funded by Ruforum through TAGDev Program/MasterCard Foundation; and the National Research Fund
  6. 2019: Biodiversity surveys of Flamingo Horticulture Farms in Naivasha and Mount Kenya regions, Kenya. Kenya. Funded by Flamingo Horticulture (K) Ltd.
  7. 2018/2019: Assessing impacts of climate change on Kenya’s coastal assets, and identifying adaptation and mitigation measures. Funded by UNESCO-IHE Delft and IDOM Consulting/ World Bank
  8. 2018: Migori County disaster risks and adaptation planning workshops. Funded by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Africa
  9. 2015 – 2017: Promoting climate and ecosystem smart livelihoods for climate change adaptation among Yala wetlands communities in Siaya County, Kenya. Funded by PREPARED Project; Ecofinder Kenya/ USAID
  10. 2015/2016: Climate-smart livelihoods for community-based adaptation to climate change in Yala wetland, Kenya.                                       Funded by Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)/ MacArthur Foundation
  11. 2014 – 2015:  An assessment of water-bird breeding success in relation to hydrological regimes in the Tana River Delta, Kenya. Funded by Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA)
  12. 2014 – 2015: A diagnostic multi-stakeholder strategy for conservation of Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea in Kenya. Funded by Rufford Grants Foundation
  13. 2014: Climate vulnerability assessments and stakeholder training on climate change adaptation and livelihoods in Ewaso Nyiro Wetlands and drainage basin. Funded by Wetlands International, Eastern Africa
  14. 2014: Habitat Mapping and Participative Research for Conservation of globally Threatened Blue Swallow in the unprotected Busia Grasslands IBA, Kenya. Funded by Africa Bird Club (ABC)
  15. 2013/2014: Grass-Roots Level Education, Local Awareness and Monitoring for Conservation of Blue Swallow in Western Kenya. Funded by Rufford Grants Foundation
  16. 2011: Avifaunal Surveys of Lake Kenyatta Ecosystem, Kenya. Funded by Africa Bird Club (ABC)
  17. 2011: Local Initiative for Conservation of Blue Swallow, Hirundo Atrecaerulea, and its Habitat Range in Kenya. Funded by Rufford Grants Foundation
  18. 2007– 2008: Conservation status of threatened endemic birds in Gongoni coastal forest reserve, Kenya. Funded by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)

Aquatic (freshwater and marine) sciences

Wildlife management

Fisheries management

Biodiversity conservation

Climate change adaptation and nature-based solutions

  1. Ogoma, M.O. & Koskey, J.C. (2024). Women's Involvement in Fisheries Co-management of the World's Largest Desert Lake, Turkana, Kenya. Journal of Bioresource Management 11 (4), 01-12.
  2. Owiti, M.A., Kibue, G.W. & Ogoma, M.O. (2024). Knowledge About Environmental Dynamics and Attitude Towards Conservation of Saiwa Wetland, Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO 5 (1), 2958-7999.
  3. Akwany, L., Adhiambo, R. & Ogoma, M. (2024). Building Climate Adaptation Pathways: Community Tools and Planning in Yala Wetlands, Kenya. Geography, Earth Science and Environment: Research Highlights 3, 1-23.
  4. Owiti, M. A., Ogoma, M. O. & Kibue, G. W. (2024). Land use land cover change and its potential implications on conservation of Sitatunga antelope in Saiwa wetland, western Kenya. Open Access Research Journal of Science & Technology, 11 (02):001-012. DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2024.11.2.0084
  5. Ogoma, M., Akwany, L. & Adhiambo, R. (2023). Application of Community Climate Change Adaptation Assessment Tools for Climate Adaptation Planning in Yala Wetlands Complex, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 13, 271-290.
  6. Ogoma, M. O., Kirui, B. K., Obwoyere, G. O., Obura, E. O. & Otachi, E. O. (2019). Factors Influencing Capacity of Beach Management Units in Implementing Fisheries Co-Management in Lake Turkana, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 17, 29-49.
  7. Ogoma, M., Obwoyere, G., Kirui, B., Obura, E. & Akwany, L. (2019). Stakeholders’ inclusion and mobilization in co-management of Lake Turkana fisheries, Kenya. East African Journal of Science, Technology & Innovation, 1(1), 1-10.
  8. Ogoma, M., Obwoyere G. O. & Ndanganga P. K. (2014). The birds of Lake Kenyatta, Kenya: a preliminary survey. Bull. Afr. Bird Club. 21(2), 181-186.
  9.  Otieno N.E., Oyieke H., Ogoma M. & Kochey J. (2012). Bird Density and Distribution Patterns in Relation to Anthropogenic Habitat Modification around an East African estuary. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 10(2), 191-200
  1. Maurice O. Ogoma, Leonard O. Akwany and Roniance Adhiambo (2021). Application of Community Climate Change Adaptation Assessment (C3A2) Tools for Climate Adaptation Planning and Action: A case study of Yala Wetlands, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Conference Paper presented during the 6th Nile Basin Development Forum Webinars (February-April, 2021) on 10th March 2021.
  2. Maurice O. Ogoma (2019). Gender, fisheries and food security: women’s involvement in fisheries co-management of Lake Turkana, Kenya. Conference Paper presented during the First East Africa Community-Science, Technology & Innovation (1st EAC-STI) Conference and Academia-Public-Private-Partnership Forum Dialogue, 23rd-25th October 2019, Kampala, Uganda
  3. Maurice O. Ogoma (2018). Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the Lake Victoria Region. Conference Paper presented at the “Bridging Climate Information Gaps to Strengthen Capacities for Climate Informed Decision-making” - towards Migori County Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 16– 17 July 2018 at Florence Hotel supported by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS) and the Africa Development Bank (AfDB).
  4. Maurice O. Ogoma (2017). Kakamega Forest: Biodiversity & ecosystem values. Conference Paper presented during Training Workshops on Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), 25-26 July 2017 at Sheywe Guest House Kakamega for the  “Lake Victoria Freshwater Biodiversity Project” funded by the MacArthur Foundation and coordinated by the IUCN Global Species Programme.
  5. Maurice Ogoma (2016). Climate change and adaptation planning for Yala wetland communities, Kenya. Conference Paper presented during the Meeting of Regional Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG) of the PREPARED Project, 18-20 July 2016 in Entebbe, Uganda.
  1. 2019 - 2021: Mastercard Foundation Scholarship awarded by Ruforum through TAGDev Program at Egerton University for PhD Field Research in Lake Turkana and monthly Stipend
  2. 2019: Inter-University Council for Eastern Africa (IUCEA) Conference Award (air ticket, airport transfer costs, full accommodation for 4 nights, and Conference Package) to attend the first East African Community Science Technology and Innovation Conference, and participate in the Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum (APPPF), and Exhibitions, held in Kampala, Uganda from 23-25th October
  3. 2019: During the IUCEA Conference, I presented a paper entitled "Gender, fisheries and food security: women’s involvement in fisheries co-management of Lake Turkana, Kenya"
  4. 2020: National Research Fund (NRF) Research Award towards my Ph.D. field research in Lakes Turkana and Naivasha for the PhD research project entitled "Evaluating the performance of beach management units in implementing fisheries co-management approach in Lakes Turkana and Naivasha, Kenya".
  5. 2006: DAAD Full Scholarship to study M.Sc. in Tropical Aquatic Ecology at the University of Bremen, Germany from the year 2006-2008. 

Wildlife Management & Ecotourism

Ecology & Natural Resources Management

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Aquatic (Freshwater and Marine) Sciences




1. Millicent Anyango Owiti (NM11/13008/21): MSc. Natural Resource Management - An assessment of habitat change effect on the sitatunga antelope tragelaphus spekii population in Saiwa wetland, Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya.

2.Michael K. Chepkor (NM11/09036/20): MSc. Natural Resource Management - Effect of land use land cover changes on water quality in Lakes Kamnarok and 94 in Baringo County, Kenya. (Ongoing)

3. Beryl Adhiambo (NM11/04114/22): MSc. Natural Resource Management - Assessing the impact of land use changes and surface water variability on water conflict along River Rongai, Kenya. (Ongoing)

4. Gerald E. Osuka (NM11/12176/17): MSc. Natural Resource Management - Assessing the effect of infrastructure development on avian ecology in Hells Gate National Park, Kenya. (Ongoing)

5. Akeno M. Shadrack (NM11/04065/22): MSc. Natural Resource Management - Effectiveness of Maerua edulis roots in purification of water and its ecological and social survey in Tiaty East, Kenya. (Ongoing)


  1. Chairperson, Egerton University Faculty of Environment and Resources Development Welfare Association (FESNASWA)
  2. Member, Environmental Institute of Kenya (EIK)
  3. Member, Kenya Wetlands Biodiversity Research Team (KENWEB)
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