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DR Grace Wanjiru Kibue

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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
Directorate / Dept
Deptment of Natural Resources

Dr. Grace Kibue is a natural resources management and planning expert with interests in water conservation, land restoration and rehabilitation, climate change mitigation and adaptations. Dr. Kibue is involved in various activities with farming and forest adjacent communities aimed at creating awareness and educating them on how human activities may lead to land and natural resources degradation and ultimately contribute to climate change and also working together with them to come up with interventions that can enable them to cope with the changes as well as restore and/ or rehabilitate the degraded resources. She is a lecturer at the Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University teaching water and forest management, Renewable energy and development, impacts of the changing climate on change and natural resources to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Dr. Kibue is a registered Lead Expert with National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and with over 10 years of experience in conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and climate change studies. Dr. Kibue participated in a number of consultancies either as a lead expert or as member of a team of experts in providing consultancy services related to environment and natural resources the Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University.

Google Scholar
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Soil Science (Environmental Science), Nanjing Agricultural University, 2014
  • Master of Science (MSc.): Natural Resources Management (NARE), Egerton University, 2006
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc.): Natural Resources Management (NARE), Egerton University, 2003
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  • Climate variability adaptation and mitigation
  • Carbon footprint and management
  • Natural resources utilization and management
  • Renewable Energy and Clean Development Mechanisms
  • 2024 Course B: Technical review of national inventories reports of anthropogenic emissions by source and removals by sinks of greenhouse gas. UNFCCC
  • 2024.Course A: General and cross-cutting aspects for the technical expert review under the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. UNFCCC
  • 2024  Short Course on Conflict Management and Negotiation in Practice. - Egerton University and Oslo New University College. Credential ID CESAAM/ONH/011
  • 2024   Pedagogy Training for Academic Staff, Egerton University, Kenya,
  • 2023   Competency Based Curriculum Training workshop, Egerton University, Kenya,
  • 2023   Short Course on Programme and Project Cycle Management. -Egerton University and Oslo New University College. Credential ID CESAAM/PM009
  • 2012   Short Course on Biochar Production, Testing and Application- Nanjing, China
  • 2011   E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Publishing of Digital Teaching and Learning Materials, Egerton University
  • 2011  Capacity enhancement in research publication, Egerton, Kenya
  • 2011  Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit  Lead Expert. Reg. No 1075.
  • 2003   Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) at Egerton University
  • 2003   Conflict Resolution at Egerton University, Facilitated by Centre for Conflict Resolution-Kenya 
  • 2002    Gender, poverty and development at Egerton University
  • 2002    Micro-Computer Applications Packages, at Egerton University
  • 2002   Candidates Training Course by Alva Consortium Leadership School in Conjunction with Centre for Women Studies and Gender Analysis, t Egerton University
  • 2002   Community Based First Aid at Egerton University
  • 2024 - Nominated to the roster of experts of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by the Kenya Government through the National Focal Point as a Technical Expert Reviewer of the Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) submitted by all Parties under both the Convention and the Paris Agreement
  • 2023 - Appointed as Program Academic Leader for BSc, Natural Resources
  • 2017-2020   Appointed as Program Academic Leader for PhD, Natural Resources and Peace
  • 2014 to Date      Lecturer, Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University.
  • 2014   Appointed as Coordinator for all Programmes offered at Nakuru Town Campus the the Department of Natural Resources
  • 2014  Appointed Academic Advisor for BSc Ecotourism and Hospitality Management 2012 Class
  • 2006 - 2014       Assistant Lecturer, Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University.
  • 2010                  Coordinating Teaching and Examination time table
  • 2009                  Member of committee of harmonization on B.Sc. NARE and Ecotourism and Hospitality Management Curriculum
  • 2003 –2006       Teaching Assistant, Department of Natural Resources Egerton University.


  1. 2022-2027. Understanding the Influence of Land Use and Catchment Characteristics on Riverine Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics for Improved Water Resource Management in Kenya'. VLIR-UOS. Fredrick Tamoo, Fred Omengo, Grace Kibue and Steve Bouillion
  2. February 2019- December 2019: Nurturing a network of policy analysts for enhanced agricultural development and food nutrition in Kenya under Policies Institutions and Livelihoods for ILRI.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  • Climate variability adaptation and mitigation
  • Carbon footprint and management
  • Natural resources utilization and management
  • Renewable Energy and Clean Development Mechanisms

1. Peer Reviewed

  1. Kibue, G.W, & Kirui, K.B. (2024) Understanding of Connectivity and Interlinkages between Human Activities and Climate Change: Community Perspectives from Kenya -Under Review
  2. Kirui, K.B. & Kibue G.W (2024) Knowledge, Attitude, Perceptions and The Extent Of Integration Of Climate Change and Adpatation at Universities in Kenya-Under Review
  3. Mosse, M. N., Odadi, W. O., & Kibue, G. W. (2024). Anthropogenic Threats to Crocodiles, and the Level and Sociodemographic Determinants of their Utilization in Lower River Tana Basin, Kenya. Tropical Conservation Science, 17, 19400829241241457.
  4. Mosse, M., Kibue, G., & Odadi, W. (2023). Nile Crocodile Nesting Ecology Under Varying Human Disturbance Intensities along Lower River Tana, Kenya. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 12(24), 110-126.
  5. Mwangi, S., Kirui, B. K., & Kibue, G. W. (2022). Awareness and Perceptions of Climate Variability Adaptation among Forest-adjacent Communities in Mau Forest, Kenya. East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, 5(1), 302-329.
  6. Kibue G W (2019). How climate change awareness influences agronomic practices and Biochar adoption. Policy Brief.
  7. Kibue, G. W. (2018). Use of biochar for increased crop yields and reduced climate change impacts from agricultural ecosystems: Chinese farmers perception and adoption strategy. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(21), 1063-1070.
  8. Zhang, D., Pan, G., Wu, G., Kibue, G. W., Li, L., Zhang, X., ... & Liu, X. (2016). Biochar helps enhance maize productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions under balanced fertilization in a rainfed low fertility inceptisol. Chemosphere, 142, 106-113.
  9. Kibue, G. W., Liu, X., Zheng, J., Zhang, X., Pan, G., Li, L., & Han, X. (2016). Farmers’ perceptions of climate variability and factors influencing adaptation: Evidence from Anhui and Jiangsu, China. Environmental Management, 57, 976-986.
  10. Kibue, G. W., Pan, G., Zheng, J., Zhengdong, L., & Mao, L. (2015). Assessment of climate change awareness and agronomic practices in an agricultural region of Henan Province, China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 17, 379-391.
  11. Lashari, M. S., Ye, Y., Ji, H., Li, L., Kibue, G. W., Lu, H., ... & Pan, G. (2015). Biochar–manure compost in conjunction with pyroligneous solution alleviated salt stress and improved leaf bioactivity of maize in a saline soil from central China: a 2‐year field experiment. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(6), 1321-1327.
  12. Lu, H., Lashari, M. S., Liu, X., Ji, H., Li, L., Zheng, J., Kibue G.W., Joseph S., & Pan, G. (2015). Changes in soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity with amendment of biochar-manure compost and pyroligneous solution in a saline soil from Central China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 70, 67-76.
  13. Nyabuto, D. K., Mariga, A. M., & Kibue, G. W. (2015). Growth Performance and Biochemical Analysis of the Genus Spirulina under different Physical and Chemical Environmental Factors.
  14. Kibue, G. W., Pan, G., Joseph, S., Xiaoyu, L., Jufeng, Z., Zhang, X., & Li, L. (2015). More than two decades of climate change alarm: Farmers knowledge, attitudes and perceptions. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(27), 2617-2625.
  15. Liu, X., Li, L., Bian, R., Chen, D., Qu, J., Wanjiru Kibue, G., ... & Zheng, J. (2014). Effect of biochar amendment on soil‐silicon availability and rice uptake. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(1), 91-96.
  16. Liu, X., Ye, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, A., Zhang, X., Li, L., Pan G., Kibue G. W., Zheng J., & Zheng, J. (2014). Sustainable biochar effects for low carbon crop production: a 5-crop season field experiment on a low fertility soil from Central China. Agricultural Systems, 129, 22-29.
  17. Kibue, G. W., Karachi, M. K., Maara, N. T., & Cheboi, E. K. (2011). Perpetuated human-wildlife wars: A case study of the marauding elephants in Mbuvori Small Scale Farms, Embu, Kenya. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, 27(1), 33-48.

2. Book Chapters

1. Recha, C.W., Kibue G. W., Dimri A.P. (2022). Chapter 9 - Meteorological droughts in semi-arid Eastern Kenya,Editor(s): Victor Ongoma, Hossein Tabari, Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather, Elsevier, Pages 145-158, ISBN 9780323884563,


  • March 2019  Using Research Findings ti Inform Policy and Practice: Training Workshop for Researchers in Kenya- ILRI Nairobi Campus
  • May 2013  The 4th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter dynamics, Nanjing, China
  • November 2010 Research Proposal writing workshop for Egerton University Academic Staff - at Egerton, Kenya
  • May 2007- Pedagogy Workshop -Egerton University
  • September 2004 Gender mainstreaming student workshop, World Bank and Egerton University Kenya
  • February 2002 Participated in the Student Leaders Training Workshop at Stem Hotel, Nakuru
  • 12th August 2016-Certificate of Appreciation of Outstanding support, Volunteer Work, Active Participatin and Selfless Service with Positive Impact to the lives of Ndongoro Primay School Pupils.
  • 2011-2014 - Doctorate scholarship from Chinese scholarship council to study inChina, 
  • 9th December 2003- In-Country-Scholarsip by German Academic Echange Services (DAAD) to study Masters of Science
  • 17th October 2002- Best Student Leader by Centre fo Women Studies and Gender Analysis in Conjunction with the Student Initiative for Gender Awareness Awards (SIGA).
  • 13th May 2009- Certificate of Participation for Participating in Environmental Conservation Week. Theme: 'Conserving our Environment for Peace Building, Reconciliation and Sustainable Development."- Faculty of Environment and Resources Development, Egerton University.
  • 11th January 2003- Membership Certificate for Outstanding Contribution to the Youth Wildlife and Environmental Movevement, Egerton Chapter.
  • Clean up the World (United Nations Environmental Programme) in Recognition of Valuable Contribution to the Kenya Campaighn 1999
  • Natural Resources Management
  • Principles of Wildlife Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
  • Research Methods
  1. Millicent Anyango Owiti. An assessment of habitat change effect on the Sitatunga Antelope (Tragelaphus spekii) population in saiwa wetland, trans-nzoia county, kenya, MSc Egerton University, 2024.
  2. Stephen Mwangi. Awareness and perceptions of climate variability adaptation among forest adjacent communities in Eastern Mau Forest, Kenya. MSc. Egerton University, 2023.
  3. Justus M. Musau. Fire disaster preparedness among public secondary schools in Nakuru sub-county, Nakuru County, Kenya. M.A. Mount Kenya University, 2016.
  4.  Sospeter Kimani Ndung’u. A comparative study of the diet and habitat selection between camels (Camelus dromedarious) and reticulated giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis ssp. Reticulata) in a savannah ecosystem, Laikipia, Kenya. Msc. Egerton university, ongoing


  1. Margaret Nyabwari Mosse. Socio-Economic, Institutional and Ecological dynamics of Crocodile Ranching in lower River Tana, Kenya, PhD Egerton University, 2024
  2. Samuel Njagi Ngari. Influence of land use and catchment characteristics on riverine carbon and nutrient dynamics for improved water resource management in kenya, PhD Kenyatta University, Ongoing






  1. Wildlife Conservation and Management Professional society of Kenya
  2. The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
  3. Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK)
  4. National Environmental Management Authority(NEMA)-Lead Expert (Reg No 1075)
  5. University Academic Staff Union (UASU)
  6. Redcross Society of Kenya
  7. Rift Valley Sports Club
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