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Staff Information
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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
Directorate / Dept
Njoro Campus
P.O. Box 536 -20115 Egerton, Njoro

- Institution -                 Egerton University

- Faculty -                     Environment and Resources Development 

- Department -              Environmental Science

- Specialization -          Biodiversity conservation and wetland ecology

- Surname -                  Rongoei

- Research Focus -      Environmental quality

Google Scholar

2018 - Date - PhD programme - University of Eldoret

2004 -  2005 - UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in  Collaboration with the Austrian Academy of Sciences

MSc. Environmental Science (Limnology and Wetland Ecosystem Management)

1999 – 2002 - Egerton University

BSc. Environmental Science

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1991 – 1994 - The Kenya Polytechnic

Diploma in Environmental Studies

Credit Pass

1988 – 1989 - Kaptumo High School

Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE)

2 Principles and 2 Subsidiaries

1984 - 1987 - Kabokyek Adventist Secondary School

Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE)

Division III



Indicators of environmental quality; Water quality and nutrient dynamics in freshwater wetlands; Biodiversity conservation; Linking ecosystem processes and human wellbeing; Ecosystem services and climate change

  • 23rd to 26th January 2024 - attended a competence based pedagogical training organzed by FEDCOS, at Physical Science Complex, Egerton University
  • 7th November 2023 - attended an online seminar on Scientific Publishing an initaitive of the European School of Sustainability Science and Research, the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme and the International Climate Chnage Information and Research Programme, HAW - Hamburg
  • 16th October 2023 - attended a CBET champions' training organized by FEDCOS, Egerton University
  • 16th June 2023 - attended a workshop training for policty formulation on how to write a policy brief at  CMRT, Egerton University

  • 7th - 19th February, 2022 took part in a virtual training on Statistical Data Analysis for Post-
    Graduate Students and Staff using R Programming Language organized by RUFORUM at Makerere University

  • Attended a three week course for Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Audit organized by the School of Environmental Studies, University of Eldoret from 13th to 30th August 2019.
  • 4 – 6th April 2018: Participated in a workshop on “Staff retooling workshop on Agripreneurship and innovation delivery methodologies” organized by TAGDev program, Egerton University.
  • 27th February 2018: Participated in a workshop on “Innovative Proposal Development Workshop”, Egerton University in collaboration with Kenya National Innovation Agency.
  • 30th March 2016: Participated in a workshop on popular scientific writing organized by Tropical Biology Association and TBA Alumni Group Kenya held at the National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi.
  • 30th September 2015: Attended a training workshop of teams to undertake self-assessment of academic programs organized by Directorate of Quality Assurance held in CMRT seminar room, Egerton University.
  • 19th – 21st June 2012: Followed a course on Environmental Data Quality organised by SENSE at the University of Twente, Enschede
  • Training workshop March 2011: Developing Research Capacity among African Environmental Scientists (DRECA) workshop: Oral presentation on “Plant community response to water level changes in a tropical wetland: Nyando, Kenya”.
  • Participated in the Kenya National Training Course on Community and Ecosystem Based Climate Change Adaptation held at Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute in collaboration with Wetlands International from 23rd to 28th August 2010

2013 to Date               Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University


  • Teaching and mentoring both diploma and undergraduate degree students
  • Reviewing undergraduate programme
  • Advising diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate students on issues pertaining to academics.
  • Guiding and supervising undergraduate students in their projects.
  • Co-ordinating field attachment and assessment of students at the department
  • Preparing and updating lecture notes for undergraduate students
  • Preparing and updating practical manuals for undergraduate students
  • Assist in the collection of field research data in on-going research programs in the department.

2006–2013                  Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University

                                    Assistant Lecturer

  • Teaching and mentoring both diploma and undergraduate degree students
  • Advising students on issues pertaining to academics.
  • Assist in the collection of field research data in on-going research programs in the department.
  • Co-ordinating field attachment or internship programs for the students in the department

1997–2006                  Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University

                                    Laboratory Technician

  • Offering technical assistance in the design and execution of laboratory work for diploma and undergraduate students in the department.
  • Conducting undergraduate and diploma academic field trips and excursions.
  • Assist in teaching of diploma classes with the supervision of a senior lecturer.
  • Collecting and preserving plant, soil, animal and geological specimen for student practical

Bioindicators of environmental change; Use of indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation; Wetland ecosystem services and climate change impact and mitigation


Rongoei, P.J.K., Mwasi, S., & Sudoi, V. (2023).Impacts of climate variables and seasonal water depth on emergent macrophyte biomass production in King’wal riverine wetland, Kenya; Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 15(3) 36 - 49 

Rongoei, P.J.K. and S.T. Kariuki, (2020). Seasonal papyrus biomass harvesting patterns and its implications on productivity in Nyando floodplain wetland, Lake Victoria, Kenya: African Environmental Review Journal, 3(2): 35 – 44.

Rongoei, P.J.K. and S.T. Kariuki (2019). Implications of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) biomass harveting on nutrient regulation in Nyando floodplain wetland, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 9: 443-457.

Rongoei, P.J.K. and Outa, N.O. (2016) Cyperus papyrus L. Growth Rate and Mortality in Relation to Water Quantity, Quality and Soil Characteristics in Nyando Floodplain Wetland, Kenya. Open Journal of Ecology, 6: 714 – 735.

Rongoei, P.J.K., Kipkemboi, J. and van Dam, A.A. (2015). Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics of Plant Litter in Nyando Floodplain Wetland, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology 15: 163 -186.

Rongoei, P.J.K., Kipkemboi, J.,Kariuki, S.T., and van Dam, A.A. (2014). Effects of water depth and livelihood activities on plant species composition and diversity in Nyando floodplain wetland, Kenya. Wetlands Ecology and Management 22: 177 – 189.

Rongoei, P.J.K, Kipkemboi, J., Okeyo-Owuor, J.B, and van Dam, A.A. (2013). Ecosystem services and drivers of change in Nyando floodplain wetland, Kenya.  African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 7(5): 274 – 291.

Orwa, P.O., Raburu, P.O., Kipkemboi, J., Rongoei, P., Okeyo-Owuor, J.B., Omari, S. (2013). Use of macroinvertebrate assemblage to asses the ecological intergrity of Nyando wetlands, Kenya. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment 5(7): 152 – 164.

Rongoei, P.J. (2010) Bio-piracy: threat to biodiversity conservation. In: UNESCO Regional Center for Documentation and Research on Bioethics . Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioethics on 12-14 August 2008, Egerton University. pp. 63-73.

Rongoei, P.J. (2005). Assessment of the water cycle and nutrient flow to implement sustainable water reuse in Egerton University. MSc. Thesis, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands. 117p,


1. Presented a paper entitled "Seasonal climate variables affect emergent Macrophytes’ diversity in King’wal Riverine Wetland, Kenya" to the 

10th Conference at University of Eldoret on 21st March, 2023

2. Presented a virtual conference paper in World PhD climate change students' summit entitled, "Seasonal Variation of Macrophytes’ Biomass Productivity in Relation to Water Depth in King’wal Riverine Wetland" organized by Hamburg University, Germany on 9th March 2022

3. 4-6th September 2019: Presented a paper entitled, “Use of indigenous knowledge in ecological restoration: the case of Nandi community, Kenyain the 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference (IIC6) in University of Eldoret.

4. 26th – 28th March 2014: Presented a paper on “Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics of Cyperus Papyrus, Ipomoea Aquatica and Vossia Cuspidata Litter in Nyando Flood plain Wetland, Kenya” in the 8th Egerton University International Conference, Faculty of Education Complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

5. 3rd – 8th June 2012: Attended 9th INTECOL International wetlands conference in partnership with UF/IFAS, SWS & GEER held in Orlando, Florida, USA. Oral presentation entitled, "Response of a papyrus wetland ecosystem to seasonal changes in hydrology and livelihood pressures".

6. International Conference June 2011: Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) and Society for Conservation Biology (SCB Africa section) Africa Joint meeting, Naura Spring Hotel, Arusha Tanzania. Oral presentation on “Impact of harvesting and burning on papyrus vegetation in a changing environment”.

7. Participated in the International Conference on Bioethics from 12th – 14th August 2008 and presented a paper entitled “Bio-piracy: threat to biodiversity conservation”.


ENSC 104 - Environmental Education; ENSC 211 - Biodiversity Conservation; ENSC 341 - Industrial Management and Environment; ENSC 343 - Environmental Pollution and Control; ENSC 333 - Environmental Health; ENSC 334 - Occupational Health and Safety; ENSC 421 - Climate change and Environment; ENSC 443 - Land Degradation and Environment

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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"