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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
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Prof. Elias K. Maranga is an associate professor of systems ecology and microclimatology with a PhD. in Natural Resources Management.He has a wealth of professional experience in research, university teaching and community service,  accumulated over thirty years. His research and administrative  experience is a dual combination of several years of research and administrative  assignments while working for the Kenya Agricultural Research System and supervision of PhD and MSc. academic research projects at the university level. This wealth of experience is evidenced by authorship and co-authorship of over 35 publications including university level books and book chapters as well as refereed journal articles and conference proceedingsProf. Maranga has held administrative positions ranging from Deputy Director level in the former KARI system to Dean of Faculty in Egerton University. Prof. Maranga was Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development between 2019-2021. He has also variously served in the Deans  and Senate special committees. He was  Chair of  the Department of Natural Resources at various times and played a key role  in the formative years of BSc.  curricular development and review of the Natural Resources program, Environmental Science Program, Ecotourism and Hospitality Management program  as well as development of MSc. and PhD programmes of the Department of Natural Resources. He has been instrumental in provision of university service in the development of memoranda for student scholarship and donor funding agencies such as CRSP/Colarado State University collaborative Research project, African Forest Forum, USAID/Winrock International/ Kiboko Range Research Expansion Project among others. He provided premium service as a member of the  steering committee that coordinated and executed the activities of World Environment Day in partnership with NEMA  that were hosted by Egerton University in 2017. He teaches and carries out research in areas of natural esources ecology and management and provides specialist research services and consultancy in natural resources management, agro-ecology, environmental science ( environmental pollution and climate change science), forestry and physiological plant ecology. He supervises and mentors MSc. and PhD. students in disciplines  of natural resources ecology, physiological plant ecology, microclimatology, soil-plant-water relations, forest ecology and carbon and nitrogen  sequestration in forest ecosystems as well as human impacts on biodiversity among others. Prof. Maranga has a strong research focus on biodiversity dynamics and is advertently engaged in systems modelling in unravelling the impacts of disturbances  on the integrity and resilience  of natural ecosystems. Prof. Maranga has served for several years  as an external examiner for a number of public and private universities in East Africa and beyond. He has also provided consultancy services to World Bank/ University of Nairobi in the  review of PhD and MSc.  research grant applications of international students from Asia, Latin America and Africa. Prof. Maranga serves as an Editor of the Journal of Environment, Natural Resources Management and Society of Egerton University as well as  a reviewer of articles for  many local and international  scientific  journals. 



2007: PhD. in Natural Resources Management , Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

1985: MSc. in Geography ( Micro-climatology), University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

1984: MSc. in Range Science, Texas Agricultural and and Mechanical University, College Station, Texas, USA.

1977: BSc. in Geography,  University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.


Prof. Elias Maranga is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. Prof. Maranga has a PhD in Natural Resources Management ( Physiological Plant Ecology). He has a wealth of professional experience in university teaching, research and community service accumulated over thirty years.He provides specialist research services and consultancy in Natural Resources Management,  Agricultural Ecology, Physiological Plant Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Agroforestry, Wildlife Ecology and Management, Climate change impacts on natural and agricultural systems and climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.Prof. Elias Maranga supervises and mentors PhD and MSc.  students in disciplinary areas of Ecosystems ecology, boundary layer climatology, forest fragmentation and carbon storage dynamics, biodiversity dynamics in semi-arid ecosystems in Africa as well as climate variability and change.


2019: Competence Based Curricula: Training  on the basis of the  CBE Model, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

2014: Research Ethics, Certified by University of Washington, U.S.A??

2013: Pedagogical training, Egerton University, Certified by Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

2013:EMS/14001; Environmental Auditor, certified by Kenya Bureau of Standards, Nairobi, Kenya.

2013:EMS/14001; Lead Environmental Auditor, certified by Kenya Bureau of Standards, Nairobi, Kenya.

2011: Transformative Leadership and Corporate Governance; Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya.

2010: RUFORUM/ASARECA/University of Greenwich, U.K/Egerton University;Staff Retooling and E-Content Development

2001: Academic Advising, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

  • DEAN, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development; 2019-2021.
  • ASSOCIATE DEAN: Faculty of Environment and Resources Development; 2013-2018.
  • Associate Professor : Systems ecology and microclimatology;  Department of Natural Resources , 2018 to date.
  • Senior Lecturer: Natural Resources Ecology and Microclimatolology; Department of Natural Resources; 2012-2018.
  • Lecturer: Range Ecology and Management; Department of Natural Resources, 1988-2012.
  • Acting Head of Department of Natural Resources; 2011.
  • Chairman: Faculty of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources Staff Welfare Association, 2001-2002.
  • Head of Department of Natural Resources; 1996-1998. As COD of the Department of Natural Resources, I provided rationalizations to Senate for the establishment of the Faculty  of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources , now the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development.
  • Chairman: Faculty of Environment and Resources Development Research Committee; 2009-2019. I presided over the development of the Journal of Environment, Natural Resources and Society ( JENS) ; A Journal of Egerton University.
  • Chairman:   BSc. Curriculum Development  in Natural Resources Management, Department of Natural Resources; 1989-1992.
  • Secretary: BSc.    Curriculum Development in Environmental Science; 1992-1995.
  • Chairman : Staff Development and Welfare Committee, Department of Natural Resources, 1996-1997.
  • Departmental Representative to the Faculty of Agriculture, 1993.
  • Examination Officer; Department of Natural Resources, 1992-1994.
  • Deputy Director : Kiboko Range Research Expansion Project ( KARI), 1985- August, 1988.
  • Senior Range Research Officer: Kiboko Range Research Station ( KARI), 1984-1988.
  • Range Research Officer, Kiboko Range Research Station ( KARI),   1980-1984.
  • 2020-2022  Research Project:  Anthropogenic drivers of land-use and land cover change in a riparian ecosystem in Taita Taveta County, Kenya.
  • 2016-2020 Research Project : Downscaling climate change information using ensemble regional climate models for adaptation planning with particular reference to the lower Tana River Basin in Kenya.
  • 2015-2019 Research Project: Response mechanisms of livestock farmers to climate change in Central, Eastern and Rift Valley Counties of Kenya.
  • 2016-2019 Research Project : Effects of fragmentation on forest cover dynamics , tree diversity and carbon stocks in Eastern ARC Mountain Forests of Taita Hills, Kenya.
  • 2015-2017  Book Development Project: Cactus and Prosopis species as Famine Feed Resources in Drylands of Kenya; Co-authored Book Project, ISBN 13: 9783330090514.
  •  2010-2012  Book Development  ProjectApplication of Weather Forecasts in Agriculture: Communicating agrometeorological information to Small-holder Farmers in Kenya; Co-authored Book Project, Published by Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH and CO.KG; ISBN 978-3-8465-8854-3.
  • 2009-2010  Book Development Project: Managing Natural Resources for Development in Africa; supported by International Development Research Centre (CRDI), International Institute of Rural Reconstruction ( IIRR), Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture ( RUFORUM), University of Nairobi Press ( UONP).  I was a Steer Committee Member, provided oversight for the Book Project and co-authored two Chapters ;ISBN 9966-792-09-0 ( 978-9966-792-09-9); ISBN (IDRC e-book) 978-1-55250-506-9.
  • 2002-2007  PhD. Thesis Research Project:  Maranga, E.K. (2007): Effects of Acacia tortilis trees on the eco-physiology of herbaceous species in Makueni District, Kenya ( Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya).
  • 2005     EASDA, KARI and Egerton University Project: Critical  knowledge gap analysis  of past research innovations in the thematic areas of livestock production and management in the drylands of Kenya.
  • 1999   Studies of range production and management extension activities in Kenya. Project supported by Kluwer Academic Publications, Netherlands.
  • 1998   Empirical studies of seasonal variability of rainfall in locations to the East and West of the Rift valley. El-Nino phenomenon 
  • 1992-1993  Book Development Project: An undergraduate Text book of Microclimatology;  supported by Egerton University Education Media Centre, Division of Research  and  Extension.  ISBN 9966-838-01-5.
  • 1991 Production characteristics of Acacia tortilis  (Forsk) Hayne: Government of Kenya-USAID-Winrock International supported project
  • 1988   Studies of water pulses on the productivity of savanna ecosystems in Kenya: Government of Kenya-USAID - Winrock International supported project.
  • 1985   Phyto-sociological studies of woody-acacia-herbaceous understorey complex: Government of Kenya-USAID supported project.
  • 1985 KENYA - National Range Research Expansion Project; supported by WINROCK INTERNATIONAL-Human Capacity Building and Research Infrastructure Development in collaboration with the Kenya Agricultural System and Partner Universities in USA ( Colorado State University, New Mexico State University, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University  and University of Nairobi among others: Coordinated the activities of the Project as Deputy Director of the National Range Reserach Station, Kiboko, Kenya. 
  • 1982-1984 MSc. Thesis Research Project: Maranga, E.K.  (1984) : Influence of Acacia tortilis trees on the distribution of Panicum maximum and Digitaria macroblephara in South Central Kenya ( Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, College Station,  Texas, USA).
  • 1982-1985  MSc. Thesis Project: Maranga, E.K. (1985): Water balance studies in relation to tea yields in the Brooke Bond Liebig Estates, Kericho, Kenya ( University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya).
  • 1983  Water relations studies of Panicum maximum and Digitaria macroblephara on a semi-arid rangeland in Kenya. Government of Kenya-USAID supported project.
  • 1983 Studies of environment-feed resource interactions in relation to goat production from savanna ecosystems in Kenya. Government of Kenya-USAID supported project.
  • 1982   Studies of soil  and shrub water relations in a semi-arid rangeland in Kenya. Government of Kenya-USAID supported project

Research in soil-plant-water relations in agronomic and forest ecosystems, Biodiversity dynamics of ecosystems in disequilibrium ( semi-arid and arid ecosystems), weather and climate change variability  and climate change dynamics in relation to farming strategy responses; systems modelling research to unravel the role of disturbance in the integrity and resilience of natural ecosystems.



  1. Ndalilo, L.A., Maranga, E.K. and Kirui, B.K. 2021. Land use and land cover change along river Rumi riparian ecosystem in Kenya. Implications on local livelihoods, Open Journal of Forestry, 11, 206-221
  2. Margaret Syomiti and Elias Maranga. 2021. Evaluation of Cactus ( Opuntia ficus indica) and Prosopis juliflora -based rations on performance of red Maasai weaner lambs in Kenya. International Journal of nnovative Research and Development, vol. 10, Issue 5, May 2021. DOI: 10.24940/ijird/2021/v10/i5/ MAY21005
  3. Maranga, E.K. 2021. Hallmark of a resilient city: Adoption of green infrastructure in African cities. Published in the Open Journal of Forestry, doi: 10.4236/ojf.2021,111005, Paper ID 1620703
  4. Leila Ndalilo, Bernard K. Kirui and Elias Maranga. 2020. Socio-economic drivers of degradation and their implication on conservation of River Lumi riparian ecosystem in Kenya. Open Journal of Forestry 10 (03): 307-319. doi: 10. 4236/ojf.2020.103020
  5. Chemuku Wekesa, Bernard Kibet Kirui, Elias Kingoina Maranga, Gabriel Mukuria Muturi, .2020.The fate of Taita Hills forest fragments: Evaluation of forest cover change between 1973 and 2016 using Landsat Imagery. Open Journal of Forestry, 2020, 10, 22-38
  6. Chemuku Wekesa, Bernard Kirui, Elias Maranga and Gabriel Mukuria Moturi. 2019. Variations in forest structure, tree species diversity and above-ground biomass in edges to interior cores of fragmented forest patches of Taita Hills, Kenya. Forest ecology and management, 440: 48-60. doi:10.1016/J.foreco.2019.03.011        
  7. Ondiko, H. Jackob, Maranga, K. Elias and Eshiamwata, W. George. 2019. Seaonal rainfall and maize yield variability patterns in Baingo South Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2019.
  8. Wekesa, C., Maranga, E.K, Kirui,B.K, Muturi,G.M., and Gathara, M.2018. Interactions between native tree species and environmental variables along forest edge-interior gradient in fragmented forest patches of Taita Hills, Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management 409 (2018) 789-798
  9. Langat David, Maranga Elias, Aboud, A.A and Cheboiwo, J.K. 2018 The value of selected ecosystem services: A  Case study of East Mau Forest Ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Forests, Conscientia Beam, Vol. 5(1), pages 1-10.  doi:10.18488/journal.101.2018.51.1.10
  10. Ketiem, P., Makenzie, P.M., Maranga, E.K. and Omondi, P.A.2017.Integration of climate change information into drylands crop production practices for enhanced food security. A case study of Lower Tana Basin in Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(20), 1763-1771
  11. Langat D.K., Maranga, E.K, A.A. Aboud and Cheboiwo J.K. 2016. Role of Forest Resources to Local Livelihoods: The Case of East Mau
  12. Maranga, E.K. 2016. Effect of Acacia tortilis trees on the nutritive quality of understorey species in truncated ecosystems in Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Research and Review: ISSN- 2360-7971, Vol.4(7):pp529-537
  13. Maranga, E.K. 2016.Interactive effects of quantum flux, transpiration rates, and leaf stomatal  conductance on net CO2 assimilation rates of savannah grasses in Kenya. EPH-International  Journal  of Pharmaceutical , Chemical and Biological sciences, Vol.1, Issue 10, 2016, Paper 14.
  14. Maranga, E.K.2016. Eco physiological implications of cutting Acacia tortilis trees: Evidence from a Kenya savannah. Global Journal of Environmental science and Technology:ISSN-2360-7955, Vol; 4(3):pp 393-404.
  15. Wekesa, C., Leley, N., Maranga, E., Kirui, B.,Muturi, G., Mbuvi, M., and Chikamai, B. 2016. Effects of forest disturbance on vegetation structure and above ground carbon in three isolated patches of Taita Hills. Open Journal of Forestry, 6, pp142-161.
  16. Langat, D.K., Maranga, E.K., Aboud, A.A. and Cheboiwo, J.K. 2016. Role of forest resources to local livelihoods: The case of East Mau Forest Ecosystem, Kenya. International Journal of Forestry Research, Article ID 4537354, 10pages.
  17. Alfayo, K., Maranga, E.K. and Obonyo, M. 2016. Grazing intensity contributes to cyanogenic toxicity in savannah grasses in Baringo County. International  Journal of Biological Research , 4(2), pp91-                      96.
  18. Langat, D.,Maranga, E.K., Cheboiwo,J., and Aboud, A.A.2015. Forest use and dependence by forest adjacent households on East Mau Forest Ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development , Vol. 3(10): pp 326-337. 
  19. Langat, D.K., Maranga, E.K., Cheboiwo , J.K., and Aboud, A.A. 2015.The indirect use values of East Mau Forest Ecosystem, Kenya. Global Journal of Environmental science and Technology : ISSN-2360-7955, Vol. 3(10).
  20. Margaret Syomiti, Elias Maranga, Obwoyere, O.G and GetachewGebru Tegegn. 2015. The adaptive and coping strategies of pastoralists to climate change in Baringo, Laikipia and Nyeri counties of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development , Vol. 27, No. 12, Dec. 2015.
  21. Syomiti, M., Maranga, E., Obwoyere, G., Gebru, G. and Dana, H. 2014.  Chemical composition of Cactus species and Prosopis juliflora as Drought resilient Feed resources in Kenya. Journal of Environment, Natural Resources Management and Society of Egerton University (JENRMS) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 41-47.
  22. Owino, J.O., Waweru, F.K. and Maranga, E.K. 2014. Ecological response of Chloris  roxburghiana to livestock and wildlife grazing in Chyulu Hills National Park and Environs, Kenya. Journal of Natural Resources Management and Society of Egerton University (JENRMS) Volume 3, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 100-115 ISSN: 2079-8237.
  23. Makenzi, P., Ketiem, P. Omondi, P., Maranga, Elias and Wekesa, C. 2013. Trend analysis of climate change and its impacts on crop productivity in the Lower Tana River Basin, Kenya. Octa Journal of Environmental Research.,Vol. 1 (4)237-248.:
  24. Maranga, EK. 2011.Leaf conductance and soil water statusin Panicum maximum Jacq. in disturbed  and non-disturbed microsites on a semi-aid savanna in Kenya. Joournal of Agricultural  Science and  Technology, V0l. 13(2)
  25. Maranga, E.K. 1999. A review of range  production and management extension activities in Kenya. Journal of Agrriculture and Environmental Ethics , 11: 131-144, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  26. Maranga, E.K., M.J. Trlicaand F.Smeins.1983. Water relations of Panicum maximum and Digitaria macroblephara on a semi arid rangeland in Kenya. East African Agriculture Forestry Journal,                           Vol. 48, No. 4, pages 74-80.



  1. Syomiti Margaret, Maranga, Elias. 2017. Cactus and Prosopis spp as Famine Feed Resources in Drylands of Kenya. ISBN 10:3330090510/    ISBN 13: 9783330090514 (BOOK)
  2. Zendera,W., Obwoyere, G.O., and Maranga,E.K. 2012. Application of Weather Forecasts in Agriculture: Communicating Agro meteorological Information to Smallholder Farmers in Kenya.  Published by Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH  and CO. KG ISBN978-3-8465-8854-3 (BOOK)
  3. Maranga,E.K., Mugabe, P.H.,  and Bagine, R.K. 2010. Concepts, Theories and Principles of Natural Resources Mnagement ( Chapter 2 In Washington, O., Bekalo, I., and Sanginga, C. ( Eds.). Managing Natural Resources for  Development in Africa: A Ressource Book.ISBN 9966-792-09-0( 978-9966-792-09-9); ISBN ( IDRC e-book) 978-1-55250-506-9
  4. Bagine, R.K., Kironchi, G. and Maranga, E.K. 2010.  Integrated Natural Resource Mnagement. In Washington, O., Bekalo, I., and Sanginga, C. ( Eds.). Managing Natural Resources for  Development in Africa:  A Resource Book.ISBN 9966-792- 09- 0 ( 978-9966-792-09-9); ISBN (IDRC e-book) 978-1-55250-506-9...
  5. Maranga, E.K. 1993. Microclimatology Text book for University students. Egerton University Press, Educational Media Centre. ISBN9966- 838-01-5.
  6. Maranga, EK. 2005. Livestock production and management in the drylands of Kenya. A critique of past research and innovations. In, Njoka, E.M., Kinyua, H.G., and Mwangi, R.W. ( Eds.) Greening the brown: Progress and Prospects; Egerton University Press,Njoro, Kenya. ISBN  9966-838-95-X., USDA Publication.



  1. Maranga, E.K. 1998. A dossier of aspects of seasonal variability of rainfall in ecozone III and IV in Kenya. In: Proceedings of a workshop on El- Nino phenomena and response farming strategies . Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya,  14th.-16th. July 1998
  2. Kamau, P.N. and Maranga, E.K. 1992. Effects of Environment, botanical composition and nutrition on goat production on Acacia savanna in Kenya. In :Stares, J.E.S , Said, A.N., and Kategile, J.A ( Eds.).The complementarity of feed resources for animal production in            Africa . Proceedings of the joint feed resources network workshop held in Gaberone, Botswana, 4th-8th. March 1991. Africa feeds  Research Network, 430pages.
  3. Maranga, E.K. 1990. Utilization of research results in range production and management systems in Kenya. In: Dzowela , B.H., Said, A.N.,Asrat Wendem Agenebu and Kategile, J.A.( Eds.).Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product materials asanimal feed resources in Africa. PANESA/ARNAB/ ( Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Africa/Africa Research Network for Agricultural by-products). Proceedings of the first joint workshop held in Lilongwe , Malawi, 5th.-9th. December, 1988. PANESA/ARNAB, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, 833pages.
  4. Maranga, E.K. and Hayanga, R.A.  1989. Water relations of the tea plant in relation to tea yields in Kericho, Kenya. In: Proceedings of the National workshop on Meteorological Application and Services , 25th.-28th. September, 1989; Nairobi, Kenya
  5. Maranga, E.K. 1988. The role of water pulses on the productivity of savanna ecosystems in Kenya. In: Proceedings of th Pasture Network of Eastern and Southern Africa, Workshop held in Arusha, Tanzania, 27th-30th. April 1988.
  6. Maranga, E.K. 1986. An ecological perspective of the phyto-sociology of woody-Acacia herbaceous understorey complex. In: Richard, M. Hansen, Benson, M.Woie and R.Denis Child  ( Eds.). Range Development and Research in Kenya. Proceedings of a Conference held at  Egerton College, Njoro, Kenya, 1st-5th. April 1986; pages 243-252.
  7. Trlica, M.J. , R.D. Child and Maranga, E.K. 1983. Soil and shrub water relations on a semi-arid rangeland in Kenya.In: Proceedings of  the 36th. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.




  1. Maranga, E.K. 2007. Effects of Acacia tortilis trees on the eco-physiology of herbaceous species in Makueni District, Kenya. PhD.Thesis., Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  2. Maranga, E.K. 1985. Water balance studies in relation to tea yields in the Brooke Bond Liebig Eststes, Kericho, Kenya. MSc. Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  3. Maranga, E.K. 1984. Influence of Acacia tortilis on the distribution of Panicum maximum and Digitaria macroblephara in South Central Kenya, MSc. Thesis , Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, College Station, Texas, USA.
  • 2020: 13th. Egerton University International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Research and Transformation  for Sustainable Development , organized by Egerton University in collaboration with TAGDEV, RUFORUM, NRF , CESAAM and Master-Card Foundation. Participated as a member of the Webinar Team and Rapporteur ; synthesized policy briefs from research papers presented ( 24-26 November 2020).
  • 2018 : 12th. International Conference and Innovation Week: Knowledge and innovation for social and economic development , Egerton University Njoro, Kenya. Served as a committee member and chairperson of a session ( 27th-29 March, 2018).
  • 2017:   Regional Workshop on New and Emerging Issues in African Forestry; participated as a team member from the East African Region on deliberations concerning training needs, curricular content revision and development of training modules on new and emerging issues in African Forestry targeting key stakeholders in government, civil society, private sector, academic and research institutions in the development of all inclusive forest compatible development (23rd.-26th. October 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania).
  • 2017: Competence Based Education Workshop  on Harmonization of of Faculty Programs using the CBE Model for Associate Deans, Deans and Directors, Egerton University, Tumaini Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.
  • 2014: 8th. Egerton University International Conference: Presesented co-authored paper, titled: Impacts of climate change on potential maize production zones in the Lower Tana Basin, Kenya ( 26th.-28th. March 2014, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya)
  • 2014: Egerton University International Conference: Presented co-authored research  paper, titled: Evaluation of the performance of regional climate models in simulating rainfall characteristics of Eastern Africa with a focus on CORDEX-Africa ( 26-28th. March 2014, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya).
  • 2013: Workshop organized by the Tanzania Society of Animal Production: Presented a co-authored  research paper titled: Characterization of local  climate change adaptation strategies in livestock feeds and feeding systems in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties of Kenya ( 22nd. - 25th. October 2013, Olasit Gardens, Arusha, Tanzania).
  • 2013: EAAPP- Mini-conference: Presented co-authored  research paper titled: Green house gas mitigation potential of Biochar and Bentonite in Urea-treated maize stover-based feed blocks by dairy steers ( 29th.-31st. October 2013, Morendat Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya).
  • 2013: First Africa Food Security Conference: Presented co- authored research paper titled: Characterization of gender dimensions in livestock feeds and feeding systems in relation to local climate change adaptation strategies in Baringo County of Kenya (  20th. -21st. August 2013, UNEP, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya).
  • 2009-2010:Book Development  Write-shops in the Authorship of Postgraduate University Text-book ( Resource Book)  titled: Managing Natural Resources for Development in Africa, supported by CRDI, IIRR, RUFORUM,and University of Nairobi.
  •  2002: Dryland Farming Workshop:  Greening the Brown: Served in the Steering Technical Committee in preparation of the workshop and presented a scientific paper ( 20th. -24th. January 2002, Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya).
  • 1998: El Nino Phenomenon and Response Farming Strategies workshop: Presented a technical paper ( 14th. -16th. July 1998,  Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya).
  •  1997: Writing Workshop on Surveying and Mapping; Kenya Institute of Education; Participated as Resource person and chaired sessions ( 21st.-25th. April 1997
  •  1997: Workshop on Preparation of Regional Development Plan for Nakuru District: Key Resource Person and presented a paper on Identification and Management of Natural Resources ( April 1997, Nakuru Provincial Headquarters, Nakuru, Kenya).
  • 1993. Australia Pacific Extension Conference on Agriculture, Land Care, Health Issues and Role of Women in Agriculture: Presented a paper ( 12th. -14th. October 1993, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia).
  • 1991: Feed Resources Network Workshop ( AFRENET): Presented a research paper( 4th.-8th. March 1991, Gaberone, Botswana, Arusha-Tanzania).
  • 1988: Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Africa ( PANESA) Workshop; Presented a paper ( 27th.-30th. April1988, Lilongwe, Malawi).
  • 1988: Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Africa ( PANESA) Workshop: Presented a paper ( 27th.-30th. April, 1988, Arusha, Tanzania).
  •  1986: Range Development and Research Workshop: Presented a research paper (1st.- 5th. April 1986,  Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya).
  • 1985: Wildlife-Livestock Interfaces on Rangelands Confetrence: Presented a paper ( 22nd.-25th. April 1985, Taita Hills Lodge, Kenya).
  • 1983: 36th. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management:Presented a paper ( 14th. -17th. February 1983, Alburquerque, New Mexico, USA).
  • 1982: National Conference on Grazing Management Technology: Resource Person ( 10th. -12th. November 1982, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA).


  •   IDRC, IIRR, RUFORUM: Natural Resources Management Textbook      Authorship Project, 2009-2011
  • PhD. Tuition waiver; staff development, Egerton University (2002-2007).
  • Egerton University, School of Continuing Education MILS 0326, Geography II. Joint book authorship Project, 2002.
  • Egerton University Division of Research and Extension, Research award for a project examining the ecological perspectives of the dynamics of Acacia- wooded savannas, 1994-1995.
  •  Egerton University, Division of Research and Extension award for Microclimatology Textbook Authorship Project (1990-1993).
  • Merit postgraduate scholarship for M.Sc. Training, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University (1982-1984).
  • Merit postgraduate scholarship for M.Sc. Training, University of Nairobi (1979-1982): Graduated with an A- (Average), B.Sc. Coursework.  


  • Teach diverse courses at the undergraduate level embracing disciplinary domains of Range Management and Ecology, Grazing Management, Climatology, Geography, Range plant Eco-physiology, Introduction to the physical Environment of the Earth, Principles of Environmental science, among others.
  •  Lecturer in two different disciplinary domains in view of my specializations in Natural Resources Ecology and Geography.
  • NARE 331: Climatology
  • NARE 421:Range plant ecophysiology
  • NARE 421: Wildlife Management
  • NARE 212: Principles of Range management
  • NARE 448: Grazing Management
  • NARE 341: Scientific report writing in natural resources disciplines
  • NARE   ?     Research Methods


  • NARE 711: Range plant ecophysiology
  • NARE 730:?Applied climatology
  • NARE 771: Seminars in natural resources management


  • NARE 842: Natural Resources Management.
  1. Koech Oscar Kipchirchir M.Sc.: Effects of Prosopis juliflora seedpod meal supplement on weight of weaner Galla goats (University of Nairobi), 2010.       2.Jesse Omondi Owino M.Sc. : Effects of livestock and wildlife grazing on botanical composition and primary productivity of selected graminoid species in Chyulu Hills National Park, Kenya ( Egerton University), 2013.  
  2. Willard Zendera M.Sc.: Access and utilization of agro meteorological information by small holder irrigation farmers in Kenya ( Egerton University),  2011.                                                                                                       
  3. Mohamed G.Shibia M.Sc: Effects of grazing management on forage production and rangeland condition In IL Ngwesi Group Ranch, Laikipia North District, Kenya ( Egerton University) , 2010.   
  4. Alfayo Koskey M.Sc: Influence of grazing intensity on cyanogenic toxicity of Baringo savanna grasses in Kenya ( Egerton University), 2016.
  1. David K. Langat Ph.D:Evaluation of factors influencing household forest dependence: A case study of communities living in and adjacent to East Mau Forest, Kenya ( Egerton University), 2016.
  2. Patrick K. Ketiem Ph.D: Downscaling climate change information using ensemble regional climate models  for adaptation planning : A case study of the lower Tana River Basin in Kenya (Egerton University), 2016.   
  3. Francis Opiyo  PhD:Climate variability, vulnerability and change in adaptation strategies among   Turkana pastoralists in Northwestern Kenya ( University of Nairobi)   2014.                                                                  
  4. Wasonga Oliver  PhD : Land use, land degradation and poverty in semi-arid rangelands of Kenya. The case of Baringo District (University of Nairobi) 2009.                                                                   
  5. Wekesa Chemuku Ph.D: Effects of fragmentation on forest cover dynamics, tree diversity and carbon  stocks in Eastern ARC Mountain Forests of Taita Hills, Kenya (Egerton University), 2018. 
  6. Margaret Syomiti, PhD: Evaluation of cactus (opuntia ficus-indica) and Prosopis juliflora as potential feed resources in drought-prone areas of Kenya. 2021 ?? (submitted thesis for external examination).
  7. Leila Akinyi Ndalilo, PhD: Effects of land-use and land-cover change on forest structure, tree species diversity and household livelihoods in River Lumi riparian ecosystem, Taita Taveta County, Kenya, 2021. (In Progress)
  1. Member of Natural Resource Management Professionals
  2. Member of the Meteorological Society of Kenya
  3. Member of the Society of Range Management
  4. Member of the Kenya Forestry Society
  5. Member of the Professional body of Lead auditors; ISO-14001 ( EMS).
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