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Dr Tobias O. Okeno

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Egerton University, P.O Box 536, 20115-Egerton: Office: CoELIB Centre, 8 Maringo Road

Dr. rer agr. Tobias O. Okeno is a lecturer of Animal Breeding and Genomics at the of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University. He is also the Exacutive Secretary for African Animal Breeding Association. He was the Ag. Manager, Tatton Agriculture Park (TAP) as from January 2017 to August 2021. He holds a doctoral degree in Animal Breeding and Genomics from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Dr. Okeno received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Animal Production from Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. He worked for four years as a research postdoctoral fellow in Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Centre for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research areas include development of breeding goals and design of breeding programs for different livestock species such but not limited to dairy cattle, shoats, poultry and swine. He is currently involved in teaching, research, mentoring and supervision of postgraduate students in areas of Animal Production and Breeding and Genomics. Dr. Okeno is also involved in design of Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and design of online modules for blended-learning. He participates in development of guidelines for Genetically Modified Animal Research in Kenya with National Biosafety Authority. Dr. Okeno has authored and coauthored two books and 49 peer reviewed research publications. He is consulting for several commercial dairy cattle, swine and poultry farms in East Africa.


2012: PhD in Animal Breeding and Genomics - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

2007: Master of Science in Animal Production (Animal Breeding and Genetics Option) - Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

2004: Bachelor of Science in Animal Production - Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

  • Animal production
  • Animal breeding and genomics
  • General livestock management and production
  • Computer simulations
  • Livestock Breeding Programs
  • Blended-Learning
  • Animal Science Postgraduate Club (Egerton University)
  • Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK)
  • Kenya Animal Breeding and Genomic Association (KABGA
  • Animal Breeding and Genomics Group (Egerton University
  • Animal Genetics Resource Group (Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization)
  • African Animal Breeding Academy (AABA)

Completed research projects I have actively participated in

  1. Reproductive performances of dairy and indigenous goats, and their crosses in Kenya – Sponsored by Sponsored by Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Michigan State University, USA (2017-2020)

  2. Genetic diversity, growth performance, disease resistance and response to selection of indigenous chicken in Rwanda. Sponsored by Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Michigan State University, USA (2017-2020)

  3. Optimizing breeding systems incorporating protein yield and mastitis resistance in dairy cattle breeding goal in Kenya. Sponsored by Center of Excellence in Livestock Innovation and Business (CoELIB), Kenya (2020)

  4. Evaluation of rates of genetic gain for alternative indigenous chicken breeding programmes in Kenya. Sponsored by Word Bank, through Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management, Kenya (2020)

  5. Phenotyping strategies in genomic selection – Sponsored by Pig Research Centre and EU in Denmark (2017)

  6. Evaluation of breeding strategies for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya – Sponsored by Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) (2006).

  7. Indigenous chicken productivity for improved livelihood in Kenya -Funded by the Kenya Government/World Bank sponsored Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project, Competitive Agricultural Research Grant System (2009)

  8. Phenotypic characterisation of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) genetic resources in Kenya - Funded by the International Foundation of Science (IFS) (2009)

  9. Value Chains for Poverty Reduction in the Agri-Food Sector – Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education (ValueLead) - Funded by European Union  (2012)

  10. Production Systems, Breeding Objectives and Selection Schemes for Indigenous Chicken Genetic Resources in Kenya - (PhD Research) Sponsored by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Bonn, Germany (2012)


Ongoing research projects I am participating in

  1. East African Regional Network of Excellence in Dairy Training (EARNED).  This program aims at development of online content and platform for dairy training in Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. It is supported by Orange Knowledge Program, The Netherlands

  2. Strengthening Agriculture TVET Teacher Training in Kenya and the Netherlands. The aims at development of Competence Based Curriculum for TVET teacher training in Kenya. It is supported by Orange Knowledge Program, The Netherlands

  3. New Horizons for Food Security and Agri-Education in South Sudan. Supported by Orange Knowledge Program, The Netherlands

  4. Development of Guidelines for Genetically Modified Animal Research in Kenya. Supported by National Biosafety Authority, Kenya.

  5. Dairy goat breeding program for Climate Smart production in Kenya. Sponsored by Climate Smart Agriculture

  6. Capacity Building for Strengthening the Livestock Value Chain (NICHE) – Sponsored Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE)

  7. Improving Indigenous Chicken Productivity for Enhanced Livelihood and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa (InCIP) – Sponsored by European Development Fund through Africa Union.

  8. Analysis of milk yield gap in smallholder dairy cattle production systems in Kenya

  9. Analysis of survivability and reasons for culling of dairy cattle herds in Kenya commercial farms

  10. Productive and reproductive performances of dairy cattle in high input production system.


Genetic and economic aspects of breeding indigenous animal genetic resources. Breeding objectives, strategies and programs. Computer simulations, experimental and observational population, quantitative and molecular genetics. Genomic selection, Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), QTL analysis, animal welfare, health and disease resistance.


Scientific journal articles

  1. Waineina, R., Okeno, T.O., and Ilatsia, E., Ngeno, K. 2022. Selection signatures analyses revealed genes associated with adaptation, production and reproduction in selected goat breeds in Kenya. (Accepted in Frontiers in Genetics, Livestock Genomics)

  2. Ndung’u, C. W., Musaya, T.K. and Okeno, T.O. 2021. Optimization of response to selection using genomic selection in indigenous chicken breeding programmes. South African Journal of Animal Science, 51; 724-734.
  3. Habimana, R., Ngeno K., Okeno, T.O., Hirwa, C.D., Tiambo, C.K. and Yao, N.K. 2021. Genome-Wide Association Study of Growth Performance and Immune Response to Newcastle Disease Virus of Indigenous Chicken in Rwanda. Frontiers in Genetics, 12: 01-13.
  4. Waineina, R., Ngeno, K., Okeno, T.O., and Ilatsia, E. 2021. Performance of dairy goat genotypes in different production systems in Kenya. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20, 111-117.
  5. Waineina, R. W., Ngeno K., Okeno, T.O. and Ilatsia, E. D. 2021. Genetic diversity and population structure among indigenous and imported goat breeds in Kenya. Genetic Resources, 2: 25–35.
  6. Gore, L. D., Okeno, T.O., Muasya, T. K. and Mburu. J. 2021.Improved response to selection in dairy goat breeding programme through reproductive technology and genomic selection in the tropics. Small Ruminant Research, 106397;
  7. Amayi, A.A. Okeno, T.O., Gicheha, M. and Kahi, A.K. 2021. Breeding dairy goats for disease resistance is profitable in smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 197:
  8. Habimana, R., Ngeno, K., Mahoro J., Ntawubizi, M., Shumbusho, F., Manzi, M., Hirwa, C.A. and Okeno, T.O. 2021. Morphobiometrical characteristics of indigenous chicken ecotype populations in Rwanda. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53:24 (2021) 53:24
  9. Gore, L. D., Mburu. J,  Okeno, T.O. and Muasya, T. K. 2020. Short-term oestrous synchronisation protocol following single fixed-time artificial insemination and natural mating as alternative to long-term protocol in dairy goats. Small Ruminants Research, 192:
  10. Ndung’u, C. W., Okeno, T.O. and Musaya, T.K. 2020. Pooled parameter estimates for traits of economic importance in indigenous chicken in the tropics. Livestock Science, 239; 104102:
  11. Gore, L. D., Muasya, T. K., Okeno, T.O. and Mburu. J. 2020. Comparative reproductive performance of Saanen and Toggenburg bucks raised under tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52:2653-2658.
  12. Habimana, R., Ngeno K.,Shyaka, A., Ntawubizi, M., Mahoro, J., Hiwa, C., Ingabire., Kiptui, L., Gafarasi, M. I. and Okeno, T.O. 2020. Growth performance and immune response to Newcastle disease in four gene pools of indigenous chicken in Rwanda. Genetic Resources, 2: 42-50.
  13. Habimana, R., Okeno, T.O., Ngeno, K., Mboumba, S., Assami, P., Gbotto, A. A., Keambou, C. T., Nishimwe, K., Mahoro, J. and Yao, N. 2020. Genetic diversity and population structure of indigenous chicken in Rwanda using microsatellite markers. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0225084:
  14. Sagwa, C. B., Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A.K. 2019. Including protein yield and mastitis resistance in dairy cattle breeding goal optimizes response to selection. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49; 1148-1157.
  15. Sagwa, C. B., Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A.K. 2019. Increasing reproductive rates of both sexes in dairy cattle breeding optimizes response to selection. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49; 654-663.:
  16. Sorensen, P. Okeno, T.O. and A.J. Buitenhuis 2017: The motivation of hens to lay eggs on the floor in non-cage system has a heritable background. European Poultry Science (EPS), 81. 2017, ISSN 1612-9199, © Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. DOI:10.1399/eps.2017.19:,QUlEPTU0Njg5NzgmTUlEPTE2MTAxNA.html
  17. Amayi, A.A. Okeno, T.O., Gicheha, M. and Kahi, A.K. 2016. Breeding systems for genetic improvement for dairy goats in smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 144:176-183.
  18. Khobondo, J.O., Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A. K. 2015. Genomic composition factors affect codon usage in porcine genome. African Journal of Biotechnology, 14: 341-349.
  19. Wahinya P.K., Okeno T.O., Kosgey I.S. and Kahi A.K. 2015. Economic and Biological Values for Pasture-Based Dairy Cattle Production Systems and their Application in Genetic Improvement in the Tropics. Journal of Animal Production Advances 5: 664-67.
  20. Khobondo, J.O., Muasya, T.K., Miyumo, S., Okeno, T.O., Wasike, C.B., Mwakubambanya, R., Kingori, A.K. and Kahi, A.K. 2015. Genetic and Nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 27.
  21. Khobondo, J.O., Okeno, T.O., Lihare, G.O., Wasike, C.B. and Kahi, A.K. 2014. The past, present and future genetic improvement of indigenous chicken of Kenya. Animal Genetic Resource, 55: 125-135.
  22. Okeno, T.O., A.K. Kahi and Peter, K.J. 2013. Evaluation of breeding objectives for purebred and crossbred selection schemes for adoption in indigenous chicken breeding program. British Poultry Science 54, 62-75.
  23. Okeno, T.O., Magothe, T.M., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2013. Breeding objectives for indigenous chicken: Model development and application to different production systems. Tropical Animal Health and Production 45, 193-203.
  24. Ngeno, K., T.M. Magothe, T.O. Okeno, B.O. Bebe and A.K. Kahi, 2013. Heritabilities and Correlations Between Body Weights and Growth Curve Parameters of Indigenous Chicken Populations Reared Intensively in Kenya. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences, 6: 43-52.
  25. Okeno, T.O., Magothe, T. M., Kahi, A. K. and Peters, K. J. 2012. Application of risk-rated profit model functions in estimation of economic values for indigenous chicken breeding. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44, 1279-1287.
  26. Okeno, T.O., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2012. Characterization of indigenous chicken production systems in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44, 601-608.
  27. Magothe, T.M., Okeno, T.O., Muhuyi, W.B. and Kahi, A.K. 2012. Indigenous chicken production in Kenya: Prospects for research and development. World’s Poultry Science Journal 68, 133-144.
  28. Magothe, T.M., Okeno, T.O., Muhuyi, W.B. and Kahi, A.K. 2012. Indigenous chicken production in Kenya: Current status. World’s Poultry Science Journal 68, 119-132.
  29. Okeno, T.O., Bett, R.C., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2011. Economic values for resistance to helminthosis and Newcastle disease in indigenous chicken in tropics. Journal of Veterinary Advances 1, 1-10.
  30. Okeno, T.O., A.K. Kahi and Peter, K.J. 2010. Breed selection practices and traits of economic importance for indigenous chicken in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 23, (209)
  31. Okeno, T.O., Kahi, A.K. and Peter, K.J.  2010. Household flock structure, dynamics and breeding practices of indigenous chicken production systems in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 76, 53-59.
  32. Okeno, T.O., Kosgey, I.S. and Kahi, A.K. 2010. Economic evaluation of breeding strategies for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42, 1081-1086.
  33. Okeno, T.O., Kosgey, I.S. and Kahi, A.K. 2010. Genetic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42, 1073-1079.
  34. Kaingu, F.B., Kibor, A.C., Shivairo, R., Kutima, H., Okeno, T.O., Waihenya, R. and Kahi, A. K. 2010. Prevalence of gastro-intestinal helminthes and coccidia in indigenous chicken from different agro-climatic zones in Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5, 458 -462.
  35. Ilatsia, E.D., Githinji, M., Muasya, T.K., Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A.K. 2008. Variance components and genetic parameter estimates for growth traits of Large White pigs in Kenya. South African Journal of Animal Science 38, 166-173.
  36. Kahi, A.K., Ng’ang’a, S.K., Mbuku, M.S., Okeno, T.O. and Ambula, M.K. 2004. Productive and reproductive performance of purebred Bos taurus cattle in three large scale farms in Kenya. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3, 846-851.



  1. Okeno, T.O. 2013. Production Systems, Breeding Objectives and Selection Schemes for Indigenous Chicken Genetic Resources in Kenya. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-89574-809-7.

  2. Okeno, T.O. 2012. Breeding Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle. LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN 978-3843362146.

Refereed conference proceedings

  1. Chepsiror, C., Ilatsia, E. and Okeno, T.O. 2022. Economic Values for Climate Change Responsive Traits to Develop a Sustainable Dairy Cattle Breeding Goal in the Tropics. The 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rottadam, The Netherlands, 3rd -8th July 2022.
  2. Waineina, R.,  Okeno, T.O., Ilatsia, E. and Ngeno, K. 2022. Selection signatures analyses revealed genes associated with adaptation in selected goat breeds in Kenya. The 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rottadam, The Netherlands, 3rd -8th July 2022.
  3. Waineina, R., Ngeno, K., Okeno, T.O., and Ilatsia, E 2021. Population structure and genetic relationship of selected goat breeds in Kenya. Proceedings of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project Scientific and Exhibition Conference, Lake Naivasha Resort. 22nd – 26th November 2021.

  4. Magothe, T.M., Ngeno, K., Iltatia, D. and Okeno, T.O. 2021. Innovative Insemination Protocol for Indigenous Chicken. Proceedings of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project Scientific and Exhibition Conference, Lake Naivasha Resort. 22nd – 26th November 2021

  5. Gore, L. D., Muasya, T. K., Okeno, T.O., and J. Mburu 2020. Combination of scrotal and semen characteristics is more informative when selecting dairy goat bucks for breeding. Proceedings of the 13th Egerton University International Virtual Conference, 24th -26th November 2020.

  6. Magothe, T.M., Okeno, T.O., Ilatsia, E.D., Miyumo, S., Ouko, V.O., Ngeno, K., Alaru, P.A.O. and T.O. K’Oloo, 2020. Ecotype of indigenous chicken contributes to external and internal egg quality characteristics. Proceedings of the 13th Egerton University International Virtual Conference, 24th -26th November 2020

  7. Ndung’u C., Muasya, T.K. and Okeno, T.O 2020. Use of pooled genetic parameters minimizes bias when evaluating response to selection in indigenous chicken breeding program. Proceedings of the 13th Egerton University International Virtual Conference, 24th -26th November 2020

  8. Ndung’u C., Okeno, T.O. and Muasya, T.K. 2019. Meta-analysis of production, reproduction and disease resistance traits parameters for indigenous chicken in the tropics. Animal Production Society of Kenya Scientific Symposium, Hotel Waterbuck, Nakuru, Kenya, 9th - 11th April 2019.
  9. Waineina, R.W., Ngeno, K., Okeno, T.O. and Ilatsia, E.D. 2019. Performance of dairy goat genotypes in different production systems in Kenya. Tanzanian Society of Animal Production (TSAP) Conference. St. Gaspar Hotel and Conference Centre, Dodoma, Tanzania. 23rd to 25th October 2019.
  10. Sagwa, C. B., T. O. Okeno & A. K. Kahi 2018. Economic Values for Protein Yield and Mastitis Resistance in Dairy Cattle in Kenya. 12th Egerton University International Conference, FEDCOS Complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya, 27th – 29th March 2018, Book of Abrstact pp 100.
  11. Sagwa, C. B., Okeno, T.O.  & A. K. Kahi 2018. Including mastitis resistance in the dairy cattle breeding goal optimizes response to selection. Animal Production Society of Kenya Scientific Symposium, Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki, Kenya, 4th - 6th April 2018.
  12. Habimana, R., T.O.Okeno, K.Ngeno, S.Mboumba, P.Assami, C.T. Keambou & N.Yao 2018. Four gene pools of Rwandese indigenous chicken based on microsatellite markers. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland New Zealand, 11-16 February 2018.
  13. Sagwa, C. B., T. O. Okeno & A. K. Kahi 2018. Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer with X-sorted semen optimizes response to selection in dairy cattle. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland New Zealand, 11-16 February 2018.
  14. Okeno T.O. and A. C. Sørensen. 2016. Organic pig breeding programs with limited trait registration should adopt genomic selection. Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Balfast, UK.
  15. Okeno T.O., M. Henryon and A.C. Sørensen. 2014. Diminishing marginal returns from genomic selection as more selection candidates are phenotyped. Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  16. Okeno T.O., M. Henryon and A. C. Sørensen. 2014. Benefits of distributing males and females among phenotyping candidates in genomic selection. The 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  17. Mbuthia, J., Rewe, T.O. Okeno, T.O. and A.K. Kahi. 2014. Incorporating Risks in Economic Values for Pigs in Smallholder Production Systems in Kenya. Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  18. Magothe, T.M., T.O. Okeno and A.K. Kahi. 2014. Genetic improvement of indigenous chicken in Kenya: the past, current and future efforts. The 6th All African Conference on Animal Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya.
  19. Okeno T.O., M. Henryon and A.C. Sørensen. 2013. Strategies to determine the necessary number of phenotyped candidates in genomic selection. The 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, France.
  20. Okeno, T.O., Kahi, A.K. and Peters K.J. 2012. Genetic and economic evaluation of alternative breeding objectives for adoption in the smallholder indigenous chicken improvement program. Accepted for oral presentation at the Deutsche Tropentag, September 19-21 2012, Göttingen, Germany.
  21. Okeno, T.O., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2012. Evaluation of selection objectives for development of indigenous chicken breeding program in Kenya. Proceedings of Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, April 11-13 2012, Nyeri, Kenya.
  22. Okeno, T.O., Magothe, T.M., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2011. Bio-economic model accounting for risk attitude of farmers and application in economic evaluation of indigenous chicken production systems. 34th Annual Conference for the Tanzanian Society of Animal Production, October 25-27 2011, Arusha, Tanzania.
  23. Okeno, T.O., Magothe, T.M., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2011. Application of risk-rated profit model functions in estimation of economic values for indigenous chicken breeding. Proceedings of the Deutsche Tropentag, October 5-7 2011, Bonn, Germany.
  24. Okeno, T.O., Kahi, A.K. and Peters, K.J. 2010. Characterization of indigenous chicken production systems in Kenya: Household flock structure, dynamics and breeding practices. 12th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Biennial Scientific Conference, November 8-12 2010, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 877-884.
  25. Okeno, T.O., Kosgey, I.S. and Kahi, A.K. 2010. Economic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany, Communication 04-179
  26. Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A.K. 2009. Phenotypic characterization of indigenous chicken genotypes, analysis of production objectives and systems. 2nd Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Mini Conference, November 10 – 13 2009, Nairobi, Kenya
  27. Muasya, T.K., Okeno, T.O., Magothe, T.M. and Githinji, M. 2008. Assessment of the accuracy of genetic evaluation among Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. Proceedings of Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, May 7-9 2008, Machakos, Kenya.
  28. Ilatsia, E.D., Githinji, M., Muasya, T. K., Okeno, T.O. and Kahi, A.K. 2007. Variance components and genetic parameter estimates for growth traits of Large White pigs in Kenya. 32nd Annual Conference for the Tanzanian Society of Animal Production, October 24-26 2007, Moshi, Tanzania.
  29. Okeno, T.O., Kosgey, I.S. and Kahi, A.K. 2006. Genetic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Communication 01-71.
  30. Okeno, T.O., Kosgey, I.S. and Kahi, A.K. 2006. Genetic comparison of breeding strategies utilizing local selection programs and those based on imported semen for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Proceedings of Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, March 8–10 2006, Isiolo, Kenya.



  • The 13th Egerton University Virtual International Conference, 24th – 26th November 2020.


  • Animal Production Society of Kenya Scientific Symposium, 9th to 11th April 2019, Hotel Waterbuck, Nakuru, Kenya
  • Tanzanian Society of Animal Production (TSAP) Conference, 23rd to 25th October 2019. St. Gaspar Hotel and Conference Centre, Dodoma, Tanzania


  • Animal Production Society of Kenya Scientific Symposium, 4th to 6th April 2018, Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki, Kenya.
  • 12th Egerton University International Confence, 27th to 29th March 2018, FEDCOS Complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  • WCGALP 2018, 11– 17 February 2018. 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland New Zealand.


  • The 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Balfast, UK, - 29th August-2nd September 2016.
  • The 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (WCILD)-26th – 30th June 2016, Sentrim Lodge, Elementaita, Nakuru, Kenya.


  • InCIP 2015, 9–10 September 2015. Regional Conference on Sustainable Improvement of Indigenous Chicken Productivity, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  • DAIRYCHAIN 2015, 21–22 October 2015. Regional Conference on Dairy Education and Training in Africa, Nakuru, Kenya.


  • AACAA/APSK 2014, 27–30 October 2014. The 6th All African Conference on Animal Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • EAAP 2014, 25–29 August 2014. The 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • WCGALP 2014, 17– 22 August 2014. 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


  • EAAP 2013, 26–30 August 2013. The 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, France.


  • Tropentag 2012, 19–21 September 2012, Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany.
  • APSK 2012, 11–13 April 2012. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, Nyeri, Kenya


  • Tropentag 2011, 5–7 October 2011, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
  • TSAP 2011, 25–27 October 2011. Tanzanian Society of Animal Production Annual Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania.


  • WCGALP 2010, 1–6 August 2010. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany.
  • KARI-BC, 2010, 8-12 November 2010. The 12th Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Biennial Scientific Conference, Nairobi, Kenya


  • KARI-BMC 2009, 10 -13 November 2009. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Mini Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.


  • APSK 2008, 7–9 May 2008. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, Katumani, Machakos, Kenya.


  • TSAP 2006, 24–26 October 2006. The 32nd Annual Conference for the Tanzanian Society of Animal Production, Moshi, Tanzania


  • APSK 2006, 8–10 March 2006. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, Isiolo, Kenya.
  • WCGALP 2006, 13–18 August 2006. The 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • 2009: Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) scholarship to undertake PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics in Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
  • 2006: Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Scholarship to undertake MSc in Animal Production (Animal Breeding and Genetics option), Egerton University, Kenya.
  • 1998: Kenya Government scholarship to undertake a BSc in Animal Production, Egerton University, Kenya.


  • Quantitative and Population Genetics
  • Livestock Routine Management Practices
  • Biotechnology in Animal Breeding
  • Dairy Production
  • Poultry Production
  • Sheep Production
  • Goat Production
  • Research Projects
  • Seminars


  • Scientific Writing, Reporting and Publishing
  • Biotechnology in Animal Breeding
  • Animal Genetic Resources and Breeding Strategies
  • Design of Breeding Programs
  • Seminars

1. Caleb S. Barasa (KM11/13510/14). Thesis Title: Optimising dairy cattle breeding systems by incorporating reproductive technologies, protein yield and resistance to mastitis. Graduated in 2020.

2. Catherine Ndung’u (KM111/11776/16). Thesis Title: Evaluation of rates of genetic gain for alternative indigenous chicken breeding programmes. Graduated 2021.

3. Richard Pulei (KM112/13532/14). Proposal Tittle: Analysis of strategies for closing milk yield gaps in smallholder dairy farms under diverse production environments in Kenya. Defended at the Faculty and currently undertaking research

4. Robert E. Osiako (KM112/14386/15). Proposal Title: Analysis of survivability and reasons for culling of dairy cattle herds in Kenya commercial farms. Defended at the Faculty and currently undertaking research.

5. Curtis K. Chepsiror (KM111/13655/19). Proposal Title: Development of climate change responsive dairy cattle breeding goal in Kenya. Defended at the Department, yet to defend at the Faculty.



1. Dominic L. Gore (KD11/13083/17). Thesis Title: Reproductive performance and genetic response to selection of dairy goats in Kenya following incorporation of reproductive technologies and genomic selection. Graduated 2021.

2. Richard Habimana (KD11/13018/17). Thesis Title: Genetic diversity, growth performance, disease resistance and response to selection of indigenous chicken in Rwanda. Graduated 2021.

3. Ruth Waineina (KD11/13070/17). Proposal Title: Genetic and economic aspects of implementing genomic selection in dairy goat breeding programmes in Kenya. Defended proposal at Faculty, currently undertaking research.

4. Thomas M. Magothe (KD11/16544/18). Proposal Title: Genetic performance of indigenous and synthetic chicken populations in Kenya. Defended proposal at Faculty, currently undertaking research

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