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Dr Paul Onjoro: A Senior Lecturer of Egerton University Njoro Department of Animal Science. Proffesional Animal Scientist, majoring in Animal Nutreition. Key courses: MSc;  Mineral Nutrition, Energy and Protein Nutrition, Feed Processing Technology, Bioclimatology and Ethology: BSC, Ruminant and Non Ruminat Production, Animal Nutrition, Laboratory Animal Science, Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals, Livestock products,  By-products Processing.and camels.

I have the ability to develope courses and curricula; Research and Supervise PhD and MSc students. Well published and Developing two books.

A strong christian, with strong christian values, leadership, a team player, humble, faithful and deligent.  


2000- 2004: PhD - Humboldt University

1992-1995: MSc. Animal Nutrition - Egerton University          

1988-1991: Bachelor ANPD - University                      

1986-1987: A-Level, KACE (3P, 1Sub) - Sigalame H. School                  

1982-1985: Secondary, KCE (Div 2) - Sigalame H. School 

  • Proffesional Animal Scientist, majoring in Animal Nutreition.
  • Mineral Nutrition, Energy and Protein Nutrition, Feed Processing Technology, Bioclimatology and Ethology:
  • Ruminant and Non Ruminat Production, Animal Nutrition, Laboratory Animal Science, Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals, Livestock products and By-products Processing.



Year           Position                   Place

2021 -     Senior Lecturer       Depatment of Animal science

2005 –    2021  Lecturer        Department of Animal Science                  

1995-2005  Ass. Lecturer –   Department of Anima Science  

 1991 - 1992  Teaching Assistant Egerton University, Department of Animal Science

1988       Teacher                   Nanderema Secondry School



  1. Indigeneus Chcken Prductivity
  2. Camel Nutriton
  3. Any Sbject on Nutrtom
  4. Environmental Physiology, Bioclimatogy, Ethology and animal welfare 
  1. Mineral and vitamins
  2. Camel
  3. Animal nutrition
  4. Ethology and Bioclimatology


  1. Onjoro, P. A. (2004)Effects of mineral status on milk production of free-ranging Somali camels (Camelus dromedaries) in Northern Kenya. PhD. Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  2. Onjoro, P. A. (1995) Effects of fermented whole cassava meal on performance of broilers. M. Sc. Thesis, Egerton University.

Journal Papers

  1.  BS Nyakira, JO Ondiek, PA Onjoro and MK Ambula (2024). Relative palatability and preference of sorghum silage, moringa or sesbania leaf meals by red Maasai sheep, Evaluation of nutritive value and in- 22(2): 21;55(2):124. doi: 10.1007/s11250-023-03545-z.
  2. C O Kerubo , J O Ondiek, P A Onjoro , 2024. Nutritional Evaluation and In-Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) Silage and Chicory (Cichorium Intybus (L.), Researchjournali’s Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 11 (2)
  3. Nyakira, B.S.  J.O. Ondiek , P.A. Onjoro , M.K. Ambula , E.K. Shakala and N.K. Kibitok, 2023. Evaluation of Nutritive Value and in-vitro Degradation of Sorghum Silage, Moringa oleifera (Moringa) and Sesbania sesban (Sesbania) Leaf Meals . Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences  v0l 22(2): 467- 474
  4. F Kemboi, JO Ondiek, AM King’ori, PA Onjoro and JL Museti. 2023.Effects of anti-nutritive factors on ruminants and methods to alleviate them: A review. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(1): 18-27
  5. Tura, I., Ondiek, J., King’ori, A., and Onjoro, P. (2022). Economic Analysis of Feeding Locally Formulated and Commercial Milk Replacer to Camel Calves in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 10(8). 207-223. DOI:10.14738/abr.108.12822
  6.  Kemboi F, Ondieki J.O., Kingori A.M. and Onjoro P.A. (2022). Effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and bentonite clay incorporation in selected local browse-based diets on the performance of Small East African goat DOI: 10.1007/s11250-023-03545-z
  7. Tura I. Kingori SA.M. Ondiki J.O. and Onjoro P.A.(2021).Evaluation Of Existing Indigenous Knowledge And Practices On Camel Milk Substitutes In Rearing Camel Calves Under Extensive And Peri-urban Production Systems In Keny. Journal Of Agriculture, Sep, 2021 Views: 167  
  8. F Kemboi, J O Ondiek, A M King’ori and P A Onjoro,2021. Evaluation of nutritive value of local browses from drylands of Kenya.Livestock Research for Rural Development 33 (6)
  9. F Kemboi, JO Ondiek, AM King’ori, PA Onjoroand JL Museti. 2021. Economic benefit of inclusion of indigenous browses and tannin binders in growing Small East African goats’ diets, International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(5): 43-47
  10. F Kemboi, J O Ondiek, A M King’ori, andP A Onjoro, 2021. Proximate Composition And Palatability Of Selected Rangelands Browses From Baringo County, Kenya. Research journali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 8 (7 )
  11. Jean de Dieu Ayabagabo, Paul Anthans Onjoro, Perminus Karubiu Migwi and Marie Christine Dusingize, 2021 1Effects of nutrients supply on milk yield, composition, and enteric methane gas emissions from smallholder dairy farms in DeJournal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine 6(2), 93-104
  12. Robert Mwesigwa a,b,∗ , Perminus Karubiu Migwi a , Anthony Macharia King’ori a , Paul Anthans Onjoro a , Moses Mwesigwa c , Richard Lumu c, (2021). Incorporation of Dried Goat Rumen Contents in Layer Diets Improves Egg Yolk Colour and Acceptability of Eggs Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Vol. 122 No. 1 127–135
  13. Tura Isako, King’ori A. M., Ondiek J. O., Onjoro P. A: 2020. Review of Camel Calves Nutrition and Management in Kenya Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 10(8): 28
  14. Jean de Dieu Ayabagabo, Migwi Perminus Karubiu and Onjoro Paul Anthans, 2020. Seasonal Variations in Types and Nutrient Concentrations of Feedstuffs for Dairy Cattle in Smallholder Farmers in The Eastern Province of Rwanda. Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 37 (3): 195-205
  15. Kenana R. S,, P. A. Onjoro and M. K. Ambula: 2020. Relative palatability and preference by red Maasai sheep offered brachiaria and Rhodes grass hay supplemented with calliandra leaves in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary S ciences and Animal Husbandry; 5(5)18-22
  16. Mwesigwa, R., Migwi, P.K., King’ori, A.M. And Onjoro, P.A.: 2020. Extent of Rumen Contents Use in Livestock Diets Among Farmers in Uganda. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 15:248-255
  17. Mwesigwa, R., Migwi, P.K., King’ori, A.M., Onjoro, P.A., Odero-Waitiuh, J., Xiangyu, H and Zhu, W.: 2020. Improvement of Growth Performance and Meat Sensory Attributes Through use of Dried Goat Rumen Contents in Broiler Diets. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 15:446-456.
  18. Mwesigwa, R., Migwi, P.K., King’ori, A.M. And Onjoro, P.A.: 2020. Abattoir Waste use in Livestock Diets: Uganda’s Current Situation. International Journal of Agricultural Research And Innovation Technology, 10(1): 129-134.
  19. Nechesa Julia, Onjoro Paul, Ambula Mary; 2018. Evaluation of Synthetic Methionine Sources for Broiler Chicken in Kenya. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field 4(3) WWW.IJIRMF.COM/year-2018/
  20. Deng M. T., J. O. Ondiek And P. A. Onjoro,: 2017. Chemical Composition and in Vitro Gas Production of Lesser Known South Sudan Browse Species, Journal Of Liv. Res. Dev 29(4);
  21. Kemboi F., J. O. Ondiek and P. A. Onjoro.: 2017 Evaluation of nutritive value and in-vitro degradation of selected indigenous browses from Semi-Arid areas of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 29(4)
  22. Kemboi F., J. O. Ondiek and P. A. Onjoro: 2017. Effects of Supplimeting Rhodes Grass Hay (Chloris Gayana) With Selected Indigenous Brouse Species on Voluntary Feed Intakes, Feed Digestibility and Live Changes of Goats. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 29(12)
  23. Kemboi F., J. O, Ondiek and P. A ,Onjoro: 2017. Nutritive Value And Acceptability By Goats Of Selected Indigenous Browses From Semi-Arid Areas Of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rura, 29 (6)
  24. Atela J. A. Tuitoek J. Onjoro P. A. Obunyo M. Judith C. K.: 2016. Occurrence Of Aflatoxains in Feed Ingredients used For Feeding Indigenous in Baringo and Kisumu Counties, Kenya. Journal Of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences , 9 (4): 2319 – 2372
  25. Atela J. A. Ouma P. O. Tuitoek J. Onjoro P. A. Nyagweso S. E.: 2016. A comparative performance of indigenous chickensin baringo and Kisumu counties of Kenya for sustainable agriculture. International journal of agriculture policy and research , 4 (8): 97 – 104
  26. Atela J. A., Tuitoek J., Onjoro P. A., Kibitok N. K.: 2015. Effects of Probiotics Feeding Technology on Weight Gain of Indigenous Chicken in Kenya, Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) Volume 8 (11):33-36
  27. Khobondo J. O., Ogore P. B,, Atela J. A,, Onjoro P. A., Ondiek J. O., and Kahi A. K.: 2015. The effects of dietary probiotics on natural IgM antibody titres of Kenyan indigenous chicken, Livestock Research for Rural Development 27(11)
  28. Domitila, N. M., Njoka, E. N., Onjoro, P. A., Ambula, K, 2015. Evaluation of triticale grain as afeed for boiler finidsher in Kenya. Egerton J. Sci & technology 14: 1 – 13
  29. Nyakira B. S., Tuitoek J. K., Onjoro P. A., Ambula M. K., 2015. Determination of the Nutritive valae of sugar cane Tops, Mulbery leaves (M, alba) and Calliandra (C, Calothyyrsus)as feed supplements for goats in Kenya. J anim sci adv 5(3): 1225 – 1233
  30. Nyakira B. S., Tuitoek J. K. and Onjoro, P. A. 2015. Evaluation of Milk Production of Dairy Goats Fed on Ensiled Sugarcane Tops with Mulberry and Calliandra Calothyrsus, Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 15: 181-189
  31. Nyakira B. S., Tuitoek J. K. and Onjoro P. A.: 2014. Effect of Supplementing Ensiled Sugarcane Tops with Mulberry and Calliandra on Growth and Performance of Dairy Goat Kids                                           E. Afr. Agric. For. J. 80(2),80-85
  32. Domitila, N. M., Njoka, E. N., Onjoro, P. A., Ambula, K,: 2014. Evaluating The Potential of Triticale Grain Grown In Kenya as an Alternative Feed Ingredient in Broiler Diet in Raw or Thermal Treated (Pelleted) Form. J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 2014; 4(9): -
  33. Domitila, N. M., Onjoro, P. A., Njoka, E. N. and Ambula, M. K.: 2014. A Comparison Between Maize and Triticale Grain Grown in Kenya and the Effect of Thermal Treatment on their Nutritive Composition, Digestibility and Energy for Finishing Broilers, Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 14: 1-13
  34. B.S. Nyakira B. S., Tuitoek J. K., Onjoro P. A., Ambula M. K., 2014. Evaluation of The Nutritive Value of Sugar Cane Tops, Mulberry Leaves (M. Alba) and Calliandra (C. Calothyrsus) as Feed Supplements for Goats. Journal Of Animal Science Advances (In Press, Jasa-2013-11-101)
  35. Onjoro P. A., Njoka-Njiru E. N., Ottaro J. M., Simon A., Schwartz H. J.: 2006. Effects of mineral supplementation on milk yield of free-ranging camels (Camelus dromedarius) in northern Kenya. Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences, Vol.  19: 1597-1602
  36. Onjoro, P. A.; Njoka-Njiru, E. N.,; Ottaro, J. M.; Nanua, J. N. (2006) Effects of minerals in the forage, blood and milk on production of lactating free-ranging camels (Camelus dromedaries)
    in northern Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and …, 2004.
  37. Onjoro P. A., Njoka, E. N., Ottaro, J. M. 2006. Status of minerals in the soils, water, forage, blood, milk, urine and faeces of free-ranging camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Northern Kenya during the dry season. International Journal of Agricultural and Rural Development Vol. 5 2004: 121-128 Onjoro, P. A. 2004. Effects of mineral status on milk production of free-ranging Somali camels (Camelus dromedarius) in northern Kenya. Egerton University journal.


  1. Proposal writing workshop of KAAP at KIA Nairobi; 14th – 17th October 2006
  2. The Deutscher Tropentag,; 8th to 12th October 2003 at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  3. Animal Production Society of Kenya annual symposium held on 7th – 8th March 2001 at Egerton university Kenya
  4. Fifth Biochemical Society of Kenya Symposium; 16th – 17th November 1995, Nairobi, Kenya

Conferences papers

Tura, I., Ondiek, J., King’ori, A., and Onjoro, P. (2022). Economic Analysis of Feeding Locally Formulated and Commercial Milk Replacer to Camel Calves in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 10(8). 207-223.

Kemboi F., Ondiek, J. O, King’ori, A.M and Onjoro, P. A. 2022. Proximate Composition and Palatabilityof Selected Rangelands Browses from Baringo County, Kenya. Egerton university Biennial international conference,23rd -25th March, 2022.

 R S Kenana, P A Onjoro and M K Ambula. 2021. Evaluation of the nutritive value and in-vitro degradation of Brachiaria and                                       Rhodes grass hay supplemented with different levels of Calliandra leaves. The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) will hold a Scientific Conference (APSK)

2. R.S. Kenana, P.A Onjoro and M.K Ambula, 2021. Intake, digestibility and weight gain of Red Maasai Sheep fed on Brachiaria and Rhodesgrass hay supplemented with different levels of Calliandra leaves in Kenya.  Ruforum Triennial Conference, 06 – 10 December 2021.

  1. Onjoro P.A., Schwartz H. J., Njoka, E. N., Ottaro, J. M. 2003. A survey of mineral levels in blood and milk in relation to milk yield of free-ranging Somali camels in Northern Kenya. Abstract, presented to The Deutscher Tropentag, held on the 8th to 12th October 2003 at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  2. Nyakira B. S, J.K. Tuitoek, P. A. Onjoro, M. Mutumba and N. Kibitok. 2012. Evaluation of Milk Production of Dairy Goats Fed Ensiled                    Sugarcane Tops with Mulberry And Calliandra Calothyrsus. A paper presented at the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) Symposium on 9th to 11th April 2013 at Golf Hotel Kakamega, Kenya (Proceedings yet to be published).
  3. Nyakira B. S, Prof. J.K. Tuitoek and Dr. P. A. Onjoro. 2012. The Effect of Supplementing Ensiled Sugarcane Tops with Morus alba and Calliandra calothyrsus on Growth Performance of Dairy Goat Kids. A paper presented at the 13th KARI Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibition of Innovations on 22nd – 26th October 2012. (Proceedings yet to be published).
  4. Nyakira B. S, J.K. Tuitoek, P. A. Onjoro, M. Mutumba And N. Kibitok, 2012. Evaluation of The Nutritive Value of Sugar Cane Tops, Morus Alba and Calliandra Calothyrsus. In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya Symposium Green Hills Hotel, Nyeri 11th – 13th April 2012.                                              
  5. Bhattarcharjee, M. Onjoro, P.A. and Ottaro, J. M. 1996. Improvement of nutritional value of whole cassava meal by a cost effective fermentation technique. Proc. of 4th Biotechnological conference, 2nd – 6th September 1996, Zimbabwe.
  6. Onjoro P. A., Bhattacharjee, M., Ottaro, J. m. and Nanua, J. N., 2002. Bioconversion of drought resistant cassava tuber and reduction of cyanoglucosides by fermentation. In the challenges of drought to livestock production in Kenya. Proc. APSK annual symposium held on 7th – 8th March 2001: 143-145
  7. Omune O. D., Bhattarchajee, M., Onjoro P. A., 1995. Low cost processing of cheap agricultural by-products to produce single cell protein. Proc. Fifth BSK Symposium 16th – 17th November 1995, Nairobi, Kenya.
  1.  Scholarships eg DAAD


  • Mineral Nutrition
  • Energy and Protein Nutrition
  • Feed Processing Technology
  • Bioclimatology and Ethology
  • Bietechnology in aniaml nuttion


  • Ruminant and Non Ruminat Production
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Laboratory Animal Science
  • Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals
  • Livestock products and By-products Processing.
  • Camel production
  1. Beatrice Nyakira (KM11/1710/06). 2013. The effects of supplementing ensiled sugarcane tops with mulberry leaves (morus alba) and calliandra calothyrsus on performance and production of dairy goats (Completed, 2013)
  2. Domitila Njoki (KM11/1481/05). 2014.Evaluation of Triticale Grain (Triticosecale) as an Alternative Feed Ingredient in Broler Chicken Diets (Completed 2014)
  3. Deng Mamer John Thok (KM113/13565/14). 2017. Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Selected South Sudan Rangelands Forages Fed to Cross Breed Weaned Goats (Completed 2017)
  4.  Fred Kemboi (KM113/13502/14). 2017. Effects of Supplementing Rhodes Grass Hay with Selected Local Browses on Performance of Growing Goats (Completed 2017).
  5. KENANA Richard (KM113/11820/16). Evaluation Of The Effects Of Feeding Brachiaria (BrachiariaRuziziensis) And Rhodes Grass (Chloris Gayana) Hay Supplemented With Calliandra(Calliandra Calothyrsus) On The Performance Of Red Maasai Sheep (Finished 2022)
  6. Christine Kerubo Onkeo (KM113/13069/21). 2019.Performance Of Lactating Dairy Goats Fed Onbasalsweet Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)Silage Supplemented With Chicory (Cichorium Intybus (L). (writting he thesis)


     MUTUYIMANA Valentine ( KM/113/10033/23): 2023 Reduction of Hydrogen Cyanide Content In Cassava Root-Leaf Meal-Based Diets on Performance of Grower Pigs In Kenya (doig Research)


  1. Atela Judith Akinyi (KD11/0317/11). 2016 Indigenous Chicken Production in Kenya; Characterization of the Production System and Inclusion of Molaplus Probiotic in The Feeding Strategy in Baringo and Kisumu Counties (Completed 2016)
  2. Mwesigwa Robert (KD11/13034/17).2021 Effects of dietary inclusion of dried goat rumen contents on performance of broiler and layer chickens (Completed 2021)
  3. AYABAGABO Jean De Dieu (KD113/13015/17) Supplementation Of Napier Grass With Calliandra And Clitoria Hay For Improved Milk Production And Reduced Methane Gas Emission In Smallholder Dairy Production In Rwanda (Writing Thesis)
  4. Fred Kemboi (KD11/16510/18) Effects Of Feeding Local Browses On Performance Of Growing Small East African Goats in Asals in Kenya (Complted 2022)
  5. Tura Isako (KD11/13004/17). Feeding Camel Calves With Locally Available Plant-Based Milk Replacer For Enhanced Performance In Kenya (Completed 2023)
  6. Beatrice Sauline Nyakira (KD11/15532/19). Performance of Growing Lambs Fed Sorghum Silage Supplemented With Moringa Oleifera (Moringa) and Sesbania Sesban (Sesbania) Leaf Meals (Writing Reseach)


Internal examiner non supervisor

PhD thesis

  • 2007 Donald Njarui: Enhancing Livestock Feed Supply and Maize
  • Production by Integrating Selected Forage Legumes in Semi-Arid Region Of
  • Eastern Kenya (Graduated)
  • 2021: Jane Atieno Odero-Waitituh: Reduction of Anti-Nutritive Compounds in Ground Mature Prosopis juliflora Pods in Rabbit Diets using Fermentation Technology

MSc Thesis

  • 2008 Moses Lengarite: Evaluation of Mineral Status of Small Ruminants in
  • Laisamis District 
  • 2021 Lilian Muthoni Mwai: Mulberry (Morus Alba) Leaf Meal in Indigenous Chicken Layer Diets: Effect on Egg Production and Quality
  1. Member Animal production Society of Kenya (APSK)
  2. Member Kenya Camel Association (KCA)
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