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Box 536-20115 Egerton

I am a career Animal Scientist with vast experience in animal production extension work, research and training. I have been a trainer at Egerton University, department of animal sciences for over 30 years. I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate (MSc and PhD) students in animal production.

The research work with the students has been presented in scientific conferences, seminars and published in peer reviewed journals. Results of these researches have been packaged as technical outreach messages to the farmers within and outside Kenya.


  1. 2004: PhD– Egerton University
  2. 1996: MSc – Egerton University
  3. 1988: BSc - University of Nairobi
  4. 1979: Diploma - Egerton College
  5. 1975: EACE (East African Certificate of Education)
  6. 1971: CPE (Certificate of Primary Education)



Animal Production (Animal nutrition (nutrient requirements of livestock, utilization and economics of locally available non-conventional feed ingredient based diets), influence of livestock diets on product quality, Influence of stocking density on nutrient utilization, livestock value chain analysis).


  1. CBC retooling workshop for academic staff. 16th-18th August 2023. Egerton University, Physical SAciences Complex
  2. Training on Feed Formulation, Poultry Farming, Vegetable Farming, Mango Farming and Processing, Farm ,, Business Management and Farm Records. October 24-28th , 2022. Organized by CESAAM, Egerton University and the African Farm Management Association (AFMA) held at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Siaya Campus.
  3. Training on Pedagogy, Consultancy, Policy brief and  Graduate guidelines and supervision . 1st -3rd September, 2022. Dairy Training Institute

  4. Retooling on Leadership and Governance. 21st and 22nd February, 2020. Pwani University Guest House, Kilifi.
  5. Quality Assurance Workshop on the 21st Century Innovative & Learner-Centered Teaching Skills for Higher & Tertiary Education (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges) held at AAU Secretariat, Accra, on 30th July to 2nd August, 2019.
  6. Training on Public Procurement and Asset Disposal. 21st-23rd February, 2019. Tom Mboya Labour College, Kisumu.
  7. Retooling workshop: Community engagement and Experiential learning. 19th-20th September, 2017.
  8. Workshop on open access and open access policy formulation. 9th June 2017.
  9. Information security management-22nd May 2015
  10. Examination irregularities, security and fraud-17th September, 2014
  11. Service Delivery workshop-3rd-5th April, 2013.
  12. Corruption Prevention sensitization workshop-19th March, 2013.
  13. Alcohol and Drug and abuse workshop- 14th March, 2013
  14. Post-graduate supervision- 13th October 2011. Egerton University
  15. Animal production (pigs) value chains- 21st-24th   June 2011
  16. Animal production (poultry) value chains-18th – 20th Jan and 16th-18 th March 2011.
  17. Pedagogy course (April 2008, 1 week)
  18. Scientific proposal writing (July 2008, 1 week)
  1. August 2021 to date: Associate Professor, Animal Nutrition.
  2. August 2010 to August 2021: Senior Lecturer, Department of Animal Sciences.
  3. July 2014 to December 2020: Chairman of Department, Animal Sciences
  4. November 2005 to June 2014: Departmental Examinations Officer.
  5. June 2023 to date: Programme Academic Leader in Masters of Science in Animal Nutrition
  6. November 2002 to August 2010: Lecturer in the Department of Animal Sciences.
  7. July 1988 to November 2002: Assistant Lecturer, Animal Science Department.
  8. April 1982 to July 1988: Demonstrator/ Senior Technician, Animal Science, Egerton College.
  9.  April 1979 to April 1982: Animal Production Officer, Ministry of Livestock Development.
  10. March 2022 to date: External Examiner, University of Eldoret, Department of Animal cience
  11. November 2019 to date: External Examiner, University of Nairobi, Department of Animal Production.
  12. November 2018 to date:External Examiner, Maseno University. School of Agriculture and Food Security, Department of Animal Science.
  13. August 2016 to July 2020:External Examiner, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. School of Agriculture and Veterinary Technology (SAVET).
  14. June 2010 to date:External Examiner, Bukura Agricultural College.

Completed Research Projects

  1. October 2015-2017. Grasshopper/ Locust Farming as a Sustainable Feed/ Food Ingredient Source for Non-ruminant Livestock and Humans for Enhanced Food Security, Poverty Alleviation, and Resilience to Climate Change in Kenya. Food Systems Innovation Grants, USAID. Proposal number 20119.
  2. June 2015-June 2016. Evaluation of Prosopis julliflora pods as feed for indigenous chicken.
  3. September 2007 to July 2008: Carried out a study on the on-farm processing of fermented milk (mursik): A value addition technique in small –scale dairy farms in Nakuru and Koibatek Ditricts.
  4. November 2007 to April 2008: Conducted a baseline survey on pig production in Central, Rift Valley and Western Provinces.
  5. September 2006 to December 2007:   Conducted a study on the pig production practices in Kakamega District.
  6. September 1999 to June 2004: Studied the energy and protein requirements of the indigenous chickens of Kenya.
  7. December 2019-August 2023. Bomet County, Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project. Indigenous Chicken Value Chain (enhance increased productivity and resilience).

Ongoing Research Projects

  1. February 2021- to December 2023. Nakuru County, National Agriculture and Rural Inclusive Growth Project. Indigenous Chicken Value Chain (enhance increased productivity and resilience).



Evaluation of utilization of non-conventional locally available feedstuffs on performance of livestock, quality of product (consumer acceptance and safety) and cost of production, nutrient requirements of indigenous livestock, Effects of various feed treatment methods on nutritive value, anti-nutritional factors, safety (feed and livestock products and cost.


  1. Domitila Njoki , James K Tuitoek, Anthony Macharia King’ori, Mary Kivali Ambula and Haron Juma Masai.2025. 

    Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal Based Diet on Performance of BroileChickens during Finishing Phaser. Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Volume 13 | Issue 1. ISSN: 2348-9790.

  2. Chelangat N, King’ori A and Kemboi F. 2025. Effect of fermentation and enzyme treatment on nutritional quality, digestibility, and hydrogen cyanide reduction in cassava (Manihot esculenta) root meal. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2025; 10(3): 167-172. DOI: https://www.doi.org10.22271/veterinary.2025.v10.i3c.2127
  3. Uwimbabazi, C.  , Ondiek, J.O. and King’ori, A.M. . 2025.Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens Fed Black Soldier Fly Larvae Based Diets- A Review.Glob.J. Agri.Vet.Sci. 2(2): 50-61.Journal Homepage Link-
  4. Gichungu Dennis Kigiri, Kingori Anthony Macharia and Wachira Ann Mumbi.2025.Assessment of the cost and quality of indigenous chicken eggs from layers fed on fiber hydrolyzing enzymes integrated Prosopis juliflora pods diets based.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2025; 10(2): 164-168.DOI:
  5. DM Wanjohi, AM King’ori, IT Kamanja and MK Ambula.2024. Effect of fermented and enzyme-treated Prosopis juliflora pod meal diets on carcass quality and organ weights in broilers.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2024; 9(5): 494-499.DOI:
  6. DM Wanjohi, AM King’ori, IT Kamanja and MK Ambula.2024. Effect of substituting maize in broiler diet with
    fermented and enzyme-treated Prosopis juliflora pod meal on growth performance. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2024; 9(5): 487-493 
  7. Haron Juma Masai, Mary Kivali Ambula and Anthony Macharia King’ori. 2024. Assessing the Impact of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.), Prosopis Pods (Prosopis Juliflora), and Soybean (Glycine Max)-Based Diets on Bee Performance and Nutritional Value. Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Volume 12 | Issue 2 ISSN: 2348-9790.
  8. Francine Ahimpera , Napoleon Munyaneza, Albert Iribagiza , Godfrey Jabulani Manyawu , Lionel Nyabongo , Anthony Macharia King'ori.2024.Fodder production and conservation practices for smallholder dairy farmers in the Imbo plain of Burundi.ISAR Journal of Agriculture and Biology Volume 2, Issue 10, 2024, PP 9-14.
  9. HJ Masai, MK Ambula and AM King'ori. 2024. Effect of Soybean,Chickpea, and Prosopis juliflora Pod Meal Supplementation on Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Performance during Dearth Period. Researchjournali’s Journal of Agriculture Vol. 11 | No. 2. 
  10. Victor Mbuku Mutinda, Anthony Macharia King’ori.2023. Performance of broilers fed on extruded sorghum (sorghum bicolor (l.) moench) meal and exogenous phytase-based diet. IJART- Vol-8, Issue-5,  DOI: 
    2. Maud Boakyewaa Acheampong, Anthony M King'ori and Joseph W.Matofari.2023. Effect of incorporation of fermented Prosopis pods inrabbit diets-on feed intake, feed conversion ratio,weight gain and growth rate.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; SP-8(5): 236-241. 
  11. CN Muremera, MK Ambula, AM King’ori, ED Ilatsia and KK Kabui.2023. Fertility, hatchability and chick quality of improved indigenous laying hens in Kenya fed different dietary levels of enzyme-treated Moringa (M. oleifera) leaf meal based diets.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2023; 8(5): 265-270.
  12. Naomi Chebet, Anthony Macharia King'ori and Mary Kivali Ambula.2023. Effect of fermentation and enzyme treatment of
    mulberry leaf meal on enzymatic pre-digestion in th chicken simulated digestive system. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry; 8(4): 227-231.
  13. Abdou Karim Darboe , Mary Kivali Ambula, Anthony Macharia King’ori. 2023.  Effect of Probiotics-Treated Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal in Exotic Layer Diets on Egg Characteristics and Consumer Acceptability.World Journal of Food Science and Technology; 7(2): 35-40 doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20230702.14 ISSN: 2637-6016 (Print); ISSN: 2637-6024 (Online).
  14. VM Mutinda, AM King’ori and MK Ambula.2023.Effect of extrusion cooking variables on in vitro dry matter digestibility of sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] extrudate.Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. Volume 16, Issue 5.
  15. F. Kembo, J. O. Ondiek, A. M. King’ori, and P. A. Onjoro.2023. Effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and bentonite
    clay incorporation in selected local browse‑based diets on the performance of Small East African goats.Tropical Animal Health and Production 55:124
  16. F. Kembo, J. O. Ondiek, A. M. King’ori, and P. A. Onjoro.2023. Effects of anti-nutritive factors on ruminants and methods to alleviate them: A review. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry; 8(1): 18-27. 
  17. Gonzalo Ferreira,Christy L. Teets, Anthony M. Kingori, and James O. Ondieek. 2023.Effect of drought stress on neutral detergent fiber degradation kinetics of corn for silage. JDS Communications 4. Short Communication Animal Nutrition and Farm Systems.
  18. Tura,I.,  A.M.King’ori, J.Ondiek and P. Onjoro. 2022. Effects of feeding commercial and locally formulated
    milk replacers on performance of camel calves in Kenya.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry  7(6): 41-48
  19. CN Muremera,MK Ambula, AM King'ori, ED Ilatsia and PAO Alaru.2022. Effect of feeding enzyme-treated Moringa (M. oleifera) leaf meal based-diets on egg quality of improved indigenous layer chicken in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 7(5): 43-48.  
  20. Tura, I., J.Ondiek, A. King’ori, and P. Onjoro. 2022. Economic Analysis of Feeding Locally Formulated and Commercial Milk Replacer to Camel Calves in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. Archives of Business Research 10(8):207-223. 
  21. CN Muremera, MK Ambula and AM King'ori.2022. Performance of improved indigenous grower chicken in Kenya fed enzyme-treated Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf meal-based diets. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 7(3): 48-52. DOI.
  22. Gitonga, P.G., J.K. Tuitoek, A.M. King’ori and M. A. Obonyo. 2022. The effect of natural products in binding aflatoxins in chicken feed on growth of broilers. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry 7: 19-24
  23. Ngugi David Marii, Olivier Basole Kashongwe and Anthony Macharia King’ori. 2022. Efects of treating Prosopis julifora pods with multienzyme, with and without bacterial cultures on in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), fermentation kinetics, and performance of growing pigs. Tropical Animal Health and Production 54:125
  24. Mwai, L.M., A.M. King'ori and M.K. Ambula.202Gitonga, P.G., J.K. Tuitoek, A.M. King’ori and M. A. Obonyo. 2022. The effect of natural products in binding aflatoxins in chicken feed on growth of broilers. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry 7: 19-241. Mulberry leaves as a feed source for livestock in Kenya. A Review. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(2):1-9.
  25. Tura, I., J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King'ori and P.A. Onjoro. 2021.Evaluation of existing indigenous knowledge and practices on camel milk substitutes in rearing camel calves under extensive and peri-urban production systems in Kenya. Researchjournali's Journal of Agriculture 8(9).
  26. Tura, I., J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King'ori and P.A. Onjoro. 2021. Proximate composition of selected browses and common milk supplements for camel calves in Kenya.  International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Hubandry 6(5):31-39.
  27. Ngugi, D.M., O.B. Kashongwe and A.M. King'ori. 2021. Economic implication of feeding Prosopis juliflora pod meal with enzyme to grower pigs. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Hubandry 6(5):11-16.
  28.  Kemboi, F., Ondiek, J.O., King’ori,A.M.,  PA Onjoro, P.A., and Museti, J.L.2021.Economic benefit of inclusion of indigenous browses and tannin binders in growing Small East African goats’ diets.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(5): 43-47.
  29. Kembio, F., Ondiek, J.O., King'ori, A.M. and P.O.Onjoro.2021.Effects of incorporation of selected browse species on performance of growing small east african goats. LRRD 33(8).
  30. Kemboi, F., Ondiek, J.O., King'ori, A.M. and P.O.Onjoro.2021. Proximate composition and palatability of selected rangelands browses from Baringo County, Kenya. Research Journal of Agriculture 8(7).
  31. Mwesigwa, R., Migwi, P.K., King'ori, A.M., Onjoro, P.A., Mwesigwa, M. and Lumu.R.2021. Incorporation of dried goat rumen contents in layer diets improves egg yolk colour and acceptability of eggs. J. Agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics 122(1):127-135.
  32. Kemboi, F., Ondiek, J.O., King'ori, A.M. and Onjoro, P.O. 2021. Evaluation of nutritive value of local browses from drylands of Kenya. LRRD 33(6).
  33. Odero-Waitituh, J.A., A.M. King’ori, M.K. Ambula, J.W. Matofari, S.O. Onyango and R. Mwesigwa.2021. Descriptive Sensory Characteristics of Meat from Grower Rabbits fed on Fermented Ground Mature Prosopis juliflora Pods-based Diets. World J. Food Sci. &T 5(2):19-24.
    doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20210502.11 ISSN: 2637-6016 (Print); ISSN: 2637-6024 (Online)
  34. Sakwa, B.N., J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King’ori, and O.A. Ndambi. 2020. Effects of fodder conservation and ration formulation interventions on dairy performance in Kenya. IJART 10(2): 76-83.DOI:
  35. Marie-Françoise Mwabonimana, Charles Muleke Inyagwa, Bockline Omedo Bebe, Eduard Kokan Shakala, and Anthony Macharia King’ori.2020. Porcine Cysticercosis Control in Western Kenya: The Interlink of Management Practices in Pig Farms and Meat Inspection Practice at Slaughter Slabs. Veterinary Medicine International. Volume 2020 |Article ID 7935656 |
  36. Mukandungutse B Isabelle, Anthony M King’ori and Meshack A Obonyo.2020.The Effect of Fermented Aflatoxins Contaminated Feed on Digestibility and Performance of Broiler Chickens. Animal Production. 22(1):55-60, Accredited by Kemenristek Dikti No 32a/E/KPT/2017. ISSN 1411-2027
  37. Odero, J.A., A.M. Kingori and M. K. Ambula.2020. lactation performance of new zealand white rabbits fed fermented ground mature prosopis juliflora pods replacing maize. Animal Research International 17(2): 3736 – 3746
  38. Odero, J.A., A.M. Kingori and M. K. Ambula.2020. Bio-economic implications of feeding fermented ground mature prosopis juliflora pods to grower rabbits. Journal of Economic Impact 2 (2) :43-49
  39. Mwabonimana, M-F, A.M. King’ori, C.M.Inyagwa, E.K. Shakala, and B.O. Bebe. 2020. Prevalence of porcine cysticercosis among scavenging pigs in Western Kenya. Afr. J. Infect. Diseases 14 (2): 57-62. DOI:
  40. Mwabonimana, M-F, A.M. King’ori, C.M.Inyagwa, and B.O. Bebe. 2020. Porcine cysticercosis risks: Awareness, attitudes and perceptions on safety practices among farmers, butcher-owners and consumers in Western Kenya. Afr. J. Infect. Diseases 14 (2): 16-22.
  41. Mwabonimana, M. F., Inyagwa, C. M., Bebe, B. O., Shakala, E. K. & King’ori, A. M. (2020). Porcine Cysticercosis Control in Western Kenya : The Interlink of Management Practices in Pig Farms and Meat Inspection Practice at Slaughter Slabs. Veterinary Medicine International, 1(1), 1-6.
  42. Mweigwa, R., P.K. Migwi, A.M. King’ori and P.A. Onjoro.2020. Abattoir waste use in livestock diets: Uganda’s current situation.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 10(1): 129-134. DOI:
  43. Mwai L. M, King’ori, A.M. and Ambula, M.K..2020. Mulberry (Morus alba) leaf meal as partial replacement for soybean meal in indigenous chicken layer diets. LRRD 32 (6) 
  44. Tura Isako,   King’ori, A.M. Ondiek, J.O. and Onjoro, P.O. 2020. Review of Camel Calves Nutrition and Management in Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 10:28-36. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/10-8-04.
  45. Mwesigwa, R, P.K. Migwi, A.M. King’ori and P.A. onjoro.2020. Extent of rumen contents use in livestock diets among farmers in Uganda. African Journal of Agricultural Research 15(2): 248-255.
  46. Sakwa, N.B, J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King’ori and O.A. Ndambi. 2019. Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Feeds and Feed and Feed ration ingredients from Different Interventions used by Dairy Farms in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 4(5):26-31.
  47. Kariuki, P.K, F. Toroitich, G. Ongoma, J.M. Nduko, E.Owino and A. King’ori. 2019. Diversity and Abundance of Grasshopper Species in Nakuru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 8(2):102-109.
  48. Jonah Muthui, Joseph W. Matofari, Anthony Kingori, Christian Hülsebusch. 2019. Comparison of decent work status among smallholder pig farmers in Kenya; An empirical approach using Principal Components. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (JARTS) Vol. 120.
  49. Mukandungutse B I, J K Tuitoek, A M King’ori and M A Obonyo.2019. The effect of fermentation with and without Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the levels of aflatoxin in maize. LRRD 31 (11) 2019
  50. Joel Onyango Khobondo. Anthony Macharia Kingori. Antonio Manhique. 2019. Effect of incorporation of ground Prosopis julliflora pods in layer diet on weight gain, egg production, and natural antibody titer in KALRO genetically improved indigenous chicken. Tropical Animal Health and Production. https//
  51. Muthui, N.J., J.W. Matofari, A.M. Kingori and C.G. Hulsebush.2019. Estimation of daily nutrient allowances for pigs fed with alternative feed resources in smallholder enterprises in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production.51 :799-808
  53.  Mwangi KW, Nduko JM, Kingori A, Toroitich F, Faraj A.2019. Development and microbiological load of composite flours from locusts, grasshoppers and malted finger millet. African Journal of Food Science and Technology, 10: 13-20.F N Thuita, J K Tuitoek, A M King’ori and M A Obonyo.2019. Prevalence of aflatoxins contamination in commercial broiler feeds in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 31 (1) 2019
  54. E S Nginya, J O Ondiek, A M King’ori and J M Nduko.2019. Evaluation of grasshoppers as a protein source for improved indigenous chicken growers. Livestock Research for Rural Development 31 (1) 2019
  55. Muthui, N.J., J.W. Matofari, A.M. Kingori and C.G. Hulsebush.2018. Beneficial Effects of Non-Conventional Feedstuffs on Carcass Characteristics and Illeal Mucosal Morpology of Finisher Pigs. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. 49. 167-177.
  56. D M Wanjohi, A M King’ori, A Y Guliye1 and A M Wachira.2018. Effect of substituting maize in the grower diet with ground Prosopis juliflora pods on performance of indigenous chicken in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development HYPERLINK ""30HYPERLINK "" (HYPERLINK ""4HYPERLINK "") 2018.
  57. Mukasafari, M.A, M.K. Ambula, C. Karege and A.M. King’ori. 2018. Effects of substituting sow and weaner meal with brewers' spent grains on the performance of growing pigs in Rwanda. Tropical Animal Health and Production 50:393-398.
  58. Lotesiro, J.E., A. M. King’ori and B.O. Bebe. 2017. Comparative assessment of livelihood roles of indigenous chicken in pastoral and agricultural households of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 2HYPERLINK ""9HYPERLINK "" (HYPERLINK ""12HYPERLINK "") 2017.
  59. Wanjohi, D.M., A.M. King’ori, A.M. Wachira, A.Y. Guliye and P.N. Ngonda.2017. Sensory attributes and quality of meat in improved indigenous chicken fed on Prosopis juliflora pods in Kenya. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 8:132-137. DOI: http:/
  60. Manhique, A.J., A.M. Kingori and A.M. Wachira.2017. Effect of ground prosopis (Prosopis julliflra) pods inclusion in layer diets on performance of improved indigenous chicken in Kenya. Livestck Research for Rural Development: 29, article # 19.
  61. Gakige, J.K., A.M. King’ori, B.O. Bebe and A. Kahi.2016. Performance of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chicken on targeted phase supplementary feeding. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (HYPERLINK ""4HYPERLINK "") 2016.
  62. Odero-Waitituh, J .A, A. M. King’ori and A. Y. Guliye. 2016. Effect of replacing maize with milled mature pods of Prosopis juliflora on performance of finishing broiler chicken. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (2) 2016.
  63. Odero-Waitituh, J .A, King’ori, A.M. and Guliye, A.Y. 2015. Prosopis juliflora Pods as Sources of Energy, Protein, Vitamins and Minerals in Livestock Diets in Kenya. Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 15:132-140.
  64. Gakige, J.K., A.M. King’ori, B.O. Bebe and A. K. Kahi.2015. Effects of targeted phase supplementary feeding on gut morphology of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chickens in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (10) 2015.
  65. Khobondo,J.O., T. K. Muasya, S. Miyumo, T. O. Okeno, C. B. Wasike, R. Mwakubambanya, A. M. King’ori and A. K. Kahi. 2015. Genetic and Nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (07)HYPERLINK "" 2015HYPERLINK "".
  66. King’ori, A.M., Wachira, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K. 2014. Influence of Energy Intake on Egg Production and Weight in Indigenous Chickens of Kenya.   International Journal of Poultry Science 13(3):151-155.
  67. King’ori, A.M. 2012. The Breeding Boar: Maximizing Productivity. International Journal of Livestock Research 2:7-14.
  68. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Management of poultry processing by-products: utilization of feathers. International Journal of Livestock Research 2:58-64.
  69. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Egg quality defects: types, causes and occurrence. Journal of Animal Production Advances 2: 350-357.
  70. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Influence of poultry diet on fatty acids, minerals and vitamins composition of the egg: A Review. Journal of Animal Science Advances 2: 583-588
  71. King’ori, A.M. 2012. The Pre-weaning piglet: colostrum and milk intake. Journal of Animal Production Advances 2: 277-283.
  72. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Sow Lactation: Colostrum and milk yield. Journal of Animal Science Advances 2: 525-533.
  73. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Poultry egg external characteristics: Egg weight, shape and colour. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences 5:14-17.
  74. King’ori, A.M. 2012. Uses of poultry eggs: Egg albumen and Egg yolk. Research Journal of Poultry Sciences 5:9-13.
  75. King’ori, A.M., J.A. Odero and A.Y. Guliye. 2011. Mathenge (Prosopis juliflora): An underutilized livestock feed resource in Kenya. Research Journal of Animal Science 5:43-51.
  76. King’ori, A.M. 2011. A review of the uses of poultry eggshells and shell membranes. International journal of poultry science 10: 908-912.
  77. King’ori, A.M. 2011. Review of the factors that influence egg fertility and hatchability. International journal of poultry science10:483-492.
  78. King’ori, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K., Muiruri, H.K., Wachira, A.M. 2010. Effect of Dietary Protein Levels on Egg Production, Hatchability and Post-hatch Offspring Performance of Indigenous Chickens of Kenya. International Journal of Poultry Science 9:324-329.
  79. King’ori, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K., Wachira, A.M. 2010. Indigenous chicken production in Kenya: A Review. International Journal of Poultry Science 9:309-316.
  80. King’ori, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K., Muiruri, H.K., Wachira, A.M and Birech, A.K. 2007. Protein Intake of Growing Indigenous Chickens on Free-range and Their Response to Supplementation. International Journal of Poultry Science 6: 617-621.
  81. King’ori, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K., Muiruri, H.K. and Wachira, A.M. 2003. Protein Requirements of Growing Indigenous Chickens during the 14-21 Weeks Growing Period. South African Journal of Animal Science 33: 78-82.
  82. King’ori, A.M. and Tuitoek, J.K. 1999. Locally Processed Blood Meal as a Protein supplement for Livestock. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology 2:1-6.
  83. King’ori, A.M., Tuitoek, J.K., Muiruri, H.K. and Muiruri, H.K. 1998. Comparison of Fermented dried Blood Meal and cooked dried Blood meal as Protein Supplements for Growing Pigs. Tropical Animal Health and Production 30:191-196.
  1. Masai, H. J., Ambula, M. K. & King’ori, A. M.Performance of honeybees (Apis mellifera) supplemented with soybean,chickpea and ground prosopis juliflora pod meal during dearth period.Egerton University 15th Biennial International Conference, 19th – 21st March, 2024.  
  2. Mutinda, V. M. King’ori, A.M. & Ambula, M. K.2024. Carcass characteristics and sensory quality of broilers fed on extruded sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] meal and exogenous phytase-based diets.Egerton University 15th Biennial International Conference, 19th – 21st March, 2024.
  3. Mwaniki, E.N., A.M. King'ori, C.M. Tanga and D.M. Mwangi. 2022. Feeding black soldier larvae meal diet on immediately  weaned pigs has no effect on performance and apparent nutrient digestibility.Animal Production Society of Kenya 2022 Scientific Symposium. Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa. October 25-28, 2022.  
  4. Gitonga, P.G., J.K. Tuitoek, A.M. King'ori and M.A. obonyo. 2022. The effect of natural products in binding aflatoxins in feed on growth of broiler chicken compared to a commercial binder. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2022 Scientific Symposium. Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa. October 25-28, 2022.  
  5. Muremera, C.N., M.K. Ambula, and A.M. King'ori. 2022. Performance of improved indigenous grower chicken in Kenya fed enzyme-treated Moringa (M.oleifera) leaf-based diets. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2022 Scientific Symposium. Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa. October 25-28, 2022. 
  6. Tura, I., A. King'ori, J. Ondiek and P.Onjoro. 2022. Economic analysis of feeding locally formulated and commercial milk replacer to camel calves in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2022 Scientific Symposium. Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa. October 25-28, 2022.
  7. Wambugu, P., A. King’ori, A. Opiyo, J. Mafurah, M. Kyule, J.J. Mbudzya,  J.M. Kanyua,  P.M. Wafula and N.W. Mungai. 2022. Role of Technical and Non-Technical Skills on Employability and Job Progression of Egerton University Graduates of 2009-2019. Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference, 23rd - 24th March 2022. 
  8. Gitonga, P.G., J.K. Tuitoek, A.M. King’ori and M.A. Obonyo. 2022. Ameriolative effects of Natural Products on Serum Biochemical and Histopathological changes of Broilers fed Mycotoxin-contaminated Feeds. Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference, 23rd - 24th March 2022. 
  9. Ngugi, D.M., O.B. Kashongwe and A.M. King’ori. 2022. Effects of Treating Prosopis juliflora pods with multi-enzyme, with or without bacterial cultures on in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) ,fermentation kinetics and performance of growing pigs. Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference, 23rd - 24th March 2022.
  10. Kemboi, F., J.O. Ondiek, A.M. King’ori and P.A. Onjoro. 2022. Proximate Composition and Palatability of Selected Rangelands Browses from Baringo County, Kenya. Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference, 23rd - 24th March 2022. Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference, 23rd - 24th March 2022.
  11. Commercialization of African Agriculture for Sustainable Development. The 12th Biennial Africa Farm Management Association (AFMA) Congress, 21st-25th November 2021, Panari Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  12. Odero-Waitituh, J A., King’ori, A M., Ambula, M K., Matofari, J. W. (2019). Growth and blood parameters improved on feeding grower rabbits fermented ground mature pods of Prosopis juliflora. The 1st CESAAM Regional Summer School for Graduate Students, 25th-29th November 2019, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya.
  13. Marie F. Mwabonimana, Anthony M. King’ori, Charles I. Muleke, Omedo  B. Bockline. 2019. Biosecurity Measures for Porcine Cysticercosis Infections at Farm and Slaughter Slab Level. Catalyzing Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security through Research, Technology and Innovation. University of Nairobi, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 22nd - 24th October, 2019.
  14. Odero-Waitituh, J A., King’ori, A M., Ambula, M K, Matofari, J W., Xiangyu, H. and Wei Yun, Z. (2019). Spontaneous and probiotic fermentations improved nutritional value of Ground Mature Prosopis juliflora pods. The Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) 2019 Annual scientific symposium, 9th -11th April 2019, Waterbuck Hotel. Nakuru, Kenya.
  15. Gichungu D.K.,   Wachira A.M., King’ori A.M. 2018. Hydrolyzed Prosopis juliflora pods substitute 50% maize in indigenous layer chicken feed. The Sixth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, KICC, Nairobi Kenya. 22nd -26th October, 2018.
  16. Gichungu D.K.,   Wachira A.M., King’ori A.M. 2018. Hydrolyzed Prosopis juliflora pods substitutes 50% maize in chicken layers diet without affecting egg production and egg quality but not yolk colour. 2nd Agri-nutrition conference held on 11th-13th September at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi Kenya.
  17. Thuita, F.N., J.K. Tuitoek and A. M. King’ori. 2018. Prevalence of afflatoxins in commercial broiler feeds in Nakuru, Kenya. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2018 Scientific Symposium. 4th-6th April, 2018, Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki.
  18. Gichungu, D.K., A.M. Wachira and A.M. King’ori. 2018. Fiber hydrolyzing enzyme could increase the utilization of Prosopis julliflora pods as an energy source substitute to maize in indigenous chicken layer feed. 12th Egerton University International Conference. 27th-29th, March, 2018. Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  19. Retooling workshop on research analytics and writing of fundable proposals (Resourced by Virginia Tech.-CALS, USA). 27th November-1st December. Morendat Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya.
  20. Wanjohi, D.M., A.M. King’ori, A.M. wachira and A.Y. Guliye. 2017. Effect of replacing complete grower diet with ground Prosopis julliflora pods on performance of improved Indigenous Chicken in Kenya. Animal Production Society of Kenya 2017 Scientific Symposium. 5th - 7th April 2017, Starbucks Hotel and Restaurant, Eldoret.
  21. Mwangi, K.W., A. Faraj, A.M. King’ori, F. Toroitich, J. Ondiek, E.Mbuthia, O. Ingasia, J. Ogendo, S.E. Nginya, P.K. Kariuki and J.M. Nduko. 2017. Review of locusts as Human Food: Processing Methods, Safety and Nutritional Aspects. 11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation week. 29th -31st March, 2017. Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  22. Lotesiro J.E, A.M. King’ori and B.O. Bebe. 2017. Comparative assessment of livelihood roles of Indigenous Chicken in pastoral and agricultural households of Kenya. 11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation week. 29th -31st March, 2017. Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  23. Nginya, E.S., A.M. King’ori, J.O. Ondiek, F. Toroitich, E. Mbuthia, O. Ingasia, J. Ogendo, K.W. Mwangi, P.K. Kariuki and J.M. Nduko. 2017. Substitution of Fishmeal by Locust meal for Chicken Grower Diets. 11th Egerton University International Conference and Innovation week. 29th -31st March, 2017. Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  24. GCFSI Grantee Workshop. 3rd -5th March, 2017. Michigan State University, Global Centre for Food Systems Innovation.
  25. King’ori, A.M. 2016. Fostering Innovations for the Livestock Industry: hides, skins and leather industry in Kenya.1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Industry, 26th-30th July, 2016. Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Nakuru.
  26. Animal Production Society of Kenya. Kenya’s Animal Agriculture: Macro-trends and future prospects. April 27th-29th, 2016, Kisumu Hotel, Kenya.
  27. António Jaime Manhique, Anthony M. King’ori and Abdi Guliye,
  28. Influence of Climate and Environmental factors on Nutritional Composition of Prosopis juliflora Pods from Baringo, Garissa and Kajiado Counties of Kenya. Research and Innovation for Advancement of Humanity. 30th-1st April, 2016, Faculty of Education Complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  29. GCFSI Grantee Workshop. 22nd -24th January, 2016. Michigan State University, Global Centre for Food Systems Innovation.
  30. Regional Conference on Dairy Education and Training in Africa.
  31. Theme: Transforming Dairy Education and Training for Health and Wealth in Africa. 21st-22nd September, 2015. Merica Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.  
  32. King’ori, A.M. and J.O. Khobondo.2015. Nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Regional Conference on sustainable Improvement of Indigenous Chicken Productivity, 9th-10th September, 2015. Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  33. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, 21st-23rd April, 2015. Kenya’s Animal Agriculture: ‘Macro Trends and Future Prospects’, Sarova White sands Beach Resort and Spa, Mombasa.
  34. King’ori, A.M., Nduko, J.M. and Toroitich, F.J. 2015. Prospects of using insects as an alternative protein source of non-ruminant livestock in Kenya. The 9th Egerton University International Conference, 25th-27th March, 2015.
  35. Gakige, J.K., King’ori, A.M. and Bebe, B.O. 2015.Effects of targeted phase supplementary feeding on performance of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chickens in Kenya. The 9th Egerton University International Conference, 25th-27th March, 2015.
  36. Improving Indigenous Chicken Productivity for Enhanced Livelihood and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, 17th -21st March 2014. Lilongwe, Malawi.
  37. King’ori, A.M. 2010. Production of indigenous chicken in Kenya: Nutrition and performance. 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference, 22nd-24th September 2010, Agricultural Resources Centre Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  38. Matofari, J.W, King’ori, A.M., Lagat, J.K. and J.M. Kinyua. 2010. The influence of the method and starter culture selection on traditional milk (mursik) fermentation quality. Kenya Veterinary Association, 44th Annual Scientific Conference, 20th-24th April 2010, Almond Resort, Garissa.
  39. King’ori, A.M., J.K. Tuitoek, and A.M. Wachira. 2010. Influence of Energy Intake on Egg Production of Indigenous Chickens. Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) symposium, 20th-22nd April 2010, Nomad Palace Garissa.
  40. Matofari, J.W., King’ori, A.M., Lagat, J.K., Kinyua, J.M., Maroro, R.K.and Misiko, B.N. 2009. Influence of method and starter culture selection on traditional milk fermentation quality. Fourth Annual Research Week and International Conference, 15th-17th September 2009, Agricultural Resource Centre Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.
  41. King’ori, A.M., J.K. Tuitoek, H.K. Muiruri and A.M. Wachira. 2006. Influence of protein supplementation on growing scavenging chickens. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Conference, March, 2006, Bomen Hotel, Isiolo, Kenya.
  42. Kosgey, I.S.., A.M. King’ori, J.K. Tuitoek and L.M. Were. 2005. Pig production in Kenya. Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Conference, March, 2005, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  43. King’ori, A.M., J.K. Tuitoek, H.K. Muiruri and A.M. Wachira. 2002. Energy requirements for laying indigenous chickens. 8th Biennial Scientific Conference, November, 2002, Nairobi, Kenya.
  44. King’ori, A.M., J.K. Tuitoek, H.K. Muiruri and A.M. Wachira. 2002. Protein requirements for growth and egg production of indigenous chicken. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. 8th Biennial Scientific Conference, November, 2002, Nairobi, Kenya.




  • ANNU 823: Advances in Livestock Feeding Strategies and Trends
  • ANNU 727: Pseudo-ruminant and Pet Animal Nutrition
  • ANSC 726: Advances in biotecnology in animal nutrition
  • ANSC 472: Animal Science Research Projects
  • ANSC 464: Equine Management
  • ANSC 463: Rabbit Production
  • ANSC 460: Non- Ruminant Production
  • ANSC 461: Poultry Production
  • ANSC 456: Camel Production
  • ANSC 362: Pig Production
  • ANSC 334:Biotechnology in Animal Nutrition
  • ANSC 231: Animal Nutrition
  • ANSC 221: Environmental Physiology, Ethology and Animal welfare
  • ANSC 111: Introduction to Animal Science


    1. MAUD BOAKYEWAA ACHEAMPONG.  Performance of grower rabbits fed on probiotic treated prosopis pods (prosopis juliflora) -based diet.Graduated on 29/11/2024. 

 VICTOR MUTINDA MBUKU. Effect of sorghum (sorghum bicolor l.) grain extrudate, phytase enzyme on performance of broiler chicken. Graduated on 29/11/2024. 

    • NAOMI CHEBET. Performance and egg quality of improved indigenous layers fed enzymes-based mulberry (morus alba) leaf meal diets. Graduated on 29/11/2024.
  1. ABDUL KARIM (MSc). Performance of exotic layer chicken fed on probiotics (Bacillus coagulans)-treated moringa (m. oleifera) leaf meal-based diet. Graduated on 27/10/23

    2. CAROL N. MUREMERA (MSc). Performance of improved indigenous grower chicken in kenya fed on treated moringa (M. oleifera) leaf meal-based diets. Graduated on 27/10/23

  2. PAMELA G. GITONGA (MSc). Evaluating the effectiveness of natural products in detoxifying aflatoxins in broiler feeds. Graduated on 27/10/2023
  3. DAVID MARII NGUGI (MSc). Effect of incorporating treated mature prosopis (prosopis juliflora) pod meal in the diet on the performance of growing pigs. Graduated on 17/12/2021.
  4. LILIAN MWAI (MSc). Effects of incorporating mulberry leaves (Morus alba) in indigenous chicken layer diet on egg production and quality. Graduated in June 2021
  5. BONIFACE SAKWA (MSc). Evaluating the impact of fodder related innovations on dairy profitability and performance in central Kenya. Graduated on 31/7/2020
  6. ISABELLE BEATRICE MUKANDUNGUTSE (MSc). Detoxification of aflatoxins in broiler chicken feeds by fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. Graduated on 31/7/2020.
  7. JONES ODERA OKUTU (MSc). Effect of stocking density on energy and nitrogen balance and production characteristics in indigenous chicken   under intensive system in Kenya. (Chuka university). Graduated on 18/10/2019.
  8. EUNICE SHILO NGINYA (MSc). Effect of substituting locust (Schistocerca gregaria) meal for fishmeal in KARLO improved indigenous chicken grower diets on performance and meat quality. Graduated in June 2019
  9. THUITA FRIDA NJOKI (MSc). Effects of aflatoxin contamination and aflatoxin binder incorporation in broiler feed on broilers’ performance and products quality. Thesis ready for submission. Graduated in June 2019
  10. WANJOHI, DUNCAN MAINA. (MSc). Effect of prosopis juliflora based diets on performance and carcass quality of growing indigenous chicken in Kenya (Egerton University). Graduated in June 2019
  11. JACOB EKARAN LOTESIRO (MSc). A comparative assessment of management practices and livelihood roles of indigenous chicken in pastoral and agricultural households of Kenya. Graduated in June 2018
  12. MANHIQUE, ANTONIO JAIME (MSc). Effect of ground mature prosopis (prosopis juliflora) pods inclusion in layer diets on performance of improved indigenous chicken in Kenya. Graduated in June 2017.
  13. MUKASAFARI MARIE ANNE (MSc). Effects of feeding brewers’spent grains on the performance of growing pigs in Rwanda. Graduated in December 2016.
  14. GAKIGE JESSEE KAGAI (MSc). Effects of targeted phase supplementary feeding on performance of scavenging ecotypes of indigenous chicken in Kenya (Egerton University). Graduated in December 2015.
  15. ODERO-WAITITUH JANE ATIENO (MSc). Evaluation of inclusion levels of prosopis julliflora (mathenge) milled mature pods in broiler finisher diets (Egerton University). Graduated in June, 2015


  1. CYRILA INGADO LUSALA (MSc). Performance of grower guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) under intensive system in Meru county – Kenya (Chuka University). Writing Thesis. Making unsatisfactory progress
  2. GICHUNGU DENNIS KIGIRI (MSC). Effects of enzymes inclusion in mature milled Proposis juliflora pods based diets on performance of KARI improved indigenous chicken. ( Egerton University, self-sponsored) Writing thesis. Making unsatisfactory progress
  3. ASHFORD KARANI MWENDA (MSc). Growth of indigenous chicken fed on diets with termite (macrotermes subhyalimus) meal as a protein source (Chuka University). Data collection. Making unsatisfactory progress
  4. KARANU MICHAEL MACHARIA (MSc) The effect of incorporating mulberry leaf meal (Morus alba) in indigenous grower chicken diets on feed intake, digestibility, weight gain (Egerton University, self-sponsored). Proposal development. Making unsatisfactory progress.
  5. CLARISSE UWIMBABAZI. Performance of broiler chickens fed on black soldier fly larvae meal based diets. Writing thesis
  6. EPHANTUS NDUNG'U MWANIKI. Effects of replacing fishmeal with blacksoldier fly larvae meal on performance and gut microflora populations of growing pigs.  Writing thesis 
  7. GRACE KYARIMPA.Performance of broilers fed fortified black soldier fly (hermertia illucens) larvae meal-based diet. Writing thesis

  8.  HARISON JUMA MASAI. The effect of pollen supplement diet on honey bee performance during dearth period in Marigat, Baringo County. successfuly defended thesis on 18.10.2024
  9. ANN KNYANJUI. Evaluation of performance of pre-weaned calves fed fermented canola meal-based milk replacer. Proposal defended at the department -Nov 2022
  10. FRANCINE AHIMPERA. Role of grass-legume silage on milk production in Burundi’s smallholder dairy cattle feeding systems.  Writing thesis
  11. CHELANGAT NASTA. Evaluation of improved indigenous layer chicken performance fed on cassava (manihot esculenta crantz) root meal as a maize substitute. Data collection
  12. KIZITO GERALD. Performance of broiler finisher chicken fed on rumen filtrate fermented cassava meal-based diet. Writing thesis
  13. Gladys Wangui. Effects of Diets containing Azolla pinnata (water fern) on growth performance, hematological parameters, egg quality and carcass characteristic of Improved indigenous chicken in Kenya. Proposal development.
  14. Mutuyimana Valentine.Performance of grower pigs in kenya fed on cassava root-leaf treated with aspergillus niger-based diets.Data collection







  1. Tura Isako (PhD).  Performance of Camel Calve in Kenya fed on milk substitute formulated from locally available feed ingredients. Graduated on 27/10/23

    FRED KEMBOI (PhD). Effects of feeding local browses on performance of crossbred growing goats in ASALs in Kenya. Graduated in July 2022

  2. ODERO-WAITITUH JANE ATIENO (PhD). Milled Prosopis pods in rabbit diets. (Egerton University). Graduated in June 2021.
  3. MARIE-FRANÇOISE MWABONIMANA (PhD). Assessing prevalence, biosecurity measures and lost carcass-value associated with porcine cysticercosis along the pork value chain in Western Kenya. Graduated in June 2021.
  4. ROBERT MWESIGWA (PHD). Effects of use of dried goat rumen contents on the performance of broiler and layer chickens. Graduated in June 2021
  5. JONAH N. MUTHUI. Influence of Nutrition and Value Chain Governance on Enterprise Performance in Smallholder Pig Production in      Kenya. Graduated in June 2019


  1. DOMITILA MAINA (PhD).Use of black soldier meal as a protein source for chicken. Writing thesis
  2. WANJOHI, DUNCAN MAINA. Evaluation of fermented and enzyme-treated Prosopis juliflora pod meal as substitute for maize in broiler diets. Writing thesis
  1. 2000 to date: Member of the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK)
  2.  2015-2017 Vice Chairman APSK
  3. November 2021 to date: Member of the Africa Farm Management Association (AFMA)


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