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Dr Meshack Kipruto Korir

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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Directorate / Dept
Department of Agricultural Engineering
536-20115, Egerton

Dr. Meshack Kipruto Korir is a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Egerton University. Earned PhD in Agricultural Engineering, Master of Science Degree in Agricultural Procesing Engineering, Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomechanical and Processing Engineering. Areas of interest: Agro-processing Engineering, Process Control Systems, Renewable Energy, Structural Design, Food Engineering Systems, etc. Additionally, am a registered Graduate Engineer with Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) and a member of Food Safety and Management at Egerton University.


2023: PhD in Agricultural Engineering, Egerton University, Kenya.

2015: MSc. in Agricultural Processing Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya.

2012: BSc. in Agricultural Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya.

2010: BSc. in Biomechanical and Processing Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya.

2003: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), Cheptil Secondary School, Nandi County, Kenya.

1998: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), Kormaet Primary School, Nandi County, Kenya.


Agricultural Processing Engineering, Renewable Energy, Structural Design, Process Control Systems, Agricultural Structures, Engineering Research Projects, Food Engineering systems, etc.


Registered Graduate Engineer with Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)

  • August 2021 to date: Lecturer in Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egerton University, Kenya.
  • March, 2018: Assistant Lecturer/Tutorial Fellow in the Departmentof Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egerton University, Kenya.
  • Nov. 2015-Feb. 2018: Teaching Assistant in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egerton University, Kenya.
  • 2009: Trainee, Kenya Tea Packers Limited (KETEPA), Kericho County, Kenya.
  • 2008: Trainee, Rift Valley Bottlers Limited, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
  • Pneumatic drying system for maize
  • Evaporatively cooled store for mangoes
  • Papaya seeds drying and oil extraction

Thermal Processes (Drying & Cooling), Agro-processing Engineering, Process Control Systems, Renewable Energy, Structural and Engineering Design, Food Engineering Systems, Carbon Cycle,  Greenhouse Technologies, etc.

  1. Korir, M. K. (2021). Development of a computer model for simulation of an experimental evaporatively Cooled near infrared reflecting store for fruits and vegetables. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, IJSTR. (In press).
  2. Korir, M. K., Mutwiwa, U., Kituu, G. M. and Sila, D. N. (2017). Effect of near infrared reflection and evaporative cooling on quality of mangoes. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(1), 162-168.
  3. Korir, M. K. (2017). Effect of drying on the properties of papaya seeds and oil characterization. International Journal of Engineering research, science and Technology (IJERST), 6(4).
  4. Korir, M. K. (2017). Influence of evaporative cooling and near infrared reflection storage on the chemical properties of mangoes. IOSR Journalof Agricultural and veterinaryscience (IOSR-JAVS), 10(12), 20-25.
  5. Korir, M. K., Mutwiwa, U., Kituu, G. M. and Sila, D. N. (2014). Simulation of saturation efficiency and cooling capacity of an unloaded near infrared reflecting charcoal cooler for on-farm storage of mango fruits. Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering, 1(2), 34-39.
  • Korir, M., Mutwiwa, U., Kituu, G. and Sila, D.  (2014). Assessment of postharvest challenges of mango fruits in upper athi river basin, kenya. Reviewed scholarly article presented in the proceedings of JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference.
  • Korir, M., Mutwiwa, U., Kituu, G. and Sila, D. (2014). Development of a computer model simulation for predicting the performance of a near infrared reflecting charcoal cooler for on farm storage of mangoes. Reviewed scholarly article presented in the proceedings of International Annual Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation, AICAD, pp.178-181. ISSN 2079-6226
  • Korir, M. K., Kaluli, W., Shitanda, D., Mutwiwa, U. and Ronoh, E. K. (2011 ). Effect of drying on papaya seeds and food properties of papaya seed oil. Reviewed scholarly article presented in the proceedings of JKUAT Scientific, Technological And Industrialization Conference, pp. 468-477. ISBN 9966-923-28-4
  • UNESCO 5th Africa Engineering Week/3rd Africa Engineering Week & 25th IEK international conference. Harvesting Blue Economy for Accelerated Economic Growth: The role of the Engineer. 17th to 21st September, 2018, PrideInn Paradise, Mombasa.


  • 2016: Competitively awarded scholarship for PhD research work by the African Development Bank/Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kenya (AfDB/MoEST).
  • 2012: Competitively awarded ST&I grant for masters research  work by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) of Kenya, (NCST/ST&I/RCD/4th Call M.Sc/152).

My teaching areas include:

  • Agricultural Processing Engineering,
  • Agricultural Structures Engineering,
  • Process Control Systems,
  • Structural Design,
  • Principles of Engineering Design,
  • Engineering Research Projects,
  • Properties of Agricultural Materials,
  • Food Engineering, etc.
  1. Registered member of Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)
  2. Member of the Food Safety Management at Egerton University
  3. Member of Board of St. John-Primary School, Kabongo, Uasin Gishu County
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