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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
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Academic Staff
BOX 13770 - 00100, NAIROBI.

Hesborn Rasugu Ayub is an academic staff in the Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial and Energy Engineering at Egerton University. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Renewable Energy and a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering both from Moi University. Currently he is a PhD candidate pursuing Renewable Energy at Kenyatta University. His areas of interest include: Renewable Energy, Power generation plants, Waste to Energy and recycling (Circular Economy) with a deep passion in Agriculture, (Mechanisaion, Conservation, Regenerative) and manufacturing. He is a graduate engineer member with both EBK and IEK.

  1. PhD. Candidate in Renewable Energy, Kenyatta University (2017 - Ongoing).
  2. MSc. Renewable Energy, Moi University (2010 - 2015).
  3. BTech. in Mechanical and Prod. Engineering (Upper Second) Moi Univ, (2004 - 2009).
  4. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (B+, 72 points), Kisii H. School (1999-2002).
  5. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (549/700), Rang’eti Pri. School (1991-1998).

Thermofluids; Renewable Energy and power generation.


Membership to Professional Societies

  1. Graduate Engineer with Engineers Registration Board (ERB) of Kenya no. B5854.
  2. Member of Institute of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) no. G4146.


Short Training Courses

  1. April 2018 – May 2018: Open Africa Power Class 2018 at Strathmore Uni. – A Collaboration of University of Nairobi and Strathmore University and Politecnico di Milano and di Torino funded by ENEL.
  2. May 2018 –  Sept 2018: Universal Energy Access online course at Florence School of Regulation, Italy funded by ENEL Foundation.
  3. February 2019 – July 2019: Ongoing, African Innovation Leaders Program by the Italian government.
  4. September 30th 2019 - September 4th 2019: EAC, Regional course on development, design, Installation and operation of Small Hydropower plants, at Makerere university. Funded by UNIDO and EACREEE.
  1. Lecturer (August 2021  Present), Egerton University. Lecturing, Moderation and Marking Exams. Specialising in engineering Thermodynamics, power plant engineering, Internal combustion engines and hydraulic power and control. In-charge of examinations in the IEEN department. 
  2. Tutorial Fellow (March 2018 – August 2021), Egerton University. Lecturing, Moderation and Marking Exams. Specialising in engineering Thermodynamics, power plant engineering, Internal combustion engines and hydraulic power and control
  3. Teaching Assistant (August 22nd 2015 – March 2018) Egerton University. Duties included: - Lecturing undergraduate students. Supervising undergraduate projects, conducting research and consultancy in renewable Energy power plant projects. Specialising in engineering Thermodynamics, power plant engineering, Internal combustion engines and hydraulic power and control
  4. Part-time Lecturer (July 2013 - July 2015), Moi University and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and technology. Duties included: -Lecturing undergraduate students. Supervising undergraduate students and research in various areas; renewable energy and related engineering fields. Was involved in setting of exams, moderating and marking of exams.
  5. Demonstrator (July, 2012 - July 2013), Moi University. Duties included teaching in Mechanical Engineering and related courses to undergraduate and conducting practicals.
  6. Mechanical Engineering Intern (2007 - 2008), KenGen, Kipevu Thermal and Sondu-Miriu Hydropower plants. Duties included; Maintenance, servicing and repair of; valves, injection pumps, compressors, nozzles, low pressure boilers and oil centrifuges. Operation and Control of Gas-turbine, Diesel Engines and hydro plant during power generation.
  1. 2008-2009: Heat Recovery from Gas Turbine Flue Gases Through Cogeneration (A Case Study of KenGen Gas Turbines at Kipevu, Mombasa). Principal Investigator.
  2. 2013-2014: A study of the fuel properties of briquetted finger millet straws; Principal Investigator.
  3. 2016-2019: Modelling of a modified induction pressure cooker for energy efficiency; Principal Investigator.
  1. Energy Efficiency.
  2. Electrical Power generation machinery and projects. 
  3. Energy inter-conversion processes, technics and storage. 
  1. Ayub R.H., Bichang’a D.O., Kipsanai J.J., Kegesa D.A. and Osumo B. N., (2015). Combustion Properties of Briquettes Produced from Finger Millet Straws of Different Particle Sizes, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2015. Click here
  2. Ayub R.H., Tarus H.k., Bichang’a D.O. and Kegesa D.A., (2015). Briquettes from Finger Millet Straws at Room Temperature and Low Compacting Pressure Without a Binder, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Volume 4, Issue 09, September 2015. Click here
  3.  Ayub R.H., (2017). Effect of Compacting Pressure on Fuel Properties of Finger Millet Briquettes, Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. Volume 7, Issue 8, 2017. Click here
  4. Bichang’a D.O., Ayub R.H., (2017). Effect of Fibre Weight Fraction on Mechanical Properties of Woven Sisal Fabric Reinforced Epoxy Composites, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention.Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2017. Pp 72-75. Click here
  5. Hesborn Rasugu Ayub, Willis Jakanyango Ambusso, Franklin Muriuki Manene, Daudi Mongeri Nyaanga., (2021). A Review of Cooking Systems and Energy Efficiencies, American Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.ajee.20210901.11 click here
  1. Ayub R.H., Omwando T.A. And Obooka N.T., (2010): Heat Recovery from Gas Turbine Flue Gases Through Cogeneration (A Case Study of Kengen Gas Turbines at Kipevu, Mombasa). At Masinde Muliro University International Conference.
  2. Ayub R.H, Namango S.S., Bichang’a D.O. and Osumo B. N., (2015). A study of the fuel properties of briquetted finger millet straws, at the fifth international conference on innovations and advancement of humanity at Eldoret national polytechnic
  3. Ayub R.H., Ambusso J. W., Manene F., Nyaanga M. D., (2020). A Review of Cooking Systems and Energy Efficiencies. The 9th International Conference on Applied Technology ICAT, Energy and materials. pg (230-237). Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria South Africa.   
  1. 2013: Competitively awarded M.Sc. Research grant by NACOSTI, National Council for Science & Technology. (NCST 5th Call, Kshs. 162,500);
  2. 2017: Competitively awarded full PhD scholarship in Renewable Energy by DAAD In-country, at Kenyatta University.

  3. August 24th 2019 – 20th September 2019: Competitively awarded full Summer School training. Water-Energy and Food WEF Nexus, in Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the tropics and sub-tropics ITT,  at University of Cologne TH Koln, Germany. Funded by DAAD.

  1. Renewable Energy.
  2. Power plant engineering.
  3. Engineering Thermodynamics.
  4. Engineering Drawing.
  5. Industrial pollution and control.
  6. Hydropower technology II.
  7. Energy and clean clean production.
  8. Industrial organisation and finance. 

Seventh-Day Church Adventist Member. (SDA)

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