1. Kamau E. W. (2024). Influence of Institutional Interventions on Adoption Intensity of Ecological Farming Among Households in Kiambu County, Kenya
2. Mugendi P. G. (2024). Cost Effectiveness of Recycling Organic Waste Using Black Soldier Fly and Effect on Household Income in Kiambu County, Kenya
3. Omwenga V. K. (2024). Exploring the Nexus Between Crop Diversification and Household Welfare Among Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Borabu Sub-County, Nyamira County
4. Kiprono, N.K. (2023). Analysis of Factors Affecting Uptake of Modern and Traditional Beehives and How it Affects the Performance of Apiculture Agri-enterprises in Baringo South Sub-County, Kenya.
5. Kibet, K.W. (2023). Effect of Collective Action on Performance and Marketing Among Smallholder Passion Fruit Farmers in Nandi County, Kenya.
6. Too, H.K. (2023). Analysis of Wheat Importation and Its Associated Effects on Domestic Wheat Production in Kenya.
7. Nganga, E.W. (2022). Effect of Public-Private Partnership on Income Generation: Case of Improved Beans in Homa Bay County, Kenya.
1.Habel Berit Auma. The Influence of Women Empowerment on Household Food Security Among Smallholder Farmers in Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes in Nakuru, Isiolo And Kajiado Counties, Kenya (Thesis Stage)
2.Silvia Karwathia Kimathi. Effects of Access to Financial Services on Women's Empowerment Among Small-Scale Potato Farmers in Narok County, Kenya (Thesis Stage)
3. Chelal Hillary Chirchir. Determinants Of Farm Innovations And Adoption By Smallholder Rice Farmers In West Kano Irrigation Scheme, Kisumu County, Kenya (Thesis stage)
4. William Clifford Fetty. Assessment of The Economic Values of Mangrove Forests in Ambanja District, Madagascar (Thesis stage)
5. Sitatow Birhan Haile. Constraints of Sorghum Seed Agrienterprise Development Among Seed Producers and Processors in Tanzania (Thesis stage)
6. Onyango Kennedy. Effects of Selected Food Price Fluctuations on Household Welfare in Kenya (Thesis stage)
7. Knowledge Mtambo.Effectiveness of Business Development Grants for Smallholder Rice Farmers on Farm Income in Nkhatabay District, Malawi (Thesis stage-Deferred)
8. Lena Waithera Mwangi. Demand Analysis of Fresh Fruits Consumption Among Urban Households in Nakuru Municipality (Thesis Submitted for Examination)
9. Veronica Wavinya Maingi. Effect of Collective Action on Marketing Efficiency and Income Among Smallholder Mango Farmers in Mwala SubCounty, Machakos County, Kenya (Thesis Submitted for Examination)
10. Winnie Atieno Ooko.Effect of Non-Farm Employment on Value Addition Decision Among Smallholder Farmers in Mau-Narok Ward, Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya (Oral Thesis Examination Done)
1. Patrick Lupiya. An Evaluation of Climate Information and Climate Smart Agriculture Nexus and Its Implications on Livelihood Outcomes in Rural Zambia. (To graduate in 2025 Ceremony)
1. Bwema Ombati Mogaka. Assessing the Role of Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles in Enhancing Food Security, Climate Resilience, and Livelihood Outcomes among Smallholder Farmers in Drylands of Makueni County, Kenya (Proposal-Faculty)
2.Bright Masakha Wekesa. Pathways for Resilience to Climate Change-induced Shocks and Implications to Household Welfare of Pastoralists in Rural Kajiado County, Kenya. (Thesis Stage)
3. Victor Kilui Wabwile. Impacts of Climate-Related Shocks on Livelihood of Smallholder Aivs Farmers In Kisii And Kakamega Counties, Kenya.(Thesis Stage)