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Dr Raphael Gitau

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Faculty of Agriculture
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P.O. Box 536 EGERTON 20115
ORCID 0000-0001-7219-4375
Google Scholar

2019: PhD in Agricultural Economics-University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa  

2006: Masters in International Development- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan

1998: BSc in Agri-business Management - Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya



Agricultural Economist with a specialization in Policy and Development Economics

  1. September 2023: Gender Mainstreaming and Market Modelling Training Workshop- African Economic Research Consortium and University of Georgia USA
  2. July 2023: Impact Evaluation Retooling Training Workshop- African Economic Research Consortium, University of North Carolina USA and the Transfer Project
  3. Dec 2022: CREST Training Course for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates at African Universities -Stellenbosch University
  4. Aug 2021: PedaL Online: Technology for Transformative Pedagogy Course-Pedagogical Leadership in Africa. PedaL
  5. Sept 2014: Partial Equilibrium Modelling And Commodity Market Analysis -Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), University of Pretoria
  6. May 2013: Agri-benchmark Cost Of Production Using Standard Operating Procedures-Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), University of Pretoria
  7. Sept 2011: Regional Training Workshop on Strengthening Capacity of the Agricultural Sector to Adapt to Climate Change Impact in Africa-Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam and Michigan State University
  8. July 2011: Executive Short Course on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation-University of Nairobi, Department of Meteorology , College of Biological and Physical Sciences
  9. June 2011: Statistics in Applied Climatology for Academic Supervisors and Managers-Egerton University and Walker Institute for Climate System Research , University of Reading
  10. August 2010: Value Links and its application in the Agricultural Sector- Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy Service and GTZ/PSDA

Oct. 2019 to Date: Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of AGEC and AGBM, Egerton University

  • Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Supervision of postgraduate students (MSc. and PhD)
  • Independent internal examiner for MSc. and PhD thesis
  • Chairperson of the Postgraduate Departmental Committee
  • Represents the department at the Faculty Postgraduate Committee 
  • Program academic leader for Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) 
  • Research Proposal/grant writing
  • Participates in various capacities in research activities undertaken by the department
  • Participates in outreach and capacity-building of stakeholders in the agricultural sector activities undertaken by the department

May 2006 to Sept 2014: Research Fellow (Agricultural Economist), Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University

  • Coordinated various baseline surveys & monitoring and evaluation research activities are undertaken by the Institute and supervised Research Assistants
  • Tracked and analyzed key indicators in agriculture and rural development. These included poverty, rural and urban livelihoods, food security, productivity, rural finance for policy analysis and advocacy
  • Presentation of research findings at conferences and key stakeholder workshops organized by the Institute
  • Analysis and development of policy brief coming out of the various work undertaken concerning integrated agricultural rural development, rural finance, food security, livelihood, poverty and natural resource management
  • Involved in capacity building for monitoring and evaluation officer working in government, development partners and civil society on monitoring and evaluation
  • Play a leading role in the development of proposals, survey instrument design, data collection, analysis and report writing of various research projects
  • Represented  the Institute in local and international conference
  • Represented the Institute in various Technical Working Groups within the agricultural sector

Oct 2005 to March 2006: Research Assistant (Intern), Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan: The Asia and African Section

  • Assisted Senior Economist with data entry, data cleaning and analysis of household-level data collected for a study on the determinants of rice production in Ghana, 2000 and 2001.
  • Assisted in the evaluation of the JICA project implemented in Ghana to alleviate poverty. The project evaluated included dairy projects and sustainable agriculture
  • Assisted in the organization and participation in three international conferences held at the institute on food security and poverty alleviation in Asia, Africa and South America.
  • Carried out other duties assigned by the Senior Economist in Asia and African section

April 1999 to August 2004: Research Assistant, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University

  • Participated in data collection, cleaning of data, analysis and reporting of various research projects.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of various programs
  • Data management of the institute panel data on 1560 households in 21 district
  • Trained and supervised enumerators during data collection.
  • Assisted in the organization of conferences and stakeholder workshops.
  1. 2024-2025: Exploring Gendered Related Barriers Faced by Food SMEs in Providing Low-income Consumers with Safe, Affordable and Nutritious Foods in Kenya Uganda and Malawi. This is a project under the Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) which aims to address the critical barriers to consuming safe, nutritious, and affordable diets in Sub-Saharan Africa. The project is implemented by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I am the Principle Investigator
  2. 2021:Endline project evaluation of the Pest Risk Information Service (PRISE) project in Kenya (2017-2021) implemented by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) as the lead contractor in partnership with ASSIMILA, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), the Kenya Metrological Department (KMD) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) I was the Monitoring and Evaluation, Expert
  3. 2018: Enhancing computable general equilibrium analysis with partial equilibrium modelling of Kenyan agriculture and trade policy reforms. The project was undertaken by the European Union, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University, Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)-University of Pretoria and Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI)-University of Missouri. I was an Analyst
  4. 2016: Evolution of maize value chain in Sub-Sahara Africa to 2030 The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) project under the Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI). I was an Analyst
  5. 2015: Anticipating the Future of Agriculture in the Region: Outlook for Maize, Wheat Sugar and Rice. The project was undertaken by the Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI). I was an Analyst 
  6. 2014: Anticipating and Responding to the Regions Policy Challenges in the Decades Ahead. The project was undertaken by the  Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI). I was an Analyst 
  7. 2013-2014: The Impact of hybrid maize seed in Western, Central and Eastern regions of Kenya on the rural households using the Randomized Control Trials. The project was undertaken by Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University, Acumen Incorporated, Western Seed Company and the University of California Davis. I was the Project Coordinator 
  8. April-August 2012: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University, conducted an external evaluation of the Great Lakes Cassava Initiative (GLCI) project in Kenya and Tanzania. The project was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The GLCI project brought together local scientists, NGOs and farmers to successfully manage the spread of two pandemics, the cassava mosaic disease and the cassava brown streak disease (CMV & CBSD respectively) that had decimated about 70 per cent of cassava crop yields. I was the team leader in the implementation of the evaluation in Tanzania
  9. April 2010-February 2012: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University, designed and delivered a social impact baseline survey on the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) a project funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in the 47 Counties in Kenya. I was the operation coordinator  
  10. November 2009 to March 2010: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University designed and conduct a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted baseline study that provided an analysis describing the situation before the Africa Green Revolution in Africa’s  (AGRA) interventions in Kenya. The aim was to provide a benchmark against which AGRA interventions will be assessed. I was the data management coordinator and was also a senior analyst.
  11. July to November 2009: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University established a baseline survey that future impacts of the Business Alliance Against Chronic Hunger (BAACH) interventions a project funded by the United Nations Development Programme in Siaya District would be gauged. I was the project coordinator 
  12. November 2008 to June 2009: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development-Egerton University designed and delivered a social impact baseline survey for coffee farmers/households in In Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda a project implemented by Technoserve International. I was the senior data analyst
  13. 2007 and 2010: Collected rural household data in 2007 and 2010. The data covered 1300 households interviewed consistently over Agro-Ecological Zones covering 22 districts and 8 agro-regional zones. The data was collected as part of the panel data collected in 1997, 1998 and 2000. The household data has been used to monitor trends in key indicators such as household incomes (from crops, livestock, business activities, salaries and remittance), poverty dynamics, crop and livestock productivity, input use, diversification, accumulation of household assets, household characteristics, and access to infrastructure among other indicators. In addition, the data was used to analyze the impact of government policies on the livelihood of rural households. I was the data manager and also acted as a senior analyst 
  • Tracking impacts of different interventions by the government and development partners toward the achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1,2, 10 and 13 
  • Undertaking baseline, mid-term and end-line evaluation of government and development partners' projects in the agriculture and food industry in the region
  • Effects of government policy on agriculture and food security on urban and rural household livelihoods across the region
  • The mitigation of  climate change in the agricultural sector and at the household level across the region
  • Analysis of the dynamics of commodity markets and their impacts on the respective sectors across the region
  • The role of regional trade in addressing food security and poverty alleviation
  • Poverty dynamics in Sub-Sahara Africa
  1. Chelal, H., Mutai, B., Gitau, R., Kimurto, P., Mugambi, A., & Cheboi, A. (2025). Factors Influencing the Intensity of Adopting Rice Farm Innovations Among Smallholder Rice Farmers in the West Kano Irrigation Scheme, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Agronomy (JAA)2(1), 1–14.
  2. Lupiya, P., Gitau, R. & Bett, H.K. Effects of seasonal climate forecasts on livelihood outcomes: a case of smallholder farmers in rural Zambia. Discov Sustain 5, 442 (2024).
  3. Kamau, E. W., Gitau, R., & Bett, H. K. (2024). Driving transformation: the role of institutions in shaping ecological farming adoption in Kiambu County, Kenya. Development in Practice, 1–16. DOI:
  4. Kiprono, N., Gitau, R., & Chelang’a, N. (2024). Assessing the economic returns of modern and traditional beehives. J. Agribus. Rural Dev., 2(72), 144–152.
  5. Kamau.,E.,W., Gitau, R., and Bett, H., K.,(2024).Effects of adoption of ecological farming practices on farm income in rural households: Evidence from Central Kenya. Heliyon 10 (14): DOI:
  6. Ooko, W.,A., Gitau. R., and Gathungu, E., (2024).Rural Non-Farm Income and Value Addition Decisions in Nakuru County, Kenya: A Multivariate Probit Approach.IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 29(7):DOI: 10.9790/0837-2907060109
  7.  Lupiya, P., Gitau, R., and Bett, H., K., (2024). Understanding uptake and interrelationship of climatic agricultural innovations in rural Zambia: Evaluating seasonal climate forecast use and weather shocks. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 14(1):DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/14-1-08
  8. Omwenga, V., K., Ngigi, M., W., and Gitau, R., (2023). Exploring the Nexus Between Crop Diversification and Household Welfare, in Borabu Sub-County, Kenya.  Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 13(8): DOI:10.7176/JBAH/13-8-07
  9. Too, H., K., Bett, H., K., and Gitau, R., (2023). Determination of import demand of wheat in Kenya; A time series analysis from 2000 to 2019. African Journal of Agricultural Research.19(3):305-315. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2022.16276.
  10. Lumet K., Gitau, R and Owour, G. (2022). The influence of women’s empowerment on poverty reduction: A case of smallholder sugarcane farmers in western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 17 (3):255-271. DOI: 10.53936/afjare.2022.17(3).17.
  11. Nganga E., Gitau, R. and Birachi, E. (2022). Partnerships and choice of market outlet among bean farmers in Kenya. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics XXV (1):55-64. DOI:10.15414/raae.2022.25.01.55-64

  12. Kiprono, N.. Lagat, J. and Gitau, R. (2021). Determinant factors affecting the uptake of modern beehives. International Journal of Science and Research .10(9). DOI:10.21275/SR21915122747
  13. Too, H., K., Bett, H., K., and Gitau, R., (2021). What Explains the trends of wheat iImports in Kenya; A cointegration analysis using ARDL-ECM modelling. Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development. 12 (16). DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-16-10.
  14. Ochieng, J., Kirimi, L., Ochieng, Njagi, T, Mathenge, M, Gitau, R and Ayieko, M (2020).  Managing climate risk through crop diversification in rural Kenya. Climate 2020. DOI:
  15. Gitau R and Meyer F. (2019). Spatial price transmission under different policy regimes: A case of maize markets in Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 14 (1):14-27
  16. Gitau R and Meyer F. (2018). Spatial market integration in the era of high food prices. A case of surplus and deficit maize markets in Kenya. Agrekon 57(3-4):251-265. DOI:
  17. Meyer F, Davids T, Mpenda Z, Popat M, Vilanculos O, Chisanga B and Gitau R. (2017). The impact of the 2015/16 drought on staple maize markets in Southern and Eastern Africa. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. Policy Research Brief 38. May 2017
  18. Ochieng J, Kirimi L Mathenge M and Gitau R. (2016). Effects of climate variability and change on agricultural production: The case of small-scale farmers in Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Working Paper Series 55/2016
  19. Muyanga, M., and  Gitau, R. (2013). Do land disputes affect smallholder agricultural productivity? Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(14), 2222-2285
  20. Kamau, M., Gitau, R., and Matui M, (2013). Community voice/presence in Governance of food security related initiatives: The case of Kirinyaga West and Mbeere South Districts in Central Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Working Paper Series 50/2012
  21. Gitau, R., Mburu, S., Mathenge, M. K., and Smale, M., (2012). Trade and agricultural competitiveness: Wheat and rice in Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Policy Brief No 2/2011
  22. Gitau, R., Olwande, J., Mathenge, M. K., Lilian, K., and Kamau, M. (2012) Potential effects of the imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) on agricultural input and sifted maize meal . Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Policy Brief No 8/2012
  23. Muyanga M and Gitau R. (2011).  Land disputes and the impact they have on agricultural productivity. Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) Policy Brief No.8 May, 2011
  24. Miller, R., Karin, F.Z., Bird, K., Nteza, E.K., Gitau, R. and Mathenge, M. (2011). Family histories and rural inheritance in Kenya. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC).  Working Paper No 220 July, 2011.Oversee Development Institute 111 Westminster Bridge Road London SE 17JD UK
  25. Miller, R., Karin, F.Z., Bird, K., Nteza, E.K., Gitau, R. and Mathenge, M. (2011). Family histories and rural inheritance in Kenya. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC).  Working Paper No 220 July, 2011.Oversee Development Institute 111 Westminster Bridge Road London SE 17JD UK
  26. Gitau, R., Mburu, S., Mathenge, M. K., and Smale, M., (2010). Trade and agricultural competitiveness for growth, food security and poverty reduction: A case of wheat and rice production in Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Working Paper Series 45/2011
  27. Gitau, R., Kimenju, S., Kibaara, B., Nyoro, J., Bruntrup M. and Zimmermann, R., (2009). Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: Kenya’s past policies.Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development, Working Paper Series 33/2008.
  28. Kibaara, B., Gitau, R., Kimenju, S., Nyoro, J., Bruntrup M. and Zimmermann, R., (2009). Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: CAADP process In Kenya.Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture Policy and Development, Working Paper Series 34/2008
  29. Kimenju S.C., Gitau, R., Kibaara, B. and Nyoro J., (2009). Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: Understanding: APRM process in Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development Working Paper Series 35/2008
  30. Suri, T. Tschirley, D., Irungu, C., Gitau, R and Kariuki, D. (2008), Poverty, inequality and income dynamics in Kenya, 1997-2007. Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture and Policy and Development Working Paper Series 30/2008
  31. Ngugi, I. K., Gitau, R., and Nyoro, J., (2007), Access to high value markets by smallholder farmers of African indigenous vegetables in Kenya, Regoverning Markets Innovative Practice series, IIED, London


  1. 2022: Chairperson session on "Transforming Agri-Food Systems" during the 14th Egerton University Biennial International Conference held virtually from the 23rd to 25th March 2022 

Invited Paper Presentation

  1. 2018: Gitau, R., and Meyer, F., (2018). Spatial price transmission under different policy regimes: A case of maize markets in Kenya. paper presented at the 56th annual conference of the Agricultural Economic Association of Southern Africa, 25-27th September in Cape Town, South Africa
  2. 2016:Davids T, Gitau R, Meyer F H, Chisanga B and Jayne T S. (2016). Evaluating price volatility and the role of trade in Eastern and Southern African maize markets. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economist  23-26th September, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  3. 2013:Kirimi L., Gitau R., and Olunga, M. (2013). Household food security and commercialization among smallholder farmers in Kenya.Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists  22-25th September,Tunis, Tunisia
  4. 2012:Gitau, R., Mburu, S., Smale, M., and Mathenge, K.M. (2012). The efficiency and competitiveness of wheat production in Kenya. Paper presented at the 7th Egerton Univesity International Conference: Research and Expo 26-28th september, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya 
  1. 2023: Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management Award of Staff Exchange Programme 
  2. 2014: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)  Scholarship Award  on Strengthening the Capacity of Agricultural Economists in Africa at the University of Pretoria,Republic of South Africa, PhD Graduate Programme
  3. 2012: Best Paper Presentation Sub-theme Social Economics and Entrepreneurship during the 7th Egerton University International Conference Research and Expo held on 26th-28th September, 2012 at ARC Hotel, Njoro Campus, Kenya  
  4. 2004: Japan  International Cooperation Agency (JICA) - Scholarship Award on  Capacity Buidling  for Policy Analysts in Africa at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Tokyo , Japan, MSc. Graduate Programme 

Production Economics 


Agriculture and Rural Development

Agricultural Policy Analysis 

Contemporary Issues in Agricultural Economics 

Quantitative Analysis of Agricultural and Nutritional Policy




1. Kamau E. W. (2024). Influence of Institutional Interventions on Adoption Intensity of Ecological Farming Among Households in Kiambu County, Kenya

2. Mugendi P. G. (2024). Cost Effectiveness of Recycling Organic Waste Using Black Soldier Fly and Effect on Household Income in Kiambu County, Kenya 

3. Omwenga V. K. (2024). Exploring the Nexus Between Crop Diversification and Household Welfare Among Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Borabu Sub-County, Nyamira County

4. Kiprono, N.K. (2023). Analysis of Factors Affecting Uptake of Modern and Traditional Beehives and How it Affects the Performance of Apiculture Agri-enterprises in Baringo South Sub-County, Kenya.

5. Kibet, K.W. (2023). Effect of Collective Action on Performance and Marketing Among Smallholder Passion Fruit Farmers in Nandi County, Kenya.

6. Too, H.K. (2023). Analysis of Wheat Importation and Its Associated Effects on Domestic Wheat Production in Kenya.

7. Nganga, E.W. (2022). Effect of Public-Private Partnership on Income Generation: Case of Improved Beans in Homa Bay County, Kenya.


1.Habel Berit Auma. The Influence of Women Empowerment on Household Food Security Among Smallholder Farmers in Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes in Nakuru, Isiolo And Kajiado Counties, Kenya (Thesis Stage)

2.Silvia Karwathia Kimathi. Effects of Access to Financial Services on Women's Empowerment Among Small-Scale Potato Farmers in Narok County, Kenya (Thesis Stage)

3. Chelal Hillary Chirchir. Determinants Of Farm Innovations And Adoption By Smallholder Rice Farmers In West Kano Irrigation Scheme, Kisumu County, Kenya (Thesis stage)

4. William Clifford Fetty. Assessment of The Economic Values of Mangrove Forests in Ambanja District, Madagascar (Thesis stage)

5. Sitatow Birhan Haile. Constraints of Sorghum Seed Agrienterprise Development Among Seed Producers and Processors in Tanzania (Thesis stage)

6. Onyango Kennedy. Effects of Selected Food Price Fluctuations on Household Welfare in Kenya (Thesis stage)

7. Knowledge Mtambo.Effectiveness of Business Development Grants for Smallholder Rice Farmers on Farm Income in Nkhatabay District, Malawi (Thesis stage-Deferred)

8. Lena Waithera Mwangi. Demand Analysis of Fresh Fruits Consumption Among Urban Households in Nakuru Municipality (Thesis Submitted for Examination)

9. Veronica Wavinya Maingi. Effect of Collective Action on Marketing Efficiency and Income Among Smallholder Mango Farmers in Mwala SubCounty, Machakos County, Kenya (Thesis Submitted for Examination)

10. Winnie Atieno Ooko.Effect of Non-Farm Employment on Value Addition Decision Among Smallholder Farmers in Mau-Narok Ward, Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya (Oral Thesis Examination Done)







1. Patrick Lupiya. An Evaluation of Climate Information and Climate Smart Agriculture Nexus and Its Implications on Livelihood Outcomes in Rural Zambia. (To graduate in 2025 Ceremony)


1. Bwema Ombati Mogaka. Assessing the Role of Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles in Enhancing Food Security, Climate Resilience, and Livelihood Outcomes among Smallholder Farmers in Drylands of Makueni County, Kenya (Proposal-Faculty)

2.Bright Masakha Wekesa. Pathways for Resilience to Climate Change-induced Shocks and Implications to Household Welfare of Pastoralists in Rural Kajiado County, Kenya. (Thesis Stage)

3. Victor Kilui Wabwile. Impacts of Climate-Related Shocks on Livelihood of Smallholder Aivs Farmers In Kisii And Kakamega Counties, Kenya.(Thesis Stage)




  1. African Association of Agricultural Economist (AAAE)
  2. Agricultural Economics Association of Southern Africa (AEASA)
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