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Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept
Animal Breeding & genomics

Dr. T.K. Muasya is a Senior Lecturer in Animal Production and Agricultural Experimentation at the Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya. He has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Animal Agricultural Research from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany undertaken with sponsorship of Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). The title of his PhD research is “Genetic improvement of dairy cattle under different herd environments in Kenya”. Dr. Muasya also holds a Master’s degree in Animal Production (Animal Breeding and Genetics option) and Bachelor of Science degree (Range Management) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Previously, Dr. Muasya worked as a Senior Research Officer at the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation, Naivasha, Kenya. He was the Head of Department, Dual purpose cattle breeding programme.

Dr. Muasya has also been engaged as a consultant at the Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre (KAGRC) to produce breeding values for performance recorded sires in Kenya’s dairy cattle breeding programme.

Previously, Dr. Muasya lectured and supervised undergraduate students at the University of Nairobi as a part-time lecturer.

Dr. Muasya is also an expert in competence based curriculum development, and has participated in the development of a competence based undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.

Dr. Muasya has wide experience in animal production and a special interest in the breeding strategies for genetic improvement of different species of farm animals under different production systems. He is currently supervising MSc students who are at various levels of progress in their respective research activities

Dr. Muasya has authored /co-authored over 40 publications in premier refereed animal science journals, local, regional and international refereed scientific conferences.

  1. PhD. Agricultural Research (Animal Breeding and Genetics-Major), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin-Sept. 2013: 
  2. MSc. Animal Production, The University of Nairobi-Dec. 2006
  3. BSc Range Management, University of Nairobi Sept. 1997


  1. Dairy production and management
  2. Beef production and management
  3. Poultry production and management
  4. Pig production and management
  5. Sheep and goat production and management
  6. Animal breeding and genetics
  7. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  8. Data management and processing
  9. General livestock management and production
  10. Genomic selection and bio-informatics
  11. Design of Competence Based Curricula
  12. Problem Based Learning techiniques
  1. Design and implementation of Blended learning in Institutions of Higher Learning, SNV-the Netherlands: UNiversity of Eastern Afrrica, Baraton, 11th to 16th July 2021
  2. Animal breeding, genome technologies, mathematical modeling and data in agriculture, Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya: 11th to 18th august 2019

  3. Genomic Selection in Livestock, Egerton University and African Centre for Clinical Trials, Nairobi, Kenya: 1st to 9th September 2016: 

  4. German Language Course, DID Institute, Berlin, Germany: 15th June to 31st September 2010
  5. Problem Based Learning -Summer School, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany: 4th to 18th May 2009
  6. Capacity building on sustainable use of domestic animal genetic resources in developing countries, ILRI Campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 3rd to 21st August 2008


  1. July 2014 to date: Lecturer, Egerton University, Kenya: Research and Teaching animal production and experimentation courses
  2. November 2007 to June 2014: Senior Research Officer, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation: Responsible for Dual Purpose cattle breeding programme
  3. November 2006 to October 2007: Research Officer, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation: Responsible for genetic improvement of animal genetic resources
  4. February 2004 to October 2007: Assistant Research Officer, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation: Responsible for genetic improvement of animal genetic resources
  5. February 2004 to April 2005: Part-Time Lecturer, University of Nairobi, Responsible for Teaching and examining undergraduate students in Wild-Life management and related courses


  1. 2020: Multi-parity genetic evaluation of testday milk yield in Sahiwal cattle in Kenya
  2. 2020: Evaluation of rates of genetic gain of alternative boran cattle breeding programmes in Kenya
  3. 2019: Evaluation of rates of genetic gain for alternative indigenous chicken breeding programmes
  4. 2018: Reproductive performance and genetic response to selection of dairy goats in Kenya
  5. 2017: Management of genetic variability of the Sahiwal breeding programme in Kenya
  6. 2016: Characterisation of production systems and development of breeding objectives for indigenous chicken in Rwanda
  7. 2016: Poultry breeding; towards registration of indigenous KALRO breed lines
  8. 2014: Genetic analysis of longevity and performance traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya
  9. 2013: Genetic Improvement of dairy cattle under different production systems in Kenya (PhD Research) Sponsored by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Bonn, Germany
  10. 2008: Characterisation of smallholder pig production systems, determining the Genetics of productive and reproductive traits of Large white, landrace and crosses of large white and landrace under intensive production systems and developing breeding goals and breeding strategies for smallholder pig production in Kenya, a collaborative project between KARI-Naivasha and Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University Funded by Kenya Productivity Project (KAPP).
  11. 2007: Identification of Dairy cattle production environments in Kenya and design of evaluation systems to optimise performance and maintain genetic stability of genotypes. A collaborative project between KARI-Naivasha, Egerton University and Ministry of Livestock Development, Kenya
  12. 2006: Characterisation small ruminant production systems and development of community based small ruminant breeding systems in Kenya


  1. Application of Machine Learning in Animal Production
  2. Design & Implementation of Problem-based learning
  3. Design of Competence Based Curricula
  4. Optimization of productivity and profitability of livestock enterprises
  5. Optimization of livestock production systems
  6. Genetic and economic aspects of breeding of farm animal genetic resources
  7. Optimization of genetic improvement under varied production environments
  8. Genetic evaluation of breeding programmes
  9. Genomic selection and bio-informatics


  1. Muasya, T.K., Sumukwo, C. & Musyimi, B.M. 2021. Genetic evaluation of daily milk yield across days in milk of the Sahiwal cattle in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2021; 6(2): 31-34
  2. Musingi, BM., Kitaka, N., Ogondo, G., Muasya, TK., Mahianyu, LM & Musingi, DM. 2020. Evaluation of modelling in fish length-weight relationships: The current trends. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 8(5): 289-293
  3. Gore, D.L.M., Mburu, J.N., Okeno, T.O.  and Muasya, T.K. 2020. Short-term oestrous synchronisation protocol following single fixed-time artificial insemination and natural mating as alternative to long-term protocol in dairy goats. Volume 192, November 2020, 106207.
  4. Ndung’u, C.W., Muasya, T.K. and Okeno, T.O. 2020. Pooled parameter estimates for traits of economic importance in indigenous chicken in the tropics. Livestock Science. 239.

  5. Gore, D.L.M., Muasya, T.K., Okeno, T.O.  and Mburu, J.N. 2020. Comparative reproductive performance of Saanen and Toggenburg bucks raised under tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health Production.

  6. Chesang, S., Muasya, T.K. and Ngeno, K. 2020. Application of artificial neural network (ann) to evaluate extend of non-linearity among explanatory variables within and between genotypes and phenotypes. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry. 5(3): 21-26.

  7. Mwangi S, Muasya T K, Ilatsia E.D and Kahi A K. 2020. Effect of controlling future rate of inbreeding on expected genetic gain and genetic variability in small livestock populations. Animal Production Science.

  8. Chesang, S., Muasya, T.K., and Ngeno, K 2019. Ranking Individuals Based on Predicted Performance Using Mean Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain Value. International Journal of Recent Research and Review. 11(3) 64-70.

  9. Chesang, S., Muasya, T.K. and Ngeno, K. 2019. Predictions of Indigenous Chicken Phenotypes from Genotypes: Comparison Between Machine Learning and conventional Linear Models. African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Research.1(1) 8-14.

  10. Mwangi S, Muasya T K and Kahi A K 2018:Within-population genetic structure and trend in genetic diversity for Sahiwal cattle breed in Kenya.Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #129. RetrievedJuly 22, 2019, from

  11. Musingi, M, Muasya, T. K and Kahi, A.K. 2018. Genetic parameters for measures of longevity in Kenyan Sahiwal cattle. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 30.

  12. Musingi M, Muasya T K, Ilatsia E D and Kahi A K 2018: Effect of inbreeding on traits of economic importance in Kenyan Sahiwal cattle. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #13.Retrieved July 22, 2019, from

  13. Ooko, L.A., Ilatsia, E.D., Muasya, T.K., Oliech, G.O., Rachuonyo, H.A., Kios, D.K. and Ngaira, V.M. 2017. Random Regression Test-Day Model for Milk Yield in Sahiwal Cattle, Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, July/August, 2017, Vol 4 (1): 55-67.

  14. Mahoro, J., Muasya, T. K., Mbuza, F, Habimana, R. And Kahi, A.K. 2017. Characterization of indigenous chicken production systems in Rwanda. Poultry Science. 96. 10.3382/ps/pex240.

  15. Mahoro, J., Muasya, T.K, Mbuza, F., Mbuthia, J. and Kahi, A.K., 2017. Farmers’ breeding practices and traits of economic importance for indigenous chicken in Rwanda. Tropical animal health and production. 0(1):121-128. doi: 10.1007/s11250-017-1411-8

  16. Mwangi S, Muasya T K, Ilatsia E.D and Kahi A K. 2016. Assessment of the genetic variability using pedigree analysis of the Sahiwal breed in Kenya. Animal Genetic Resources, 2016, 59, 7–14. doi:10.1017/S2078633616000199

  17. Khobondo J.O, Muasya T.K, Miyumo S, Okeno T.O, Wasike C.B, Mwakubambanya R, Kingori A.M and Kahi A.K. 2015: Genetic and nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #122. Retrieved September 23, 2015, from

  18. Muasya T.K., Peters K. J. Magothe T.M and Kahi A.K., 2014. Random regression test-day parameters for first lactation milk yield in selection and production environments in Holstein-Friesian cows in Kenya. Livestock Science 169, 27-34.

  19. Muasya T.K., Peters, K.J., Kahi,A.K. 2014. Effect of diverse sire origins and environmental sensitivity in Holstein-Friesian cattle for milk yield and fertility traits between selection and production environments in Kenya. Livestock Science. 162, 23-30.

  20. Muasya, T.K., Peters, K.J., Kahi, A.K., 2013. Breeding structure and genetic variability of the Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle population in Kenya. Animal Genetic Resources 52, 127-137.

  21. Katiku P. N., Kimitei R. K., Korir B. K., Muasya T. K., Chengole J. M., Ogillo B. P., Munyasi J. W and Karimi S. K. 2013. Value chain assessment of small ruminant production, challenges and opportunities: The case of southern rangelands of Kenya.Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 25, Article #1. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from

  22. Muasya T K, Kariuki J N and Muia J M K 2011. Population structure of the Sahiwal breed in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 23, Article #186. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from

  23. Muasya, T. K., Magothe, T. M., Ilatsia, E.  D and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Identification of production systems and assessment of heterogeneity of variance components for Holstein-Friesian cattle in the tropics. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol 19, article  # 90

  24. Muasya, T. K., Magothe, T. M., Ilatsia, E.  D and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Heterogeneity of variance components for Holstein-Friesian cattle in Kenya and its effect on selection of sires and bull-dams. South African Journal of Animal Science.37 (3)170-175

  25. Ilatsia, E. D., Muasya, T. K., Muhuyi, W. B. and Kahi, A. K.  2007. Genetic and phenotypic parameters and annual trend for milk production and fertility traits of the Sahiwal cattle in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production:39:37-48

  26. Ilatsia, E. D., Muasya, T. K., Muhuyi, W. B. and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for test day yield milk yield of Sahiwal cattle in semi-arid Kenya. Animal International Journal of Applied Biosciences {FormallyAnimal Science}. 1: 185-192

  27. Ilatsia, E. D., Muasya, T. K., Muhuyi, W. B. and Kahi, A. K. 2006. Milk production and reproductive Performance of Sahiwal cattle in Semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Science. 47(3)120-127.

  28. Ilatsia, E. D., Githinji, M. G., Muasya, T. K., and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for piglet growth and sow reproductive traits in Large White pigs. South African Journal of Animal Science: 38(2)

  29. Amimo, J.O., R.O Mosi, J.W Wakhungu B.O Inyangala and Muasya T.K. 2006. Phenotypic and genetic parameters of fertility traits in Ayrshire cattle on large-scale farms in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol 18 article # 147.

  30. Mugabi N.J., Wakhungu JW, Inyangala BO, Muhuyi WB, Muasya TK. 2007. Estimation of additive and non-additive parameters in Kenya Dual Purpose Goat composites. Journal of Small Ruminant Research. 72: 149-156

  31. Muasya T.K, Mosi, R.O, Wakhungu J.W. 2004. Evaluation of the dairy cow herd at the University of Nairobi Farm: Phenotypic trends. The Kenya Veterinarian. 27: 106-108

  1. Gore, D. L. M., Muasya, T. K., Okeno, T. O. & Mburu, J. N. 2020. Combination of scrotal and semen characteristics is more informative when selecting dairy goat bucks for breeding. In the proceedings of the 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference, Innovations, research and Transformations for Sustainable Development, 24th – 26th November 2020. Conference mode: Virtual.

  2. Kirui, P.K., Muasya, T.K., Ngeno, K. and Tura, I. 2020. Relevance of Coat Colour in Beef Cattle Adaptation to Climate Change in Kenya: A Review. Egerton University International Conference. In the proceedings of the 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference, Innovations, research and Transformations for Sustainable Development, 24th – 26th November 2020; Conference mode: Virtual

  3. Ndung’u, C., Okeno, T. & Muasya, T. 2020. Use of Pooled Genetic Parameters Minimizes Biasness when Evaluating Response to Selection in Indigenous Chicken Breeding Programs. In the proceedings of the 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference, Innovations, research and Transformations for Sustainable Development, 24th – 26th November 2020; Conference mode: Virtual

  4. Ndung’u, C., Okeno, T., Muasya, T. 2019. Consensus Parameter Estimates for Traits of Economic Importance in Indigenous Chicken Breeding Program. Animal Production Society of Kenya (2019). Livestock Transformation Agenda: Towards Climate Smart Livestock Production Systems. In Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) 2019 Scientific Symposium, 9th – 11th April 2019, Hotel Waterbuck, Nakuru
  5. Miyumo, S., Magothe, T. Khobondo, J. Ngeno, K. Muasya, T, Okeno, T, Muhuyi, W. and Ilatsia, E. 2018. Evaluation of Body Weight Traits in Indigenous Chicken Hybrids in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya 2018 Scientific Symposium held on 4th to 6th April 2018 at Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki
  6. Mwangi, S., Muasya T.K. and Kahi, A. K. 2018. Effect of controlling future rate of inbreeding on expected genetic gain and genetic variability in Sahiwal breed population in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya 2018 Scientific Symposium held on 4th to 6th April 2018 at Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki
  7. Musingi B.M, Muasya T.K and Kahi A.K. 2018. Genetic parameters for measures of longevity in Kenyan Sahiwal cattle In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya 2018 Scientific Symposium held on 4th to 6th April 2018 at Sportsman Arms Hotel, Nanyuki
  8. Mahoro, J, Muasya, T.K. and Kahi, A.K. 2016. Characterisation of indigenous chicken production systems in Rwanda. In: Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (1st WCILD), 26th -30th June, 2016, Sentrim Elementtaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya
  9. Musingi, B.M., Muasya, T.K. and Kahi, A.K. 2016. Evaluation of the effect of inbreeding on traits of economic importance in Kenyan Sahiwal cattle. In: Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (1st WCILD), 26th -30th June, 2016, Sentrim Elementtaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya
  10. Mwangi, S., Muasya, T.K. and Kahi, A.K. 2016. Assessment of the geentic variability using pedigree analysis of the sahiwal breed in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development (1st WCILD), 26th -30th June, 2016, Sentrim Elementtaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya
  11. Muasya, T.K., Miyumo, S, Ngeno, K, Khobondo J.O, Wasike C,B, Magothe T.M. and Kahi A.K. 2015. Preliminary selection results for body weight in indigenous chicken in Kenya. APSK 2015. Kenya’s Animal Agriculture: Macro-Trends and Future Prospects. In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) 2015 Scientific Symposium, 21st – 23rd April 2015, Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa, Mombasa. 280 pp
  12. Khobondo, J.O, Muasya, T.K, Miyumo, S. Okeno T.O Wasike C.B. and Kahi A.K. 2015. Effects of age on natural (auto) antibodies profiles and repertoire in calves. APSK 2015. Kenya’s Animal Agriculture: Macro-Trends and Future Prospects. In: Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) 2015 Scientific Symposium, 21st – 23rd April 2015, Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa, Mombasa. 280 pp
  13. Muasya T.K., Peters K.J. and Kahi A.K., 2012. Genetic similarity and environmental sensitivity for milk and fertility traits in Holstein-Friesian by herd hierarchy. Proceedings of the Deutsche Tropentag, September 19-21, 2012, Göttingen -Kassel/Witzenhausen
  14. Kiragu, J.W., Mitaru, B.N., Badamana, S.M., Kabuage, L.W., Ngatia, T.A., Kariuki, J.N., Muasya, T.K. and Irungu, K.R.G. (2012). Performance of Sahiwal and crossbred calves reared on restricted amount of milk and grazing and the strategies for improvement. Proceedings of the 13th KARI Scientific Conference, 21st to 27th November, 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.
  15. Muasya T. K., Mbuku, S.M., Magothe T. M., Ilatsia E.D.1Ayacko W. O., and Kariuki J.N., 2010. Maintenance of genetic diversity in livestock populations through active management of inbreeding. In Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Symposium 2010 Nomad Palace Hotel, Garissa, Kenya 20th to 22nd April, 2010.
  16. Muasya T.K., Magothe T. M., Ilatsia E.D. and Kariuki J.N. 2009. Pedigree analysis of the Kenyan Sahiwal cattle based on founder contributions. A paper presented at the 33rd TSAP conference, held at the BOT hall, Mwanza Tanzania, from 22nd to 25th September 2009
  17. Muasya TK., Ilatsia ED., Ouda J., Kariuki JN., Muia JMK., Irungu, KRG., Gachina, W., Nganga J.N.,  .2008. The Kenya Dual Purpose Goat: A review of the current status versus original development concept. 11thBiennial Scientific and Agricultural Forum, 12th to 17th November, 2008, KARI Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  18. Muasya TK., Ilatsia ED., Ouda J., Kariuki JN., Muia JMK., Irungu KRG., Alaru PAO., Waineina R., Magothe TM. 2008. Effect of herd dynamics on genetic evaluations in a closed nucleus herd of cattle. 11thBiennial Scientific and Agricultural Forum, 12th to 17th November, 2006, KARI Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  19. Muasya, T. K., Ilatsia, E. D. Magothe, T. M. and Kahi, A. K. 2008. Optimisation of Kenya’s dairy cattle breeding programme: Genotype by environment for milk yield among Holstein-Friesian 1st National Council for Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition, 27th  to 30th April 2008, KICC, Nairobi, Kenya
  20. Muasya TK, Okeno TO, Magothe TM Githinji M.G. 2008. Accuracy and reliability of genetic evaluations for Friesian dairy cattle in Kenya.The Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, 7th – 9th May 2008, KARI Katumani, Machakos, Kenya.
  21. Muasya, T. K, Ilatsia, E. D., Magothe, T. M. and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Evaluation of the efficiency of adjustment for heterogeneous variance in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 29th November -1st December, 2007, Arusha, Tanzania
  22. Ilatsia, E. D., Muasya, T. K., Muhuyi, W. B. and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Prospects for genetic improvement of milk production traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya. British Society of Animal Science, Annual Scientific Conferences and Meeting, Southport, 2nd to 4th April 2007, UK.
  23. Githinji MG, Muasya TK., Ilatsia ED., Siamba DN., and Kiragu JW. 2007. Pig mortalities under intensive management systems in Kenya. Proceedings of the 32ndAnnual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 29th November -1st December, 2007, Arusha, Tanzania.
  24. Ilatsia, E. D., Wahome, C. G. Githinji, M, Muasya, T. K. and Magothe, T. M. 2007. Growth performance of Small East African and Galla goats under semi-arid conditions in Kenya. Animal Production Society of Kenya, Annual Scientific Conference, 15th to 16th March 2007, Mtwapa, Kenya.
  25. Muasya, T. K., Magothe, T. M., Ilatsia, E.  D. and Kahi, A. K. 2007. Heterogeneity of variance components for Holstein-Friesian cattle in Kenya. The Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, 15th – 16th March 2007, KARI Mtwapa, Mombasa, Kenya
  26. Murage, A. W, Muasya, T. K. and Ilatsia, E. D. 2006. Liberalization of artificial insemination (AI) services in Kenya and implication for a dairy cattle improvement programme.  Proceedings of Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, 10th Biennial Scientific and Agricultural Forum, 12th to 17th November, 2006, KARI Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  27. Muasya, T. K. Githinji M. G., Mugambi, J. N., and Ilatsia, E. D. 2006. Effect of inbreeding on growth performance of dual purpose goats in semi-arid Kenya. Proceedings of Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, 10th Biennial Scientific and Agricultural Forum, 12th to 17th November, 2006, KARI Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  28. Ilatsia, E. D., Muasya T.K., W. B. Muhuyi and Kahi, A. K. 2006. Use of test day milk yield records for genetic evaluation in Sahiwal cattle. Proceeding of 8th World Congress on Genetic Applied to Livestock Production, 13th to 18th August, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. pp 62-01.
  29.    Ilatsia, E. D., Wahome, C. G. Muasya, T. K. Magothe, M and. Kahi, A. K. 2006. Non genetic factors affecting growth performance of various sheep breeds and their crosses in semi-arid Kenya. Proceeding of the Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, 8th – 10th March 2006, Bomen Hotel, Isiolo, Kenya.
  30. Mugambi J.N, Wakhungu J.W, Inyangala B.O, Muhuyi W.B, Muasya, T., and Migose S. A. 2006. Evaluation of the performanceof the Kenya Dual Purpose Goat composites: Effects of heterosis and recombination. Proceeding of the Animal Production Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, 8th – 10th March 2006, Bomen Hotel, Isiolo, Kenya.
  31. Ilatsia, E. D.,Migose, S. A., Muasya, T. K., Muhuyi, W. B. and Kahi A. K. 2006. Genetic, environmental and phenotypic trends in growth and milk production traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 24th to 26th October, 2006, Moshi, Tanzania
  32. Migose, S.A., Magothe, T.M., Muasya, T.K., Ilatsia, E.D. and Kahi, A.K.2006. Milk production and reproductive performance of Bos taurus dairy breeds in Kenya. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 24th to 26th October, 2006, Moshi, Tanzania.
  33. Migose, S. A., Magothe, T. M., Muasya, T. K., Ilatsia, E.  D. and Kahi, A. K 2006. Milk production and reproductive performance of Friesian and Jersey breeds in Kenya. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 24th to 26th October, 2006, Moshi, Tanzania
  34. Murage, A. W., Muasya, T. K., Siamba, D. N. and Ilatsia, E.D. 2006. Smallholder dairy goat production in Kenya. A baseline study in Kericho and Nyandarua districts. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 24th to 26th October, 2006, Moshi, Tanzania.
  35. Githinji, M.G., Ilatsia, E.  D, Muasya, T. K and Murage, A. W. 2006. Pig production in Kenya and prospects for genetic improvement. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Scientific Conference for the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), 24th to 26th October, 2006, Moshi, Tanzania.


  1. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) scholarship to undertake PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics in Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany:2010
  2. University of Nairobi Scholarship to undertake MSc in Animal Production (Animal Breeding and Genetics option), University of Nairobi, Kenya: 2000
  3. Kenya Government scholarship to undertake a BSc in Range Management, Nairobi University, Kenya: 1993
  1. Animal Production
  2. Dairy production
  3. Beef production
  4. Non-Ruminant production (Poultry, pigs and rabbits)
  5. Sheep and goat production
  6. Agricultural Experimentation/Biostatistics
  7. Population and conservation genetics
  8. Quantitative genetics
  9. Molecular genetics
  10. Statistical modelling in agriclutural research


  1. Evaluation of Rates of Genetics Gain for Alternative Indigenous Chicken Breeding Program by Catherine Ndungu- 2021
  2. Genetic analysis of longevity and performance traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya by Musingi B. Musingi- 2019
  3. Management of genetic diversity in the Sahiwal cattle breed in Kenya by Mwangi, S.M-  2018
  4. Characterisation of production systems and development of breeding objectives for indigenous chicken in Rwanda by Mahoro Janvier- 2017


  1. Evaluation of rates of genetic gain of alternative Boran cattle breeding programmes in Kenya by Gathura David Marigi- Submitted, 2021
  2. Analysis of hybridization, Mutation load and runs of homozygosity of goats from East Africa: Theodora Chikoko
  3. Genetic evaluation of immunogenetic variations, mutational load and effective population size in indigenous chicken: Esther Kulundu
  4. Genetic parameters for feed efficiency and correlation with growth and fertility traits for Boran cattle in Kenya: Angela Amoni Majoya
  5. Genetic evaluation of growth and fertility across environmental gradient for beef cattle in Kenya: Evance Ogingo

  6. Estimation of genetic parameters for coat colour in Bran cattle in Kenya: Peter Kirui
  7. Optimization of Recording Systems for Improved Accuracy of Genetic Evaluation and Selection of Dairy Cattle in Kenya by Andisi, Mildred
  8. Analysis of pedigree and performance recording for dairy goat populations in Kenya and their influence on selection decisions by Kimitei, R. Kipkogei





  1. Reproductive performance and genetic response to selection of dairy goats in Kenya following incorporation of reproductive technologies and genomic selection by Dominic Lado Marino Gore: 2021


  1. Characterisation of production systems and development of breeding objectives for indigenous chicken in South Sudan by Balentino Deng

Member of the Animal Production Society of Kenya

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