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Faculty of Agriculture
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536-20115 EGERTON NJORO.


PhD in Animal Sciences Egerton University;Reseach: BeCA-ILRI Hub. 2018


MSc in Animal science (Major:Animal reeding and Genetics, Wageningen University and Research Centre 2012


MSc (Immunology) Kenyatta University:Research: KEMRI. 2011


BSc (Animal production) Second Class  Honours Upper Division, Egerton University,2004






Animal breeding and genetics, Animal biotechnology and climate smart livestock production systems, Technology Innovations and Management practices adoption, food systems and school feeding programs


Food safety Management Systems level
Business Innovation and Incubation Management Level 1A
Reproductive Technologies for cryoconservation of African Animal Genetic Resources
Scientific Research Paper writing and Commucating Science to Nonscientific Audience
Data management
Natural Resource management, Agricultural Information and communication, Agricultural Biodiversity
Animal Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
Development of Competency Based curicula
Genomics selection in livestock
Design and implementation of breeding
programs for smallholder poultry farmers
Ethics, Integrity and Corruption Sensitisation Training


2019 to Date: Lecturer, Egerton University.

2014 to 2019: Assistant Lecturer;Egerton University



Genetic Improvement of indigenous chicken

Microbiome profiling of Gastro Intestinal Tract 

National Agricultural Value Chain Development project (NAVCDP)

Food systems Relience Projects (FSRP)





Research interests are in livestock genetic improvements, immunogenetics and nutria_ genetics, and climate smart livestock production systems, Food systems

  1. Majoya, A. M., Khobondo, J. O., Tura, S., & Muasya, T. K. (2022). Genetic variation and parameters for growth and feed efficiency traits in Boran beef cattle in Kenya.
  2. Munguti, J.M., Kirimi, J.G., Kariuki, C.M., Mbaabu, P., Liti, D., Obiero, K.O., Kyule, D., Ogello, E.O., Khobondo, J. and Musalia, L.M., (2021). Role of Aquaculture in Climate-Smart Food Production Systems: A Review.
  3. Khobodo J.O (2021) Genetic evaluation of breeding program for body weight of indigenous chicken in Kenya. Genetics and Biodiversity Journal (Gabj), North America, 5,. Available at: <>.
  4. Joel Onyango Khobondo, Anthony Macharia Kingori and  Antonio Manhique (2019). Effect of incorporation of ground Prosopis juliflora pods in layer diet on weight gain, egg production, and natural antibody titer in KALRO genetically improved indigenous chicken. Tropical animal health and production
  5. Ngeno K,. and Khobondo J.O (2017) Identifying Molecular Signatures from Sex Chromosomes: A Case for Indigenous Chicken Based on the Based on the Analyses of the Z Chromosome  J.Investig Genomics 4 (3);00066. (DOI;10.15406/jig.2017.04.00066)
  6. Khobondo J.O., Mwakubambanya, R., Wasike, C.B., Kahi, A.K. Genetic and non-genetic sources of variation in natural antibodies titre values among indigenous chicken. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 30-45}, ISSN: 2325-4076.
  7. Joel Khobondo, Ramadhan Mwakubambanya, Chrilukovian Wasike and  Alexander Kahi (2016). Variation and Repeatability of Natural Antibodies Against Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin of Indigenous Chicken of Kenya. Genomics and Applied Biology, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 1.
  8. Khobondo J O, Ogore P B, Atela J A, Onjoro P S, Ondiek J O and Kahi A K 2015. The effects of dietary probiotics on natural IgM antibody titres of Kenyan indigenous chicken. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #230. Retrieved November 2, 2015, from
  9. Khobondo J. O., Ngeno K. and Kahi A.K., 2015, Linking codon usage bias to functional genomics in pigs. Genomics and Applied Biology, Vol.6, No.6, 1-6 . (doi: 10.5376/gab.2015.06.0006)
  10. Khobondo, J. O., Gicheru, M. M. & Khamadi, S. A. (2015). Pediatric HIV-Aids in Nairobi: prevalence, gender and implication for prevention of mother to child transmission. European Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 3 (2), 52-59.
  11. Khobondo J O, Muasya T K, Miyumo S, Okeno T O, Wasike C B, Mwakubambanya R, Kingori A M and Kahi A K (2015). Genetic and nutrition development of indigenous chicken in Africa. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #159. Retrieved from
  12. Joel O. Khobondo, Mike G.B. Nieuwland, Laura E. Webb, Eddie A.M. Bokkers and Henk K. Parmentier (2015). Natural (auto) antibodies in calves are affected by age and diet. Veterinary Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2015.1009657.
  13. Khobondo, J.O, Okeno, T.O and Kahi A.K. (2015). Genomic composition are determinants of Codon usage in the porcine genome. African Journal of Biotechnology,14(4),341-349, DIO: 105897/AJB 2014. 14110.
  14. Khobondo, J.O, Okeno, T.O., Lihare, G.O.,Wasike, C.B and Kahi A.K. (2014). The past, present and future genetic improvement of indigenous chicken of Kenya. Animal Genetic Resources, 55, 125–135. © Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, DIO:10.1017/S2078633614000332.
  • September 2016- July 2017: ABCF Research Fellowship at International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. Project: Influence of genotype on metagenomics of indigenous chicken of Kenya.
  • August 2010 – September 2012: NFP – AP fellowship to study Master degree at Wageningen University and Research Centre
    • 2016:  Agrant of Ksh 750, 000  funded by National Council for Science and Technology and Innovations (NACOSTI) for  PhD project tittled Genetics and Immunity of indigenous chicken of Kenya.


    • 2010:  A grant of US $104,407 funded by USAID / Land O’ Lakes to develop Good Manufacturing Practices for Milk handlers and Processors. I was part of the Dairy Training Institute staff team that developed the proposal.
    • 2007: Support to evaluate the clinical utility of HIV specific IgA ELISA in diagnosis and progression o HIV in infants.  Research grant of US $1000 funded by Association of African Universities, Ghana

Biotechnology in Animal Breeding

Population Genetics

Principles of Animal Production

specific livestock production courses


Animal Production Association of Kenya.

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