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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
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P.O. Box 536 - 20115 Egerton

Dr. Caroline W. Maina is a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology in Egerton University - Kenya. She has specialized in Soil and Water Engineering, GIS and Remote Sensing and an Environmental Engineering expert. She is also a Registered Lead Expert in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with National Environment Management Authority.


Soil and Water Engineering
GIS and Remote Sensing


1. Dr. Maina has additional skills through specialized training on water treatment and laboratory analysis of soil and sediment.  

- Laboratory analysis on soil and sediment samples for macro and microelement

- Geochronological analysis in Radioecology

  1. Analysis of Soil Erosion and Reservoir Sedimentation for Sustainable Catchment Management: A Case Study of Lake Naivasha and Thika Dam :Period: 2017-2019 (Status: Completed)
  2. Technical feasibility studies for the development of Kenya's GCF Project – ‘Enhancing the Resilience of Communities and Ecosystems in The Upper Athi River Catchment Area’. Focusing on Nyandarua, Kiambu, and Machakos Counties Period: 2018 (Status: Completed)
  3. Reservoir Survey for Sustainable Catchment Management. Period: 2015-2019: (Status: Completed)
  4. Evaluating the hydraulic performance of a constructed wetland and SODIS systems in effluent polishing (Status: Completed)
  1. Bathymetric survey and reservoir sedimentation 
  2. Modelling Catchment Hydrology and watershed management
  3. River Basin Management through Hydrological Modelling 
  4. Impact of Climate Change and Land Use/Cover on Water Resources
  5. Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Water Resources Management
  1. Maina, Caroline W. Raude, James M., Sang, Joseph K. and Mutua, Benedict M. (2019). Geochronological trends of heavy metals in Lake Naivasha sediment: Towards sustainable water resources management. Paper presented in TWAS-SAREP regional young scientists conference held on 23rd to 25th October 2019 in Nairobi Safari club Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. 
  2. Maina, C. W., Sang, J. K., Raude, J. M., Mutua, B. and Karanja, J. T. (2019). Bathymetric survey and sediment core analysis for sustainable water resources management. Exceed-Swindon regional experts’ workshop On Modern and traditional methods of water resource management in Africa. Paper presented in a Workshop held in Blue Waters Hotel, Durban, South Africa from 5th to 9th May 2019.
  3. Maina, C.W, Sang, J. K, Raude, J. M; Mutua B. M. and Mutwiwa, U. N. (2018). Sedimentation: Lessons from three water bodies in Kenya. Sustainable Research and Innovation conference. Conference in held JKUAT from 2nd to 4th May 2018
  4. Raude, James M.; Sang, Joseph K.; Maina, Caroline W; Karimi, Lorraine N. and Karanja Joseph T. (2018). Sedimentation: Impact on hydropower reservoirs. Sustainable Research and Innovation conference. Conference in held JKUAT from 2nd to 4th May 2018
  5. Sang Joseph K., Raude James M., and Maina Caroline W. (2018). Sedimentation: Surveying techniques featuring multifrequency acoustic profiling and vibe coring techniques. Sustainable Research and Innovation conference. Conference in held JKUAT from 2nd to 4th May 2018
  6. Raude, J. M and Maina C. W. (2018). Faecal Sludge Briquettes: Turning Human Waste into Energy.
  7.  Joseph Sang and Caroline Maina (2017). Generating multifunctional historical data for improved management of Reservoirs.  Paper presented at the Dresden Nexus Conference, Dresden, Germany in May 2017.
  8. J.M. Raude, B. M. Mutua, and C. W. Maina (2015). Functionality of Dry Sanitation Systems in Nakuru, Kenya. 5th International Dry Toilet Conference 2015- Tampere, Finland.
  9. Raude, J.M., Maina, C.W. and Mutua, B.M. (2012). Performance evaluation of ecological Sanitation Systems in Nakuru. Paper presented during the Ecosphere Technologies Envirosan Sanitation Solutions. Global Dry Toilet Associated of Finland. Conference held from 21st to 24th August 2012 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Yliopistonkatu 44.
  10. Maina, C.W., Mutua, B. M. and Oduor, S.O. (2011). Treatment efficiencies for constructed wetland using vetiver grass as a wetland plant. Paper presented at the 6th Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University Kenya from 21st to 23rd September 2011.
  11. Maina, C.W., Mutua, B. M., Oduor, S.O. and Raude, J. M. (2010). Evaluating water quality and self-purification ability of Njoro River. Paper presented at the 5th Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University Kenya from 22nd to 24th September 2010
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