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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
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Prof. Muleke has the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, (University of Nairobi -1989), and M.Sc. Tropical Veterinary Medicine, (Edinburgh University, 1995), and Ph.D. Molecular Parasitology and Immunology, (Nanjing Agricultural University, 2006). In addition, he has vast post doctoral research experience focusing on  functional validation for candidate parasite vaccine antigens and  food safety research. 

He is a Full Professor of Veterinary Parasitology and Immunology at Egerton University.  He is the pioneer Founding Dean for the second accredited veterinary school in Kenya. He has over 25 years of training and/mentoring experience for the animal health professionals in Kenya including curriculum development for the certificate/diploma/veterinary medicine programs in Africa. He has over 20 years of practical experience in the delivery of professional veterinary services, primarily in Kenya, 15 years of which were devoted to research in diseases of veterinary public health and food safety importance in Africa.

Prof. Muleke has professional expertise in Food Safety Research, Molecular Parasitology and Immunology, novel gene discovery and vaccines development, Quality Assurance in Veterinary Education, Expertise in Guiding Reforms at Animal Health Technical Training Institutions in Kenya - (Egerton University, Baraton College (TVET), Bukura Agricultural College (TVET), Dairy Training Institution (TVET), Masai Mara University.  

He is the Principal Investigator/Coordinator of the Food Safety Laboratory (SAF- LAB) Project, A Key Food Safety Discipline Reference Laboratory located at Egerton University, funded by the State Department for University Education and Research, under the National Research Funds (NRF) Infrastructure Grant Initiative. Prof. Muleke is the Principal Investigator of the Multidisciplinary Food Safety Risks Project and the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) for validating climate smart disease control technologies for enhanced adaptation and productivity of indigenous chicken in Kenya.

Prof. Muleke has successfully supervised and mentored 5-PhD and 8-MSc students to completion undertaking research projects in a wide range of animal health and food safety topics. He has published over 50 scholarly publications in peer reviewed journal papers ( Together with others, Prof. Muleke published the university reference book “The Veterinary Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases”, First Edition-2018, ISBN 978-9966-114-77-8. He was the lead author for two refereed tertiary level book chapters, (

He offered professional consultancy services for the VSF-Suisse technical editting for the workshop report on disease surveillance in Samburu County, 8th May, 2023. He also consulted for  “National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP), Government of Kenya (GoK) initiative funded by World Bank/ International Development Association (IDA), County Government of Vihiga. The Project Development Objective (PDO) was to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected counties. He also consulted for Marsabit county government- the re-evaluation of the modern Segel Abattoir in Marsabit County, 2018. He also consulted for the Kenya Veterinary Board on the Development of Veterinary Policy, 2011 and drafting of the diploma in Animal Health curriculum for training institutions in Kenya. Other consultancies include drafting for the following-: FAO / IIRR Interuniversity Training Materials for Building Resilience through best practices in Livelihoods and Food Security in ASALs-2013; Livestock Early Warming Systems (LEWS), USAID Global Livestock / ASARECA Project; Heifer International Smallholder Dairy Farming – countrywide review of animal Health and Management Constraints - 2007.


2011 - Post Doctoral Research Award - Molecular Parasitology and Immunology

2006 - Ph.D. Molecular Parasitology and Immunology

1995 - M.Sc. ~Tropical Veterinary Medicine

1989 - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM).

1981 - Diploma Animal Husbandry – “Distinction”

  • Veterinary Medicine Practice
  • Animal Biotechnology  and Vaccine Development
  • Molecular Parasitology and Immunology
  • Quality Assurance in Veterinary Education
  • Post Doctoral Research - molecular parasitology and immunology
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM).
  • Diploma Animal Husbandry – “Distinction”
  • 2021-to present - Full Professor - Molecular Parasitology and Immunology
  • 2014 to 2021 - Associate Professor, Molecular Parasitology and Immunology,  Egerton University.
  • May, 2012 to May, 2019 - Founding Dean: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University
  • 2007 – 2014 - Senior Lecturer,  Egerton University
  • 1997 - 2007 - Lecturer,  Egerton University
  • 1990 - 2007 - Assistant Lecturer, Egerton University
  • 1981 - 1985 -  Animal Production Officer, Ministry of Livestock Development, Kenya
  1. Principal Investigator: Institutional Infrastructure Support by NRF (Kshs. 41 million) for  Equipping the Safe Foods Reference Laboratory (SAF- LAB), at Egerton University, Kenya, 2018 - 2022, funded by National research Fund, USD 410,000
  2. Principal Investigator -KCSAP project Kshs. 21M for Validating climate smart disease control technologies for enhanced adaptation and productivity of indigenous chicken (KCSAP CGS/CRGs-AD 2019/CSLA/02:8 Climate Smart Livestock & Aquaculture).
  3. Principal Investigator: Multidisciplinary National research Funded Project (Kshs. 12million) for Food Safety Risks Project at Egerton University (USD 120, 000)
  4. Principal Investigator: Agro based Science Park Project, funded by Nanjing Agricultural University, P.R. China, 2013 – 2017, USD 13000
  5. Principal Investigator: Fasciola species of zoonotic significance in Mara river basin, Perkera and Ahero, Kenya, funded by the National Council of Science and Technology (NACOST), 2015 – 2017, USD 9, 210
  6. Antileishmanial activity of Aloe Secundiflora plant extracts against Leishmania Major, 2012 – 2015. Funded by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). USD 5000
  7. Parasitic Causes of Epilepsy In Hai and Ifakara Areas of Tanzania, 2013-2015, funded by Welcome Trust Research Program.
  8. Principal Investigator: Food Safety Risks Project, funded by Egerton University, Division of Research and Extension.2011 – 2013, USD 5000


  • Advancing Veterinary Education
  • Prevention, Control and Eradication of animal and human disease
  • Epidemiological Investigations in disease outbreaks
  • Animal health database handling and investigations
  • Economics of animal disease
  • Animal Biotechnology  for preventive veterinary medicine
  • Veterinary Medicine Practice

JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED - April, 2021- June, 2023

  1.  Kipyegen, C.I., Muleke, C.I. & Otachi, E.O., (2022), ‘Human and animal fasciolosis: Coprological survey in Narok, Baringo and Kisumu counties, Kenya’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 89(1), a1954 v89i1.1954
  2. S. O. Guya, Eliud N. M. Njagi, A. N. Guantai, Caroline C. Langat-Thoruwa, Grace Murilla, Richard Kurgat, Sylvance Okoth, Judith Chemuliti and C. I. Muleke, (2022).  In-vitro Activity of Medicinal Plant Crude Extract and In-vivo Toxicity Testing of Dichloromethane Root Extract of Citrus limon in laboratory Rabbits. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports.  28(8): 25-56, 2022; Article no.JSRR.88510, ISSN: 2320-0227.  DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2022/v28i830538 
  3. Charles Inyagwa Muleke Kenneth Orengo, Price Amanya and Raymond Mdachi (2022).  Risk of Environmental Chemical Contaminants Associated with Animal Feeding in Peri Urban Areas of Kisumu Town. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7706 Vol. 11 No. 05, 170-181. https//   
  4. C. I. Muleke, I. Ogali, P. Amanya, E. O. Mungube and O. B. Bebe, (2022) Household Baseline Survey on Indigenous Chicken Production Characteristics and Constraints in Busia and Machakos Counties of Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 28(9): 49-67, 2022; Article no.JSRR.89546 ISSN: 2320-0227. DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2022/v28i930549
  5. S. O. Guya, E. N. M. Njagi, A. N. Guantai, C. C. Lang`at -Thoruwa, Abiy Yenesew, Raymond Mdachi, Joann E. Auma, Owino Peter, Judith Chemulit and C. I. Muleke, (2022) In vitro Antiplasmodial Activities of Crude Extracts and Compounds Derived from Selected Indigenous Medicinal Plants used Traditionally to Treat Malaria in Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports.  28(5): 35-58


JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED - May, 2014 – April, 2021

  1. Essendi Miding'a Walter, Muleke Charles, Otachi Elick,  Miheso Manfred  and Kyule,  Domitila, (2021). Prevalence of Zoonotic Cryptosporidium Spp. Isolates in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya.  African  Journal of  Infectious Diseases (2021) 15 (2): 3-9
  2. Kimari A.M, Muleke C.I, Areba G.O, Ngunjiri A.G,(2021).Prevalence And  Monetary Impact Of Hydatidosis In Small Ruminants Slaughterd At Ngare Narok Slaughter House In Laikipia West Sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Public Health,  Vol. 7 | No. 2 February | 2021
  3. Charles Muleke Inyagwa and Dave Knox, (2020).  RNA Interference of the Hemonchus contortus Astacin-like MTP Gene by the Soaking Method. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science, ISSN: 2319-7706 Vol.9 No. 4.,
  4. Charles Muleke Inyagwa and Dave Knox, (2020). Phenotypic Suppression of Caenorrhabitis elegans NAS 31Gene by RNA Interference, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, DOI No. 10.24940/IJIRD/2020/V9/I3/MAR20058, pp 157-162, Vol 9 Issue 3. ISSN 2278 – 0211
  5. Marie-Françoise Mwabonimana, Anthony Macharia King’ori, Charles Muleke Inyagwa, Eduard, Kokan Shakala, Bockline Omedo Bebe (2020). Prevalence Of Porcine Cysticercosis Among Scavenging Pigs In Western Kenya. African  Journal of  Infectious Diseases (2020) 14 (2): 57-62,
  6. Marie-Françoise Mwabonimana, Anthony Macharia King’ori1, Charles Muleke Inyagwa, Bockline Omedo Bebe (2020). Porcine Cysticercosis Risks: Awareness, Attitudes And Perceptions On Safety Practices Among Farmers, Butcher-Owners And Consumers In Western Kenya. Afr., J. Infect. Dis. (2020) 14 (2): 16-22.
  7. M.F. Mwabonimana,  A.M. King’Ori, C. I. Muleke, E.K. Shakala. O.B. Bockline (2020). Porcine Cysticercosis Control in Western Kenya: The Interlink of Management Practices in Pig Farms and Meat Inspection Practice at Slaughter Slabs. Hindawi Veterinary Medicine International Volume 2020, Article ID 7935656, 6 pages. Published 27 August 2020
  8. Charles Muleke Inyagwa, Dr. Wekesa Sabesia, Dr. Kenneth Orengo,2 Price Amanya, Dr. Raymond Mdachi (2020). Risk Factors Associated With Livestock Feeding And Disease Control Practices In the Peri-Urban Slums of Kisumu County, Kenya, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, published July, 2020.
  9. Kimari, A.M and Muleke, C.I, (2020). Incidence of Bovine Cysticercosis in Kajiado County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, DOI No. : 10.24940/ijird/2020/v9/i3/MAR20067, Volume 9, Issue 3, March, 2020,, pp 163-167.
  10. Gathogo Miriam, Shivairo Robert, Muleke Charles, Mdachi Raymond, Mukiria Phoebe, Wanyonyi Bernard, Sayah Abiud, William Limo, Gachie Peter ( 2018). 'Drug Sensitivity of T. b. brucei stabilates from livestock in Lamu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, ISSN 2278 – 0211, February, 2018.
  11. Oduor, P. L., Muleke, C. I. and Shivairo, S. R. (2018). In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activities of Crude Extracts of Carissa edulis, Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea and Harrisonia abyssinica against Plasmodium falciparum, Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 16: 143-156 ISSN No. 2073 – 8277.
  12. Anne Mwihaki Kimari, Charles I. Muleke, Robert S. Shivairo, Njanja Chomba, (2017). Retrospective Study of Cysticercus Bovis and the Associated Zoonotic Risk Factors in Kajiado County, Kenya, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol 6 Issue 2, ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online) February, 2017.
  13. Miriam Gathogo,  Phoebe Mukiria, John Thuita, Vincent Adunga, Sam Guya, Rose Wanjiru, Albert Nyamweya, Robert Shivairo, Raymond Mdachi, Charles Muleke, (2017). Molecular Identification of African Trypanosome Stabilates from Livestock in Lamu County, Kenya,  Journal of Natural Sciences Research, ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online), Vol.7, No.10, 2017
  14. Oduor P. Leonard, Shivairo S. Robert, Akala M. Hoseah, Muleke Charles, Regina Chepkorir and Njeru S. Ngoci, (2016), Phytochemical Characterization and Cytotoxicity of Carissa edulis, Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea and Harrisonia abyssinica from Masumbi Village, Siaya County - Kenya, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 10(3): 1-10, 2016; Article no. JSRR.23819 ISSN: 2320-0227
  15. Nyakango N.L., Shivairo R.S, Muleke C.I and Juma F.O, (2015). A cross sectional survey of soil transmitted helminthes in preschool children in Marani, a rural settlement, Kenya. Advances in Life Science and Technology, ISSN (Paper 2224-7181) ISSN(Online) 2225-062X
  16. James O. Mageto, Charles I. Muleke, Charles R. Newton, Gachuhi Samuel, (2015). Multiple Parasitic Infections as Risk Factors of Active Convulsive Epilepsy. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS), 3(1C):178-184
  17. Nyakango N.L., Shivairo R.S, Muleke C.I and Juma F.O, (2015). Soil transmitted helminthes, prevalence and predisposing factors among pre-school children in Marani district , Kenya,  African Journal of Sciences and Research, 2015,(4)6:01-04, ISS:2306-5877
  18. Essendi Miding’a Walter, Shivairo Robert Shavulimo, Muleke Charles Inyagwa, Collins Mweresa (2015).Distribution and Transmission Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Kenya, (Paper Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, ISSN-2224-3208/ISSN-2225-093X.
  19. Mokua, D.O., Shivairo, R.S., Muleke, C.I., (2015). Soil Transmitted Helminthe, Prevalence and socio-economic and health education impact amongst Pre-School Age Children in Elburgon Municipality, Kenya. African Journal of Sciences and Research,2015,(4)4:14-18ISSN:2306-5877
  20. Mokua, D.O., Shivairo, R.S., Muleke, C.I., Mukabane, D.K., Oswe, M.O., Willy, K., and Kumba, J.K., (May, 2014). Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on STH Infection amongst PSAC in Elburgon Municipality, Kenya.  Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN-2222-1700/ISSN-2222-2855.
  21. Wekesa Antony Wanyonyi, Mulambalah Chrispinus Siteti, Inyagwa Charles Muleke and Orenge Caleb Oburu, (2014). Analysis of hookworm infection intensity and maternal heamoglobin levels in women attending antenatal clinic at Kitale, Kenya. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci,; ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 10 (2014), pp 1-8.
  22. A. W. Wekesa, C. S. Mulambalah, C. I. Muleke  and R. Odhiambo, (2014). Intestinal Helminth Infections in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Kitale District Hospital, Kenya, Journal of Parasitology Research, Volume 2014, Article ID 823923, pages 1-5.
  23. Mukabane, D.K., Shivairo, R.S., Orenge, C.O., Mdachi, E.R., and Muleke, C.I., (2014). Effect of Aflatoxin B-1 on the course of Infection of Trypanosoma Congolense in Mice.  Journal of Biology Agriculture and Healthcare ISSN-2224-3208/2225-093X.
  24. Mukabane, D.K., Shivairo, R.S., Mdachi, E.R., Mokua, D.O., Oswe, M.O., Mulama, D.K., Muleke, C.I., and Orenge, C.O., (2014). Effect of Aflatoxin B-1 on Transmissibility of Trypanosome Congolense in Mice.  Advances in Life Science and Technology, ISSN-2224-7181/ISSN-2225-062X.



  1. C. I. Muleke1, Yan Ruofeng2, Sun Yanming2, I. M. Osuga3, R. S. Shivairo1, Li Xiangrui2 (Oct., 2013). Cellular Immune Response and Abomasum worm burden in Goats Vaccinated with HC58cDNA Vaccine against H. contortus Infection. Advances in Life Science and Technology ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online), Vol.13, pp 26 -33.
  2. Muleke, C.I., Maina, J.N., Osuga I. M., Mutai. J.K., Karubiu, N.K., Bebe, O. (2013). Lead and copper levels in the soil, water, serum and tissues of livestock feeding on dumpsite waste in urban slums of industrial towns in Western Kenya. April 2013, Egerton Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13, Pages 11-20, ISSN-2073 - 8277.
  3. Ogeto T.K1, Odhiambo R.A1, Shivairo, R.S1, Osero B.O2, Anjili C2, Ingonga J.M2, Osuga I.M3 Muleke C.I(Oct., 2013). Antileishmanial activity of Aloe Secundiflora plant extracts against Leishmania Major. Advances in Life Science and Technology, ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper), ISSN 2225-062X (Online), Vol.13, pp 9 - 17
  4. Shivairo RS, Matofari J, Muleke CI and Migwi PK (2013). Emerging Parasitic Infections In Goats In Pastoral Systems In Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare,,SSSN 2224-3208, (paper), ISSN 2225-093X (Online), Vol. 3: Pages 63 – 66.
  5. R.S. Shivairo1, L. M. Musalia2, C.I. Muleke3, (Oct., 2013). Ethnoveterinary Knowledge And Practice Among The Pastoralists of Baringo District, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare,  ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper), ISSN 2225-093X (Online) Vol.3, No.14., pp75 -77
  6. GuangWei Zhao, RuoFeng Yan, Charles I. Muleke, YanMing Sun,  Li Xin Xu and XiangRui Li. (January 2013). Vaccination of goats with DNA vaccines encoding H11 and IL-2 induces partial protection against Haemonchus contortus infection, The British Veterinary Journal, Impact Factor - 3.0,  Volume 191, Issue 1, , Pages 94–100.
  7. Shivairo RS, Matofari J, Muleke CI, Migwi PK and Lugari E (2013). Molecular Identification Of Key Mastitis Causing Bacteria In Dairy Goats In Kenya. Advances in Life Sciences and Technology, ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper), ISSN 2225-062X. Vol.10, pp 21-24.
  8. Shivairo RS, Matofari J, Muleke CI, Migwi PK and Lugari E (2013). Production Challenges And Socioeconomic Impact Of Dairy Goat Farming Among Small Holder Farms In Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management. ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper), ISSN 2225 – 0557,Vol. 17: pp 54- 61,
  9. Shivairo RS, Matofari J, Muleke CI and Migwi PK (2013). Factors Infuencing Somatic Cell Counts In In Goat Milk In Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management. ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper), ISSN 2224-6088Vol. 17: Pages 47 -53.
  10. Shivairo RS, Matofari J, Muleke CI, Migwi PK and Lugari E (2013). California Mastitis Test And Somatic Cell Counts As Indicators of Intrammamary Infection Among Goats In Kenya. Journal of Natural Science Research, ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper), ISSN 2225- 0921Vol. 3, No.8. Pages 165 – 171.
  11. Essendi, M.W., Shivairo, R.S., Muleke, C.I., Yaw Afrane, Odhiambo, R.O. (2013). Epidemiological factors determining clinical malaria in the highlands of western Kenya: Case study of Iguhu Location. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, Pages 25 – 43, ISSN-2073 8277, Volume 12.
  12. Osuga I. M., S. A. Abdulrazak, Charles I. Muleke and T. Fujihara. (2012). Potential Nutritive Value of Various Parts of Wild Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) as Source of Feed for Ruminants in Kenya. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, JFAE Vol.10 (2) - April 2012. , pp632 - 635.
  13. Isaac M. Osuga, Shaukat A. Abdulrazak, Charles I. Muleke and Tsutomu Fujihara  Effect of supplementing Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) with Berchemia discolor or Zizyphus mucronata on the performance of growing  goats in Kenya.  Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition; Impact factor - 1.6; Manuscript ID JAPAN-Aug-10-234.R3 (Available online in May, 2011).


JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED  20042007 (Journal papers used for promotion to Senior Lecturer)

  1. Muleke C.I., Ruofeng Y, Yanming S, Guangwei Z,  lixin X,  Xiangrui L (2007).Vaccination of goats against Haemonchus contortus with recombinant cysteine protease. Small Ruminant Research Journal, 73(1-3), 95-102. (
  2. Yanming S, Ruofeng Y, Muleke C.I., Guangwei Z, Lixin X, Xiangrui L.(2007) Vaccination of goats with recombinant galectin antigen induces partial protection against Haemonchus contortus infection. Parasite Immunology, 29 (6): 319 (PIM-2006-0103).
  3. Yanming  S, Ruofeng Y, Muleke C.I., Guangwei Z, Lixin X, Xiangrui L (2007) Recombinant galectins of Haemonchus contortus parasite induces apoptosis in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of goat. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 13 (3), 387-392 (DO1 -10.1007/s10989-006-9045-0).
  4. Yanming  S, Ruofeng Y, Muleke C.I., Guangwei Z, Lixin X, Xiangrui L  (2007) Recombinant galectins of Hemonchus contortus inhibit goat cytokine mRNA transcription of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 40 (8), 1802-1808.
  5. Muleke C.I., Ruofeng Y, lixin X, Yanming S, Xiangrui L (2006) Characterization of HC58cDNA, a putative cysteine protease from the parasite Haemonchus contortus. Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 7(3): 249-255
  6. Muleke C.I., Ruofeng Y, lixin X, Xinwen B, Xiangrui L (2006) Cloning and sequence analysis of H. contortus HC58cDNA gene. Mitochondrial DNA (FormerlY -Journal of DNA Sequence and Mapping, 18 (3): 176-183.
  7. Bucai Z, Yijian Y, Muleke C.I. Xiangrui L. (2005) Progress on drug-resistance in chicken coccidiosis. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug, 39 (11): 39-42.

Book Publication:

  1. Shivairo, R.S., Charles Muleke Inyagwa. and Lubembe, D.M. Veterinary Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. Students’ Guide Book, First Edition, 2018. Published and printed by Print Maxim, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 978-9966-114-77-8.

Book chapters

  1. Lead author: Chapter 8: An Overview of Hard and Soft Ticks and their Control Methods: In, Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-Borne Diseases in Livestock, page 166-194.
  2. Lead author: Chapter 15 Control of African swine fever and avian spirochaetosis, In, Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-Borne Diseases in Livestock, page 329-354..

 Conferences/Workshops/Symposia /Invited Presentations

  1. Participant during launching workshop for the 3rd Edition Handbook of the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS), in Kenya, held at Radisson Blu Hotel, Nairobi, Wednesday 5th July, 2023.
  2. Resource person during the consultative workshop on livestock disease survellance in Samburu County, held in Maralal  on 19th - 20th December, 2022
  3. Keynote speaker during Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) institutionalization for Kenya Workshop held in Jacaranda hotel, Nairobi, Wednesday 24th - Thursday 25th /August/ 2022.
  4. Veterinaty ParaProfessional (VPP) Expert for World Organization for Animal Health  - OIE-PC-TAD National Working Group Workshop-Veterinary Workforce Development in  Zambia, 15th-  22nd/August, 2022

  5.  Veterinaty ParaProfessional (VPP) Expert for World Organization for Animal Health  - OIE-PC-TAD National Working Group Workshop-Veterinary Workforce Development in  Ethiopia,  2nd-  6th / August, 2022
  6.  Veterinaty ParaProfessional (VPP) Expert for World Organization for Animal Health  - OIE-PC-TAD National Working Group Workshop-Veterinary Workforce Development in  Rwanda, 25th - 28th April, 2022
  7.  Veterinaty ParaProfessional (VPP) Expert for World Organization for Animal Health  - OIE-PC-TAD National Working Group Workshop-Veterinary Workforce Development in  Kenya, 24th -25th   March, 2022
  8. On-line VPP Expert Training Mini Workshops, May 2020, Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 May 2020
  9. Key note speaker during the Kenya Veterinary Association 53rd Annual Scientific Conference and  World Veterinary Day: Topic: Veterinary Education in Africa: Present and Future Outlook.KIsumu, Kenya, Date:  24th-26th April 2019             
  10. Participant - Africa Association for Veterinary Education Establishments (2A2E), organized by the African Union Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources, (AU-IBAR). Cairo, Egypt, 22nd  – 27th July, 2018
  11. Resource Person - Vet Ed 2018, International Symposium of the Veterinary Schools Council,3rd – 7th July 2018,.Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
  12. Resource Person /Participant - Transformative Leadership and curriculum Development training for Vice Chancellors, Rectors, Principals and Deans from 35 African RUFORUM countries, 25th - 27th Oct., 2017, Lilongwe, Malawi.
  13. Participant/resource person - Continental Meeting On Veterinary Education : Review
  14. and validation workshop for re-profiling of the veterinary profession and OIE day100 competencies for CVOs  in Africa, Dakar,  Senegal, 05-07 July 2017
  15. 4th OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education – 22nd – 24th June 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. Implementing OIE guidelines to ensure  the excellence of the  veterinary profession. Theme : Learning Today Preserving The Future.
  16. 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development – Theme - Fostering innovations in the livestock industry. Sentrim Elementaita Lodge in Nakuru, Kenya, from 26th to 30th June 2016
  17. Visiting Professor -  University of Education, Faculty of Agriculture Education, Animal Science Education, Mampong, Ghana; 4TH  To 8TH May, 2016
  18. Visiting Professor -  Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), School of Veterinary Medicine;  9TH  to 12TH May, 2016
  19. Visiting Professor -  University of Ghana, Legon, ACCRA School of Veterinary Medicine , , Ghana; 13TH  to 14TH May, 2016
  20. The Financial Management For Non Financial Managers Course (FM), 11th – 15th  May, 2015; Arusha, Tanzania. MDF Eastern & Southern Africa, Tanzania
  21. Visiting Professor -  Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 10th – 14th Dec., 2015
  22. Visiting Professor -  University of Ibadan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine15th – 16th Dec., 2015
  23. Visiting Professor -  College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET)/Federal University Of Agriculture at Abeokuta – (FUNAAB) 17th – 21th Dec., 2015
  24. National Multiplication Training on Curriculum Development and Review Training Workshop for the Newly Chartered Public Universities, Nakuru, Kenya , Implementaion and accreditation, organized by Commission for University Education and DAAD, from 2nd – 4th Dec., 2013, in Nakuru, Kenya.
  25. Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA) Scientific Conferences, attended since 2007 -present
  26. Egerton University research week and scientific conferences, attended since 2007 - Present
  27. Integrity Promotion Workshop ARC Hotel, 3rd November, 2014
  28. CCAA- Supported Conference on Pastoralism and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Utafiti Complex, Egerton University, Kenya, 24th -28th , May, 2010.
  29. RNA interference conference, Oxford University, U.K., 16-18/March, 2010.
  30. Muleke, C.I  (2010). Veterinary Service Delivery in Pastoral Districts. The case of Baringo District, Kenya. -  45th KVA Annual Scientific Conference, Nairobi. 2011.
  31. Intellectual Property Workshop for researchers in Research qnd development institutions, Bontana Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya, 27th – 28th August, 2009.
  32. Thesis Research proposal development for RUFORUM supported Masters students, 16th – 20th March, 2014.
  33. Environmental Conservation week 3rd – 9th : Conserving our Environment for Peace Building, Reconciliation and Sustainable Development, 2014.
  34. United Nations Environment Programme -Training on on-line access to research in the environment, 12th – 13th August, 2014.
  35. Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University (Grafton Campus), U.S.A., May 22nd - 25th, 2007. Paper presentation: Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of HC58cDNA, isolated from Haemonchus contortus. Parasite
  36. Doctoral Forum of China, Nov, 25, 2005, Nanjing Agricultural University, China.  Paper presentation: Cloning and sequence analysis of H. contortus HC58cDNA gene
  37. The XIXTH International Congress of Zoology, August 23 – 27, 2004, Beijing, China. Paper presentation: Isolation and characterization of five Sarcocysts spp. from wild rodents in South West of P.R.China.
  • 2018 - 2021 - Competitive Institutional Infrastructure  National Research Fund – award of Kshs. 39,063,150 Million  for Equipping the Safe Foods Reference Laboratory (SAF- LAB), at Egerton University
  • 2019-2021- KCSAP-CGS/CRGs-AD 2019/CSLA/02COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH GRANTS AWARD-2020- Ksh. 8,000,000Million
  • 2017 - 2020 - Multidisciplinary NRF award of Kshs. 12million for Food Safety Risks Project at Egerton University
  • Dec., 2012 - Excellence Service and Outstanding Contribution to Egerton University awarded during 2012 graduation ceremony
  • 2009-2010 - Commonwealth Merit Academic Post- Doctoral Fellowship  Award, at Moredun Research Institute, Scotland, U.K
  • 2003-2006 - Chinese Government Scholarship Award, to undertake Ph.D. studies at Nanjing Agricultural University, China
  • Nov, 2005 - Doctoral forum of China, 2005 Award, First Prize “for Best Research Innovations
  • 1999-2002 - Egerton University, Vice Chancellor Excellence Award, “for Best Agricultural Shows Organization
  • 1994-1995 - Commonwealth Academic Staff Merit Scholarship Award, to undertake M.Sc. at Edinburgh University, U.K
  • 1985 -1989 - Kenya Government Scholarship Award to undertake a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine degree, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • July 1981 - Diploma Award in Animal Husbandry with DISTINCTION
  • 1978-1981 - European Union Merit Scholarship Award to pursue a Diploma in Animal Husbandry, Egerton University, Kenya.


  • Veterinary Parasitology
  • Veterinary Immunology
  • Veterinary Protozology
  • Veterinary Biotechnology
  • Animal Diseases - Parasitic/Protozoan/Helminths
  • Large Animal Veterinary Medicine
  • One Health Zoonotic Diseases
  • Veterinary Animal Welfare
  1. M. Sc: Uyomah Joyce Atieno, (2018-2021, - graduated): Predisposing Factors And Prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica In Njoro Sub-County, Kenya.
  2. M.Sc: Miriam W. Gathogo, (2013-2017, graduated): Molecular characterisation and drug sensitivity studies of trypanosome isolates from donkeys, goats and cows from Kiunga-Lamu county, Kenya
  3. M.Sc: Anne M. Kimari, (2013-2017, graduated): Epidemiological study of bovine cysticercosis and the risk of human zoonosis in Kajiado county.
  4. M.Sc: (Wekesa Antony Wanyonyi) (2010-2014 - graduated): Prevalence of Intestinal Helminth Infections in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Kitale District Hospital, Kenya.
  5. M.Sc: (Mageto Ombega James), (2011-2015, graduated): Epidemiological Studies on the Parasitic Causes of Epilepsy in Hai and Ifakara Areas of Tanzania
  6. M.Sc: (Mokua Dennis Okari, (2011 – 2015, graduated): Studies on the Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminthes among Pre-School Age Children In Elburgon, Kenya
  7. M.Sc: (Nyakango Nyaboke Louise), (2012-2016, graduated): Prevalence and Intensity of Soil Transmitted Helminthes in Pre-school Children in Marani District, Kisii County, Kenya.
  8. M.Sc: (Leonard Oduor Peter,(2013-2016, graduated): Investigation of in vitro antiplasmodial activities of Carissa edulis, Azadirachta indica, Cassia siamea and Harrisonia abyssinica on Plasmodium falciparum
  9. M.Sc: (Teresa Kerubo Ogeto) (2012-2014, graduated): Antileishmanial activity of Aloe Secundiflora plant extracts against Leishmania Major
  1. Ph.D. : (Marie - Françoise Mwabonimana (2018 – 2021 (completed), Assessment of the prevalence, biosecurity measures and production losses from cysticercosis infection in pig production systems in western Kenya
  2. Ph.D: (Leonard Oduor Peter, (2018-2021, (ongoing) In Vivo antiplasmodial activities of Azadirachtaindica, Cassia siamea and Harrisonia abyssinica compounds against Plasmodium berghei
  3. Ph.D: (Kipyegen Cornelius Kibet) (2017-2021 - ongoing): Serological survey and molecular characterisation of Fasciola species to establish its zoonotic significance in Mara river basin, Perkera and Ahero irrigation scheme, Kenya.
  4. Ph.D: (Essendi Miding’a Walter) (2018 – 2021 -graduated): Epidemiology and molecular characterization of zoonotic cryptosporidium isolates in Nakuru county, Kenya.
  5. Ph.D: (Robert Shavulimu Shivairo), (2011-2014, graduated), Biochemical and Molecular Identification of Key Pathogens Causing Mastitis in Dairy Goats on Smallholder Farms in Kenya.
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