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Job Category
Teaching - Professors
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept
Veterinary Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Veterinary Pubic Health
P. O Box 29053, 00625 Nairobi

Prof. Jackson N. Ombui is a Professor of Veterinary Public Health with a university teaching experience spanning over 34 years. I hold a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, as well as Masters and PhD degrees in Veterinary Public Health from the University of Nairobi. I am registered with the Kenya Veterinary Board and a member of the Kenya Veterinary Association.  I started my teaching career at the University of Nairobi where I rose through the ranks to the position of Professor. I am currently an Adjunct Professor of Veterinary Public Health at Egerton University, a position I have held since October 2019. During my teaching career, I have also provided teaching services to other Universities in Kenya including Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and United States International University-Africa.  I have published over 45 articles in refereed journals and supervised a number of Masters and PhD students in addition to examining theses for a large number of postgraduate students from the University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and Egerton University. I have previously consulted with FAO-Somalia, AU-IBAR, Save the Children and Land‘O’Lakes Inc. I have also served as a member and chair of the Kenya Bureau of Standards technical committee on food additives and contaminants, and as an AU-IBAR expert on formulation of CODEX food hygiene standards. My  research interests include Food safety, food borne disease, Zoonoses, Antimicrobial resistance and Molecular Epidemiology


1. PhD in Veterinary Public Health (1999)

2. Master of Veterinary Public Health (1990)

3. Bachelor of Veternary Medicine (1989)

4. Kenya Advanced Certifcate of Secondary Examination (KACSE)-1982

5. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination -1980

  1. Veterinary Public Health; 
  2. Food Safety and hygiene,
  3. Foodborne diseases,
  4. Zoonosis,
  5. Molecular Epidemiology,
  6. Environmental health


  1. Adjunct Professor, Department of Veterinary Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Egerton University October (2019-2025)
  2. Professor, Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nairobi October 2003 to date
  3. Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nairobi: (October 2010 -2023)
  4. Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nairobi (2000- October 2010)
  5. Part-time Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2009
  6. Parttime Lecturer United States internatinal University -Africa - 1998-2006
  7. Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nairobi (1992 - 2000)
  8. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Nairobi (1989-1992)
  1. Food safety: and food value chains
  2. Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial pathogens
  3. Molecular Epidemiology of zoonotic and Foodborne diseases
  4. Development of diagnostic tests for food borne and zoonotic pathogens
  5. Molecular daignostics of food pathogens
  1. Mageto LM, Mainga AO, Mutua F and Ombui JN(2024). Prevalence of Camylocabter in ready-to-eat chicken meat in peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. East African Medical Journal 101(4):6955-6964
  2. Nadia JK; Ombui JNand Gathura PB (2023): Assessment of meat preservation methods used by retailers and the estimation of direct economic losses associated with meat spoilage in Kenya. Journal of Food Safety and Hygiene, 9(4): 227-240.
  3. Kyalo W. M., Onono JO., Ombui J.Nand Gathura P.B; Gitahi JN and Ateku, PA(2023). Aflatoxin contamination of maize from small scale farms practicing different artisanal control methods in Kitui, Kenya, Journal of Food quality 3:1-11
  4. Kyalo WM; Onono JO; Ombui, JN; Gathura PB (2022). Knowledge of subsistence maize farmers on aflatoxin contamination and determinants for adoption of artisanal control technologies in Kitui, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural extension and Rural Development, 14(4):198-200.
  5. Osoro, MA, Ombui JN, Gathura PB and Mwangi WE (2022): Prevalence of conditions that cause carcass and organ condemnation and associated financial losses in Kisii, Kenya. Journal of  Preventive Medicine, 7(12): 176.
  6. Obiero DK, Ombui JN,Mbaria JM., Yenesew A, Onyuka AS (2022). Investigation of anioxidizing potential of Plectranthus Barbatus leaf extract against formation of hazardous chrome vi in leather.  Journal of the  Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (JSLTC) 106:241- 245
  7. Nyakundi JO, Ombui JN, Wanyonyi WC and Mulaa FJ (2022). Recovery of industrially useful hair and fat from enzymatic unhairing of goatskins during leather processing. Journal of American Leather Chemists Association, 117 (6): 241-250.
  8. Mutuku M, Ombui JN,Onyuka A (2022). Assessment of Coffee Pulp as a Potential Source of Tannins for Leather Processing. Textile & Leather Review; 5:132-146.
  9. Mwondu JM; Ombui JN,Kirocnhi G. and Onyuka A (2021). Development of an eco-friendly and sustainable method of dechroming leather waste, Textile & Leather Review, 4:364-391, DOI: 31881/TLR.2021.11
  10. Nyakundi JO, Ombui JN, Mulaa FJ, Wanyonyi WC (2020). Evaluation of Bacillus cereus Strain 1-p Protease for the Unhairing of Goatskins during Leather Production. Textile & Leather Review.,
  1. Obiero, D.K, Ombui, J.N, Onyuka AS and Sasia, A.A (2020). Evaluation of the physical properties of leathers tanned with plectranthus barbatus Andrewa extract. African Journal of Biotechnology (19(3):137-141, 2020.
  1. Ochami E. A.,Ombui J.N., Onono J.O., Onduso R and Omasaki S.K.(2020) Poultry Farming and Disease Management Practices in Small-Scale Farmers in Kisii County, Kenya. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 20(8):1-8 2020. ISSN 2249-4626. Available at: <
  1. Mwondu J. Ombui JNand Onyuka A. (2019). A survey of leather waste generation and disposal mode in selected counties in Kenya. Journal of sustainability, Environment and peace., 2(1): 15-21
  1. Ondusi R, Onono J.O and Ombui J.N(2019). Assessment of structure and performance of cattle markets in Western Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production. Https://
  1. Karama, M; Beniamino T; Cenci-Goga; Prosperi, A; Etter, E; El-Ashram, S; McCrindle, C; Ombui, J.N; Kalake, A (2019): Prevalence and risk factors associated with campylobacter spp occurrence in healthy dogs visiting four rural community veterinary clinics in South Africa. Ondersport Journal of Veterinary Research,86(1):a1673| DOI:
  1. Ngotho-Esilaba R.N., Onono J.O., Ombui J.N.,Lindahl J.F., Wesonga H.O. (2019) Perceptions of Challenges Facing Pastoral Small Ruminant Production in a Changing Climate in Kenya. In: Leal Filho W. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, Cham
  1. Muloi D., Pablo A, Ombui JN.,Ngeiywa JK., Bulle Abdullahi, Muinde, P, Karani MK.,Rushton Jonathan and Eric Fevre (2018).  Value chain analysis and sanitary risks of the camel milk system supplying Nairobi city, Kenya.    Vet. Med. 159: 203-210
  1. Mageto LM. Ombui, JN.and Mutua FK (2018). Prevalence and risk factors for campylobacter infection of chicken in peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya.   Dairy, Veterinary and Animal Research 7(1): 00184.
  1. Ondieki G. K; Ombui JN; Obonyo, M; Gura Z; Githuku J; Orinde A.B and Gikunju, JK (2017). Antimicrobial residues and compositional quality of informally marketed raw cow milk, Lamu West Sub-County, Kenya, ,The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017;28 (Supp 1):5.
  1. Njue LG., Ombui JN., Kanja LW; Gathumbi JK and Midiwo JO. (2017). Identification of antimicrobial compounds in garlic grown in Laikipia county. Journal of Agricultural research and review,5(5): 636-643
  1. Njue LG., Ombui JN., Kanja LW and Gathumbi JK. (2017): Assessment of effectiveness of garlic extract from Laikipia County on shelf life of meat. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development,5(5): 632-641
  2. Ngugi, A., Ombui JN., Gathuma. JM., Lwevo E., Kuria, A and Wairimu M. (2016). Evaluation of Economic losses from the hides and skins subsector in Wajir County, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 9(7):41-44
  3. Kuria Alex, Ombui JNand Onyuka A., (2016). Quality evaluation of leathers produced by selected vegetable tanning materials from Laikipia County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 9(4): 13-17
  4. Kuria Alex, Ombui JNand Onyuka A (2016). Tannin analysis of selected plants from Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of the Society for Leather Technologists and Chemists, 100:73-76
  5. Kipronoh A.K., Ombui JN. Binepal YS.,H.O Wesonga, E.K. Gitonga., Thuranira and Kiara, HK.(2016). Risk factors associated with contagious caprine pleuropneumonia in goats in pastoral areas in Rift Valley region of Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 132:107-112.
  6. Kipronoh A.K., Kiara, HK., Binepal YS.,Thuranira and Ombui, J. N.(2016). Pastoralists perception of constraints affecting goat production in Rift Valley Region of Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 28(3): 2016.
  7. Kipronoh A.K., Ombui, J. N., Kiara, HK., Binepal YS., Gitonga E., and Wesonga HO (2015): Prevalence  of contagious caprine pleura-pneumonia in pastoral flocks of goats in the rift valley region of Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 48(1):151-155
  8. Sirma A J; Ouko E. O., Gatwiri M., Mburugu C., Mapenay I., Ombui J.N., Korhonen H and  Kang’ethe E. K (2015). Prevalence of Aflatoxin contamination in cereals in Nandi County, Kenya. International journal  of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3(3):55-63
  9. Njue L. G., Ombui JN., Kanja L.W., Gathumbi J.K, and Nduhiu J.G. (2015). Evaluation of oral toxicity level of ethyl acetate extract, from garlic (allium sativum) in onorrh dawleys rats as per OECD guidelines 423.   Food Sci. Technol, 2(3:56-64.
  10. Njue L., Kanja L.W, Ombui J.N., Nduhiu J.G and Obiero D, (2014). Efficacy of antimicrobial activity of garlic extracts on Bacterial pathogens commonly found to contaminate meat. East African medical Journal., 91(12):442-448.
  11. Ombui J.N, Mogoa G.E and Matete G.A (2014). Assessment of performance and competitiveness of Somaliland livestock sector using value chain analysis. International Journal of AgriculturalScience and Veterinary Medicine, 2(1):1-17
  12. Massimo C., Wamalwa K., Njue, S., Gathuma J, Ombui JN and Ogara, WO (2013). Opportunities and challenges of setting up an articulate HACCP system in export slaughterhouses in countries emerging from Conflicts: An appraisal of North Western Somalia. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 4:126-130.
  13. Wamalwa K,, Massimo. Castiello, S. J. M. Munyua, R. G. Abdullahi, M. J. Gathuma, N. Ombuiand M. E. Mogoa, “Commercialization of Meat Trade: The Potential Role of Private Sector and Capacity Building in Quality Assurance in Meat Export Trade from Regions of Somalia,” International Research Journal of Microbiology, 3(3):86-93.
  14. Gathogo S. M, Kuria J.N andOmbui, J.N (2012).Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in slaughter cattle in Kenya: A post-mortem microbiological and DNA molecular study. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44:1739-1744
  15. Gakuya, F, Ombui, JN, Maingi N, Muchemi GM, Ogara W.O and Samer Alasaad (2012). Sarcoptic Mange and Cheetah conservation in Masai Mara Kenya: Epidemiological Study in wildlife/livestock system. Parasitology,139 (12)1587-95
  16. Gakuya, F, Ombui, JN,Jorg H. Maingi N, Muchemi GM, Ogara WO, D. Mijele and Samer Alasaad (2012). Knowledge of mange among Maasai pastoralists in Kenya.PLOS One 7(8): 1-7.
  1. Wamalwa, K.,  M.  Castiello., N. Ombui and J. M. Gathuma (2012).Capacity Building: Benchmark for production of meat with low levels of bacterial contamination in local  slaughterhouses in Somaliland. Tropical Animal Health and Production,  44(3):427-433
  2. Gakuya, F.,Rossi, L., Ombui, , Maingi, N., Muchemi, G., Ogara,W.O., Soriguer, R. Cand Samer A. (2011). The curse of the prey: Sarcoptes mite molecular analysis reveals potential prey-to-predator parasitic infestation in wild animals from Masai Mara, Kenya, Parasites and Vector, 4: 193.
  3. Maloba, F., Kagira, J.M., Gitau G., Ombui, JN.,Hau J and Ngotho M. (2011).Astrocytosis as a biomarker for late stage human African Trypanosomiasis in the vervet monkey model. Scientia Parasitologica 12(2): 53-59.
  1. Kikuvi, G.M., Ombui, JN., Mitema, S.M.  (2010).Serotypes and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella isolates from pigs at slaughter in Kenya.   Infect. Dev. Ctries,4(4): 243-248.
  1. Kikuvi G. M., Ombui, JN., Mitema, E. S., Schwartz, S and Kehrenberg C. (2008). Genetic basis, transferability and linkage of streptomycin and sulphonamide resistance genes in Escherichia coli from foods of animal origin in Kenya, Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod.. in Afr.56(1): 56-66
  1. Kikuvi G.M., Schwarz S., Ombui JN., Mitema E.S. & Kehrenberg C. (2007). Streptomycin and chloramphenicol resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates from cattle, pigs, and chicken in Kenya. Drug Resist.13(1):62-68.
  1. Kikuvi, GM.,Ombui, JN., Mitema, SE and Schwarz, S. (2007). Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella serotypes Isolated from Slaughter Animals in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 84(5):233-239.DOI: 4314/eamj.v84i5.9531 
  1. Ombui JNand Mathenge JM (2007). A comparison of the reverse passive latex agglutination and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay techniques for detection of Staphylococcal enterotoxins. Kenya Veterinarian, 31(1):20-26.
  1. Mapenay, IM, Kikuvi GM, ES Mitema, and Ombui JN(2006). Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coliisolated from healthy food animals in Kenya. Kenya Veterinarian, 30 (1): 23-27
  1. Kikuvi, G.M, Ole-Mapenay, I. M, Mitema, E. S and Ombui, JN(2006). Antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolates from faeces and carcass samples of slaughter cattle, swine and chickens in Kenya. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 61(3-4): 82-88
  1. Ombui, JN., and Nduhiu JG., Macharia JK.(2005) Immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction techniques for detection of enterotoxigenic Bacillus cereus. East African Medical Journal, 82(8):422-426; doi: 10.4314/eamj.v82i8.9328
  1. Ombui, J.N and Nduhiu, JG. (2005). Prevalence of enterotoxigenic Bacillus cereusand its enterotoxins in milk and milk products in and around Nairobi. East Africa Medical Journal, 82 (6): 280-284.
  1. Kithuka, JM, Njeruh FM., Ombui, JNand Maingi, N (2004). Prevalence and economic importance of fascioliasis in cattle, goats and sheep in Kenya, Kenya Veterinarian, 27: 118-123.
  1. Njeruh FM., Kithuka, JM, Maingi, N and Ombui, JN(2004). Relative occurrence of Fasciola Species in cattle, sheep and goats slaughtered in Dagoretti slaughterhouse in Kenya. Kenya Veterinarian, 27:124-128
  1. Kithuka JM., Maingi, N., Njeruh FM and Ombui, JN (2002). The prevalence and Economic importance of bovine fascioliasis in Kenya: An analysis of abattoir data. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research,69: 255-262.
  1. Ombui JN., Kagiko, MM and Arimi SM. (2001). Molecular Epidemiology of Bacillus cereusfood poisoning. East African Medical Journal. 78(10):523-525: doi: 10.4314/eamj.v78i10.8961.
  2. Ombui JN., Kagiko, MM and Arimi SM. (2001). Food borne diseases in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 78(1):40-44 ;Doi: 10.4314/eamj.v78i1.9111.
  1. Ombui, J.N., Kimotho, A.M and Nduhiu, JG(2000). Antimicrobial resistance patterns and plasmid profiles of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk and meat. East African. Medical Journal, 77(9):463-467
  1. Ombui, J. N; Schmieger, H., Kagiko, M. M and Arimi, S. M(1997). Bacillus cereus may produce two or more diarrhoeal enterotoxins. FEMS Microbiology Letters., 149: 245- 248.
  1. Ombui, JN.,Mathenge, JM., Kimotho AM., Macharia JK and Nduhiu JG. (1996). Frequency of antimicrobial resistance and plasmid profiles of Bacillus cereus strains isolated from milk. East African Medical Journal, 73(6): 380-384.
  1. Ombui, JN., Macharia JK., Nduhiu JG (1995). Frequency of antimicrobial resistance and plasmid profiles of Escherichia coli strains isolated from milk. East African Medical Journal, 72(4): 228-230.
  1. Ombui, J. N.,Arimi, S. M., McDermott J. J., Mbugua, S. K., Gitua, A and Muthoni, J. (1995). Quality of raw milk collected and Marketed by Dairy Cooperative Societies in Kiambu District. Bulletin Animal Health Production in Africa. 43: 277 -294.
  1. Ombui J, McDermott J.J, Arimi SM, Mbugua SK, Kakuko S, Kilungo K. (1995). Current and potential roles of dairy co-operative societies in Kiambu District, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal.61(2):129–140.
  1. Ombui, JN;Kaburia HF, Macharia JK and Nduhiu JG (1994). Coliform counts and Escherichia coli in raw and commercial milk from dairy farmers in Kiambu District, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 71(10): 635-639
  1. Ombui, JN. (1994).Antibiotic resistance in milk received by Dairy Cooperative Societies in Kiambu District, Kenya. East African. Medical Journal, 71:628-630.
  1. Ombui, JN., Arimi, SM and Kayihura, M(1992). Beef and dressed chickens as sources of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in Nairobi. East African. Medical Journal,. 69(11): 606-608.
  1. Ombui, JN., Arimi, SM and Kayihura, M (1992).Raw milk as a source of staphylococcal enterotoxins in consumer milk. East African. Medical Journal,.69(3):123-125.
  1. Veterinary Public Health
  2. Food microbiology,
  3. Foor hygiene 
  4. Food safety
  5. Zoonoses
  6. Foodborne diseases
  7. Water hygiene
  8. Environvironmental Health
  9. Animal Welfare

 Name of Student, Title of thesis, Supervisors and Year of completion

Joyce Kiden Ware : Microbial contamiation of street vended ready-to-eat meat based foods in Kiambu, Kenya (Supevisors: Prof. JN Ombui and GM Muchemi) - 2024

Dishon M. Muloi; Mapping the Camel milk value chain supplying Nairobi City: A framework for Identification of Health risls (Supervisors: JN.Ombui, Eric Ferve) -2024

Qassim Mohammed: Prevalence and risk factors of brucellosis in goats in Southwestern State, Somalia (Supervisors: JN Ombui and PB Gathura) - (2023)

Nadia James Majak: Assessment of meat preservation practices by meat retail stores and estimation of losses due to spoilage in Dagoretti sub-county,Nairobi, Kenya (Supervisors: JN Ombui and PB Gathura) -(2023)

Alphanus M. Osoro: A study of conditions causing carcass and organ condemnation during meat inspection and their importance in Kisii county (Supervisors: JN Ombui and PB Gathura) -(2023)

Aondo Ezra Ochami: Assessment of poultry farming systems and disease management practices in Kisii county, Kenya.(JN Ombui and JO Onono).- (2023)

Mohamud Abdisamad Dhalo: Knowledge, attitude and meat hygiene practices among slaughterhouse workers and meat traders in Bosaso District, Puntland State of Somalia (Supervisors: JN Ombui and Dr. PB Gathura) - 2022

Maxwell Mutuku: Evaluation of the tanning viability of tannins from coffee pulp in Thika sub-county, Kiambu Count, Kenya. (Supervisors: Prof. JN Ombui and Dr. A. Onyuka).- 2022

Joseph Ondari Nyakundi: Enzymatic unhairing of goatskins during leather processing and recovery of valuable products for industrial applications (Supervisors: JN Ombui and Dr. A. Onyuka) - 2021

Akwalu Samuel Kamwilu:Prevalence, Etiology, Public Health importance  and economic  impact of Mycobacteriosis in slaughter cattle in Laikipia County Kenya (Supervisors: Dr. JKN Kuria and Prof. JN Ombui) -2019

Richard Onduso: Market performance and the risk of spread of Foot and Mouth Disease through cattle marketing activities in western Kenya (Supervisors: Prof. JN Ombui and JO Onono).- 2019

James Macharia: Prevalence, pathotypes and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from Livestock and Rats in Korogocho and Viwandani slums of Nairobi County (Supervisors: Prof. JN Ombui, Prof EK Kang’ethe,& Dr Eric Fevre. 2018

Harriet M. Aboge: An evaluation of perceptions and socio-economic aspects of Q-fever infection in a pastoralist system of Kajiado county (Supervisors: Joshua Onono, Silvia Alonso and JN Ombui) - 2018

Paul Shukuru Ramtu: Hides and skins defects and associated income losses at Aziz Tanneries, Nairobi County, Kenya.(Supervisors: Prof. JN. Ombui & Authur Onyuka) - 2018

Laban Makau Ngunga: Prevalence and risk factors of mastitis in dairy goats in Machakos County (Supervisors: Prof. PM. Kitala and Prof. JN. Ombui) - 2017

Lydia M. Mageto: Prevalence, risk factors and virulence characterization of campylobacter species isolated from poultry in peri-urban areas of Nairobi County (Supervisors: Prof. JN. Ombui and Dr. FK. Mutua). - 2017

Khansa Taha Seddig Ahmed: Epidemiology of Babesia infection in sheep in Kajiado Central Sub County, Kenya (Supervisors: Prof. JN. Ombui and Dr. GO Aboge) - 2017

Dennis K. ObieroEvaluation of tannin content in Plectranthus barbatus and its  potential use as a vegetable tanning agent in Nyamira county, Kenya (Supervisors: Prof JN Ombui and Authur Onyuka).- 2016

Mercy N. Gachuyia: Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of salmonella in Livestock in Korogocho and Viwandani slums, Nairobi( Supervisors: Prof: E.K Kangetge, Prof. JN Ombui and Dr. Eric Fevre) - 2016

Anthony W. Ngugi: Economic impact of uncollected hides and skins produced in the pastoral communities of Wajir County, Kenya (Supervisors: Prof. JN. Ombui and  Prof. JM Gathuma) - October 2016

Leelia Rosamond Andrews: A survey of animal bite injuries in human ands the economic burden of rabies in Machakos County, Kenya (Prof. PM Kitala; Prof. JN Ombui) - 2015

Kiraithe Zaverio Nkiria: Efficacy of Muguga cocktail ECF vaccine at a cattle- Buffalo interface in Laikipia County, Kenya.(Supervisors: JN Ombui and PM. Kitala).- 2015

Alex  N. Kuria: Evaluation of tannin content and tanning strength of selected vegetable tanning materials used in Laikipia County, Kenya (Supervisors: JN Ombui and  Authur Onyuka).- 2015

Anima J. Sirma: A study of the level of human exposure  to aflatoxin in Nandi County (Supervisor: E.K Kang’ethe and JN Ombui) - 2013

Stephen  M. Gathogo: Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in slaughter cattle in Kenya: A pathological and microbiological study.(Supervisors: JN. Kuria and JN. Ombui) - 2011

Allan E. Azegele: Quantification of sulphadimidine residues levels in poultry eggs sold in Nairobi (Supervisors: Prof. JN. Ombui, Prof. WO. Ogara and Dr. Isaac O.Mapenay) - 2010

Fredrick Maloba: Astrocytosis as a biomarker for late stage human African Trypanosomiasis in the vervet monkey model. (JN Ombui) 2009



Name of Student, Tile of thesis, Supervisors, Year of completion

Winfred M. Kyalo: Investigation of barriers to adoption of aflatoxin control technologies, risk of exposure and cost-effectiveness of artisanal methods in Kitui County, Kenya (Supervisors: Onono JO, Ombui JN, & PB Gathura) - 2024

Dennis K. Obiero: Determination of the structure and chemical composition of Plectranthus Barbatus leaf extract and its potential in processing green leather (Supervisors: JN. Ombui, JM Mbara and AS Onyuka)- 2024

Joel Musyoka Mwondu: Decontamination of chrome leather waste and its modification for use as a commercialfertilizer.(Prof. JN Ombui, A. Onyuka) - 2022

Wamalwa Kinyanjui: Assessing the impact of training and marketing infrastructure development on the meat sector in Somaliland (Supervisors: JM. Gathuma, JN Ombui., SM Munyua a nd EGM. Mogoa).- 2017

Alexander K. Kipronoh: Mycoplasma capricolum capripneumonia field strain diversity and epidemiology of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumoniae in Kenyan Pastoral systems (Supervisors: Jackson N. Ombui,  Henry Kiara and Binepal Yatinder) - 2017

Lucy Njue: A study of antimicrobial compounds in garlic (Allium Sativa), its antimicrobial activity, safety and effect on shelf life of meat. (Supervisors: JN Ombui; LW. Kanja and JK. Gathumbi) - 2016

Massimo Castielo: Assessment of constraints and opportunities in setting up hygiene standards in Somalia meat industry. (Supervisors: J. M. Gathuma, J.N. Ombui ; W.O. Ogara and S.O. Okuthe) - 2015

Francis M. Gakuya: Epidemiology and species characterization of mange in cheetahs, Thompson Gazelles and domestic animals in a wildlife-livestock interface in Samburu and Maasai Mara National Reserves (Supervisors: N. Maingi JN. Ombui and GM Muchemi) - 2011

Isaac Mapenay: Genetic  basis of tetracycline, ampicillin and sulphonamide resistance (Supervisors: SE Mitema  and JN Ombui) - 2007

Gideon Kikuvi: Molecular Characterization of Aminoglycosides and chloramphenicol resistance in E. coli and salmonella isolates from food animals (Supervisors: SE Mitema and JN Ombui) -2006



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