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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
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P.O BOX 536-20115, EGERTON
  • 2015 to 2017: Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVetMed) at the University of Nairobi. My Thesis title ‘Occurrence, Risk Factors and Community Perception of  Zoonotic Dog Hookworms and Ascarids in Kangemi, Nairobi County’.
  • 2010 – 2015: University of Nairobi for my Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine
  • 2005 – 2008: Tulwet Boys High School where I sat for my Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education and attained a mean grade of A- with 74 points.
  • Am a veterinarain with bias in Veterinary medicine, One health and animal welfare.
  • Registered and retained member of Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB)
  • Registered member of Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA)
  • Patron- Animal Welfare Club- Egerton University
  • Animal Health expert- Seeds of Gold Magzine
  • Committee member- Artificail Insemination Committee, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
  • March 2021 to date: Chairperson, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology and Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University
  • May 2018 to date: Tutorial Fellow, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology and    Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University,   where I take part in Training and Assessing students from the Four programs in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.
  • February to December 2020: Coordinated a Project on Drivers, Incentives and Economic impact of Foot and Mouth Disease in Smallholder dairy system in Nakuru County.
  • February 2019 to date: Focal animal health expert and contact person of Seeds of Gold Magazine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. The responsibilities   include accurate and timely responses to all animal health related matters regularly raised by farmers and other stakeholders and coordination of scientific scholarly contributions to the weekly publications in the discipline.
  • March 2019 to date: Veterinary officer in charge of Illama multiplication project, faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University.
  • February 2020 to date: Examinations officer, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology and Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University.
  • July-August 2019: Acting Examinations officer, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology and Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton   University.
  • November 2018: Participated in an extension service campaign and vaccination of Dogs against Rabies where 961 dogs were vaccinated in Kuresoi North Sub-county, Nakuru County.
  • November 2018: Participated in a Monitoring and Evaluation of externally funded projects in Egerton University. I evaluated two projects; Innovations for Sustainable and Profitable Intensification of Smallholder Dairy in Kenya (ISPID) and Genetic Improvement of East African Zebu Cattle for Milk Production in Arid and Semi-arid Lands.
  • August 2018 to date: Coordinator of field attachments in the department of Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology and Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University.
  • November 2018 to date: Patron to Egerton University Animal Welfare Club (EU-AWC), a student movement with interest on Animal Welfare and Ethics
  • September 2017 to April, 2018: Part-time teaching at Egerton University. Teaching  Bachelor of veterinary Medicine, Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management and Diploma students
  • August 2017 to March 2018: Assistant Researcher at Washington State University on a project ‘Identifying Anthrax Hotspot regions in Kenya’ where I was dealing   with retrieval of historical records for Livestock, Wildlife and human cases of Anthrax in Kenya from 1919-2017.
  • June – September 2015: Participated in a project on determining the Distribution of Hydatidosis in domestic ruminants and their economic significance in Kericho County. The project was organized and funded by Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Practice- Kenya (FELTP-K).
  1. Welfare of Working Donkeys in Nakuru County- on going project
  2. Incentives, drivers and economic impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease amongst small-holder dairy farmers in Nakuru County- completed

My research areas of interest include but not limited to;

  • Veterinary internal medicine (Infectious diseases of Food animals and pets),
  • Immunology,
  • Animal Welfare,
  • Zoonoses and One Health.
  1. Grace Atieno, Ngetich Wyckliff, Wahome Margaret Wambui and Chepkirui Evalyne, 2021. An Insight on the Welfare of working donkeys in Njoro Community, Nakuru. Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research, 7 (1), 1-7. For details click here
  2. Apeli Sheila, Ngetich Wyckliff, and Chepkirui Evalyne, 2020. Status on Implementation of Core routine practices among the dog owners in Shanzu Community, Mombasa County. Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research, 5 (1), 1-7. For details click here
  3. Ngetich Wyckliff, 2020. Camel Production in Kenya; Do they have Erhlichia? EC Veterinary Science 5.9, 124-133. Erhlichia in camels
  4. Wyckliff Ngetich and Evalyne Chepkirui, 2020. A review of zoonotic pathogens of donkeys (Equus asinus). Anim. Sci. Vet. Med. 5(1):1-10. For details click here
  5. Chepkirui Evalyne and Ngetich Wyckliff, 2019Distribution of Hydatidosis and its Economic Significance in Domestic Small Ruminants in Selected Abattoirs in Belgut, Kenya. Archives of Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science.  Vol 1 (4), 1-6, 2019. MS.ID.000519. For details click here
  6. Ngetich Wyckliff, 2019. Mange in an Adult Domestic Short Haired Cat-Case Report. Archives of Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science. . Vol 1 (4), 1-3, 2019. MS.ID.000520. For details click here
  7. Wyckliff Ngetich, 2019. Review of Anthrax: A Disease of Animals and Humans.  International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch. Vol. 4, No. 01; 2019. Pg 123-134, ISSN: 2456-8643 click here
  8. Mulwa N.N, Kitaa J.M. A, Muasya D. W and Ngetich W, 2018. A Retrospective Study of Canine Hemoplasmosis in Nairobi, Kenya.  Inter J Vet Sci, 7(3): 162-166. click here
  9. Wyckliff Ngetich, Abuom Tequiero Okumu, Jafred M Kitaa and Evalyne Chepkirui, 2017. Splenic Hemangiosarcoma in a 10-year male German Shepherd dog: Case Report. . Int J Vet Sci Res 3(3): 054-057. click here
  10. Kitaa J M A, Mulei C M, Mande J D, Wabacha J M, Mahinga A O and Ngetich W, 2017. Polymerase Chain Reaction Detection of Ehrlichia canis the causative agent of Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis in Kenya.  J. Agric.Sc & Vet.Med.5 (4): 74-82.
  11. Wyckliff N, Kitaa J, Thaiyah A, Maingi N, Muriuki JB, Evaline Chepkirui, 2017. Coprological Study to Determine the Prevalence of Intestinal Helminthes in Dogs of Nairobi, Kenya- A Potential Zoonotic Threat.  Int J Vet Sci Res 3(2): 001-005 click here
  12. Wyckliff N, Kitaa J and Thaiyah A, 2017. Community’s perception on zoonotic potential of dog helminthes infections in Kangemi Slum of Nairobi, Kenya.  Inter J Vet Sci, 6(2): 90-95. click here
  13. Nakami WN, Tsuma VT, Milkey K, Dickerson M, Wong M, Mutembei HM, Muthee JK, Odipo O and Ngetich W, 2017. Lateral Flow Immunoassay for Whole Blood Progesterone Detection as a Tool for Assessment of Reproductive Status in Cattle. . Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(1): 19-25. click here
  14. Wyckliff N and E Chepkirui, 2017. Prevalence and associated economic losses of Bovine Hydatidosis in selected abattoirs in Kericho, Kenya- an analysis of abattoir data.  Inter J Vet Sci, 6(3): 163-167. click here
  1. Certificate of participation as a facilitator in the Pilot Training on Pandemic Preparedness with One Health Approach, Egerton University, July 2019.
  2. Certificate of participation to training on Veterinary Medicine for dromedary Camel Health and Welfare by IlRI in collaboration with Saint Louis Zoo Institute of conservation Medicine, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and Kenya Camel Association, April 2019.
  3. Certificate of Attendance as foreign student in the University of Helsinki, Finland, 2014
  4. Certificate of membership in One Health Club of The University of Nairobi, 2013/2014
  5. Certificate of Attendance of The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) training, March, 2014
  6. Certificate of Merit as the best overall student, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences during 2014/2015 Academic year by University of Nairobi Alumni Association
  7. Certificate of Merit as the best final year student in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine during 2014/2015 Academic year by Kenya Veterinary Board

Undergarduate students.

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine adn Surgery: Veterinary medicine, Herd Health, Ambulatory, Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law, Research Projects and Seminars
  • Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management: Introduction to Animal Health, Principles of Disease Control, Herd Health, Ambulatory, Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law, Research Projects and Seminars

Diploma in Animal Health:

  • Herd Health,
  • Ambulatory,
  • Animal Welfare,
  • Ethics and Law,
  • Research Projects and Seminars

Certificate in Animal Health:

  • Inroduction to Animal Health
  1. Member Kenya Veterinary Association- Rift Valley Branch
  2. Member Kenya Small and Companion Animals Veterinary Association (KESCAVA)
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