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Dr Evalyn Wanjiru Mwihia

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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept
Pathology Section
P.O. Box 536, Egerton, 20115, Kenya

Dr. Mwihia Evalyn Wanjiru is an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology. She is a registered veterinarian under the Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) and is a member of Kenya Women's Veterinary Association (KWVA). Her research interests are in the design and application of diagnostic techniques to analyse both infectious and non-infectious diseases in terrestrial and aquatic animals thereby contributing towards improved animal welfare and food safety. Her recent projects have covered aspects in pathology, laboratory diagnosis, toxicology, food safety and aquaculture. Prior projects and trainings have also exposed her to ethical use of laboratory animals and molecular diagnostic techniques.


1. Course: PhD in Veterinary Sciences

Institution: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Expected Graduation date: July 2021
Project title: Mycotoxins in fish feeds and their effects on farmed fish in Kenya.

2. Course: Master of Science Degree in Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Diagnosis

Institution: Upper Kabete campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Graduation date: August 2013
Project title: Toxicity of Albizia gummifera: A plant commonly used in ethnoveterinary medicine in Kenya.

3. Course: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Institution: Upper Kabete campus, University of Nairobi
Graduation date: September 2007
Certificate: Unclassified Bachelors degree

4. Course: Management of Information systems

Institution: Strathmore University
Course offered by: Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS), UK
Graduation date: 2002
Certificate: Higher Diploma

  • Anatomic Pathology
  • Clinical Pathology
  • Diagnostic Pathology
  • Toxicological Pathology
  • Mycotoxins
  • Laboratory Animal Science
  • Toxicity and Efficacy testing

Sept to Dec 2016: International Traoining program in Aquatic Health Management, Ghent University, Belgium

May 2014: ISO/IEC 17025:2005 auditors’ course,Apex Consultants, Kenya

April 2014: Disease surveillance of aquatic diseases, KEPHIS, Karen by EDES

Jan 2014: Implementers ISO/IEC 17025:2005,Apex Consultants

Mar to May 2013: Borlaug fellowship on Epidemiology & Diagnosis of Brucellosis, University of Wyoming and Texas A&M, USA

Oct 2012: Brucellosis sero-prevalence training; CDC, Kenya

Oct 2012: Good Clinical Practice; CDC, Kenya

Jan - Mar 2012: Diagnosis of CBPP and HPAI;IZSLER OIE Lab, Italy

December 2011: National Molecular Biology Training;CVL, Kabete, Kenya

May 2011:Forensic Veterinary Science;University of Nairobi

October 2009: Livestock disease risk assessment;ILRI, Kenya

June 2009: Rift Valley Fever diagnosis; KARI, Kenya

April 2009: Communication and publishing,University of Nairobi, Kenya

May 2008: Certificate in Laboratory Animal Science; University of Nairobi, Kenya offered by FELASA

Aug and Sept 2006: Small and large animal externship; Tuskegee University,U.S.A.


1.     Position: Assistant Lecturer

Duration: October 2015 to date

Employer: Egerton University

Duty station: Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery


✓ Developing and reviewing course outlines, lecture materials and curriculums
✓ Teaching unit content according to syllabus and course outline
✓ Setting, marking, and grading assignments, tests and examinations
✓ Supervising student projects and practical sessions
✓ Participating in departmental and faculty board meetings
✓ Disease diagnosis and extension services

2.     Position: Senior Veterinary Officer

Duration: March 2009 to September 2015

Employer: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Government of Kenya

Duty station: Pathology laboratory, Central Veterinary Laboratories (CVL), Kabete


✓ Disease diagnosis using various techniques e.g., post-mortem examination, histopathology
✓ Training students-on-attachment and technical staff on laboratory techniques
✓ Spearheading and supervision of quality assurance activities and conducting internal audits
✓ Disease surveillance and disease outbreak investigation and reporting
✓ Provision of extension services and inspection of animal resource facilities e.g., hatcheries


1. Role: Co-applicant and project co-ordinator, Egerton University 

Project: Enhanced Capacity Building in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (ECARESA)(TAN-0013/27 and QZA-0485 RAF-19/0018)Partners: NMBU (Norway); LUANAR (Malawi); UNZA (Zambia); IMS (Tanzania, Zanzibar); MUST (Tanzania); UoN (Kenya); MU (Uganda) and UEM (Mozambique)
Duration: 2021 - 2026
Funding agency: Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)


2. Role: Consultant

Project: Antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture
Duration: September 2020
Funding agency: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN)


3. Role: External Consultant

Project: Toxicity studies on parasiticides; carried out for licensing purposes.

Duration: 2014 to date

Funding agency: Licence applicant


4. Role: Principal investigator

Project: Brucellosis diagnostic scheme design

Duration: 2013 - 2015

Funding agency: United States Department of Agriculture and University of Wyoming


5. Role: Part of planning team (logistics, training, tool designing)

Project: Brucellosis Incidence study

Duration: 2013 - 2015

Funding agency: Zoonotic Diseases Unit - Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

  • diagnostics 
  • mycotoxins
  • food safety
  • toxicity and efficacy studies
  • epidemiology
  • biostatistics


  1. Mwihia, E.W., Ludvig, J.L., Mbuthia, P.G., , Uhlig, S., Ivanova, L., Gathumbi, J.K., Maina, J.G., Eshitera, E.E. and Eriksen, G.S. (2020). Co-Occurrence and Levels of Mycotoxins in Fish Feeds in Kenya. Toxins. 12(10):627. doi: 10.3390/toxins12100627.
  2. Mwihia, E.W., Mbuthia, P.G., Eriksen, G.S., Gathumbi, J.K, Maina, J.G., Mutoloki, S., Waruiru, R.M., Mulei, I.R and Ludvig, J.L. (2018). Occurrence, levels and effects of aflatoxins in fish feeds used in Nyeri, Kenya. Toxins. 10(12):543. doi: 10.3390/toxins10120543.
  3. Mulei, I.R., Nyaga, P.N., Mbuthia, P.G., Waruiru, R.M., Njagi, L.W., Mwihia, E.W., Gamil, A., Evensen, Ø and Mutoloki, S. (2018). Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus isolated from farmed rainbow trout and tilapia in Kenya is identical to European isolates. Journal of Fish Diseases. 00:1-10.
  4. Hassan, A.S., Msuya, F., Kyewalyanga, M., Mmochi, A., Mwihia, E.W., Skjerve, E., Ngowi, H. and Lyche, J. (2018). Skin irritation and other algal bloom health related problems among seaweed farmers in coastal Tanzania, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. 10(8):303-312. doi: 10.5897/JPHE2018.1020 Article Number: ADABB4457822.
  5. Eshitera, E.E., Githigia, S.M., Kitala, P., Thomas, L.F., Fèvre, E.M., Harrison, L.J.S., Mwihia, E.W., Otieno, R.O., Ojiambo, F. and Maingi, N. (2012). Prevalence of porcine cysticercosis and associated risk factors in Homa Bay District, Kenya. BMC Veterinary Research, 8:234. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-234.
  6. Mwihia, E.W., Ludvig, J.L., Eriksen, G.S., Maina, J.G., Gathumbi, J.K., Eshitera, E.E., Hassan, A.S. and Mbuthia, P.G. (work in progress). Knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with aflatoxin contamination of fish feeds in Nyeri, Kenya.
  7. Mwihia, E.W. and Eshitera, E.E., Six reports on six-pack acute toxicity studies of pesticides. PCPB permit numbers: PCPB/112/Eval/ VOL.1/16/251; PCPB/112/Eval/VOL.1/17/063; PCPB/112/Eval/VOL.1/17/220; PCPB/112/Eval/ VOL.1/17/006; PCPB/112/Eval/VOL.1/18/137 and PCPB/112/Eval/VOL.1/18/153.
  1. 1. Mwihia, E.W., Gathumbi, P.K., Thoithi, G.N., Kabuitu, S.K. and Eshitera, E.E. (2014) Poster presentation on “Acute and Sub-acute toxicity of extracts of Albizia gummifera in rats” at the 9th FVM Biennial Conference, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Awarded second best poster presentation.
  2. Mwihia, E.W., Mbuthia, P.G., Eriksen, G.S., Gathumbi, J.K., Maina, J.G., Waruiru, R.M., Mdegela, R. H., Njagi, L.W., Eshitera, E.E. and Ludvig, J.L (2017). Oral presentation on “Occurrence of mycotoxins in fish feeds in Kenya” at the 16th International Conference on Chemistry and Environment, Norway.
  3. Mwihia, E.W., Ludvig, J.L., Mbuthia, P.G., Gathumbi, J.K., Maina J.G., Uhlig, S., Ivanova, L. and Eriksen, G.S. (2018). Oral presentation on “Co-occurrence of multiple mycotoxins in fish feeds in Kenya.” at the 2nd African Symposium on Mycotoxicology, Kenya.
  4. Eshitera, E.E., Mwihia, E.W., Okumu, T.A. and Kirui, G.A (2014). Chronic human monocytic ehrlichiosis in an adult African male: A case report. Conference presentation at the 2nd Maasai Mara University International conference.
  1. Together with NMBU partners, secured funding for ECARESA project to run at Egerton University among other Eastern and Southern African universities from 2021 to 2026.
  2. Competitively awarded the USDA Faculty Exchange Fellowship on Africa Veterinary Medicine to run from August to November 2021 at the University of Tennessee, USA.
  3. Competitively awarded a PhD scholarship at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) under the TRAHESA project funded by NORHED.
  4. Awarded second place position for poster presentation at the 9th Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Biennial Conference, University of Nairobi.
  5. Secured funding of USD 2,500 for Brucellosis testing kits and reagents from USDA through University of Wyoming and Texas A&M for the Designing of a Brucellosis Diagnostic Scheme
  6. Awarded the USDA Scientific Exchange Program on Brucellosis epidemiology and diagnostics conducted at the University of Wyoming and Texas A&M in USA from 1st March to 31st May 2013.
  7. Awarded the IAEA fellowship on diagnosis of CBPP and HPAI at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise G Caporale (IZSLER) in Teramo, Italy from the 15th January to 15th March 2012.
  8. Awarded scholarships by both Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund and the University of Nairobi to pursue a Master of Science in Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Diagnosis.
  9.  Representing the Veterinary Students’ Association (VSA-Kenya) at both the 54th and 55th International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) congresses that were held in Austria & Slovenia and USA in 2005 and 2006 respectively.
  • Diagnostic Pathology
  • Special Pathology
  • Systemic Pathology
  • General Pathology
  • Basic Pathology
  • Post mortem practicals
  1. Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB); Registration Number: 2154
  2. Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA); Registration Number: KVA/0412
  3. Kenya Women’s Veterinary Association (KWVA) branch of KVA
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