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P.O. Box 536-20115 EGERTON, Kenya

Dr Joseph J Mafurah is a lecturer of Crop Protection (Plant Pathology) in the Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils. Dr Mafurah holds PhD degree in Plant Pathology (Crop Protection) from Nanjing Agricultural University, China (2015), MSc degree in Plant Pathology from Kenyatta University  (2010) and a BSc degree in Agriculture Education and Extension from Egerton University (1998). Dr Mafurah joined the Department of Agronomy, Egerton University, as an Assistant Lecturer in July 2011. Since joining Egerton University, Dr Mafurah has scaled academic and professional heights by successfully  completing a PhD degree in China.  Dr Mafurah was examination officer from 2016 to 2021 and currently an edittor at the Egerton Journal of Science and technology.

Dr Mafurah has wealth of experience in participatory adaptive research, community outreach and consultancy services focusing on bio-intensive disease management, enhanced food and nutrition security and livelihoods in smallholder agriculture. Over the past one decade, Dr Mafurah has found niche in bio-prospecting for biocontrols for food crops. In the recent years, he has widened his research, outreach and consultancy domain to span underutilized crops (Indigenous vegetables and forgotten crops), climate change and agro-biodiversity. 



2015: Doctor of PhIlosophy in  Plant Pathology - Nanjing Agricultural University, China

2010: Master of Science in Plant Pathology - Kenyatta University, Kenya

1998: Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension - Egerton University, Kenya

1991:Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - Chesamisi High School, Bungoma Kenya

1987: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education - Nzoia Sugar Primary School, Bungoma, Kenya

  • Mycology
  • Biotechnology






  • Aug 2023: AAP - Building institutional capacities on genetic enegineering and biotechnology research in African universities and research institutions - Egerton University 
  • Dec 2017: CESAAM-VT(USA)Retooling w/shop on Res.Analytics & Dev'pt Fundable proposals - Egerton University
  • Sept 2016: Student Academic Advising - Egerton University
  • Computer Application and Systems - Data Information Management System; Nairobi
  • August 2005: SMASSE - MOE
  • Jan 2017- Present: Lecturer; Crop Protection,  Department of Crops Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University
  • June 2016 - March 2022: Examination Oafficer.  Department of Crops Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University
  • July 2011-Dec 2016: Assistant Lecturer; Crop Protection,  Department of Crops Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University
  • Feb’09 – June 2011: Teacher; Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology; Nakuru
  • Oct’02-Jan 2008: Teacher; Enkinda SDA Secondary School; Nyamira
  • 1999-2001: Assistant Leaf Technician; B.A.T Malakisi; Bungoma




  1. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). 2022-2027 (USD 50,000 Million) Establish  Regional Reaserch Centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology in crops. Team leader: Prof Josiah Omolo. Core Team Memebrs: Prof Liu Gaoing, Dr Joseph Mafurah, Dr Pascal Okwiri. Dr Miriam Charimbu, Dr John Nduko, Dr bernard Karanja, Dr Joel Khobondo and Dr Elijah Lelmem.  
  2. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), NIFA-USDA Award Number: 2020-67038-30659. Funding: USD 500,000.00 for 5 years (2020-2025); EgU Budget: USD 250,000.00. PI-Dr. Anne Osano; Co-PI / International Program Director (Egerton University): Joshua O. Ogendo. Mentors: Dr Joseph Mafurah, Prof Richrd Mulwa, Prof Paul Kimurto, Prof Erck Cheruiyot, Dr Elick Otch, Dr Oscar Donde and Dr Maurice Udoto
  3. Egerton University CESAAM. Jan 2021 to Jan 2022. KES 1,200,000. ‘Market analysis of green gram farming in Kitui County, Kenya’.Team Leader: Dr Joeph Mafurah. Members: Dr Edith Gathungu and Dickson Okello 

  4. USAID research ‘Exploring the use of blockchain technology to promote the production and consumption of African indigenous vegetables in Western Kenya’. Team leader: Joseph Mwangi. Members: Dr Joseph Mafurah, Dr Josephine Obonyo and Prof Hillary Bett
  5. National Museums of Kenya (Natural Products Industry Secretariat) March 2019-March 2020; KES 8,000,001.40. Feasibility Study on Commercialization of Aloe in North Rift Counties, Kenya”. Team Leader- Prof. J Ogendo; Members: Prof. M. Ngigi, Prof. S.T. Kariuki, Dr. J Mafurah and Mr. Dickson Okello.”.
  • Plant Diseases
  • Biotechnology 
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Organic farming




  1. Obare I.j., Charimbu M.K, Mafurah J.J., Woyengo V.W.,, Okech R.H., , Abour A., Mutoni C.K,, Ferguson M.E, Tripathi L. and Samwel Muiruri Kariuki. 2024. Induction of flowering in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) using plant growth regulators, pruning and
    extended photoperiod through night-breaks. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 23(12), pp.340-353,. DOI: 10.5897/AJB2024.17708
  2.  Jasira Jzar, Mary Simiyu, Joseph Mafurah, Anne Osano and Joshua Ogendo. 2024.Characterization of Novel Endophyte Mycobiome in Chia Plant (Salvia hispanica).  Ann Appl Microbiol Biotechno J 5:5.

  3. Kilonzi J.M., Githui D.,·Pwaipwai  P.,·Kawira C., Otieno S., Kelele J.,  Ng’ang’a  N., ·  Nyongesa  M.,· Mafurah J. and Kibe A. 2024.  Efects of Seed Tuber Size of Potato Varieties on Fungicide Spray Regime, Weed Infestation and Net Farm Income in Potato Production. Potato Research.

  4. Kilonzi JM, Nyongesa MW, Amata RL, Pwapai P, Githui D, Omondi S, Lusike W, Kirugua V and Mafurah JJ. 2024. Combined effects of fungicides formulations and potato varieties on late blight managemen. European Journal of Plant Pathology.

  5. Mary Simiyu, Joseph Mafurah, Jane Nyaanga, and Elizabeth Mwangi. 2024. Antifungal effect of wood vinegar from selected
    feedstocks on Ascochyta rabiei in vitro. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 20(3), pp. 214-220. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2023.16381
  6. Ivan J Obare Miriam K Charimbu, Joseph Mafurah, Morag E Ferguson, Trushar Shah   Vincent W Woyengo and Christine K Mutoni. 2023. Collection of cassava landraces and associated farmers’ knowledge, genetic diversity and viral incidence assessment in western Kenya. Journal of Genetc Resource Crop Evolution.
  7. Alwora G., Ogendo J., Mafurah J., Gichuru E. and Otieno O. 2023. A Method for Selection of Coffee Varieties Resistant to Fusarium stilboides. Journal of MDPI.  Agronomy  13(9), 2321;
  8. Said Hassan Abdirahman, Mafurah J Joseph, Paul K Kimurto, Moses Nyonges (2023). Efficacy of Biofertilizers and Farmyard Manure in Management of Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Yield of Potato. World Journal of Agriculture Research. Vol. 11, 1 pg30-36 DOI:10.12691/jfs-11-1-4
  9. Abdirahman S. H, Mafurah J. J,  Kimurto P. K.,  Nyongesa M. W. (2022). Effect of Biofertilizers and Farmyard Manure on Growth and Tuber Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Highlands of Kenya. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. DOI:10.24018/ejfood.2022.4.5.479 
  10. Manyasi J.T, Kimurto P.K. and  Mafurah J.J. (2022). Genetic Resistance to Blast Disease in Finger Millet Genotypes Under Greenhouse Conditions. Eat Africa Agriculture and  Forest Journal. Vol 86, 1-2, Pg 136-145

  11. Kilonzi J, Nyongesa M, Pwaipwai P, Oyoo J and Mafurah J (2022). Minimising fungicides through alternating formulations and varied interval to improve potato blight management and farm returns.  African Crop Science Journal Vol. 30(2) pp DOI:

  12. Jayo Manyasi Tracyline, Paul K. Kimurto and Joseph J. Mafurah (2021). Characterization of diversity and pathogenecity of Pyricularia grisea affecting finger millet in Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol. 15(5), pp. 217-230, DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2021.9520

  13. Tracyline, J. M, Kimurto, P. K, Mafurah J. J, Mungai N. W, and Ojulong H (2020). Farmer preference for selected finger millet (Eleusine coracana) varieties in Rift Valley, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Vol.13(1), pp. 82-93 January-March 2021 DOI: 10.5897/JAERD2020.1187

  14. Kilonzi Jackson Mutuku, Mafurah Juma Joseph, Nyongesa Moses Wabomba, and Kibe Antony Mwangi (2020) “Efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum Seed Treatment and Ridomil® Application in Managing Late Blight on Potato.” World Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 9, no. 2 (2021): 42-52. doi: 10.12691/wjar-9-2-1.

  15. Joyce Awino Tollo, Pascal Okwiri Ojwang, Rael Karimi, Joseph Juma Mafurah, Henry Sila Nzioki (2020). Genotype-by-environment interaction and stability of resistance in mungbean landraces against common bacterial blight across semi-arid environments. Euphytica. 216:175
  16. Kilonzi M. Jackson, Mafurah J. Joseph, Nyongesa M. Wambomba (2020). In vitro efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum and detached leaflet assay on late blight pathogen: Phytophthora infestans. African Journal of Microbiology Research 14(5), 148-157.
  17. Kilonzi M. Jackson, Mafurah J. Joseph, Nyongesa M. Wambomba & Ng’ang’a Nancy (2020). Cost Benefit Analyses in Managing Late Blight Through Trichoderma asperellum Seed Treatment and Ridomil® Application on Potato. Journal of Agricultural Science; 12:7
  18. Asma Safdar, Qi Li, Danyu Shena, Linlin Chena, Feng Hea, Rongbo Wanga, Meixiang Zhanga, Joseph Juma Mafurah, Sajid Aleem Khand, Daolong Dou (2017). An LRR receptor kinase regulates growth, development and pathogenesis in Phytophthora capsici. Microbiological Research 198: 8–15
  19. Feng He, Xiong Zhang, Joseph Juma Mafurah, Meixiang Zhang, Guoliang Qian, Rongbo Wang, Asma Safdar, Xiaolei Yang, Fengquan Liu, Daolong Dou. (2016). The transcription factor VpCZR1 is required for fruiting body formation and pathogenicity in Valsa pryi. Microbial Pathogenesis 10;95:101-110
  20. Joseph Juma Mafurah, Huifei Ma, Meixiang Zhang, Jing Xu, Feng He, Tinygue Ye, Danyu Shen, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Daolong Dou. (2015). A virulence essential CRN effector of Phytophthora capsici suppresses host defense and induces cell death in plant nucleus. PLoS ONE. 10(5):e0127965. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127965;
  21. Meixiang Zhang, Nasir Rajput, Danyu Shen, Peng Sun, Wentao Zeng, Tingli Liu, Joseph Juma Mafurah, and Daolong Dou. (2015). A Phytophthora sojae cytoplasmic effector mediates disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance in Nicotiana benthamiana. Scientific Reports;
  22. Nasir Ahmed Rajput., Meixiang Zhang., Yanyan Ru, Tingli Liu, Jing Xu, Li Liu, Joseph Juma Mafurah, Daolong Dou. 2014. Phytophthora sojae Effector PsCRN70 Suppresses Plant Defenses in Nicotiana benthamiana. PLoS ONE 9(5): e98114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098114;
  23. Joseph Mafurah, Ethel Monda and Ruth Amata. 2013. Incidences of Fusarium species and levels of fumonisin B1 in sorghum and finger millet from Western Kenya. LAP Lambert academic publishing GmbH&Co.KG. ISBN: 978-3-659-10344-5;
  24. Joseph Juma Mafurah, Monda O. E. and Amata L. R. Levels of fumonisin B1 and aflatoxin B1 in sorghum and finger millet in Western Kenya. East African agricultural Forest Journal 78(1),113-118

Manuscripts Under Review

  1. Alwora G., Ogendo J., Mafurah J., Gichuru E. and Otieno O. (2022) Morphological Diversity of potential fungal biocontrol agents isolated from coffee farms in Kenya [submitted to Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (Submission ID: 228519116); 22/09/2022].
  2. Jackson Kilonzi, Nancy Nganga, Susan Otieno, Joseph Mafurah and Moses Nyongesa. Estimating pesticides exposure levels and profiling risk management in potato farming under small scale production: Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. September 2023.
  3. Jackson Kilonzi; David Githui; Cecilia Kawira and Joseph Mafurah. Effects of Metribuzin on Soil Microbes, Soil Nutrition and Human Exposure, and Combination of Weed Management Practices with Planting Techniques on Potato Crop Performance. Submitted to Agricultural Research. EMID: 0e8b96a0f5a90fec

Monitoring & Evaluation and onsultancies:

  1. Ogendo J.O, Ngigi M. W. Mafurah J.J. and Okelo D(2019). National Museums of Kenya (National Products Industry Secretariat) Consultancy “Feasibility study on commercialization of aloe in the North Rift Valley Counties, Kenya”. Period: Sept 2019-March 2020.
  1.  Mafurah JJ 2022. Rapporteur at Egerton University Biannua; conference
  2. Tracyline, J. M., Kimurto, P. K., Mafurah, J. J., Mungai, N. W., & Ojulong, H. (2021). Farmer preference for selected finger millet (Eleusine coracana) varieties in Rift Valley, Kenya.  29th SSSEA Biannial Scientific Conference in Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya, From the 18th – 22nd November 2019.
  3. Tracyline, J. M., Kimurto, P. K., & Mafurah, J. J. (2021). Characterization of diversity and pathogenecity of Pyricularia grisea affecting finger millet in Kenya. International Biannual conference at Egerton University, 24thto 28thNov 2020
  4. Tracyline, J. M., Kimurto, P. K., & Mafurah, J. J. (2021). Host plant resistance to blast disease (Pyricularia grisea) in selected finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn) genotypes.The 3rdinternational Phytosanitary conference (Virtual Edition) held from 13th to 16th September 2021.
  5. Kilonzi, M.J., Nyongesa, M.W., Pwaipwai, P., Oyoo, J and Mafurah,J. J. Optimization of fungicides application through alternating chemical formulations and interval to improve on potato blight management and farm returns (Poster), 12th Triennial conference of African Potato Association, this year held in Lilongwe, Malawi from 27th June to 1st July 2022

  6. Kilonzi, J. M., Pwaipwai, P., Nyongesa, M.W., Amata, R.L., Mbiyu, M., Mafurah, J. J and Githui, D. Integrated Late Blight Management for Improved Potato Yield and Net Farm Income: Combining Fungicides with Varieties. The 19th International Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) Date: 21st to 25th November 2022. Venue: Safari Park, Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

  7. Kilonzi, J. M., Nyongesa, M.W., Amata, R.L., Pwaipwai, P., Mbiyu, M., Githui, D., Omondi, S., Lusike, W., Kirugua, V. and Mafurah, J. J. Integrated late blight management for improved potato yield and net farm income: combining fungicides with varieties (KC425). Oral presentation. First KALRO Scientific biennial conference held at KALRO HQ on 27 to 31st March

  8. Kilonzi, J.M, Mafurah, J.J and Nyongesa,M.W. Efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum on Late Blight

    (Phytophthora infestans) of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) in vitro and Detached Leaf Assay. 

     (KC018). Oral presentation First KALRO Scientific Biennial Conference held at KALRO HQ on 27 to 31st March

  9. Joyce Tollo, Ojwang P. and Mafurah J. Breeding strategies for improving mungbean for common bacterial blight and drought adaptation. ABPA Conference 2021. October 25th to 29th 2021. Kigali Serena Hotel


  • Crop Production 
  • Statistics for Agriculture
  • Organic Farming 
  • Crop Pathology 
  • Field Studies and Evaluation


  • Mycology and Bacteriology
  • Research Methods in Agricultural Sciences

  • Statistical Procedures and Molecular Techniques in Crop Protection




    1. Host Plant Resistance and Characterization of Blast Disease (Pyricularia grisea) In Selected Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Genotypes In Kenya. Jayo Manyasi Tracyline - MSc Crop Protection (KM122/14676/18). Sponsored by KSCAP and GLDC. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Prof Paul Kimurto. Graduated November 2021.

    2. Phenotyping Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Landraces for Resistance and Stability to Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) under Semi Arid Conditions of Kenya. joyce Awino Tollo - MSc Plant Breeding (KM21/14619/18). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervised by Dr Pascal Okwiri and Dr Joseph Mafurah. Graduated November 2021.

    3.  Efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum Seed Treatment and Ridomil® Application In Managing Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) On Potato (Solanum tuberosum lL.). Kilonzi Mutuku Jackson - MSc Crop Protection (KM122/12125/17). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Dr Moses Nyongesa. Graduated November 2021.

    4. Efficacy of Biofertilizers and Farmyard Manure on Performance and Management of Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) In Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Said Hassan Abdirahman (KM121/14575/18). Sponsored by TAGDev Program. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah, Prof Paul Kimurto and Dr Moses Nyongesa. Nover 2024
    5. Effects of Pyrolysis Products on Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum lL.) and Management of Ascochyta Blight (Ascochyta rabiei). Mary Simiyu Namalwa (KM122/17018/19). Sponsored by KSCAP. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Dr Jane Nyaanga. November 2024

On-going Supervision

    1. Management of Potato Cyst Nematodes (Globodera spp) Using Host Plant Resistance and Selected Biocontrol Agents. Milka Mbithe Kananda (KM122/09020/20). Self sponsored. Supervised by Dr Miriam Charimbu and Dr Joseph Mafurah

    2. Effect of Fertilizer Regimes on Soil Microbiome and Management of Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) In Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). omurwa Kwamboka Belindah (KM122/13043/21). Sponsored by Michigan State University- Research Fulbright Award. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Prof. Lisa Tiemann

    3. Effects of Phosphorus and Endophytic Fungi on Management of Blast Disease(Pyricularia grisea)and Yield in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.). Chepkemoi Edinah (KM121/13106/21). Sponsored by BiPoN collaborative project, University of Cologne, Germany. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Prof Paul Kimurto

    4. Efficacy of Selected Chicken ManureChargedBiochar on Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum), growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum ). Niyonsaba Ernestine (KM 122/10047/23). Sponsored by  Inter-University Council for East Africa. Supervised by Dr Joseph Mafurah and Dr Patrick Murerwa

    5. Phenotypic and Genotypic Screening ofGroundnut(Arachis hypogaea) Genotypes for Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot (Cercospora arachidicola and Cercosporidium personatum) and Yield Stability in Uganda. Nabwire Sharon Prisca (KM21/10014/23). Sponsored by  Inter-University Council for East Africa. Supervised by Dr Pascal Okwiri and Dr Joseph Mafurah.



 On-going Supervision

    1. Application of Biotechnology Tools in Cassava Breeding for Management of Cassava Brown Streak and Cassava Mosaic Diseases. Ivan Juma Obare (KD125/16558/18). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervised by Dr Miriam Charimbu and Dr Joseph Mafurah

    2. Characterization of Fusarium stilboides of Coffee and Bioprospecting Its Potential Fungal Biological Control Agents. Alworah Okutoyi Getrude (KD122/15508/19). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervised by Prof Joshua Ogendo and Dr Joseph Mafurah


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