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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept

2005: PhD, Hort. Biotech. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, GPA 4/4.

2000: M.App.Sc. (Horticulture), University of Melbourne, Australia, (H1).

1998: Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Horticulture), University of Melbourne, Australia (H1).

1995: B.Sc. Horticulture (First Class Honours), Egerton University, Kenya.

1990: Diploma in Horticulture (Distinction), Egerton University.


February 2021 to date: Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Planning &  Development), Egerton University.

April 2013 to date: Associate Professor of Horticulture, Egerton University

Sept. 2009 – May 2019: Director, Crop Management Research and Training (CMRT),Egerton University.

2009-2013: Senior Lecturer, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils Egerton University

2006-2009: Lecturer, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils Egerton University.

2001-2005:Teaching Assistant/ Research Assistant, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2000-2001: Assistant lecturer, Egerton University.

1997-2000: PC2 Greenhouse manager, Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology group, University of Melbourne.

1997-1999: Harvest/ grading supervisor, Seville Cherry Orchard, Aitken Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.

1995-1997: Teaching Assistant, Egerton University.

1990-1992: Demonstrator in horticulture, Egerton University.

Professional Contributions:

Egerton University appointments to committees and boards:

  • Chairman, Egerton University Research Week and International Conference Committee
  • Chairman, Faculty of Agriculture Governance and Quality Assurance Committee
  • Member, Faculty of Agriculture Management Committee
  • Member, Faculty of Agriculture Evaluation and Monitoring Committee
  • Member, Egerton University Quality Assurance Board
  • Chair, Agricultural Biotechnology Committee, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Chair, Egerton University Strategic Plan Review Committee 2012
  • Member, Steering Committee for the Self Assessment for Institutional Quality Audit and Institutional Accreditation (2013)
  • Member, Egerton University ICT Steering Committee (Ongoing)
  • Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, 2012-2017
  • Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2018 - 2023
  • Chair, Committee on development of Egerton University’s IGU Policy (2019)
  • Chair, Several Project Implementation Committees
  • Chair, Budget Implementation Committee
  • Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, 2023 – 2027

National Appointments

  • Technical expert on Development of Implementation Work Plan to Roll-out Piloting of the Curriculum for a Certificate Skills Upgrading Course in Floriculture.
  • Technical Expert for Development of a Trainer’s Handbook of the Curriculum for the Certificate Course in Floriculture.
  • Member of the Floricultural Wages Council of Kenya. Kenya Gazette Notice No. 17052 of 26th November 2012. Renewed in 2017 for three years.
  • 2019 – to date, Member, Board of Management, Kagumo Teachers’ College. Chair of Academic and Human Rights Committee.
  • Trade Judge, Mombasa ASK Trade Fair.

 Consultancy Assignments:

  1. CIMMYT (2016-2019). Sustainable intensification of Maize-Legume systems for the control of striga.
  2. World Bank - International Finance Corporation (2022). Provision of services for setting up crop production centres of excellence in Kenya.
  3. Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (2022). Development of food safety standards and assessment tools for dairy and horticulture value chains.
  4. Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (2022-2024). Consultancy for assessment of the commercialization readiness of thirteen (13) ATVET centres in Kenya.
  5. National Museums of Kenya (2023). Feasibility study on domestication and commercialization of wild indigenous fruits.

Greenhouse research techniques including cutting propagation, seed propagation, and technology management.

  • Plant tissue culture techniques including micropropagation, regeneration and somatic embryogenesis and in vitro ployploidization.
  • Agrobacterium plant transformation techniques and analytical procedures for grapes.
  • Field plot and farmer field experimentation – pigeon pea, chickpea, field beans, indigenous vegetables.
  • Molecular characterization of root trait inheritance in chickpea by QTL tracking
  • Marker assisted selection of stem rust resistance in wheat
  • Molecular markers linked to Russian wheat aphid in 3 Kenyan bread wheat cultivars
  • Polyploidy induction in African indigenous vegetables.
  • Evaluation of drought tolerance among 289 selected chickpea lines
  • Evaluation of Helicoverpa tolerance among 30 selected chickpea lines
  • Enhancing Production, Value Addition and Marketing of Indigenous Vegetables (cowpea, spider plant, nightshades, amaranth, pumpkin), French Beans and Mushrooms among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya.
  • Sustainable Intensification of Conservation Agriculture-based Maize-Legume Systems for smallholder farmers.
  • Cassava Value Chain upgrading in Nakuru County.
  • Potato and Tomato transcriptome profiling for bacterial wilt and Fusarium wilt infections.
  • Mango Post-Harvest quality preservation for enhanced value in Makueni County, Kenya.
  • Climate Smart Crop Research – PI Cassava production in non-traditional environments and value added product development.
  • National PI - Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) – Unlocking the potential of cassava through value addition and product development.

Professional Contributions:

Manuscript Reviewer for:

International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Molecular Breeding

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC Journal)

African Journal of Biotechnology

Editor, Society for Economic Botany Newsletter

Member Editorial Board, Journal of Phytology

Member Editorial Board, Egerton Journal of Science and Technology


Published Abstracts:

  1. Mulwa, R.M.S. and P.L. Bhalla. 1999. In vitro propagation of macadamia.  In: Combined conference abstracts of the Australian society for biochemistry and molecular biology, Australian and New Zealand society for cell and developmental biology and Australian society of plant physiologists. Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast, Australia, September 27-30th.
  2. Mulwa, R.M.S., Norton, M.A. and R.M. Skirvin. 2003.  High frequency somatic embryogenesis from leaf and floral explants of ‘Chancellor’ grape.  In: Abstracts of the 2003 Congress on in vitro Biology, Portland, Oregon, USA, May 31st – June 4th.

Publications before Senior Lecture Position:

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Mulwa, R.M.S. and P.L. Bhalla. 2000. In vitro shoot multiplication of Macadamia (Macadamia tetraphylla Johnson). Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 75: 1-5.
  2. Ali, N., Mulwa, R.M.S., Norton, M.A. and R.M. Skirvin. 2003. Micropropagation of Guava. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 78: 739-741.
  3. Bhalla, P.L. and M.S. Mulwa. 2003. Tissue culture and macadamia propagation. Acta Horticulturae, 616: 343-346.
  4. Ozgur, M., Shahata, A.M., Skirvin, R.M., Norton, M.A., Mulwa, R.M.S., Uchanski, M., Hamblin, A.M. and M. Babadoost. 2004. An in vitro method to rescue embryos of horseradish, a reputedly sterile plant. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 10: 99-105.
  5. Mulwa, R.M.S. and P.L. Bhalla. 2006. In vitro plant regeneration from immature seed cotyledon explants of macadamia. Plant Cell Reports, 25: 1281-1286.
  6. Mulwa, R.M.S. and P.L. Bhalla. 2007. Assessment of clonal stability of in vitro regenerated shoots of Macadamia tetraphylla by RAPD analysis. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58: 253-257.
  7. Ali, N., M.S. Mulwa, M.A. Norton and R.M. Skirvin. 2007. Radical disinfestation protocol eliminates in vitro contamination in Guava (Psidium guajava L.) seeds. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 91: 295-298.
  8. Mulwa, R.M.S., Norton, M.A., Farrand, S.K. and Skirvin, R.M. 2007. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and regeneration of transgenic ‘Chancellor’ grape plants expressing the tfdA gene. VITISInternational Journal of Grapevine Research, 46: 110-115.
  9. Diaz-Barrita, A.J., Norton, M., Martinez-Peniche, R.A., Uchanski, M., Mulwa, R. and Skirvin, R.M. 2007. The use of thermotherapy and in vitro meristem culture to produce virus-free ‘Chancellor’ grapevines. International Journal of Fruit Science, 7: 15-25.

Invited Reviews:

  1. Mulwa, R.M.S. and Mwanza, L.M. 2006. Biotechnology approaches to developing crop herbicide tolerance/ selectivity. African Journal of Biotechnology, 5: 396-404.

Published Book Chapters:

  1. Motoike, S., Skirvin, R.M., Norton, M.A. and M. Mulwa. 2005. Somatic embryogenesis in American grapes (Vitis x labruscana L.H. Bailey). In: Jain, S.M. and P.K. Gupta (Eds). PROTOCOLS FOR SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN WOODY PLANTS. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp 275-287.
  2. Mulwa, R.M.S., Norton, M.A. and Skirvin, R.M. 2006. In vitro regeneration and genetic engineering for grapevine (Vitis) improvement. In: Recent Research Developments in Agronomy and Horticulture, 2 (2006), pp 13-38.
  3. Shehata, A., Mulwa, R.M.S., Babadoost, M., Uchanski, M., Norton, M.A. Walters, A.S. and R.M. Skirvin. 2009. Horseradish: Botany, Horticulture, Breeding. In Jules Janick (Ed): HORTICULTURAL REVIEWS, 35: 221-261.
  4. Richard M. S. Mulwa, Joseph W. Matofari, Joshua O. Ogendo, Peter F. Arama and Bockline O. Bebe. UNLOCKING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CASSAVA CARP VALUE CHAIN PROJECT IN NAKURU COUNTY, KENYA. In book: University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa. (pp.157-170)

Publications after Senior Lecture Position:

Research Articles:

  1. O. Amulaka, R.S. Pathak, M. Cakir, J.N. Maling’a, and R.M.S. Mulwa. 2013. Development and Characterization of Wheat Germplasm with Combined Resistance to Russian Wheat Aphid and Stem Rust (race ‘ug99’) in Kenya. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 767-773.
  2. Kitonga-Mwanza, L.M., Swiader J. and Mulwa, R.M.S. 2011. Evaluation of SPAD Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Onsite Nitrogen Assessment in Drip Fertigated Sweet Corn. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 13: 13-17
  3. Mulwa, R.M.S., Norton, M.A. and Skirvin, R.M. 2010. Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf and Floral Explants of ‘Chancellor’ Wine Grape. Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, 20: 157-170.
  4. Gesimba, R.M., Struve, D.K., Rhodes, L. andM.S. Mulwa. 2010. The effect of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Passiflorae on wilt development in Passiflora species from Kenya. Bots. J. Agric. Appl. Sci, 6:41-48.
  5. Mulwa, R.M.S., Kimurto, P.K. and Towett, B.K. 2010. Evaluation and selection of drought and pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) tolerant chickpea genotypes for introduction in semi-arid areas of Kenya. In Proceedings of the Second RUFORUM Biennial Meeting. 20 – 24th September 2010. Pp 1041-1048.

Publications after Associate Professor Position:

Research Articles:

  1. Ruttoh E. K, Mulwa R.M.S., Ngode L., Gohole L., Towett, B., Njogu N., Silim, S, Rao G. V. R., and Kimurto P. K. 2013. Screening for host plant resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in selected chickpea (Cicer arientinum) genotypes in Kenya. Egerton J. Sci. & Technol., 13: 39-55.
  2. Amulaka, F.O., Maling’a, J.N., Pathak, R.S., Cakir, M. and Mulwa, R.M.S. 2013. Yield evaluation of a wheat line with combined resistance to Russian wheat aphid and stem rust race “ug99” in Kenya. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 1494-1499.
  3. Paul K. Kimurto, Bernard K. Towett, Richard S. Mulwa, Nancy Njogu, Lilian J. Jeptanui, Gangarao N.V.P.R. Rao, Said Silim, Peter Kaloki, Paul Korir and Joseph K. Macharia. (2013). Evaluation of chickpea genotypes for resistance to Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) disease in the dry highlands of Kenya. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 52(1), 212−221.
  4. Paul K. Kimurto, Bernard Towett, Richard S. Mulwa, Nancy Njogu, Alice Kosgei, Serah Songok, Moses Oyier, Daniel Rutto, Paul Korir, Gangarao Rao, Said Silim, Peter Kaloki, Ruth Muriuki, Grace Barmao and Joseph K. Macharia. (2014). An overview of chickpea breeding programs in Kenya. Legume Perspectives, 3: 55 – 57.
  5. Mahendar Thudi, Pooran M. Gaur, Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy, Reyazul R. Mir, Himabindu Kudapa, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Shailesh Tripathi, Khela R. Soren, Richard Mulwa, Chellapilla Bharadwaj, Subhojit Datta, Sushil K. Chaturvedi and Rajeev K. Varshney. (2014). Genomics-assisted breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea. Functional Plant Biology, 41: 1178–1190.
  6. A. Masinde, J. N. Malinga, W.A. Ngenya, R.M.S. Mulwa and M. Cakir. (2014). Molecular characterization of resistance to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov) in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line “KRWA9”. International Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, 5(6): 68 – 75.
  7. Maureen N. Situma, Mariam Mwangi and Richard M.S. Mulwa. (2015). Effects of benzyl adenine and gibberellic acid pre-treatments on dormancy release, flowering time and multiplication of oriental lily (Lilium longiflorum) bulbs. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 17(1): 26-30.
  8. Carol M. Mutua, Richard S. Mulwa and Joshua O. Ogweno. (2015). NPK Fertilization and Deflowering Increases Leaf Yield and Extends the Vegetative Phase of Cleome gynandra International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 8(6): 1-8.
  9. Rory Hillocks, Midatharahally Maruthi, Heneriko Kulembeka, Simon Jeremiah, Francis Alacho, Emily Masinde, Joshua Ogendo, Peter Arama, Richard Mulwa, Geoffrey Mkamilo, Bernadetta Kimata, Davis Mwakanyamale, Albert Mhone and Ibrahim Benesi. (2016). Disparity between Leaf and Root Symptoms and Crop Losses Associated with Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Four Countries in Eastern Africa. Journal of Phytopathology, 164: 86-93.
  10. Esther W. Njoroge, Joseph W. Matofari, Richard M.S. Mulwa, and Joseph O. Anyango. (2015). Effects of blanching time/temperature combination coupled with solar-drying on the nutritional and microbial quality of indigenous leafy vegetables in Kenya. African J. of Food Science and Technology, 6: 209-219.
  11. Masinde, E.A., Ogendo, J.O., Maruthi, M.N., Hillocks, R., Mulwa, R.M.S., Arama, P.F. (2016). Occurrence and estimated losses caused by cassava viruses in Migori County, Kenya. African J. Agricultural Research, 11: 2064-2074.
  12. George Ooko Abong’, Solomon Shibairo, Elizabeth Wanjekeche, Joshua Ogendo, Tom Wambua, Peter Lamuka, Peter Arama, Michael Okoth, Richard Mulwa, Margaret Kamidi, Zadoc Mcosore and Christine Katama Masha. (2016). Post-Harvest Practices, Constraints and Opportunities along Cassava Value Chain in Kenya. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 4: 114-126.
  13. Peter C. Otieno, Richard M.S. Mulwa, Joshua O. Ogweno and Elisha O. Gogo. (2017). Effect of amending soil with Lippia and Ocimum species biomass on postharvest quality of greenhouse tomatoes. J. Hort. Sci., 12:16-29.
  14. Emily A. Masinde, Geoffrey Mkamillo, Joshua O. Ogendo, Rory Hillocks, Richard M.S. Mulwa, Bernadetta Kimata, and Midatharahally N. Maruthi. (2018). Genotype by environment interactions in identifying cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) resistant to cassava brown streak disease. Field Crops Research, 215: 39–48.
  15. Kaburu, P., Richard Mulwa, Ogendo, J., Arama, P., Ngare, C. and Bebe, B. (2018). Cassava value chain upgrading for secure food, nutrition, income and resilience of smallholder farmers in the ASALs of Nakuru County: A baseline Report. RUFORUM Working Document Series, 17 (3): 948-953. (ISSN 1607-9345).
  16. Wambua, R.M.S. Mulwa, P.F. Arama, S.A. Atieno and J.O. Ogendo. (2020). Evaluation of popular cassava varieties for yield and Cyanide content under ASAL conditions in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 71 – 82.
  17. C. Otieno, R.M.S. Mulwa, J. Otieno Ogweno. (2020). Management of root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.) and enhancing growth yield of greenhouse produced tomatoes by using fresh plant derived soil amendments. Advances in Horticultural Science, 34: 357-372.
  18. Christine N. Mwani, Jane Nyaanga, Erick K. Cheruiyot, Joshua O. Ogendo, Philip K. Bett, Richard Mulwa, Philip C. Stevenson, Sarah E.J. Arnold, Steven R. Belmain. (2021). Intercropping and diverse field margin vegetation suppress bean aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) infestation in dolichos (Lablab purpureus). Journal of Plant Protection Research. 61: 290–301.
  19. Emily A. Masinde, Bernadetta Kimata, Joshua O. Ogendo, Richard M.S. Mulwa, Geoffrey Mkamillo, M. N. Maruthi. (2021). Developing dual resistant cassava to the two major viral diseases. Crop Science, 61:1567–1581.
  20. Joseph Odhiambo Awuor, Richard M. S. Mulwa and Nancy O. Openda. (2021). Gender disparity in cassava farmers’ access to agricultural productive resources in Rongo Sub County, Migori County, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17: 1161-1171.
  21. Lawrence O. Ochieng’, Joshua O. Ogendo, Philip K. Bett, Jane G. Nyaanga, Erick K. Cheruiyot, Richard M. S. Mulwa, Sarah E. J. Arnold, Steven R. Belmain, Philip C. Stevenson. (2022). Field margins and botanical insecticides enhance Lablab purpureus yield by reducing aphid pests and supporting natural enemies. J Appl Entomol., 146:838–849.
  22. Lilian A. Okiro, Richard Mwanza Mulwa, Maurice E. Oyoo, Eunice M. Machuka, Monica L. Parker and Roger Pelle. (2022). Phylogenetic distribution of Ralstonia solanacearum species complex populations in potato in Kenya. Plant Disease, 106: 1736 - 1742.
  23. Justus Anyieni Obara, Richard Mulwa, Maurice Oyoo, Miriam Karwitha. (2022). Somatic embryogenesis and optimization of regeneration system from immature embryos in maize inbred lines. Research in Biotechnology, 13: 1-10.
  24. Obara Justus Anyieni1, Richard Mulwa, Maurice Oyoo, Miriam Karwitha, Stephen Runo, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz. (2023). Transgenic Expression of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus VPg in Maize Inbred Line CML444 Confers Resistance to Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease. Journal of Plant Sciences and Crop Protection, 6 (1): 1-11.
  25. Nyamwamu Nyarang’o Charles, Pascaline Jeruto, Elizabeth Njenga, Peter Futi Arama, and Richard Mwanza Mulwa. 2023. Phenotypic Characterization of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Germplasm in Kenya. ASRIC Journal on Agricultural Sciences4 (1): 152-162
  26. Janet N. Obanyi, Joshua O. Ogendo, Richard M. S. Mulwa, Jane G. Nyaanga, Erick K. Cheruiyot, Philip K. Bett, Steven R. Belmain, Sarah E. J. Arnold, Victoria C. Nash-Woolley, and Philip C. Stevenson. (2023). Field margins and cropping system influence diversity and abundance of aphid natural enemies in Lablab purpureus. J Appl Entomol., 147:439–451.
  27. Lilian A. Okiro, Richard M. Mulwa, Maurice E. Oyoo and Samuel Nyalala. 2024. The danger of the spread of Ralstonia solanacearum on potato crops worldwide and potential mitigation options. CABI Reviews (2024) 19:1-11
  28. Obanyi JN, Ogendo JO, Mulwa RMS, Nyaanga JG, Cheruiyot EK, Bett PK, Belmain SR, Arnold SEJ, Nash-Woolley VC and Stevenson PC. (2024). Flowering margins support natural enemies between cropping seasons. Agron. 6:1277062. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2024.1277062.
  29. Joseph M. Karimi, Jane G. Nyaanga, Richard M.S. Mulwa, Joshua O. Ogendo, Philip K. Bett, Erick K. Cheruiyot, Sarah E.J. Arnold, Steven R. Belmain and Philip C. Stevenson. (2024). Lablab (Lablab purpureus) genotypes and field margin vegetation influence bean aphids and their natural enemies. Frontiers in Insect Science, 4: 1-11.

Outreach Publications and Conference Proceedings:

  1. Bhalla, P.L. and Mulwa, R.M.S. 1999.  Tissue culture of macadamias. Australian Macadamia Society 1999 Conference Report.  Pp 22 - 24.
  2. Shehata, A., Skirvin, R., Norton, M., Masiunas, J., Babadoost, M., Hamblin A., Warnock, D., Kushad, M., Uchanski, M. and R. Mulwa. 2005. Developing a system to produce uniform micropropagated horseradish plants in vitro. In: Horseradish Research Review and Proceedings from the Horseradish Growers School, January, 27th, Collinsville, IL. Pp 19-20.
  3. Skirvin, R.M., Norton, M.A., Otterbacher, A.G., Mulwa, R., Shoemaker, B., Aly, B. and E. Wahle. 2005. Grape varieties for the different regions of Illinois-2005. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools, March 1st & 2nd, Holiday Inn, Mt Vernon, Illinois. Pp 29-40.
  4. Skirvin, R.M., Norton, M.A., Mulwa, R., Shehata, A., Uchanski, M. and Wannarat, W. 2007. Somatic embryogenesis of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) plants. In: Horseradish Research Review and Proceedings from the Horseradish Growers School, January 25th, 2007, Collinsville, IL. Pp 23-24.
  5. Shehata, A., Mulwa, R.M.S., Uchanski, M., Norton, M.A., Skirvin, R. and Wannarat, W. 2008. Horseradish through history. In: Horseradish Research Review and Proceedings from the Horseradish Growers School, January 31st, 2008, Collinsville, IL, Pp 40-46.
  6. Njogu, N.W., P.K, Kimurto, A. Kamau, B.K, Towett, R. M. S. Mulwa, H.C. Sharma, P. Gaur, R.N. Gangarao, S. Silim and R. Varshney. 2010. Genotypic Performance and Principal Component Analysis of Yield and Yield Components of Selected Advanced Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L) Breeding. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference. 22 – 24 September 2010. Pp 13 – 25.
  7. Oyier M.O. Mulwa R.M.S., Kimurto P.K, Towett B. K, Cheruiyot E.K, Gangarao R, Silim S, Rajeev, V and Gaur P. 2011. Marker assisted Backcross Breeding to Enhance Drought Tolerance in Kenyan Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Germplasm. In: Proceedings of the 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 21 – 23 September 2011, pp 20 – 29.
  8. Kitonga-Mwanza L. L. M. and Mulwa R. M. S. 2011. Evaluation of Spad-Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Onsite Nitrogen Assessment in Drip Fertigated Sweet Corn. In: Proceedings of the 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 21 – 23 September 2011, pp 193 – 200.
  9. Masinde A. E., Malinga N. J. and Mulwa, R.M.S. 2012. Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Resistance to Russian Wheat Aphid (Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov) in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Resistance Source “KRWA9”. In: Proceedings of the 7th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 26 – 28 September 2012. Pp 82 – 87.
  10. Jeptanui L., Kimurto P. K, D. Otaye, Mgonja M., Towett B. K., Mulwa R. M., Ojulong H., and Manyasa E. 2012. Evaluation of Resistance to Head Smut Disease (Tolyposporium Penicillariae Bref.) in Pearl Millet in the Drylands of Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 7th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 26 – 28 September 2012. Pp 69 – 81.
  11. Kitonga, L.M. and Mulwa, R.M.S. 2012. Effect of Osmotic Conditioning on the Emergence Rate of Okra Seeds (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench). In: Proceedings of the 7th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 26 – 28 September 2012. Pp 464 – 471.
  12. Richard M. S. Mulwa, Joshua O. Ogendo and Carol M. Mutua. 2015. Fertilizer and deflowering effect on growth, leaf yield and harvest period of spider plant (Cleome gynandra). In: Proceedings of the KAPAP CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference. 10th – 12th June, KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya pp 130 - 133.
  13. Esther Wangari Njoroge, Joseph Matofari, Richard M.S. Mulwa and Joseph Anyango. 2015. Effetcs of Blanching Time- Temperature Combinations and Drying Methods on Nutritional Composition of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the KAPAP CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference. 10th – 12th June, KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya pp 185 - 191.
  14. Esther Wangari Njoroge, Richard M.S. Mulwa and Joseph Matofari, 2016. Effects of blanching time/temperature combinations on the microbial and storage quality of solar-dried indigenous leafy vegetables in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit: 30th March to 1st April 2016. PP 126-134.
  15. J.J. Cheboi, P.K Kimurto, R. M. S. Mulwa, M.G. Kinyua, O.K. Kiplagat, B.K. Towett, G.J. Kiptoo, S.C. Kirui, G. Rotich, and N.V.P.R. Gangarao. 2016. Evaluation of selected Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (l.) millsp.) Genotypes for Resistance to insect pest complex in dry areas of north Rift Valley, Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit: 30th March to 1st April 2016. PP 153-163.
  16. R.M.S. Mulwa and Jane Abonyo. 2023. Cassava Recipe Guidebook. Egerton University, Kenya. ISBN 978-9966-804-69-3.

July 2007: The Advanced Course on Quality and Safety of Agro-Products

November 2009: Short Course on Application of Genomics Technologies in Plant Breeding. Center of Excellence in Genomics, ICRISAT, India.

August 2009: Intellectual Property Training Workshop for Researchers in Research and Development Institutions, Nakuru, Kenya.

November 2010: Research Proposal Writing Workshop. Egerton University.

June 2011: Integrity Promotion Workshop. Egerton University.

April 2011: Capacity Enhancement in Research Publication. Egerton University.

October 2011: Training on the Amiran Farmers’ Kit. Nairobi.

March 2012: Workshop on Complaints Handling Mechanisms. Egerton University.

April 2012: Short Training Course on Second Generation Genomics Data Generation and Management.  Neijmegen, Netherlands.

October 2012: VI International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics.  Hyderabad, India.

November 2012: Short Course on Facilitating Pro-Poor Value Chain Development and Actor Empowerment. Organized by International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Africa.

December 2012: Short Course Training on Rural Economic Development for Developing Countries. Nanjing Agricultural University, China.

January 2013: International Conference on Pesticidal Plants.  Nairobi, Kenya.

February 2014: 4th International Training Workshop on Next Generation Genomics and integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement. February 19th – 21st 2014. ICRISAT, India.

February 2015: ISAAA/ KUBICO Science Communication Workshop for Media and Scientists. Nairobi, Kenya.

December 2017: VI NGGIBCI Training conference on Crop Genomics: Present and Future. December 6th – 8th, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India.

February 2018: National forum for Universities and Agricultural Industry Stakeholders Workshop. February 12th – 13th 2018, Naivasha, Kenya.

November 2019: Keynote address at the 6th China Jiangsu Conference for International Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CITTC), November 8th – 12th, 2019, Nanjing, China.

March 2022: FKE Open House Training on Practical Guide to Application of the Disciplinary Principles & Procedures at the Workplace. 30th – 31st March 2022. The Astorian Grand Hotel, Naivasha.

May 2022: FKE Training on Implementing and Application of the ISO 30414 HR Standards, HR Metrics and Analytics at the Workplace. 26th – 27th May 2022, The Vic Hotel, Kisumu.

June 2022: Training on Finance for Non-Finance Managers. 1st-3rd June 2022, Epashikino Resort, Gilgil.

April 2023: SCAC-ICS Induction Workshop for Boards and CEOs of State Corporations. 24TH – 26TH April. Lake Naivasha Resort, Naivasha.

  • Certificate of Academic Excellence, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
  • Gamma Sigma Delta Society of Agriculture Award in Recognition of Outstanding Academic Achievement and Exceptional Promise as a Graduate Student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
  • University of Illinois (NRES), Victor G. Ball Horticulture Endowment Fellowship, 2004-2005.
  • Dean’s Honor List, University of Melbourne, 1998.
  • Australian Government Cooperation Merit Scholarship (ADCOS), 1997-2000.
  • Dean’s Honor List, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University, 1987-1990.
  1. Maureen Namusonge Situma (MSc. Horticulture) – Thesis Title: Effects of BA and GA3 treatments on Dormancy Mitigation in Oriental Lily Bulbs.  Graduated, May 2012.
  2. Emily Atieno Masinde (MSc. Crop Protection) – Thesis Title: Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Resistance to Russian Wheat Aphid (Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum). Graduated, December 2012.
  3. Fredrick Amulakha (MSc. Crop Protection) – Thesis Title:        Development and Characterization of Wheat Germplasm with Combined Resistance to Russian Wheat Aphid and Stem Rust (race ‘ug99’) in Kenya. Graduated, May 2013.
  4. Moses Oyier (MSc. Plant Breeding) – Thesis Title: Molecular Marker Assisted Backcross (MAS-BC) Breeding for Introgression of Drought Tolerance in an Elite Kenyan Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotype. Graduated, December 2013.
  5. Peter Caleb Otieno (MSc. Horticulture) – Thesis Title: Effects of Fresh Plant Derived Soil Amendments on the Management of Nematodes, Growth, Yield and Quality of Greenhouse Tomatoes. Graduated, June 2014.
  6. Bernard Wanjohi Kiregi (MSc. Agricultural Information and Communication Management) – Thesis Title: Determining Access to and use of Information on Mango Fruit Fly Control by Small Scale Farmers in Murang’a South District. Graduated, June 2014.
  7. Carol Mwende Mutua (MSc. Horticulture) – Thesis Title: Morphological Characterization and Development of Horticultural Management Practices for Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.). Graduated, December 2015.
  8. Esther Wangari Njoroge (MSc. Food Science and Technology) – Thesis Title: Optimization of Processing and Preservation Methods for Solar Dried Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Kenya. Graduated, June 2016.Daisy C. Lanoi Lelgut (MSc. Food Science and Technology). Thesis Title: Effects of Gum Arabic Surface Treatment on Quality Preservation of whole Mango (Mangifera Indica) and Evaluation of Canning Technology for Mango Chunks in Makueni County, Kenya. Graduated, July 2020.
  9. Joseph Odhiambo (MSc. Community Studies). Thesis Title: Influence of Gender Disparity on Smallholder Farmers’ Participation in the Cassava Value Chain in Rongo Sub County, Migori County, Kenya. Graduated
  10. Joseph M. Karimi (MSc Crop Protection). Thesis Title: Dolichos (Lablab purpureus l.) Genotypes and Field Margin Vegetation Effects on Bean Aphids and their Natural Enemies. Completed awaiting graduation on 29th November, 2024.

Completed Graduate Student Supervision

  1. Robert M. Gesimba. (PhD, Horticulture) – Thesis Title: Screening Passiflora species for Drought Tolerance, Compatibility with Purple Passion Fruit, Fusarium Wilt Resistance and the Relationship between Irrigation, Drenching and Media Composition in the Control of Fusarium Wilt. In Country Supervisor for a Sandwich PhD Programme (Egerton University and Ohio State University, USA). Graduated in 2008.
  2. Emily Masinde (PhD, Crop Protection). Thesis Title: Evaluation of Cassava Germplasm for Resistance to Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Virus Elimination using in vitro Graduated, July 2020.
  3. Lilian Auma Okiro (PhD, Plant Biotechnology). Thesis Title: Genetic Diversity of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) for Resistance to Bacterial Wilt Disease and Characterization of Emergent Ralstonia solanacearum Strains. Completed awaiting graduation on 29th November, 2024.
  4. Janet Obanyi (PhD Crop Protection) Thesis Title: Investigations into the role of Field Margin Vegetation and Natural Enemies in the Management of Bean Aphids on Dolichos Bean (Lablab purpureus L.). Completed awaiting graduation on 29th November, 2024.
  5. Justus Obara Anyieni (PhD Plant Biotechnology) Thesis Title: In-vitro Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Maize (Zea mays l.) With Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Genes and Transgenics Evaluation for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease Resistance. Completed awaiting graduation on 29th November, 2024.

Current Supervision Assignments

  1. David Lelgut (PhD, Horticulture). Thesis Title: Effect of Induced Polyploidy on the Performance and Yield of Clotalaria spp. Thesis write-up stage.
  2. Serah Songok (PhD, Plant Breeding). Thesis Title: Introgression of a Drought Tolerance related Root trait QTLs in Elite Kenyan Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties using Marker Assisted Back Crossing (MABC) Breeding Scheme. Thesis write-up stage.
  3. Elsie Salano Nyangweso N. (PhD, Plant Biotechnology). Thesis Title: Characterization of Selected Peanut Germplasm Based on Aflatoxin Resistance and Vitamin E Production to Ameliorate the Toxicity of Aflatoxins in Kenya. Thesis Research stage.
  4. Milcah Wambua (PhD, Food Science). Thesis Title: Effect of Processing Method on the Nutritional Properties of Cassava Flour and Cassava Biscuits Enriched with Camel and Goat Milk. Thesis write up stage.
  1. Billiah Moemi (PhD, Plant Biotechnology). Project Title: Genetic Diversity of Fusarium oxysporum Sp. Lycopersici in Kenya and Transcriptome Profiling of Resistant and Susceptible Tomato Germplasm during Colonization. Thesis Examination stage.
  2. Jeanne D’arc Chinama Rusizana (PhD Plant Biotechnology). Thesis Title: Development of in-vitro Regeneration Systems for Mass Propagation of Disease-free Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea) and Assessment of Genetic Stability of Regenerants. Thesis Write-up stage.



Horticultural Society of Kenya - Member

Gamma Sigma Delta Society of Agriculture, USA – Life Member

Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK) – Member

Society for EthnoBotany –     Member (Newsletter editor)

African BioTechnology Stakeholders’ Forum (ABSF) – Member

African Farm Management Association (AFMA) - Member

Member, Kenya Universities Biotechnology Consortium (KUBICO)

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