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Faculty of Agriculture
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P O Box 536 - 20115, Egerton - Kenya


2008: Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP) - York St. John University; UK.

2005: PhD. Food Science (Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops) – Thesis: Effects of 1 – Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on the Ripening Processes, Fruit Quality, Ethylene Biosynthesis and Ethylene Receptors of Cherry Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme) Fruit. - Zhejiang University; China.

2000: M.Sc. Horticulture – Thesis: Effect of Nitrogen Application and Plant Age on Edible Leaf Yield and Quality of Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) Plants. - The University of Nairobi; Kenya

1984: B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture (Vegetable option). - Haryana Agricultural University; India

1979: Diploma in Horticulture - Egerton College; Kenya



1. Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural Crops; 

2. Vegetable Science

3. African Indigenous Vegetables; 

4. Value Chains of Horticultural Crops. 


1. Leadership and Governance in Public Institutions (Organized by BHEARD/CESAAM) - 21st to 23rd July 2021 (KALRO Naivasha).

2. Preparation of Short Courses Modules (Organized by CESAAM) - 25th to 27th April 2018 (Milele Resort Nakuru).

3. Community Engagement and Experiential Learning Staff Retooling Workshop - Staff Retooling Workshop (Organized by TAGDEV) - 19th to 20th September 2017 (Egerton University).

4.Agri-Entrepreneurship. Training (Organized by TAGDEV) - 8th February 2017 (Egerton University.

5. Advanced Course on the Quality and Safety of Horticultural Crops (Organized by Nanjing Agricultural University, China) - August 2007 (Nanjing Agricultural University, China).

6. International Research and Development Course on Postharvest Practices - February – March 2007 February – March 2007 (Volcani Centre, Israel).

7. Agrobiodiversity Capacity Building Workshop (Organized by FAO) 29th January to 3rd February 2007 (Naivasha, Kenya).

8. Egerton In-house Financial Management Training (Organized by Egerton University) 4th to 5th August 2005 (Egerton University, Kenya).

9. Course on "Commercial Post harvest Practices for    Horticultural Crops"  (Organized by NRI - UK and Min. of Agric., Kenya) -November, 1991 (Nairobi, Kenya).

10. International course on Vegetable Production (Organized by International Agricultural Centre (IAC) (Netherlands) - August to November 1987 (Wageningen, Netherlands).

11. Seed Quality Control (Organized by FAO) -  25th August to 5th September 1986 (Lanet, Kenya).


December 2020 – to April 2021: Egerton University - Ag. Dean – Faculty of Agriculture

December 2018 to November 2020: Egerton University - Associate Dean – Faculty of Agriculture

August 2021 - to - date - Associate Professor of Horticulture

March 2012 – to July 2021: Egerton University - Senior Lecturer in Horticulture

August 2005 – February 2012: Egerton University - Lecturer in Horticulture

September 1988 – August 2005: Egerton University - Assistant Lecturer in Horticulture

November 1984 – August 1988: Ministry of Agriculture (National Seed Quality Control Service) - Horticultural Seeds Certification Officer


  1. 2021 - 2022: Postgraduate Supervision and Assessment in Higher Education (BHEARD) -  Egerton University Principal Investigator.
  2. 2021 – 2024: Innovations and capacity building for inclusive nutrition-sensitive value chains in Kenya and Uganda Upgrading strategies for underutilized horticultural crops (BMBF/DAAD) Egerton University Principal Investigator.
  3. 2021 – 2023: Social Cohesion, Food and Health: Inclusive Food System Transitions (A collaboration with the Berlin University Alliance)Egerton University Principal Investigator.
  4. 2021 – 2022: Africa-Asia Partnership for Sustainable Development (Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa - PIRA) Egerton University Principal Investigator.
  5. 2020 – 2021: Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) – Tomato Value Chain (Kajiado County Government). Team Leader.
  6. 2019 – 2021: Supply Chain Optimisation & Engagement (Global SCOPE) Project (UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Egerton University Project Coordinator.
  7. 2018 – 2019: Enhancing African Rural Transformation: University based strategies for driving application and uptake of grain legumes and dry land cereals innovations under the GLDC Innovation Fund (RUFORUM). Collaborating Researcher.
  8. May - July 2015: NTF III Kenya - Enhancing Export Competitiveness of the Avocado sector in Kenya. (International Trade Centre – Geneva). National Consultant.
  9. 2014 – 2016: Innovative Engagement of Rural Communities through Student Internship Program (RUFORUM). Collaborating Researcher.
  10. 2013 – 2018: Diversifying Food Systems: Horticultural Innovations and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa (HORTINLEA) – (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). Collaborating Researcher & Project Coordinator Egerton University
  11. 2008 – 2011: Value Chains for Poverty Reduction in the Agri-Food Sector – Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education (ValueLead) – (European Union). Collaborating Researcher.
  12. 2006 – 2009: Role of traditional leafy vegetables and associated cropping systems: A case study of Bondo District, Kenya. – (FAO Netherlands Partnership Programme (FNPP). Collaborating Researcher
  1. Production and post-harvest systems of underutilized crops including indigenous leafy vegetables.
  2. Reduction of postharvest losses along the value chain.
  3. Appropriate biodegradable packaging for fresh horticultural produce.
  4. Food safety of fresh horticultural produce.
  5. Influence of shading nets on nutritive quality of vegetables
  1. Wambugu, W. C.; Kibe, A. M.; Opiyo, A. M.; Githeng'u, S.; Odong, T. Influence of Hydroponics Nutrient Solution on Quality of Selected Varieties of Potato Minitubers. Horticulturae (2024) 10, 126.
  2. Elolu, S., Byarugaba, R., Opiyo, A. M., Nakimbugwe, D., Mithofer, D. and Huyskens-Keil, S. (2023). Improving Nutrition-sensitive Value Chains of African Indigenous Vegetables: Current Trends in Postharvest Management and Processing. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems: 7:1118021.
  3. Christoph Kubitza, Sarah Hackfort, Arnold Opiyo &  Susanne Huyskens-Keil (2023). The socio-economic effects of the commercialisation of African indigenous vegetables. RURAL 21: The International Journal for Rural Development
  4. Sarah Hackfort, Christoph Kubitza, Arnold Opiyo, Anne Musotsi and Susanne Huyskens-Keil (2023). African Indigenous Vegetables, Gender and the Political Economy of Commercialization in Kenya. Agriculture and Human Values.
  5. Kwizera, E., Opiyo, A.M. & Mungai, N. W. (2023). Effects of biochar and inorganic fertiliser on the growth and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) in Kenya. International Journal of Horticultural Science, 29: 37 - 45. 
  6. Wambugu, W. C., Opiyo, A. M. and Kibe, A. M. (2023). Effect of Nutrient Stock Solution on the Growth and Yield of Apical Rooted Cuttings (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties in a Hydroponic System. Potato Research
  7. Aloo, M. A., Opiyo, A. M. and Saidi, M. (2022). Influence of CaCl2 Dipping on Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L. cv. California Wonder). African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 18 (7) pp. 510 - 521, July 2022.
  8. Aloo, M. A., Opiyo, A. M. and Saidi, M. (2022). Maintaining Postharvest Quality of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L. cv. California Wonder) Using Cactus (Opuntia stricta L) Mucilage Coating. Advances in Horticultural Science, 2022 36 (3) 193 - 200. 
  9. Wayne Martindale, Isobel Wright, Lilian Korir, Arnold M. Opiyo, Benard Karanja, Samuel Nyalala, Mahesh Kumar, Simon Pearson, Mark Swainson (2020). Framing food security and food loss statistics for incisive supply chain improvement and knowledge transfer between Kenyan, Indian and United Kingdom food manufacturers. Emerald Open Research
  10. E. O. Gogo, B. Trierweiler, A. M. Opiyo, L. Formmherz, M. Frechen, C. Ulrichs and S. Huyskens-Keil. Reducing postharvest losses using modified atmosphere packaging bags for African nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill.) leaves. Acta Hort.  1205 2018. Pp 97 – 107.
  11. Jonathan C. Kandagor, Jason M. Githeko and Arnold M. Opiyo. Usability attributes influencing the adoption and use of mobile Apps for dissemination of agricultural information. International Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 06 (01) 2018. 33-41.
  12. Hesbon O. Obel, Arnold M. Opiyo and Mwanarusi Saidi. Net cover color influence nutritive quality of African nightshade and spiderplant. International Journal of Vegetable Science (May) 2018
  13. E. O. Gogo, N. Förster, D. Dannehel, L. Frommherz, B. Trierweiler, A. M. Opiyo, C. Ulrichs and S. Huyskens-Keil. Postharvest UV-C application to improve health promoting secondary plant compound pattern in vegetable amaranth. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Vol. 45 (February) 2018; 426 – 437.
  14. Elisha Otieno Gogo, Arnold Opiyo, Christian Ulrichs and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Loss of African indigenous leafy vegetables along the supply chain. International Journal of Vegetable Science.  (January) 2018.
  15. Lang’at Jelagat Caroline, Mwanarusi Saidi and Arnold Opiyo. Efect of coloured Agro-Net covers on insect pest control and yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill.). Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 9, No. 12; 2017.
  16. Obel Hesbon Ochieng, Arnold M. Opiyo and Mwanarusi Saidi. Different agronet covers influence physiological traits, growth and yield of African nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill.) and spiderplant (Cleome gynandra L.).   International Journal of Plant & Soil Science (2017) 15(6): 1-12; Article no.IJPSS.32620 ISSN: 2320-7035.
  17. E. O. Gogo, A. M. Opiyo, K. Hassenberg, Ch. Ulrichs, S. Huyskens-Keil. Postharvest UV-C treatment for extending shelf life and improving nutritional quality of African indigenous leafy vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Technology 129 (2017) 107–117.
  18. E. O. Gogo, A. M. Opiyo, Ch. Ulrichs, S. Huyskens-Keil. Nutritional and economic postharvest loss analysis of African indigenous leafy vegetables along the supply chain in Kenya. Postharvest Biology and Technology 130 (2017) 39–47.
  19. Elisha O. Gogo, Mwanarusi Saidi, Arnold M. Opiyo, Thibaud Martin and Mathieu Ngouajio. Effects of Alpha-Cypermethrin impregnated agricultural net covers on the crop environment, insect pest Population and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). African. Journal of Horticultural Science (March 2017) 11:59-71.
  20. Stella Mutisya, Mwanarusi Saidi, Arnold Opiyo, Mathieu Ngouajio and Thibaud Martin.  Synergistic effects of agronet covers and companion cropping on reducing whitefly infestation and improving yield of open field-grown tomatoes. Agronomy 2016, 6, 42.
  21. N. W. Mungai, M. Ambula,  N. W. Chege, P. Mberia, M. J. Ombati, M. A. Opiyo, O.B. Bebe, I.O. Ayuya and T. Wambua. 2016. Experiential learning for agricultural students in institutions of higher learning: The case of Egerton University. African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 1(3): 2016: pp. 229 – 237.
  22. Gogo, E. O.; Opiyo, A. M.; Ulrichs, C. and Huyskens-Keil, S. 2016. Postharvest treatments for African leafy vegetables for food security in Kenya: A review. African Journal of Horticultural Science. VOL. 9: 32 – 40.
  23. E. W. Muturi; A. M. Opiyo and J. N. Aguyoh (2016). Economic efficiency of green maize intercropped with beans grown under Tithonia and inorganic fertilizer. African Journal of Agricultural Research, VOL. 12 (18) 2016: 1638 – 1645.
  24. E. O. Gogo; S. Huyskens-Keil; A.  Kromlowski; C. Ulrichs; U. Schmidt; A. Opiyo and D. Dannehl. (2016). Impact of direct-electric-current on growth and bioactive compounds of African nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill.) plants. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, VOL. 89 2016: 60 – 67.
  25. I. C. Sibomana, A. M. Opiyo and J. N. Aguyoh (2015). Influence of soil moisture levels and packaging on postharvest qualities of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). African Journal of Agricultural Research. VOL. 10 (12) 2015: 1392 – 1400.
  26. Opiyo, A. M., Mungai, N. W., Nakhone, L. W. and Lagat, J. K. Production, status and impact of traditional leafy vegetables in household food security: A case study of Bondo District – Siaya County – Kenya. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. Vol. 10 No. 9, September 2015.
  27. I. C. Sibomana, J. N. Aguyoh and A. M. Opiyo (2013). Water stress affects growth and yield of container grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) plants. Global Journal of Bio-Science and Biotechnology. VOL.2 (4) 2013: 461-466.
  28. Jiang, Juan; Jiang, Li; Zhang, Li; Luo, Bo; Opiyo, Arnold and Yu, Zhifang. (2012). Changes in protein profile in fresh-cut lotus tuber before and after browning. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60: 2012: 3955 – 3965.
  29. Ondieki, M. J., Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. M. (2011). Fortified compost manure improves yield and growth of African nightshades. International Journal of Science and Nature 2 (2) 2011: 231 – 237.
  30. Ondieki, M. J., Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. (2011). Variations in growth and yield characteristics of three black nightshade species grown under high altitude conditions. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America. 2011, 2 (3): 401 – 406.
  31. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2010). Regulation of cellulose and pectinase activities in cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. cerasiforme) fruit by use of 1-methylcyclopropene. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 5 (5) 55 – 64.
  32. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2010). 1-methylcyclopropene may alter precedence of ethylene biosynthetic enzymes in cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme) fruits. African Journal of Horticultural Science, 3, 48 – 62.
  33. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2006). Advances in the management of ethylene in horticultural crops. Outlook on Agriculture, 35 (1), 51 – 55.
  34. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2005). The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on the shelf life and quality of cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme) fruit. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 40, 665 – 673.
  35. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2005). Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene post-harvest treatment on ripening process in cherry tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme). Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 31 (1), 27 – 33.
  36. Opiyo, A. M. (2004). Effect of nitrogen application on leaf yield and nutritive quality of black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.). Outlook on Agriculture, 33 (3), 209 – 214.

Other Publications

1. Judith Henze, Mary Abukutsa-Onyango and Arnold Opiyo (2021). Production and Marketing of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables: Training Manual for Extension Officers and Practitioners.

2. Mungai, N.W., Ambula, M.K. and Opiyo, A. M. (2015). Field attachment manual. Egerton University, Board of Undergraduate Studies and Field Attachment Programmes In collaboration with Faculty of Agriculture.

3. Opiyo, A. M. and Bebe, B.O. (2011). Sustainable use and conservation of agrobiodiversity. Pp. 48 – 62. In: Agrobiodiversity conservation and sustainable use for enhanced food security. (Edt.) Nancy W. Mungai. ISBN: 996605353-0.

4. Mungai, N.W., Nakhone, L.W., Lagat, J.K., Opiyo, A. M. and Mumera, L.M. (2008). Role of traditional leafy vegetables and associated cropping systems: A case study of Bondo District, Kenya. Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture In collaboration with FAO Netherlands Partnership Programme (FNPP).



  1. Arnold M. Opiyo: Postharvest Losses in African Leafy Vegetables: Presentation at the Agri-Food Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions in Kenya and India - Online Workshop 19th July 2021.
  2. Arnold Mathew Opiyo Guest speaker at the Webinar: Avocado Africa 2021 23 - 25 June 2021 (Hosted by the Avocado Society of Kenya).
  3. Arnold M. Opiyo, Samuel Nyalala, Benard Karanja, Mahesh Kumar, Isobel Wright, Lilian Korir, Simon Pearson, Ronald Bickerton, Linh Duong, Wayne Martindale and Mark Swainson. The Global SCOPE Project: Applying Global Indices to Reduce Food Supply Chain Losses and Improve Nutritional Security. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference; 24th to 26th November 2020; Egerton University, Kenya. 
  4. Obel, H.O., Opiyo, A.M. and Saidi M. Influence of different agronet covers on yield and nutritive quality of African nightshade (Solanum scabrum) and spiderplant (Cleome gynandra). Poster presented at the Egerton University International Conference and Research Week; 28th to 30th March 2018; Egerton University, Kenya.
  5. Elisha O. Gogo, Arnold M. Opiyo, Christian Ulrich and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Ziplock packaging film for reducing quantitative and qualitative losses of vegetable amaranth leaves (Amaranthus cruentus L.). Poster presented at the Tropentag 2017; University of Bonn, Germany; 20th – 22nd September 2017.
  6. Silke Stöber, Zoltan Ferenczi, Arnold Opiyo, Susanne Neubert, Hillary Bett, Wolfgang Bokelmann. Classifying African Indigenous Vegetables' smallholder value chain strategies- Implications for improving their sustainability. Third GlobalFood Symposium in Göttingen, Germany, 28-29 April 2017
  7. E. O. Gogo, B. Trierweiler, A. M. Opiyo, L. Frommherz, M. Frechen, C. Ulrichs and S. Huyskens-Keil. Reducing Postharvest Losses using Modified Atmosphere Packaging Bags on African Nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill.) Leaves. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Poverty, Hidden Hunger and Horticulture. 20th – 25th November 2016; Cairns Convention Centre, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 
  8. Gogo E. O., Opiyo A. M., Ulrichs C. and Huyskens-Keil S.  Postharvest Losses Situation Analysis Along the Supply Chain of African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 16th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 28th November – 2nd December 2016; Chuka University, Chuka; Kenya. 
  9. Ochieng, H. O., Opiyo, A. M. and Saidi, M. Different Agronet Covers Influence Growth and Yield of African Nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill.) and Spiderplant (Cleome gynandra L.). Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 16th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 28th November – 2nd December 2016; Chuka University, Chuka; Kenya. 
  10. Otieno, P. C., Gogo, E. O. and Opiyo, A. M. Improving Seed Yield and Quality in African Leafy Vegetables Using Agricultural Nets. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 16th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 28th November – 2nd December 2016; Chuka University, Chuka; Kenya. 
  11. Muturi, E. W., Opiyo, A. M. and Aguyoh, J. M. Agro-biological Efficiency and Performance of Green Maize/Beans Produced under Tithonia and/or Mineral Fertilizer.  Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 16th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 28th November – 2nd December 2016; Chuka University, Chuka; Kenya.   
  12. Elisha O. Gogo., Arnold M. Opiyo , Christian Ulrichs and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Improving Shelf-life and Carotenoid Content of Vegetable Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) cv. Olevolosi using short-term Pre-harvest UV-B application. Paper presented at the 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit – 30th March to 1st April 2016; Egerton University; Kenya.    
  13. Elisha O. Gogo, Bernhard Trierweiler, Arnold M. Opiyo, Christian Ulrichs and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Reducing Postharvest Losses by Film Packaging of African Nightshade (Solanum scabrum Mill) – Improvement of Storability and Postharvest Quality. Paper presented at the 50th Lecture Conference DGQ: Plants for the Bioeconomy - What are the challenges for the quality of renewable raw materials? ; March 14-15, 2016, Julius Kühn Institute Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants in Berlin-Dahlem; - Germany.
  14. Elisha O. Gogo, Arnold M. Opiyo, Christian Ulrichs and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Postharvest Treatments to Improve Functional Plant Compounds and Storability of Vegetable Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.). Paper presented at the 50th Lecture Conference DGQ: Plants for the Bioeconomy - What are the challenges for the quality of renewable raw materials? ; March 14-15, 2016, Julius Kühn Institute Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants in Berlin-Dahlem; - Germany.
  15. Gogo, E. O., Ulrichs, C., Opiyo, A. M., Dannehl, D. and Huyskens-Keil, S. Emerging technologies on direct-electric-current for quality assurance of African nightshade plants. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 15th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 1st – 4th December 2015; Kenya Agricultural Research and Livestock Organization (KALRO), Kandara; Kenya.
  16. Otieno, P. C., Gogo, E. O., Opiyo, A. M., Ulrichs, C. and Huyskens-Keil, S. Packaging improves shelf-life and bioactive compounds of vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.). Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya 15th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. 1st – 4th December 2015; Kenya Agricultural Research and Livestock Organization (KALRO), Kandara; Kenya.
  17. Elisha O. Gogo, Jasmin Sauer, Caleb P. Otieno, Arnold M. Opiyo and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Improving yield and carotenoids of African leafy vegetables by use of agricultural nets. Paper presented at the Tropentag 2015; Humboldt University, Berlin; Germany. 16th to 18th September 2015. Elisha O. Gogo, Jasmin Sauer, Caleb P. Otieno, Arnold M. Opiyo and Susanne Huyskens-Keil. Improving yield and carotenoids of African leafy vegetables by use of agricultural nets. Paper presented at the Tropentag 2015; Humboldt University, Berlin; Germany. 16th to 18th September 2015.
  18. Elisha O. Gogo, Susanne Huyskens-Keil, Christian Ulrichs, Arnold M. Opiyo, Dennis Dannehl. Quality Assurance of African Nightshade Plants Using Direct Electric-Current. Paper presented at the Tropentag 2015; Humboldt University, Berlin; Germany. 16th to 18th September 2015.
  19. Elisha O. Gogo, Susanne Huyskens-Keil, Christian Ulrichs and Arnold M. Opiyo. Impact of Hormic Doses of UV-C on Postharvest Quality of Vegetable Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.). Paper presented at the Tropentag 2015; Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; 16th to 18th September 2015. 
  20. Susanne Huyskens-Keil, Bernhard Trierweiler, Charles M.A.P. Franz, Rolf Geisen, Biserka Becker, Melanie Huch, Lara Frommherz, Markus Schmidt-Heydt, Sabine Kulling, Heiko Mibus-Schoppe, Sascha Rohn, Monika Schreiner, Ronald Maul, Evelyn Lamy, Arnold M. Opiyo, Joyce Maina, Glaston Kenji, Jane Ambuko, Theophilus Mwendwa Mutui. Quality Assurance and Preservation of African Leafy Vegetables Considering Technological and Health Aspects for the Reduction of Food Losses and the Improvement of Health and Nutritional Value, Storability and Food Safety. Paper presented at the Tropentag 2015; Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 16th to 18th September 2015. 
  21. Mutisya, S., Saidi, M., Opiyo, A., Baird, V., Ngouajio, M. and Martin, T. (2015). Synergistic effect of agronet covers and companion cropping on reducing whitefly infestation and improving growth and yield of open field grown tomato. Paper presented at the 9th Egerton University International Conference. 25th to 27th March 2015.
  22. Gogo, E. O.; Huyskens-Keil, S.; Ulrichs, C. and Opiyo, A. M. (2014). Post-harvest UV-C treatment improves shelf-life and quality of African leafy vegetables. Paper presented at the: International Conference on: Building a New Generation of Agricultural Scientists. Kenyatta University, Kenya. 1st to 5th December 2014.
  23. Opiyo, A. M. and Bokelmann, W. (2010). Impact of structural changes in the EU flower market on Kenya’s flower producers. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya’s 10th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. AICAD, JKUAT, Kenya. 8th to 11th December 2010.
  24. Wenz, K.; Bokelmann, W. and Opiyo, A. M. (2010). Incorporating value chain research into horticultural and agricultural study programmes.  Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya’s 10th Workshop on Sustainable Horticultural Production in the Tropics. AICAD, JKUAT, Kenya. 8th to 11th December 2010.
  25. Opiyo, A. M., Mungai, N. W., Nakhone, L. W., Lagat, J. K. and Mumera, L. M. (2009). Status and role of African leafy vegetables in household food security: A case study of Bondo district. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya’s 9th Workshop on Sustainable horticultural production in the tropics; Snowcrest Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania 2nd to 5th December 2009.
  26. Ondieki, J. M., Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. M. (2009). Variation in growth and yield characteristics of three African nightshade species grown under high altitude conditions. Paper presented at the 4th Research week and international conference; Egerton University, Njoro; Kenya. 15th to 17th September 2009.
  27. Opiyo, A. M. and Ying, T-J. (2008). 1-MCP may alter the precedence of the ethylene biosynthetic enzymes (ACC synthase and ACC oxidase) and ethylene in cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. Cerasiforme) fruit. Paper presented at the Horticultural Association of Kenya’s 8th Workshop on Sustainable horticultural production in the tropics; Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; Kakamega; Kenya. 8th to 11th December 2008. 
  28. Mungai, N. W., Nakhone, L. W., Lagat, J. K., Opiyo, A. M. and Mumera, L.  M. (2007). Intercropping versus monocropping and role of indigenous leafy vegetables in households: A case study of Bondo District, Kenya. Paper presented at the 2nd Research week and international conference; Egerton University, Njoro; Kenya. 16th to 20th July 2007.

1. Meritous Service Medal 2013 - International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS). Convenor of the 1st International Symposium on Ornamentals in Africa

2. Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (UK) - May 2009



1. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops 

2. Horticultural Seed Technology 

3. Principles of Horticulture 

4. Vegetable Production

5. Floriculture 


1. Organic Production of Horticultural Crops 

2. Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Horticultural Crops 

3. Vegetable Crops (Exotic) 

4. Vegetable Crops (Indigenous/Traditional) 

5. Horticultural Field Experience 

6. Floriculture 


1. Advances in Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops 

2. Plant Hormones 

3. Vegetable Science 

  1. Kwizera, E. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2023 Effects of Biochar and Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Quality of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) in Kenya. Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and Mungai, N. W.
  2. Wambugu, W. C. (M.Sc. Hort) 2023. Optimization of Nutrient Solutions for Enhanced Yields and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Rooted Apical Cuttings in Hydroponics. Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and Kibe, A. M.
  3. Aloo, M. A. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2022. Influence of Calcium Chloride Dipping and Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L) Mill.) Mucilage Coating on Postharvest Quality and Shelflife of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L. var. California Wonder). Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and Saidi, M.
  4. Kandagor, J. C. (M.Sc. AICM.) 2018. Use of Mobile Based Technologies for Disseminating Agricultural Information in Baringo and Nakuru Counties of Kenya. Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and  Githeko, J. M.
  5. Obel, H. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2018. Influence of Different Colours of Agronet Covers on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Quality of African Indigenous Vegetables. Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and Saidi, M.
  6. Langat, C. J. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2018. Influence of the Colour of Agronet Cover on Pest Infestation and Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Growth, Yield and Quality. Supervisors: Saidi, M. and Opiyo, A. M.
  7. Mutisya, S. N. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2017. Effects of Agronet Covers and Companion Planting on Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) Infestation, Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Supervisors: Saidi, M. and Opiyo, A. M.
  8. Muturi, E. W. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2015. Assessing the Biological Efficiency and Economic Advantages of Maize (Zea mays) Intercropped with Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) under Integrated Nutrient Application. Supervisors: Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. M.
  9. Sibomana, C. A. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2011. Growth, Yield and Postharvest Qualities of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum M.) as Influenced by Soil Moisture Levels and Packaging. Supervisors: Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. M.
  10. Ondieki, J. (M.Sc. Hort.) 2010. Growth and Yield Responses of Three African Nightshade Species to Three Different Levels of Fortified Compost Manure Applications. Supervisors: M. Aguyoh, J. N. and Opiyo, A. M.
  11.  Otieno, N. A. (M.Sc. Hort.). (Awaiting Graduation). Host Preference, Impact and Management of Bagrada Bug (Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister)) Infesting Brassicas in Kenya. Supervisors: Saidi, M., Opiyo, A. M. and Kasina, M. (Submitted Thesis).


  1. Gogo, E. O. (PhD. Hort.) 2017. Pre- and Postharvest Treatments for Quality Assurance of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables. Supervisors: Huyskens-Keil, S., Ulrichs, C. and Opiyo, A. M.
  2. Elolu, S. (PhD. Hort. 2022). Supervisors: Huyskens-Keil, S. and Opiyo, A. M.
  3. Omondi, M. (PhD. Hort. 2023. Supervisors: Opiyo, A. M. and Karanja, B. K.

2010 – to - date - International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS) - Member

January 2018 - to - date - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Member 

December 2015 – to – December 2017 - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Committee member

December 2013 – to – December 2015 - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Chairman

December 2012 - to – December 2013 - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Vice Chairman

December 2009 - to - December 2011 - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Treasurer

November 2005 - to - December 2009 - Horticultural Association of Kenya - Vice Treasurer


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