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A Senior Lecturer with over ten years of teaching and research experience as Plant Breeder and Plant Biotechnologist at Egerton University. Maurice served as Agriculture Extension Officer and later, a Senior Researcher at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. Oyoo’s research interest include crop improvement and development in legumes, cereals and potatoes in the era of climate change and adaptation. He is keen on Marker assisted selection, diversity studies and gene expression profiles. Oyoo is an expert in participatory variety selection with farmers. He has also supervised MSc and PhD students to successful completion and aims to train all students to his institutional and students satisfaction.


2010: University of Tsukuba, Japan - PhD., Advanced Agricultural Technology and Sciences

2002: The University of Nairobi, Kenya - MSc. Plant Breeding and Genetics

1996: The University of Nairobi, Kenya - BSc. Agriculture

Muslim: High School, Kisumu - Kenya  Cert of Secondary Education

1989: Mumias DEB Primary School - Kenya Certificate of Primary Education


Plant Preeing and Plant Biotechnology


2011-Present: Lecturer, Department Of Crops Horticulture and Soils Science, Egerton University

July 2011-July 2011: Senior Research Officer, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute

May 2004-June 2011: Research officer, The Kenya Agricultural Research institute

June 1997-April 2004: Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Kenya

November 1996-May 1997: Program Co-ordinator, Animal Draft Power Program

  • 2024-2027 Team member-Building Capacity in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Education and Research through partnership program in Africa, Middle East and Europe for Agricultural transformation (BREEDTECH) total project budget of 787,575 Euros. Funded by EU

    2024-2027 Team member -Mobility for Plant Genomics Scholars to Accelerate Climate-Smart Adaptation Options and Food Security in Africa II (GENES II). Funded by EU at EUR 1796 850

  • 2024-2025 Team member: Establishing Sustainable Networks of Next Generation Change Agents in Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety to Enhance Knowledge and Awareness in Africa

  • 2024-2026 Team Member, Re-Use, Reduce and Re-Cycle Rice Residues for Climate Smart Agriculture and Soil health in Rice farming systems in East Africa (3Rs-4Rice-ESA)- \funded by Africa-UniNet | Austrian-African Research Network and OeAD-Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education

  • 2023-2024 Commercialization of Newly Released Cowpea and Bean Varieties for Farmer and Industry uptake Co PI: Prof Paul Kimurto. Collaborator: Prof Symmon Mahungu. Funding: Egerton University Internally Funded Projects of KSh 600000, Office of the Director, Research and Extension (1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024

  • 2023-2024 Member: Enhancing soil organic matter and optimizing soil conditions to augment advanced maize hybrids productivity among farmers. As part of KES 1.7M  FULBRIGHT ASSISTANSHIP FOR RESEACH

  •  2022 to 2023 Member Improving cowpea productivity and utilization for enhanced food and nutrition security in Eastern Kenya NRF 

  • 2019-2022. Pigeon pea Technologies, Innovations, Management Practices for Enhancing Productivity, Food and Nutrition Security of Smallholder Communities in Kenya under Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project funded by world bank
  • 2016-2020. Evaluation of advanced wheat lines of the Kenya stem rust observation nursery for identification and release stem rust tolerant cultivars

  • 2015-2018. Development of Sweet Hybrid Sorghum and Determination of optimum Harvesting stage For industrial Use in Kenya

  • 2012-2015: Principle Investigator: NCST project entitled Molecular Analysis Of Genetic Relationships Among Coconut Accessions In The Coastal Lowlands Of Kenya Using DNA Markers with KALRO  Mtwapa, Pwani University and KCDA
  • 2006-2010: Principle Investigator: Genetic Studies of Seedcoat Quality of Soy Bean (Glycine max) PhD Work Sponsored by the Japanese Government
  • 2004-2006:Principle Investigator: Accelerated Development and Dissemination of Superior Cassava Cultivars for Sustainable Food Availability and Income Generation in Coastal Lowlands of Kenya-Rockefeller Foundation Funded
  • 2005:Principle Investigator: Evaluation of Extra Early Open Pollinated Maize varieties (OPVS) in Dry Coastal lowland Ecologies-CIMMYT
  • 2005: Farmer participatory Evaluation of early QPM OPVs in coastal lowlands of Kenya-CIMMYT
  • 2005: Participatory Evaluation of Early Double Top Cross Hybrids in Coastal Lowlands of Kenya-CIMMYT
  • 2005: Principle Investigator: Development of Drought tolerant   Varieties for Coastal lowlands.-KAPP Project
  • Classical plant breeding
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Plants Diversity Studies
  • Marker Trait association studies
  • Gene Expression profiles
  • Plant tissue culture regeneration protocols


  1. Okiro LA, Mulwa RM, Oyoo ME, Okwiri Ojwang PP, Otieno SA, Gaiero P, Pereira GDS, Mendes T. Evaluation of genetic diversity and genome-wide association studies of resistance to bacterial wilt disease in potato. Phytopathology. 2024 Nov 5. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-06-24-0188-R. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39499227.

  2. Okiro, L. A. and Mulwa,R. M,  Oyoo, M.E and Nyalala,S. (2024). The danger of the spread of Ralstonia solanacearum on potato crops worldwide and potential mitigation options. CABI Reviews, vol. 19. No.1

  3. Okiro, L. A., Mulwa, R. M., Oyoo, M. E., & Mendes, T. (2024). Transcriptional alterations of the resistant potato genotype ‘Cruza 148’ in response to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Journal of Phytopathology, 172, e13267.
  4. Obara Justus Anyieni, Richard Mulwa, Maurice Oyoo, Miriam Karwitha, Stephen Runo et al. (2023) Transgenic Expression of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus VPg in Maize inbred Line CML444 Confers Resistance to Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease. J Plant
    Sci Crop Protec 6(1): 104.
  5. Makau, F. M., Mwangi, M., Oyoo, M. E., & Kibe, A. M. (2023). Effects of Media Type on Growth and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties Apical Rooted Cuttings in Kenya. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(3), 233-240.
  6. Odongo, F., Oyoo, M. E., Kimurto, P. K. and Wasike, V. W. (2023). Morphological Characterization of Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] Landraces in Kenya. Agricultural Science Digest. Vol. 43 issue 3, p282-288. doi10.18805/ag.D-363. 

  7. Masha, J. C., Muhammed, N., Njung’e, V., Oyoo, M. E., & Miheso, M. (2022). Improved SSRs-based genetic diversity assessment of coconuts (Cocos nucifera L) along the coast of Kenya. African Journal of Biotechnology , 21(11), 510-521.
  8. Obara, J. A., R. Mulwa, M. Oyoo, and M. Karwitha. (2022). Somatic Embryogenesis and Optimization of Regeneration System from Immature Embryos in Maize Inbred Lines. Research in Biotechnology, vol. 13, 1-10, doi:10.25081/rib.2022.v13.7490.
  9. Moletsane, M.S, Kimurto, P.K. and Oyoo, M.E. (2022). Effect of Pre-sprouting Plant Growth Regulators and Natural Materials on Dormancy, Growth, and Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) Advances in Agriculture Vol 2022, Article ID 9932606.

  10. Makau, F.M, Mwangi, M, Oyoo, M.E, Mwangi Kibe A.M and Oggema, J. (2022). Effects of Sucrose and Gibberellic Acid on Growth and Survival of Local Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties in vitro in Kenya. European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 3 (4), 13-18.

  11. Okiro, L. A., Mulwa, R. M., Oyoo, M. E., Machuka, E., Parker, M. L., & Pelle, R. (2021). Phylogenetic distribution of Ralstonia solanacearum species complex populations in potato in Kenya. Plant disease, (ja).
  12. Madahana, S. L., Owuoche, J. O., Oyoo, M. E., Macharia, G. K., & Randhawa, M. S. (2021). Evaluation of Kenya Stem Rust Observation Nursery Wheat Genotypes for Yield and Yield Components under Artificial Rust Conditions. Agronomy11(12), 2394.
  13. Msundi, E. A., Owuoche, J. O., Oyoo, M. E., Macharia, G., Singh, R. P., & Randhawa, M. S. (2021). Identification of bread wheat genotypes with superior grain yield and agronomic traits through evaluation under rust epiphytotic conditions in Kenya. Scientific Reports11(1), 1-11.
  14. Oyoo, M. (2021). Improvement of Coconut Production in Kenyan Coast for Income Generation. Kenya Policy Briefs2(2), 69-70.
  15. Odongo, F., Oyoo, M. E., Kimurto, P. K. and Wasike, V. W. (2021). Morphological characterization of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) landraces in Kenya. Agricultural Science Digest - a Research Journal, no. Of, 11 Sept. 2021, 10.18805/ag.d-363. Accessed 22 Mar. 2022.
  16. Moletsane M.S, Kimurto P.K. and Oyoo M.E. (2021). Effects of different light exposure regimes on pre-sprouting and yield performance on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed in Central Rift, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 17(7), pp. 1039-1048

  17. Njoroge, J. N. and Oyoo, M. E. (2020). Stability and adaptability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) merrill] genotypes for yield, protein and oil content using ammi analysis in Kenya. Agricultural Science Digest-A Research Journal40(2), 122-128.
  18. Simiyu, L. N., Wolukau, J. N. and Oyoo, M. E. (2020). Diversity assessment of vanilla (Vanilla species) accessions in selected counties of Kenya using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. African Journal of Biotechnology19(10), 736-746.
  19. Ochieng, J., Gesimba, R.M., Oyoo, M.E., Korir, P., Owuoche, J. and Miheso, M. (2019). Morphological characterization of blackberry (Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson) genetic resources in Kenya. African Journal of Plant Science, 13, 297-308.
  20. Ochieng, J.A., Oyoo, M.E., Gesimba, R.M., Korir, P.C., Ojwang’, P. P. O. and Owuoche, J.O. (2018). Genetic diversity of blackberry (Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson) in selected counties in Kenya using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17(39), 1247-1264, DOI: 10.5897/AJB2018.16613.
  21. Oyier, M. O., Owuoche, J. O., Oyoo, M. E., Cheruiyot, E., Mulianga, B. and Rono, J. (2017). Effect of harvesting stage on sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes in western Kenya. The Scientific World Journal2017 Article ID 8249532.
  22. Oyier, M., Owuoche, J., Cheruiyot, E., Oyoo, M. E. and Rono, J. (2016). Utilization of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.) hybrids in Kenya: A review. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research9(6), 65-75.
  23. Oyoo, M. E., Muhammed, N., Cyrus, K. N. and Githiri, S. M. (2016). Assessment of the genetic diversity of Kenyan coconut germplasm using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. African Journal of Biotechnology15(40), 2215-2223.
  24. Tenge, B. N., Ojwang, P. P. O., Otaye, D. and Oyoo, M. E. (2016). Wheat stem rust disease incidence and severity associated with farming practices in the Central Rift Valley of Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research11(29), 2640-2649.
  25. Njoroge, J. N., Owuoche, J. O. and Oyoo, M. E. (2015). Evaluation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) genotypes for yield and protein content in Kenya. African Journal of crop science vol. 10 (12):1474-1479.
  26. Odongo, F. O., Oyoo, M. E., Wasike, V., Owuoche, J. O., Karanja, L. and Korir, P. (2015). Genetic diversity of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) verdc.) landraces in Kenya using microsatellite markers. African Journal of Biotechnology14(4), 283-291.
  27. Oyoo, M. E., Najya, M., Githiri, S. M., Ojwang, P. O., Muniu, F. K., Masha, E. and Owuoche, J. O. (2015). In-situ morphological characterization of coconut in the coastal lowlands of Kenya. African Journal of Plant Science9(2), 65-74.
  28. Rodriguez, T. O., Rojas R. F., Oyoo, M. E., Senda, M. and Takahashi, R. (2013). Inverted repeat of chalcone synthase 3 pseudogene is associated with seed coat discoloration in soybean. Crop Science53(2), 518-523.
  29. Takahashi, R., Benitez, E. R., Oyoo, M. E., Khan, N. A. and Komatsu, S. (2011). Nonsense mutation of an MYB transcription factor is associated with purple-blue flower color in soybean. Journal of Heredity102(4), 458-463.
  30. Oyoo, M. E., Benitez, E. R., Kurosaki, H., Ohnishi, S., Miyoshi, T., Kiribuchi‐Otobe, C., Horigane, A. and Takahashi, R. (2011). QTL analysis of soybean seed coat discoloration associated with II TT genotype. Crop science51(2), 464-469.
  31. Oyoo, M. E., Benitez, E. R., Matsumura, H. and Takahashi, R. (2010). QTL analysis of seed coat cracking in soybean. Crop science50(4), 1230-1235.
  32. Oyoo, M. E., Githiri, S. M., Benitez, E. R. and Takahashi, R. (2010). QTL analysis of net-like cracking in soybean seed coats. Breeding science60(1), 28-33.
  33. Oyoo, M. E., Githiri, S. M. and Ayiecho, P. O. (2010). Performance of some quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) genotypes in Kenya. South African Journal of Plant and Soil27(2), 187-190.
  34. Iwashina, T., Oyoo, M. E., Khan, N. A., Matsumura, H. and Takahashi, R. (2008). Analysis of flavonoids in flower petals of soybean flower color variants. Crop science48(5), 1918-1924.
  35. Takahashi, R., Matsumura, H., Oyoo, M. E. and Khan, N. A. (2008). Genetic and linkage analysis of purple–blue flower in soybean. Journal of Heredity99(6), 593-597.
  1. Oyoo, M. (2021). Improvement of Coconut Production in Kenyan Coast for Income Generation. Kenya Policy Briefs, 2(2), 69–70. Retrieved from

  2. Ochieng, J.A., Oyoo, M.E., Gesimba, R.M., Korir, P.C., Ojwang’, P.P.O. and Owuoche, J.O. (2019). Genetic diversity of blackberry (Rubus subgenus Rubus Watson) in selected counties in Kenya using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers
  3. Forrester O. Odongo, Victor Wasike and Maurice E. Oyoo, (2015) Morphological characterization of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) landraces in Kenya 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition and National Food Fair on 23 rd November 2015 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.
  4. Kiambi, D., Ambuko, J., Gentle, H., Borelli, T., Abukutsa, M., Oyoo, M., Wasilwa, L., Termote, C., Wasike, V. and Rota N.G. (2015). Second International Conference on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition: unlocking the potential of biodiversity for food and nutrition security. Nairobi, Kenya, 23 November 2015. Book of Abstracts.
  5. Muhammed N, Oyoo. M.E,(2015) , In-situ Morphological Characterization of Coconut in the Coastal Lowlands of Kenya Oral Proceedings for the Humboldt Kolleg Conference, held at the Red Court Hotel, Nairobi, April 2013.
  6. Oyoo, M. E., Khaemba, J. K. M., Githiri, S. M. and  Ayiecho, P. O. (2015). Production and utilization of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) outside its traditional growing areas. A case of Kenya. Chapter 6.32 in FAO and CIRAD. State of the Art Report of Quinoa in the World in 2013. P 534-549. Rome.
  7. Oyoo M.E, Eduardo R. B and Ryoji Takahashi: QTL Analysis of Seed Coat Cracking In Soybean, a paper presented at the Japanese Society of Breeding   conference at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan in February, 2008
  8. Oyoo M.E, Eduardo R. B and Ryoji Takahashi: QTL Analysis of Seed Coat Cracking In Soybean, a paper presented at the Japanese Society of Breeding   conference at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan in February, 2008.
  9. Oyoo, M.E., and Kasumi Katsuta:  Setting a base for future Quinoa research in New AEZ, Quinoa trial in Kenya. Paper presented during the Amaranth and Quinoa Symposium at Kinki University ,Nara, Japan, September 2007 
  • 3rd Best Overall Scientific Presentation At the 12th KARI Biennial Scientific Conference held on 8th-12th November 2010,at KARI Headquarters Nairobi Kenya
  • Best Scientific Presentation in Horticulture and Industrial Crops At the 12th KARI Biennial Scientific Conference held on 8th-12th November 2010,at KARI Headquarters Nairobi Kenya
  • University of Nairobi Scholarship for MSc, Plant breeding option-1997
  • Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) for PhD studies-2006
  • Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • National Council for Science and Technology, Post pectoral program-2012
  • Plant Breeding Subject areas
  • Biotechenology in Crop Improvement 
  • Gene expression and regulation 
  • Plant tissue culture
  1. James Njoroge. Evaluation of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) Genotypes for Agronomic and Quality Traits in Kenya (2016)
  2. Ochieng’ Alfred Jared: Assessment of Diversity of Blackberry (Rubus l. Subgenus rubus watson) Accessions in Selected Counties in Kenya using Morphological and SSR Markers (2018)
  3. Forrester Oluoch Odongo: Morphological and Genetic Characterization of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.) Landraces in Kenya (2018)
  4. Elizabeth Akinyi Msundi: Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Advanced Wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) Lines for Stem Rust (puccinia graminis f. Sp. Tritici) Resistance and Agronomic Performance in Kenya (2021)

  5. ‘Malekhooa Suzan Moletsane: Effects of Plant Growth Regulators, Light and Natural Materials on Dormancy, Growth and Yield of Potato (solanum Tuberosum L.) in Kenya (2021)
  6. Sammy Larry Madahana. Characterization of stem rust (puccinia graminis f. Sp. Tritici) and yellow rust (puccinia striiformis) resistance and yield stability in advanced wheat (triticum aestivum l.) lines (2022)

  7. Leah Nasimiyu Simiyu. Optimizing in-vitro protocol and diversity studies of vanilla (vanilla spp.) from five counties in Kenya

    Felistus M. Makau. Effects of nutrient and soilless media on growth, survival and yield of potato (solanum tuberosum L.) apical rooted cuttings (2023)

  8. Leah Nasimiyu Simiyu. Optimizing in-vitro protocol and diversity studies of vanilla (vanilla spp.) From five ounties in Kenya (2023)

  9. 2 going mster supervision 


  1. Mosses Oyier: Development of Sweet Hybrid Sorghum  and Determination of optimum Harvesting stage For industrial Use in Kenya (2018)
  2. 3 PhD supervisions , on goin
  • 2006-2010: Japanese Association of Plant Breeders
  • 2015 to date: Plant breeders association of Kenya
  • Society of Economic Botany-Kenya
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