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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept
Njoro Campus
P.O. Box 536- 20115

Agronomist specialized in fundamental and applied aspects of research in crop protection with a bias in crop pathology, biological control, Integrated Crop Pest and Disease Management including development of insect pathogens as biological control agents to provide sustainable solutions for pest control.


BSC (Agriculture), MSC (Agronomy), PhD (Crop Protection)


Agronomy, Crop Protection with a bias in Crop and Insect Pathology (Biological Control)

  • ongoing: Teaching, examining, supervising and mentoring undergraduate and post-graduate students
  • 2020- 2022: Developed E-Learning Course Content for AGRO 101: (Introduction to Crop Production) and AGRO 232: Crop Pathology
  • 2017- 2021: Developed E-Learning Content, Teaching and Instruction Curricula, Course Descriptions and Course Outlines for                                           Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Courses in Agronomy and Crop Protection
  • March 2018 to date: Mentored and Supervised to completion PhD Research study;  International Student awarded University Commendation as Best PhD student. Ongoing supervision of 3 other MSc   students.                                            
  • 2016- 2023: Internal Examiner MSc and PhD Theses in Crop Protection
  • June 2015 to 2022: Departmental minutes’ Secretary – CHS
  • October 2011 to date: Member of the Departmental standing committees: Post-Graduate, Finance, Development and Physical Planning;                                 Quality Assurance and Research & Field Attachment
  • 2006- 2009: Research Intern, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
  • April 2003: Coordinator: Faculty of Agriculture, DAAD computer laboratory
  • 2000 to Dec 2003: Examinations officer (Agronomy Dept.)
  • April 1997 to date: Assistant lecturer. Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department, Faculty of Agriculture (FoA), Egerton University. Supervisor                                  of Projects and Seminars classes for undergraduate and post-graduate students

Tirihana, A.W., Kimurto, P. K. and Murerwa, P. (2023). Effects of herbicide rates and time of application on weed control and yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) (In preparation). Tirihana, A.W., Kimurto, P. K. and Murerwa, P. (2023). Effects of selected herbicides on management of weeds in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 19(6) pp. 624-642. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2022.16278 Ndereyimana, A., Nyalala, S., Murerwa, P. and Gaidashova, S. (2019). Potential of entomopathogenic nematode isolates from Rwanda to control the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control. Vol. 29 (1), pp. 148-156. ISSN: 2536-9342. Ndereyimana, A., Nyalala, S., Murerwa, P. and Gaidashova, S. (2019). Pathogenicity of some commercial formulations of entomopathogenic fungi on the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control. Vol. 23(1) pp. 591-598. DOI: 10.1186/s41938-019-0184-y Ndereyimana, A., Nyalala, S., Murerwa, P. and Gaidashova, S. (2019). Bioactivity of plant extracts against tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Journal of Applied Horticulture, Vol. 21(2): 146-150. Ndereyimana, A., Nyalala, S., Murerwa, P. and Gaidashova, S. (2020). Field efficacy of entomopathogens and plant extracts on Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) infesting tomato in Rwanda. Elsevier Journal of Crop Protection. Vol. 134(1). ISSN : 0261-2194 Ndereyimana, A., Nyalala, S., Murerwa, P. and Gaidashova, S. (2020). Growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato under different integrated management options against Tuta absoluta Meyrick. Advances in Horticultural Science. Vol. 34(2). Pp. 123-132. ISSN: 1592-1573 Assessment of effect of different formulations of Metarhizium anisopliae isolate ICIPE 51 on Rhopalosiphum padi and Metopolophium dirhodum under greenhouse and field conditions. (In preparation). Murerwa, P., Arama, P. F., Kamau, A.W. and Maniania, N.K. (2014). Screening of different isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) and Beauveria bassiana for pathogenicity against Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker). The 8th Egerton University International Conference. Theme: Innovative Research and Technology for Global Development held from 26th – 28th March, 2014 at Egerton University, Kenya. Murerwa, P., Arama, P. F., Kamau, A.W. and Maniania, N.K. (2014). Effect of pathogen inoculums size of selected Metarhizium anisopliae isolates on probit mortality of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Walk.). The 8th Egerton University International Conference. Theme: Innovative Research and Technology for Global Development held from 26th – 28th March, 2014 at Egerton University, Kenya.

  • 22nd – 25th January 2024: FEDCOS Pedagogy Training, Egerton University,                        
  • 11th- 13th October 2023: Competency Based Curriculum Training for University Instructors at Egerton University, Njoro
  • 16-17th August 2023: Capacity Building Workshop on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research supported by the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) at Egerton’s Agricultural Research Centre
  • September 2022: CESAAM and BHEARD Organized Training on Pedagogy, Consultancy, Policy Brief and Graduate Guidelines and Supervision- Dairy Training Institute (DTI), Naivasha.
  • June 2018 and June 2022: Judge and Team-Leader of 2022 Agricultural Society of  Kenya (ASK)- Nakuru Agricultural Show Assessors of Higher Educational Institutions and Technical Training Institutions and Colleges.
  • January 2018: Elsevier Publishing Campus Workshop. CMRT, Egerton University.
  • June 2011: E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Publishing of Digital Teaching and Learning RUFORUM/ Futuristic Ltd
  • 9th – 11th March, 2011: Pedagogy and Academic Advising Workshop. CMRT, Egerton University.
  • 22nd -23rd March 2010: Intellectual Property Rights Training: Egerton University, Kenya.
  • September 2009: Safe use of pesticides training by Consultants from Natural Resources Institute (NRI) facilitated by ICIPE           
  • 24th February 2009: University Academic Advising Training. FASS Theater, Egerton University.
  • May 2008: Proposal Writing. Egerton University.
  • 23rd – 25th January, 2002: DAAD seminar for scholarship holders in public universities on skills in research
  • 25th – 27th July, 2001: University Teaching Methodology Course. Egerton University
  • 2006: Postgraduate Research Internship from Dissertation Research Internship Programme (DRIP) of International Centre of Insect                                           Physiology and Ecology (icipe).
  • 2002: Special Teaching and Research Equipment Grant to mitigate Faculty  of Agriculture Departments’ losses incurred after fire from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
  • 2000: PhD (In-country Program) studies at Egerton University Kenya from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
  • 1988 – 1994 Russian- Kenya Cultural Scholarship (B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies)           

Undergraduate and postgraduate courses:

AGRO101: Introduction to Crop Production

AGRO 102: Principles of Crop Production

AGRO 491: Research Project I and II

AGRO 492: Field Studies and Evaluation

AGRO 232: Crop Pathology

CRPT 732: Crop Diseases and their Control

AGRO 735: Integrated Pest Management

CRPT 738: Insect Pathology

CRPT 850: Advances in Crop Protection

CRPT 894: Independent Studies in Crop Protection





  1. Anestine Niyonsaba, Msc Crop Protection
  2. Nabwire Sharon, Msc Plant Breeding
  3. Amayu Trihannah, MSc Agronomy (Final thesis submitted and successfully defended, now awaiting graduation).
  1. Ongoing: Nicolas Langat, PhD (Plant Breeding). Topic: Genetic analysis for grey leaf spot (Cercospora zeae maydis) disease resistance in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines and grain yield in Kenya
  2. Complete: Supervised Ndereyimana assinapol Phd (Crop Protection) research thesis titled “Development of options for integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta meyrick (lepidoptera: gelechiidae) for enhanced tomato productivity in Rwanda”. He awarded University Commendation as "Best PhD student".              
  • Member, Board of Governors- Njoro Technical Training Institute
  • Chairman, Subuku Junior Secondary School
  • Universities’ Academic Staff Union (UASU)- Organizing Secretary, Egerton Chapter
  • International Society of Pesticidal Plants (ISPP)
  • Agronomy Society of Kenya (AGROSOKE) - Member
  • Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA) - Member
  • Egerton University Alumni Association - Member
  • Kuban State University Alumni Association – Member
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