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Dr Jane Gisemba Nyaanga is a  senior lecturer of Crop Protection (Crop Entomology) in the Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils (CHS). She holds a PhD degree in Agronomy (Crop Protection) from Egerton University (2008), MSc degrees in Crop Production Egerton University (2002), B.Sc. in Agriculture (First class) from Egerton University (1998). Dr Nyaanga also worked as an Agricultural Officer 3, at the Ministry of Agriculture in Nakuru County, Kenya. Her research interest includes; Natural pest regulation, Values chain approaches to food safety, and agricultural waste management. Dr. Nyaanga has built a strong record in Natural pest regulation and specifically in the areas of biocontrol and bio-pesticides. So far Dr Nyaanga has attracted 5 research grants as a PI or collaborator key among them, BBSRC-GCR, RUFORUM, KSCAP, AICAD, NRF. and in a few consultancies. Dr Nyaanga has authored 27 articles in peer-reviewed journals and has presented her research work at 12 in national, regional and  international conferences. She has supervised 10 MSc.and 2 PhD students to completion and 1 MSc is ongoing. At the University, Dr Nyaanga  is currently serving as the Program Leader for MSc Crop Protection. She has also served as the Departmental Examination Officer, Faculty field attachment coordinator, and Student Advisor. Dr Nyaanga has examined several theses (Internal and external), and reviewed proposals and manuscripts.  She is also a member of the International Society for Pesticidal Plants and Association of Kenyan Entomologists professional bodies.


2008: PhD Agronomy (Crop protection-Entomology Option) - Egerton University, Kenya

2002: MSc Crop Production - Egerton University, Kenya

1998: BSc Agriculture - Egerton University, Kenya

1986: Diploma in Agriculture - Egerton University, Kenya

1982: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) - Nakuru High School, Kenya

1978: Certificate of Primary Education - Riamanoti Primary School, Nyamira county, Kenya

  • Crop protection
  • Crop entomology
  • Integrated pest management
  • Biocontrol

2024 (2 week):Training on Solar powered irrigation systems

2019 (1 week): Molecular techniques for identification of insects using DNA barcoding - University of Greenwich/ Egerton University

2019 (1 month): Staff exchange - Viginia Tech University USA

2012 (2 weeks): Advanced Course on Quality and Safety of Agro-products - Nanjing Agriculture University China./Egerton University

2017 (1 week): Training on Agri-entrepreneurship - Egerton University

2011 (1 week): E-resource training on Research4Life and TEAL Programmes. - ITOCA (Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa)

2011 (3 weeks): Training Program of Rural Environmental Protection Technology - China Agricultural University Beijing, China

2010 (2 weeks): Value chains strategies in food safety in Sub-Sahara. - Wageningen, Netherland

2007 (1 month): Integrated pest management and food safety - Wageningen, Netherland


2021 to date Senior Lecturer,Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Current duties include:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production and protection to both under- and post-graduate students. Supervising postgraduate projects and final year undergraduate projects. Conducting research. Involved in curriculum development, student advising and other committees in the department and faculty.

2006-2021 Present: Lecturer, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Current duties include:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production and protection to both under- and post-graduate students. Supervising postgraduate projects and final year undergraduate projects. Conducting research. Involved in curriculum development, student advising coordinating field attachment and other committees in the department and faculty.

2002-2006: Assistant Lecturer, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Duties included:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production to under- graduate students. Was involved in curriculum development, student academic advising and supervising final year projects.

1992-2002: Senior Technician, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Duties included teaching and conducting practicals in crop production.

1986-1992: Agricultural Officer 3, Ministry of Agriculture, Nakuru District. Duties included organizing and conducting Training sessions of Technical Assistants and farmers on crop husbandry in various divisions of Nakuru District.


2019-2022: Collaborating Researcher World Bank funded Validation and promotion of sustainable energy and briquette production and utilization technologies for improved livelihoods


2018-2022: Core team member, BBSRC-GCRF ­funded Natural Pest Regulation for Orphan Crop Legumes in Africa (NaPROCLA)


2012- 2016: Principal investigator, NRF funded Enhancing Food Safety In The Kenyan Domestic Market Through Reduced Pesticide Residues On Vegetables - A Value Chain Approach


2012-2017: Collaborating Researcher NRF NACOSITI funded Enhancing Biogas Energy Contribution in Kenya .


2012-2015: Collaborating Researcher in RUFORUM funded Botanical pesticides for bio-control of spider mites and anthracnose in French beans: A Case of smallholder farmers in Nakuru



Total Grants Value


  • Natural  pest regulation
  • Values chain approaches to food safety and agricultural waste
  1. Karimi, M.J., Nyaanga J.G., Mulwa, R M.S,. Ogendo, J.O., Bett, P.K., Cheruiyot E.K., Stevenson, P.C., Arnold, S.E.J., Belmain, S.R (2024) Lablab (Lablab purpureus L.) genotypes and field margin vegetation influence bean aphids and their natural enemies. Front. Insect Science Vol. 4 – 2024
  2. Emaru, A., Nyaanga, J.G, Mwanarusi,S. (2024).  Use of Entomopathogenic Fungi as Biopesticides to Manage Insect Pest: A Review. American Journal of Applied Sciences 2024, Volume 21: 1.14
  3. Emaru, A., Nyaanga, J.G, Mwanarusi,S. (2024). Integrating Metarhizium anisopliae entomopathogenic fungi with border cropping reduces black bean aphids (Aphis fabae) damage and enhances yield and quality of French bean. Heliyon 10 (2024) e33037
  4. Emaru, A., Nyaanga, J.G, Mwanarusi,S. (2024). Efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Clavicipitaceae: Hypocreales) against the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scopoli, 1763) under laboratory conditions African Journal of Tropical Entomology Research: 3 (1) 41-51 
  5. Mutua, E.K., Mwangi, M., , Liu G., and Nyaanga, |J. (2024). Response of Whitefly Population to Rabbit Urine Foliar Spray on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Advances in Agriculture Vol. 2024.

  6. Simiyu M, Mafurah J., Nyaanga, J. G Mwangi, E. (2024). Antifungal effect of wood vinegar from selected feedstocks on Ascochyta rabiei in vitro African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.20(3), pp. 214-220 , March 2024 
  7. Obanyi, J. N., Ogendo, J. O., Mulwa, R. M. S., Nyaanga, J. G., Cheruiyot, E. K., Bett, P. K., Belmain, S. R., Arnold, S. E. J., Nash-Woolley, V. C., & Stevenson, P. C. (2024). Flowering margins support natural enemies between cropping seasons

     Frontiers in Agronomy, Vol. 6 - 2024 |

  8. Obanyi, J. N., Ogendo, J. O., Mulwa, R. M. S., Nyaanga, J. G., Cheruiyot, E. K., Bett, P. K., Belmain, S. R., Arnold, S. E. J., Nash-Woolley, V. C., & Stevenson, P. C. (2023). Field margins and cropping system influence diversity and abundance of aphid natural enemies in Lablab purpureusJournal of Applied Entomology, 147, 439– 451.
  9. Okeyo G.O, Charimbu M.K., Nyaanga J, Mendes T, (2022) Determination of Bioactive Compounds Against Bacterial Wilt of Potato (Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum sp. nov.) in Psidium guajava and Pelargonium zonale Leaf Extracts Journal of Agricultural Science; 14:11 1916-9760 

  10. Okeyo G.O, Charimbu M.K., Nyaanga J, Mendes T, (2022) Antibacterial activity of guava, moringa, camphor bush and pelargonium extracts against bacterial wilt (Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum sp. nov.) of potato, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29:12 

  11. Ochieng L.O., Ogendo J.O., Bett P.K., Nyaanga J.G., Cheruiyot E.K., Mulwa R.M.S., Arnold S.E.J., Belmain S.R. and Stevenson P.C. (2022) Field margins and botanical insecticides enhance Lablab purpureus  yield by reducing aphid pests and supporting natural enemies. J. Applied Entomology. J Appl Entomol. 146:838–849

  12.  Mwani, N.C., Nyaanga J.G., Cheruiyot E.K ,. Ogendo, J.O., Bett, P.K., Mulwa, R., Stevenson, P.C., Arnold, S.E.J., Belmain, S.R (2021) Intercropping and diverse field margin vegetation suppress bean aphid, (Homoptera: Aphididae) infestation in dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) (JPPR-01140-2021-02). Journal of Plant Protection Research 61(3): 290–301.DOI:

  13. Doti, B., Nyaanga, D., Nyakach, S., and Nyaanga, J. (2022). Optimization of Pyrolysis Parameters in Production of Pyroligneous Acid from Acacia Twigs. Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and Environment. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1 – 13. Doi:

  14. Nyakeyo, A., Mwangi. M., and Nyaanga, J. (2021) Effect of different vermicomposts and bioslurry on growth, yield and postharvest quality of statice. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 17(1): 79-91
  15. Nyaanga, J.G. and Barasa, M.H. (2019) Effect of bioslurry utilization and application methods on the African stalk borer (Buseola fusca) and yield of maize International Journal of Science and. Nature VOL.10 (3): 125-131. 
  16. Kenyanya T. M., Moturi, W.N., Nyaanga, J.G., Macharia, J.K. and Birech, R. J. (2019). Determination of pesticide residues in organic and conventional exotic vegetables. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch Vol. 4, No. 04 6-9
  17. Kinuthia C.W, Ayuya O. I, Nyaanga J.G (2019). Determinants of intensity of uptake of alternative pest control methods: a case of small- scale tomato farmers in Kenya. Vol. 11(5):110-121.
  18. Ogayo K., Nyaanga J., Ogweno J. and Ogendo J. (2019). The Effect of Lion’s Ear (Leonotis nepetifolia) and African Basil (Ocimum gratissimum) Plant Extracts on Two-Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychus urticae) for Improved Yield and Quality of French Beans. Advances in Entomology Vol.7 No.1, 21-31 DOI: 10.4236/ae.2019.71003
  19. Ongondo A.M, Nyaanga J.G and Bebe O.B (2015). The efficacy of Knowledge sharing strategies used at Egerton University as perceived by livestock value chain actors. International Journal of Agricultural Extension 03 (02) 155-160 
  20.  Ogayo, K.O, Ogweno, J.O, Nyaanga, J.G, Ogendo J.O, Wagara, I.N & Ochola, S.O (2015). Bioactivity of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in management of Tetranychus urticae Koch on French beans. Global Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology 4:3 282-286    
  21. Ochola, S.O. Ogendo, J.O. Wagara, I.N. Ogweno, J.O. Nyaanga, J.G. and Ogayo, K.O. (2015). Antifungal Activity of Methanol Extracts of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. against Ascochyta Blight (Phoma exigua) on French Bean. Asian Journal of Pathology 9:1 27-32  DOI: 10.3923/ajppaj.2015.27.32 
  22. Nyaanga, J. G, Kamau, A.W. Pathak, R.S. and Tuey, R. (2014). Effect of insecticide application regimes on cereal aphids and their coccinellid predators on wheat International Journal of Science and. Nature 5:4: 658-662
  23. Nyaanga, J.G.  Kamau, A.W Pathak R.S. and. Tuey, R.K (2014). Impact of Host Plant Resistance and Coccinellid Predators on Cereal Aphid Abundance and Wheat Yield. Asian Journal of Crop Science, 6: 281-2 DOI: 10.3923/ajcs.2014.281.288
  24. Nyaanga, J.G., A.W. Kamau, R.S. Pathak and R.K. Tuey, (2012). The Effect of Different Cereal Aphid Species on the Performance of Two Coccinellid Predators. Journal of Entomology, 9: 41-49.   .   DOI: 10.3923/je.2012.41.49 
  25. Nyaanga, J. G, Kamau, A.W Pathak, R.S. and Tuey, R. (2008). Spatial temporal differences of aphidophagous coccinellid species in selected wheat growing areas of Kenya. Egerton journal of science and technology 5:4 713-716 (Print Copy)
  26. Nyaanga, J.G, Kamau, A.W., Wanjama, J.K. (2005). The influence of temperature on the population increase and alarysim of three cereal aphid. Discov. & Innov. 17(3/4) 117-121
  27.  Nyaanga, J.G, Kamau, A.W. and Wanjama, J.K. (2006). Niche and temporal differences in cereal aphid colonisation on three wheat varieties. Asian J. of Plant Sci. 5(4):713-716.


  1. J. N. Obanyi, J. O. Ogendo, R. M.S. Mulwa, J. G. Nyaanga, E. K. Cheruiyot and P. K. Bett (2020): Diversity and Abundance of Invertebrate Taxa in Smallholder Farms in Nakuru County: Effect of Dolichos-Based Cropping System and Field Margin Vegetation
  2. J.M. Karimi, R.M.S. Mulwa, J.G., J.O. Ogendo, E.K Cheruiyot and P. Bett (2020): Effect of Dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) genotypes and field margin species on bean aphids’ population and their natural enemies. Egerton University international conference,  24th-26th November, 2020

  3. C. Nkuene, J. Nyaanga, E. Cheruiyot, J. O. Ogendo (2020). Effect of cropping system and field margin vegetation on population of aphids and their natural enemies in Lablab beans in Nakuru County, Kenya. Egerton University international conference,  24th-26th November, 2020

  4. Nyaanga J.G. (2019). Utilization of bioslurry from anaerobic digester for fertilizer and insecticide in crop production; 19th April 2019 Virginia Tec University. U.S.A
  5. Kenyanya T M, Moturi W.N, Nyaanga J.G, Macharia J.K and Birech R.J. Determination of Pesticide Residues in Organic and Conventional Exotic Vegetables. The 4th African organic conference 5-8, 2018, Palm Beach Hotel Sally Prices, Senegal
  6. Nyaanga D.M.,  Owiti Z., Nyaanga J., Oyoo T., Otieno F. (2016). Life Cycle Inventory Data for Carbon Footprint – A Case of Cut Flower Production in Kenya. Abstract Book- Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) 2016. pp30.
  7. Nyaanga J.G and Nyaanga D.M. Bioslurry utilization in small holder agriculture in Kenya National bioslurry extension conference: 29th – 30th November 2017. Pride Inn Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  8. Nyaanga D.M., Owiti Z., Nyaanga J., Oyoo T., Otieno F. (2016). Life Cycle Inventory Data for Carbon Footprint – A Case of Cut Flower Production in Kenya. Abstract Book- Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) 2016. pp30.
  9. Nyaanga, J.G., Nyaanga, D.M. Ogore, P. O, Matofari, J and Barasa H. (2015). Development of bioslurry application technologies for the use of biogas bioslurry as bio-fertilizer and pesticide –efficacy of different application methods conference Proceedings National week. NACOSTI 11th-15th May 2015 University of Nairobi Kenya 
  10.  Ogayo, K.O., Ogweno, J.O., Nyaanga, J.G., Ogendo, J.O., Wagara, I.N., Ochola, S.O. (2014). Bioefficacy of Lion’s ear and African basil extracts in management of adult two-spotted spider mites on French beans. Presented at the 4th RUFORUM biennial conference in 21st - 26th July 2014 Maputo Mozambique
  11. S.O. Ochola, J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O. Ogayo. (2014). Use of selected plant extracts to control anthracnose in French bean. Presented at the 4th RUFORUM biennial conference in 21st - 26th July 2014. Maputo Mozambique 
  12. S.O. Ochola, J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O. Ogayo. (2014).  In vitro evaluation of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. plantextracts against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
  13. J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O. Ogayo, S.O. Ochola. (2014). Indigenous knowledge practices for French bean production and management of spider mites and anthracnose among smallholder in Nakuru County, Kenya. Presented at the 8th Egerton International conference in 26th -28th, March 2014 Egerton University Kenya
  14. Nyaanga, J. G. Kamau A.W and Pathak R.S (2007). The Ecology and Biology of Ladybird Beetles and their Potential as Biocontrol Agents for Cereal Aphids in Wheat. Proceedings of the Research Week 1st -3rd March 2006, Egerton University. Kenya
  1. Insect morphology and taxonomy
  2. Crop pest ecology
  3. Crop pests and their control
  4. Agro-pesticides
  5. IPM


  1. 2011 Gunther Änne: Potential of Nephrosis volgeii, Tagetes minuta and Datura stramonium Extracts to control Brevicoryne brassicae L (Homopt. Aphididae) in ecologically grown Brassica oleracea var. acephala in Kenya (Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin GERMANY):
  2. 2015 Ong’ondo Millicent. Assessing Effectiveness of Knowledge Sharing Strategies in Egerton University from the Perspectives of Actors in Livestock Commodity Value Chains (Dept. of CHS, Egeron University).
  3.  2019 Kinuthia Catherine Wambui Determinants Of Pesticide use and Uptake of Alternative Pest Control Methods Among Small Scale Tomato Farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya Chains (Dept. of AGEC/AGBM, Egeron University).
  4. 2019 Ogayo Obuya Kennedy Evaluation of Leonotis Nepetifolia and Ocimum Gratissimum Plant Extracts in the Management of Spider mites on French Beans Chains (Dept. of CHS, Egeron University).
  5. 2019 Kenyanya Teresa Mogoi Assessment of human exposure to pesticide residues in exotic vegetables sold in selected markets of Nakuru town, kenya. Dept. of Environmental Science Egeron University
  6. 2021 Christine Mwania Nkuene: Effects of Maize-Dolichos Intercrop and Field Margin Species on Bean Aphids and their Natural Enemies
  7. 2023 Nyakeyo, Amos Omar: Effect of Bioslurry-Enriched Vermicomposts on Spider Mite (Tetranychus Urticae Koch) Infestation, Yield and Postharvest Quality of Statice (Limonium sinuatum Mill)
  8. 2024 Joseph Karimi:  Effect of Dolichos (Lablab Purpureus L.) Genotypes and Field Margin Species on Bean Aphids and their Natural Enemies
  9. 2024  Anthony Emaru: Effects of Entomopathogenic Fungus and Companion Cropping on Bean Aphid Population, Growth, Yield and Quality of French Bean.
  10. 2024 Mary Simiyu Namalwa: Effects of Pyrolysis Products on Performance of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) and Management of Ascochyta Blight
  1. 2024 Janet Obayi: Molecular Characterization of Natural Enemies and their Effectiveness in the Management of Bean Aphids on Dolichos Lablab
  2. 2024 Gidraf Onduru Okeyo: Management of Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum) of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Using Plant Extracts and Host Plant Resistance
  1. International Society for Pesticidal Plants
  2. Association of Kenyan Entomologists
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