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Faculty of Science
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Main Campus - Njoro
P.O BOX 536-20115 Egerton

2005: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Plant Pathology - University of Nairobi
1996: Master of Science (MSc.) degree in Plant Pathology - University of Nairobi
1991: Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree (Botany and Zoology) - Egerton University

  • Plant Pathology
  • Integrated Plant Disease Management
  • Mushroom production
  • Sep. 2002: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops training. Bellagio, Italy.
  • April 2002: International Foundation for Science (IFS)/MISTRAtraining workshop on “Plant Pathology, Biocontrol and Biopreservation”. Agadir, Morocco.
  • July 2001: Course on Molecular characterisation/diagnosis of Plant Pathogens. CIAT, Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
  • 1999: Intensive course in Microbiology and Plant Physiology; Konstanz University, Germany.
  • 1998:  Course in identification of parasitic fungi; Konstanz University, Germany.
  • 1998:  Course on Theory and Practice of Integrated Pest Management; Überlingen, Germany
  • 1998:  Advanced course in Phytopathology; Konstanz University, Germany.
  • 1998:  Intensive German language course; Language Institute, Konstanz University, Germany
  • 1998:  German language course; Goethe Institute Freiburg, Germany
  • 1996:  Postgraduate course on Legumes in Cropping Systems of the Tropics and Subtropics; Hohenheim University, Germany
  • 9th October 2013 to 10th May 2022: Deputy Director for Research, Egerton University
  • 4th April 2013 to present: Associate Professor, Egerton University
  • January 2010 - October 2010: Visiting Researcher, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali,Colombia
  • October 2007 - 3rd April 2013: Senior Lecturer, Egerton University
  • June 2004 - September 2007: Lecturer, Egerton University
  • April 1995 - May 2004: Assistant Lecturer, Egerton University
  • Oct. 1991- March 1995: Teaching Assistant, Egerton University
  • 2022 - 2024: Partnership Program in Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in East Africa. (Principal Investigator). Funded by Austria´s Agency for Education and Internationalisation - OeAD-GmbH.
  •  2021 - 2024: Development of natural medicinal products for mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic. (Co-Investigator). Funded by National Research Fund, Kenya.
  • 2018 - 2021: Development of Biopesticides from Medicinal Plants and their Microbial Endophytes for the Control of Maize and Bean Pathogens. (Collaborator). Funded by National Research Fund, Kenya.
  • 2014 - 2018: Antibiotics and Anti-quorum Sensing Compounds from African Fungal Endophytes Inhabiting Medicinal Plants and Cultures of Macromycetes (ASAFEM). (Collaborator). Funded by European Union and Kenya Government through ERAFRICA – EU – frica Joint Funding.
  • 2013 - 2015: Isolation of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites for the Control of Plant Pathogens in Maize and Beans. (Collaborator). Funded by The Humboldt Foundation.
  • 2008 - 2013: Outdoor Organic Cultivation of Kenyan Indigenous Mushrooms for Improved Food Security. (Principal Investigator). Funded by The Mushroom Initiative Limited, Hong Kong.
  • 2010 - 2013: Use of Mycorrhizae to Enhance Reforestation of Mau Water Catchment in Kenya. (Collaborator). Funded by The Mushroom Initiative Limited, Hong Kong.
  • 2009 - 2013: Control of Moulds and Associated Mycotoxins in Foods using Essential Oils from Target Aromatic Plants in Lake Victoria Basin. (Collaborator). Funded by Lake Victoria Basin Research Initiative (VicRes).
  • 2007- 2009: Spawn Production and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Indigenous Mushrooms for Improved Health and Increased Food Security. (Principal Investigator). Funded by Egerton University.
  • 2006 - 2009: Field Evaluation of Micronutrient-rich Beans for Resistance/Tolerance to Diseases and Pests. (Collaborator). Funded by East and Central Africa Bean Research Network (ECABREN).
  • 2001- 2007: Managing Angular Leaf Spot of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) through Host Resistance, Antimicrobial Plant Extracts and Cultural Practices. (Principal Investigator). Funded by International Foundation for Science (IFS).
  • 2000 - 2003: Molecular and Virulence Characterization of Phaeoisariopsis griseola and Reaction of Bean Germplasm to Races of the Angular Leaf Spot Pathogen. (Principal Investigator). Funded by The Rockefeller Foundation (Grant 2001 FS 030) and DAAD.
  • Integrated Management of Plant Diseases
  • Bioprospecting for Antimicrobials 
  • Development of Innovative Technologies for Indigenous Mushroom Production.
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Management of mycotoxigenic fungi
  1. John M. Macharia, Ruth W. Mwangi, Nora Rozmann, Kaposztas Zsolt, Tímea Varjas, Paschal O. Uchechukwu, Isabel N. Wagara and Bence L. Raposa (2022). Medicinal plants with anti-colorectal cancer bioactive compounds: Potential game-changers in colorectal cancer management. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 153: 1-14.

  2. Ruth W. Mwangi, John M. Macharia, Isabel N. Wagara and Raposa L. Bence (2022). The antioxidant potential of different edible and medicinal mushrooms. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 147: 1-15.

  3. Ruth W. Mwangi, John M. Macharia, Isabel N. Wagara and Raposa L. Bence (2021). The medicinal properties of Cassia fistula L: A review. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 144: 1-14.

  4. Mutimawurugo, M.C., J.O. Ogweno, J.B. Muhinyuza and I.N. Wagara (2019). In vitro antibacterial activity of selected plant extracts against potato bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum Smith) in Rwanda. Journal of Applied Horticulture. ISSN: 0972 – 1045.
  5. Mutimawurugo, M.C., I.N. Wagara, J.B. Muhinyuza and J.O. Ogweno (2019). Virulence and characterization of isolates of potato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) in Rwanda. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(6): 311-320.
  6. Regina Chepkorir, Josphat Clement Matasyoh and Isabel N. Wagara (2018). Two withanolides from Withania somnifera (Solanaceae) and activity of methanolic extracts against fungal and bacterial pathogens that affect food crops. African Journal of Food Science, 12(5) 115-125, DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2016.1503, ISSN 1996-0794.
  7. Winnie Cherotich Maritim, Isabel Nyokabi Wagara and Josphat Clement Matasyoh (2019). Antibacterial saponins from the leaves of Polyscias fulva (Araliaceae). African Journal of Biotechnology, 18(19): 390-398.
  8. Lucy Aketch Wanga, Isabel Nyokabi Wagara, Ramadhan Mwakubambanya and Josphat Clement Matasyoh (2018). Antimicrobial activity of metabolites extracted from Zanthoxylum gilletii, Markhamia lutea and their endophytic fungi against common bean bacterial pathogens. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17(27): 870-879. ISSN 1684-5315.
  9. Mwangi R. W., Kariuki S. T. and Wagara I. N. (2017). Biocontrol of green mould disease of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 7(10): 25-30. ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online).
  10. Mwangi R. W., Kariuki S. T. and Wagara I. N. (2017). Effect of inoculation with mycorrhizae on growth parameters of Dombeya torrida, Leucaena leucophala and Tephrosia vogelii. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 7(10): 40-48. ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online).
  11. Mwaniki, P. K., Wagara, I. N., Birech, R., Kinyua, Z. M., Schulte-Geldermann E. and Freyer B. (2017) Impact of crop rotation sequences on potato in fields inoculated with bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12: 1226-1235.
  12. Mwangi R. W., Kariuki S. T. and Wagara I. N. (2017). Phytochemicals present in Engleromyces goetzi and antimicrobial activity against phytopathogenic bacteria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 7(4): 78-86. ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online).
  13. Mwaniki, P. K., Birech, R., Wagara, I. N., Kinyua, Z. M, Schulte-Geldermann, E., and Freyer (2016). Distribution, prevalence and incidence of potato bacterial wilt in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 5:435-442.
  14. Mwangi R. W., Wagara I. N. and Kariuki S. T. (2016). Biocontrol of mushroom fungal pathogens and contaminants using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Egerton Journal of Science & Technology, 15: 19-108. ISSN No. 2073-8277.
  15. Phoebe Kirigo Mwaniki, Mathew Musumbale Abang, Isabel Nyokabi Wagara, Joseph Ngwela Wolukau and Schroers Hans-Josef (2016). Response of African eggplants to Fusarium spp. and identification of sources of resistance. African Journal of Biotechnology, AJB/20.07.15/14874. ISSN 1684-5315.
  16. Jesca Lukanga Nakavuma, Josphat Clement Matasyoh, Isabel Nyokabi Wagara, John Kalema and Lordrick Alinaitwe (2016). Toxicity Studies on Anti-fungal Essential Oils Extracted from Selected Aromatic Plants from Mabira and Kakamega Forests, East Africa. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 14(2): 1-14. Article no.EJMP.25185, ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475. SCIENCEDOMAIN international.
  17. S. O. Ochola, J. O. Ogendo, I. N. Wagara, J. O. Ogweno, J. G. Nyaanga and K. O. Ogayo (2015). Antifungal activity of methanol extracts of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. against Ascochyta blight (Phoma exiqua) on French bean. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, 9(1): 27-32. ISSN 1819-1541/DOI: 10.3923/ajppaj.2015.
  18. Kennedy O. Ogayo, Joshua O. Ogweno, Jane G. Nyaanga, Joshua O. Ogendo, Isabel N. Wagara and Sylvans O. Ochola (2015). Bioactivity of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum extracts in management of Tetranychus urticae Koch on French beans. Global Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 4 (3): 282-286.
  19. P.C. Sitienei, I.N. Wagara, S.T. Kariuki, J.M. Jefwa, and E.M Kibiro (2015). Occurrence and biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi associated with indigenous trees in Eastern Mau Forest, Kenya. Science Journal of Microbiology, Volume 2015, Article ID sjmb-125, 19 Pages, 2015. Doi: 10.7237/sjmb/125. ISSN: 2276-626X.
  20. Yegon K. Philemon, Josphat C. Matasyoh, and Isabel N. Wagara (2015). Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil from Lippia javanica (Verbenaceae). International Journal of Biotechnology and Food Science. 4(1): 1- 6.
  21. Chepkirui Clara, Josphat C. Matasyoh, Isabel N. Wagara and Jesca Nakavuma (2014). Antifungal activity of flavonoids isolated from Monanthotaxis littoralis against mycotoxigenic fungi from maize. American Journal of Chemistry and Application, 1(4): 54-60.
  22. I. N. Wagara, J. C. Matasyoh and J. L. Nakavuma (2014). Isolation of mycotoxigenic moulds contaminating maize and groundnuts in selected districts of Kenya. Research Journal of Microbiology, 9: 177-188. DOI: 10.3923/jm.2014.177.188 URL:
  23. Odhiambo, B.O., Murage, H. and Wagara, I.N. (2014). Screening for atoxigenic Aspergillus species and evaluating their inhibitory potential against growth and sporulation of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species. Egerton Journal of Science & Technology, 14:61-80. ISSN No. 2073 – 8277.
  24. Regina M. Rono, I. Wagara and W. Otieno (2013). Determination of storage stability of Trichoderma harzianum in different formulations through in vitro vegetative interactions with Armillaria. Tea Journal, 34 (2): 79 – 87.
  25. Josphat C. Matasyoh, Isabel N. Wagara, Jesca L. Nakuvuma and Regina Chepkorir (2013). Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Piper capense oil against mycotoxigenic Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium species. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7(4): 1441-1451. DOI:
  26. Chepkirui Clara, Josphat C. Matasyoh, Isabel N. Wagara and Jesca Nakuvuma (2013). Antifungal activity of Monathotaxis littoralis essential oil against mycotoxigenic fungi isolated from maize. International Journal of Microbiology Research and Reviews, 2 (6), 103-109. ISSN: 2329-9800.
  27. Benard Omondi Odhiambo, Hunja Murage and Isabel Nyokabi Wagara (2013). Isolation and characterisation of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species from maize and soil samples from selected counties of Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 7(34): 4379-4388. DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2013.5846 ISSN 1996-0808 ©2013 Academic Journals
  28. Nyukuri N. J., Wagara N. I., Matasyoh C. J. and Nakavuma L. J. (2013). Inhibitory action of some essential oils on growth of various moulds isolated from dried maize grains. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 13: 1-10.
  29. S. G. Ismail, M. G. Kinyua, A. M. Kibe and I. N. Wagara (2012). Wheat stem rust severity and physiological races in North Rift region of Kenya. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-8. ISSN 1819-1541/DOI: 10.3923/ajppaj.2012.
  30. I. N. Wagara, A.W. Mwang’ombe, J. W. Kimenju, R. A. Buruchara and P. M. Kimani (2011). Reaction of selected common bean genotypes to physiological races of Phaeoisariopsis griseola occurring in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 19 (4): 119 – 131.
  31. Josphat C. Matasyoh, Isabel N. Wagara, Jesca L. Nakavuma and Anderson M. Kiburai (2011). Chemical composition of Cymbopogon citratus essential oil and its effect on mycotoxigenic Aspergillus species. African Journal of Food Science, 5(3): 138-142.
  32. Odhiambo O. Jared, Ndiritu G. Francis and Wagara N. Isabel. (2011). Effects of AC Helmholtz magnetic field on the mass of Rosecoco beans. Journal of Science Technology Education and Management, 4(1&2): 16 – 30.
  33. Odhiambo O. Jared, Ndiritu G. Francis and Wagara N. Isabel. (2009). The influence of AC Electromagnetic fields on the initial radicle growth rate of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 22: 1350 – 1358.
  34. J. O. Odhiambo, F. G. Ndiritu and I. N. Wagara (2009). Effects of static Electromagnetic fields at 24 hours incubation on the germination of Rosecoco beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Romanian Journal of Biophysics, 19 (2): 135 – 147.
  35. Odhiambo, O.J.; Ndiritu, F.G. and Wagara, I. N. (2008). Effect of AC Electromagnetic Field on germination of Rosecoco beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 8: 186 - 200.
  36. Mwang’ombe, A.W.; Wagara, I.N.; Kimenju, J.W. and Buruchara, R.A. (2007). Occurrence and severity of angular leaf spot of common bean in Kenya as influenced by geographical location, altitude and agroecological zones. Plant Pathology Journal, 6(3):235-241.
  37. Wagara, I.N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W.; Kimenju, J.W. and Buruchara, R.A. (2007). Variation in aggressiveness of Phaeoisariopsis griseola and angular leaf spot development in common bean. Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology, 3(2):3-12.
  38. Wagara, I.N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W.; Kimenju, J.W. and Buruchara, R.A. (2005). Virulence, variability and physiological races of the angular leaf spot pathogen, Phaeoisariopsis griseola in Kenya. African Plant Protection Journal, 11:23-31.
  39. Wagara, I.N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W.; Kimenju, J.W.; Buruchara, R.A.; Jamnadass, R. and Majiwa, P.A.O. (2004). Genetic diversity of Phaeoisariopsis griseola in Kenya as revealed by AFLP and group-specific primers. Journal of Phytopathology, 152: 1-8.
  40. Kimani P.M., I. Wagara and M. Blair. (2004). Selection of climbing bean lines tolerant to common bacterial blight, bean common mosaic virus and web blight. Bean Improvement Cooperative 47: 309-310.
  41. Wagara, I.N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W. and Siboe, G.M. (1999). Colonization of resistant and susceptible bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) tissues by Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Sacc) Ferr. African Crop Science Journal, 7 (4): 523-530.
  42. Wagara, I.N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W. and Siboe, G.M. (1997). The occurrence and extent of pathogenic variation in Phaeoisariopsis griseola Sacc. in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 61: No.3.
  1. Maritim C. W., J. C. Matasyoh and N. Wagara. Characterization of secondary metabolites isolated from the leaves extract of Polyscias fulva (Araliaceae) and its antibacterial activities. Egerton University 12th Research Week and International Conference. 27th – 29th March, 2018.
  2. Wanga L. A., Matasyoh J. C., Wagara I. N. and Mwakubambanya R. Antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites from Zanthoxylum gilletii, Markhamia lutea and their endophytic fungi against common bean bacterial pathogens. Egerton University 12th Research Week and International Conference. 27th – 29th March, 2018.
  3. Chepkorir R., Matasyoh J. C. and Wagara N. I. Chemical composition and antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oils from fresh leaves of Hagenia abyssinica (Rosaceae). Egerton University 12th Research Week and International Conference. 27th – 29th March, 2018.
  4. Regina Chepkorir, Matasyoh J. and Wagara I. N. Investigation of secondary metabolites from Withania somnifera and Hagenia abyssinica for the control of maize and bean pathogens. Egerton University 11th Research Week and International Conference. 29th – 31st March, 2017.
  5. Nyamboki D. K. Matasyoh J. and Wagara I. N. Isolation and characterization of antibacterial secondary metabolites from Tragia insuavis (Euphorbiaceae) and its endophytic fungi. Egerton University 11th Research Week and International Conference. 29th – 31st March, 2017.
  6. Nasimiyu V. W, Wagara I. N. and Matasyoh J. Antimicrobial Activity of Fungal Endophytes Inhabiting Kenyan Medicinal Plants. Egerton University 11th Research Week and International Conference. 29th – 31st March, 2017.
  7. Wagara I. N., Matasyoh J. and Nasimiyu V. W. Isolation and Antimicrobial Activity of Fungal Endophytes inhabiting African Medicinal Plants. Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg Conference on “Research and Networking: Laying the Foundation for the Sustainable Development Goals”. Sweet Lake Resort, Naivasha, Kenya. 6th – 8th April, 2016.
  8. Hassan, K. N., Wagara, I. N., Matasyoh, J. C. Isolation, molecular characterization and screening of tropical fungi as biocontrol agents. Egerton University 9th Research Week and International Conference. 25th – 27th March, 2015.
  9. Mwangi, R. W., Wagara, I. N. and Kariuki, S. T. Biocontrol of mushroom fungal pathogens and contaminants using Bacillus subtilis. Egerton University 9th Research Week and International Conference. 25th – 27th March, 2015.
  10. Njeru P. W., Wagara I. N., Kariuki S. T. and Muchiri S. N. Cultivation of indigenous oyster mushrooms using agricultural wastes. Egerton University 9th Research Week and International Conference. 25th – 27th March, 2015.
  11. Wagara I. N., Kariuki S. T, Njeru P. W., Karwitha M. C., Muchiri S. N and Amwoga P.
  12. Spawn production, domestication and eco-friendly cultivation of edible indigenous Oyster mushrooms using agricultural substrates. Fourth African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms (ACEMM4). Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kakamega. 25th – 29th May, 2014.
  13. K. Mwaniki, M.M. Abang, I.N. Wagara, J.N. Wolukau & H.J. Schroers. (2011). Morphology, pathogenicity and molecular identification of Fusarium spp. from wilting eggplants in Tanzania. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 10:217 – 221.
  14. K. Charimbu, I.N. Wagara and D.O. Otaye. (2009). Antifungal activity of various crude plant extracts against Phaeoisariopsis griseola pathogenic on common bean. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 9: 683 – 685.
  15. Wagara, I. N. and Kimani P. M. (2007). Resistance of nutrient-rich bean varieties to major biotic constraints in Kenya. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol 8:2087 - 2090.
  16. Wagara, I. N.; Mwang’ombe, A.W.; Kimenju, J.W.; Buruchara, R.A and Kimani P.M. (2003). Pathogenic variability in Phaeoisariopsis griseola and response of bean germplasm to different races of the pathogen. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6: 352-357.
  17. Wagara I. N. and P.M. Kimani.(2007). Field evaluation of micronutrient rich beans for resistance to biotic stresses. Eastern and Central Africa Bean Research Network Review and Planning Workshop, 12th – 16th March, 2007, Arusha, Tanzania.
  18. Wagara, I. N. and P. M. Kimani. (2006). Field evaluation of micronutrient dense bean lines for resistance to biotic stresses. Biofortification Workshop, 3rd – 6th March, 2006, Mukono, Uganda.
  19. Musoni, A., Kimani, P.M., R. A. Buruchara, R.D. Narla and N. Wagara. (2003). Breeding marketable climbing beans resistant to angular leafspot, Pythium root rot, anthranose and Fusarium wilt. African Crop Science Conference, 12th – 17th October, 2003, Nairobi, Kenya.
  20. Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg Conference on “Research and Networking: Laying the Foundation for the Sustainable Development Goals”. Sweet Lake Resort, Naivasha, Kenya. 6th - 8th April 2016.
  21. 5th HIPS Symposium on Pharmaceutical Research devoted to Infection Research, Saarbrücken, Germany. July 2, 2015.
  22. Fourth African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms (ACEMM4). Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kakamega. 25th to 29th May, 2014.
  23. 9th African Crop Science Society Conference. Southern Cape Sun Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa. 28th September – 1st October 2009.
  24. DAAD Alumni Conference on “Knowledge and Research for Development in East Africa”. Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi Kenya. 23rd – 25th October, 2008.
  25. 8th African Crop Science Conference. El-Minia University, Egypt. 27th – 31st October, 2007.
  26. Kenya DAAD Scholars Association Conference. ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya 18th – 19th October, 2007.
  27. Integration of Scientific and Technological Approaches for Community Development in the Lake Victoria Basin”. Kisumu Hotel – Maseno University, Kenya. (11th – 12th October, 2007).
  28. Second Research Week and International Conference. ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya. 16th – 20th July, 2007.
  29. The First Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA) Regional Conference. University of Nairobi, Kenya. 29th – 1st Dec. 2006.
  30. First African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Makerere University, Uganda. 25th – 29th 2006.
  31. 7th African Crop Science Conference. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda. 5th – 9th 2005.
  32. The 2nd Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA) Conference on “Universities and Communities: Enhancing collaboration to build a Working Nation”. AICAD Building, JKUAT, Kenya. 28th – 30th, 2004. 
  33. 6th African Crop Science Society Conference. Hilton Nairobi Hotel, Kenya. 12th – 17th, 2003.
  34. Conference on Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed systems for African Crops: “Research and Product Development that reaches Farmers”. Royal Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda. 3rd – 8th Nov., 2002.
  1. Round 1 AWARD Fellow - African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (2008-2010)
  2. Round 1 Junior Mentee in Gender and Diversity Rockefeller Fellowship Program to Enhance Careers of women Crop Scientists in East Africa. (2006-2007).

Plant pathology, Crop protection, microbiology, techniques of mushroom production



Kariuki H. G. “Evaluation of antifungal secondary metabolites from Allophylus abyssinicus and its endophytes for control of bean anthracnose”. (Defended and passed, 1/11/ 2023. Awaiting graduation).

Nduati T. W. “Isolation of secondary metabolites from Juniperus procera with activity against selected maize and bean pathogens”. (Defended and passed, 18/10/ 2023. Awaiting graduation).

Wanga L. A. “Use of Zanthoxylum gilletii and Markhamia lutea and their endophytes to control the bacterial pathogens of Phaseoulus vulgaris L.” (Graduated 2018).  

Regina Chepkorir. “Investigation of secondary metabolites from Withania somnifera and Hagenia abyssinica for the control of maize and bean pathogens”. (Graduated 2018).  

Maritim W. C. “Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial secondary metabolites from Polyscias fulva (Araliaceae) and its endophytic fungi”. (Graduated 2018).  

Nyamboki D. K. “Antibacterial secondary metabolites from Tragia Insuavis (Euphorbiaceae) and its endophytic fungi”. (Graduated 2018).  

Yegon K. P. “Isolation of antifungal secondary metabolites from Phytolloca dodecandra, Basella alba and Lippia javanica against maize fungal pathogens”. (Graduated 2017).

Nasimiyu Velma W. “Characterization of antimicrobial compounds from selected medicinal plants, endophytes and cultures of macromycetes” (Graduated 2017).

Khadija N. H. “Isolation, characterization and screening of selected antagonistic microorganisms against major maize and bean pathogens”. (Graduated 2016).

Mwangi R. W. “Biocontrol of selected oyster mushroom diseases and contaminants using endophytic fungi and antagonistic bacteria”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated 2016).

Ochola S. O. “Biopesticidal potential of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum in controlling french bean anthracnose: A case of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University”. (Graduated 2015).  

Njeru P. W. “Evaluation of different substrates for indigenous oyster mushroom production and control of mushroom contaminants using plant extracts”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated 2016).

Mutai R. C. “Formulation of Trichoderma harzianum and its comparative storage stability in different substrates for the management of Armillaria root rot of tea”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated December 2015).

Odhiambo B. O. “Use of bioagents to control growth of aflatoxigenic fungi and the associated aflatoxins in maize in selected districts of Kenya”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated, 2013).

Chepkirui Clara. “Antifungal secondary metabolites from Monanthotaxis littoralis with activity against mycotoxigenic fungi from maize”. (Graduated, 2013).

Sitienei P. C. “Integrated Control of Armillaria Root Rot of Selected Indigenous Trees of Mau Forest Complex using Mycorrhizae and Trichoderma Harzianum (T4)”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated 2015).

Mueni E. M.  “Screening For Resistance against Ascochyta Blight (Ascochyta Rabiei) And Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F.Sp Ciceris) in Selected Chickpea Genotypes in Rift Valley”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University.

Kirui K. R. “Evaluation of chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) genotypes for Fusarium wilt resistance and its’ management using fungicides”. Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University. (Graduated 2016).

Nyukuri J. N. “Characterization of moulds associated with maize in Kuria, Kitale and Kakamega Districts and screening essential oils for antimould activities”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated 2012).

Gichue S. I. “Physiological Races of Wheat Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f.sp. tritici Eriks & E. Henn) in Uasin Gishu Kenya and their Control using Tebuconazole 250 G/L + Tridimenol 125 G/L (Silvacur 375 G/L)”. Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University (Graduated 2012).

Mwaniki P. K. “Morphological and cultural characterization of the predominant wilt pathogen of eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum, Solanum dasyphyllum, Solanum anguivi, Solanum macrocarpon} and identification of wilt-resistant eggplant accessions”. Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University. (Graduated 2012).

Wasilwa A.J.W. “Management of angular leaf spot of common bean through use of resistant varieties and varietal mixtures”. Faculty of Agriculture Egerton University. (Graduated 2012).

Wakhungu J.N. “Evaluation of growth, grain yield and blast severity of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaerth) as influenced by levels of soil fertility and plant population in the highlands of Kisii”. Kenya Methodist University (Graduated 2010).

Thuranira J.G. “Management of pests and diseases of snow peas using biopesticides in Ngusishi location of Imenti north district, Kenya”. Kenya Methodist University. (Graduated 2010).  

Charimbu M. K., “Managing angular leaf spot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) through host resistance, antifungal plant extracts and cultural practices”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated, 2009).

Odhiambo O. P. J., “Effects of varied magnetic intensities and exposure time on germination and growth of Rosecoco beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Faculty of Science, Egerton University (Graduated 2008).  





1.Mwangi, Ruth Wambui. “Use of endophytic microorganisms and botanicals for the management of postharvest diseases of tomatoes”. (Commenced 2020).

2.Ruth Kerubo Kebati. “Quantification of aflatoxigenic fungi and associated aflatoxins and their management in maize production chain in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya”. (Commenced 2020).

3.Sitienei P. K. “Characterization of Trichoderma species and evaluation for management of Aspergillus species of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)”. (Commenced 2019).

4.Mutimawurugo M. C. “Evaluation of efficacy of selected plant extracts for management of potato bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum Smith) in Rwanda”.  (Graduated 18th June, 2021).

5.Mwaniki P. K. “Distribution, diversity and development of control strategies of potato bacterial wilt in Nakuru District, Kenya”. Faculty of Science, Egerton University. (Graduated 21st June, 2019).


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