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DR Winston Makanga

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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Health Sciences
Directorate / Dept
Town Campus
Jalaram Diagnostic Centre, Nakuru. P.O. Box 4685 - 20100, Nakuru, Kenya

I was appointed as a Lecturer in the department of surgery at Egerton University in October 2021. I have a twelve year experience in the practice and teaching of general surgery, with interest in minimally invasive upper abdominal surgery and endoscopic surgery.

 I played a leading role in the establishment of endoscopy services at various hospitals.  I pioneered minimally invasive surgery at St Joseph Rift Valley Hospital. I have actively participated in entrenching advanced laparoscopic surgery at the Nakuru Level 6 Hospital which is a teaching partner to Egerton University. I have been at the center of advancing general surgical minimally invasive in Nakuru region as a whole. My experience spans not just in the performing but also in teaching colleagues in minimally invasive surgery.

 I play various roles in matters teaching at the department. I offer lectures, bedside teaching and real case surgery teaching to the medical students at the university i.e. Bachelors of Medicine and the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine. I also offer teaching service to our collaborating partner The College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa.

I have served as Chief of surgery at Embu Children Hospital (2018-2020) where I streamlined endoscopy and surgical services to run daily. I am honorary head of surgery at St Joseph Rift Valley Hospital.  I am the departmental web champion tasked with enhancing the website and improve our webometric ranking. I am the Nakuru region Champion of gasless laparoscopy, spearheaded by the Operating Technicians practitioners Association of Kenya (OTPAK).

My research interests are in endoscopy, minimal access surgery, breast surgery and urology. I have authored papers that describe upper gastrointestinal diseases in Nakuru and Nairobi counties published in the Annals of African Surgery. I presented a winning paper in the Surgical Society of Kenya Conference 2009 profiling breast cancer in a private hospital.

I am currenty a reviewer in several local and international journals, mainly the Annals of African Surgery, the Asian Journal of Medical Principles and Clinical Practice, Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health, Asian Journal of Pediatric Research and the Asian Journal of Research & Case Reports in Gastroenterology.

I have attended all annual Surgical Society Conferences since 2009 to date, I have presented papers in several of them on fields of breast cancer, urology, chest tubes, profile of gastrointestinal illness, palliation of esophageal cancer, colocutaneous fistula and urethral strictures (this was featured in the Standard Newspaper).

I have done several radio and television presentations mainly on upper gastrointestinal diseases.

My interest in minimal access surgery was inspired by the need to decentralize laparoscopy which has been for long considered a rich man surgery domiciled in Nairobi. In my work, I have managed to offer this surgery at a cost that is within reach of areas as rural as Gilgil in Nakuru county.

As mentioned, I have collaborated with Nakuru Level 6 Hospital, OTPAK Kenya and COSECSA.

I am a member of the Surgical Society of Kenya and the Kenya Medical Association. I am also an associate Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

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M.B.Ch.B. (University Of Nairobi)

M.Med. (Surg), (Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi)


My interest in in minimal access surgery was inspired by the need to decentralize laparoscopy which has been for long considered an expensive surgery domiciled in Nairobi. In my work, I have managed to offer this surgery at a cost that is within reach of Nakuru county and its rural environs.

I also have keen interest in Gastrointestinal endoscopy in which I have done over 2,000 diagnostic and interventional endoscopies and colonoscopies.

I also have a keen interest in Bariatric surgery; keenly aware that obesity is considered the future epidemic.


M.B.Ch.B. (University Of Nairobi)

M.Med. (Surg), (Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi)


2022     Lecturer, Egerton University; School of Health Sciences, Department of Surgery

2018     Consultant Surgeon and Endoscopist, Embu Children Hospital (Tenri)

2018     Consultant Surgeon and Endoscopist, Newpoint Hospital, Njoro, Nakuru.

2013     Consultant Surgeon and Endoscopist, St Mary’s Mission Hospital, Elementaita

2009      Post-graduate Resident, Aga Khan University Hospital

2008      Senior House Officer, Department of General Surgery, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) 

2007      Senior House Officer, Accident & Emergency Department, MTRH, Eldoret 

2007      Medical Officer, Siaya District Hospital

2006      Medical Officer Intern, New Nyanza Provincial Hospital, Kisumu

2001      Anatomy Demonstrator, Department of Human Anatomy, University of Nairobi


Currently involved in the following projects:

  1. Championing for gasless laparoscopy at the Nakuru County Referral Hospital
  2. Involved in "The Annotated Surgical Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Video Initiative: Focus on Artificial Intelligence, an International Collaborative AIS Study"

Endoscopic surgery

Minimal Access Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

Gastointestinal Surgery

Breast Cancer

  1. Achalasia Cardia in Pregnancy Presenting As Hyperemesis Gravidarum in A Rural Kenyan Hospital: A Case Report and Literature Review”. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice 5 (3):40-46.
  2. A case report of “Spontaneous bilateral colocutaneous fistulae” published in Annals of African Surgery
  3. “Randomized control trial comparing Sedation with local anesthetic vs. spinal anesthesia for benign anorectal surgery” – Awaiting publication
  4. Undergoing audit on “Upper GI morbidity in patients undergoing endoscopy at Tenri Hospital”
  5. Research paper “One stage Urethroplasty at a rural mission Hospital”, (First author) published in Annals of African Surgery.
  6. Research paper – ‘A two year audit of upper gastrointestinal disease in Nakuru and Nairobi Counties, Kenya; an endoscopy study’ - presented at SSK conference 2014 and published in The Annals of African Surgery, July 2014, Volume 11, Issue 2, Page 35-39. (First author)
  7. Research paper – ‘A four year experience on use of Heimlich valve for pleural cavity drainage and review of literature’ – presented at SSK conference 2014 and published in The Annals of African Surgery Volume 13, Issue 2, Page 4-7. (First author)
  8. Research paper – ‘Effect of a structured data collection form on diagnosis of acute abdominal pain’, published in The Annals of African Surgery, July, 2013 Volume 10 Issue 2, Page 33-38. (First author)
  9. Research paper – Co-author of a poster presentation at the Surgical Society of Kenya conference 2012 ‘Lymph node yield in axillary dissection following mastectomy at Aga Khan University Hospital’. (Unpublished). (Second author)
  10. Research paper – ‘Age, stage and parity profile of women with breast cancer at Aga Khan Hospital’ published in The Annals of African Surgery. January, 2013 Volume 10, Issue 1, Page 3-6. (First author)
  11. Recurrent Symptomatic Renal Stones Managed by Repeat Open Nephrolithotomy in a Rural Kenyan Hospital. Published in Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): American Journal of Medical Science and Innovation.
  12. Contributor in compiling the Demography report for Bathi and Magina sublocations; Kijabe location, Lari division.conducted in March 2004, published online

Annual Surgical Society of Kenya Conference attendance in the following years:

2010 to 2024

Annual Surgical Society of Kenya Conference Presentations:

2021 Annual Surgical Society Conference; Pride Inn Mombasa, Presented paper “Ten-year abdominal wounds; a case report of spontaneous bilateral colocutaneous fistulae”

2019 Annual Surgical Society of Kenya Scientific Conference; presented paper “A review of upper GI disease in Embu County”

2018  Annual Surgical Society of Kenya Scientific Conference; presented paper “An interim review of single stage urethroplasty at a rural mission hospital”

2014 Annual Surgical Society of Kenya conference, presented two papers:

i) ‘A two year audit of upper gastrointestinal disease in Nakuru and Nairobi Counties, Kenya; an endoscopy study’,

ii) ‘A four year experience on use of Heimlich valve for pleural cavity drainage and review of literature’.

2013 Annual Surgical Society of Kenya Conference, presented paper ‘Effect of a structured data collection form on diagnostic accuracy of acute abdominal pain’.

2010 Annual Surgical Society of Kenya conference, presented a paper: ‘Age, stage and parity profile at Aga Khan Hospital’.


Honorary invited presentations:

 2022 TV presentation (MBCI Tv) on colorectal cancer awareness month

2022 Honorary presentation GERD for Surgical Society of Kenya – Ole Ken Hotel

2017 KMA Continuous Medical Education; Presented “Palliation for Esophageal cancer – Endoluminal Esophageal Stenting”

2016 Presented at the monthly Surgical Society of Kenya (Nakuru Chapter) meeting on ‘Abdominal compartment syndrome and intraabdominal hypertension’.

2011  Aga Khan Hospital, Dar-es-Salaam. Presented on; Approach to the patient with acute abdominal pain.

2010 Hope FM radio station, Nairobi.  Presented on risk factors and management of breast cancer.


2023    Appointed as the Nakuru region gasless laparoscopy champion

2021    Recognized as a peer journal reviewer by The Annals of African Surgery See here

2018    Recognized as a peer journal reviewer by Publons (3 journals verified)

2013    Peer reviewer for The Annals of African Surgery, Asian Journal of Case Reports in Gastroenterology, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 

2012    Chief Resident, Department of Surgery, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi.

2010    KMA prize for best presentation, SSK, ‘Age, stage and parity profile at Aga Khan Hospital’.

2005    Rhodes scholarship nominee for the University of Nairobi’s College of Health Sciences.

2004    Recommendation for excellence in Pediatrics and Child Health (UoN, 2004).

2003    The KMA Chandaria Prize for best student in Pathology, Pharmacology (distinctions).

2001    Distinction in Human Anatomy, Physiology.

  1. Lectures offered at the Egerton University for undergraduate medical students (Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine)
  2. Bedside and Clinical teaching for undergraduate medical students (Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine)
  3. Clinical and operative technique teaching for COSECSA post graduate surgical students

Surgical Society of Kenya

Kenya Medical Association

Associate Fellow of American College of Surgeons

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