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Faculty of Health Sciences
Directorate / Dept
Box 536 Egerton

Trained in midwifery (maternal and neonatal health); Obstetrics and gynecology nursing, neonatal nursing, Medical- surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, outpatient/emergency nursing, psychiatric nursing, teaching methodology, community health nursing.

Detail oriented multi-task having solid technical background with problem solving and analytical skills. I am self-motivated, a quick learner and independent thinker, who enjoys working with people.

  1. 2019: PhD Nursing (Midwifery) - Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) - Ongoing
  2. 2016: Msc Nursing (Maternal, and Neonatal Health) – Moi University
  3. 2012: Bsc Nursing – Kenya Methodist University (KEMU)
  4. 2001: Diploma in Nursing (KRCHN) – St. Camillus School of Nursing, Tabaka.

Maternal, Neonatal Health (Midwifery)

  1. Maternal Health
  2. Neonatal Health
  3. Advanced Obstetrics Care
  1. 2021: Scientific Communication and Publishing Training Centre in Communication (TCC & UON)
  2. 2020: Helping Babies Breath - University of Nebraska
  3. 2018: Critical issues in OB/GYN S& infertility – Mt Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel
  4. 2018: Pumani bCIPAP - University of Nebraska
  5. 2017: Certificate in Senior Management Course - Kenya school of Government
  6. 2016: Certificate for presenting a paper during the 11th university Annual international conference- Moi University
  7. 2015: Certificate in Postpartum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device insertion- Kenya Obstetrical and gynecological society (KOGS)
  8. 2015: Certificate in computer applications- High Tech Computers
  9. 2015: Certificate for presenting a paper during KPNA annual scientific Conference-National Nurses Association
  10. 2014: Certificate for presenting a paper during the 10th university Annual international conference- Moi University
  11. 2012: Certificate in Mentors training for BsN Nursing e-learning program-  AMREF
  12. 2012: Certificate in Innovative teaching methodology mentorship and orientation package on guidelines for Anti-Retroviral therapy in Kenya - Partnership in Advanced Clinical Education
  13. 2011: Certificate in Hospital waste and hygiene management – University of applied science
  14. 2011: Certificate in Life Saving Skills and Emergency Obstetric Care - Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation
  15. 2007: Certificate in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (P.M.T.C.T)- National Aids and STI Control (NASCOP)
  16. 2006: Certificate in injection safety- Ministry of Health
  17. 2006: Certificate in Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (I.M.C.I)- Ministry of Health

2018: Tutorial Fellow – Egerton University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department

  • Assist with supervision of students in clinical area
  • Assist in teaching the undergraduate students
  • Assist in research activities 

2018: Deputy Nursing officer in-charge of clinical services – Provincial General Hospital (PGH)-Nakuru – MOH

  • Coordinating patient services, hospital management, and nursing staff management.
  • Ensure provision of an appropriate and safe standard of care for the patient.
  • Assume overall responsibility for providing leadership, direction and co-ordination of patient care
  • Ensure all staff in the hospital practice safely and work within their scope of practice

Support supervision of nursing staffs in the hospital

2015: Senior Nursing Officer Provincial General Hospital (PGH) – Unit In-charge Obstetrics &Gynaecology

  • Coordinating patient services, unit management, and nursing staff management
  • Ensure provision of an appropriate and safe standard of care for the patient.
  • Assume overall responsibility for providing leadership, direction and co-ordination of patient care
  • Ensure all staff in the department practice safely and work within their scope of practice
  • Manage the department effectively and within budget allocation
  • Planning for and conducting continuous medical education for the unit staff especially on AMTSL, use of partograph, PMTCT, lifesaving skills and New Born Care including baby resuscitation.
  • Encouraging collaborative relationships and effective team work
  • Writing and auditing maternal mortality reports occurring in the unit.
  • Conducting supportive supervision for service providers and mentorship
  • Managing the units to ensure quality work with good client/provider interaction in the unit

  2011: Nursing Officer 1PGH -Nakuru – CME Coordinator/ Infection prevention

  • Planning for and conducting continuing medical education for the hospital staff.
  • Conducting training on proper infection prevention practices
  • Clinical assessment of the Egerton /Kenyatta/AMREF University (BSN) students attached to Nakuru PGH
  • Training staffs on nursing process and non-staff’s infection prevention policies.
  • Part time lecturer at Egerton University- nursing department
  • Auditing nursing process and infection prevention safety in hospital.
  • Organizing updates on new management of diseases to health care workers during Continuous Medical Education.
  • Preceptor/clinical trainer for BSN students attached to the Nakuru PGH
  • Support supervision for provision of quality health care service delivery in the units
  • Coordinators Infection prevention activities in Rift valley provincial hospital.

2008: Nursing Officer 11 PGH- EMBU – New Born Care Unit in charge

  • Training staffs on nursing process and infection prevention policies.
  • Organizing for continuous medical education sessions in newborn unit.
  • Attending and auditing neonatal/pediatric mortality meetings.
  • Ensure availability of resources required in the unit.
  • Encourage collaboration between the nutritionist and the nursing department for better management of malnutrition and poor thriving children

2003: Nursing Officer 111 – Provincial General Hospital Embu - Medical/ surgical ward

  • Providing quality care to the clients- proper assessment and history taking, vital signs monitoring and nursing care.
  • Wound care
  •  Monitoring patients on I.V fluids or blood transfusions.
  • Performing bed baths for all patients in coma or semi-comatose state.
  • Administering prescribed medication and documentation of the progress
  1. Baseline assessment for FP/RMN/Nutrition/WASH and HIV/AIDs Activities in Turkana County with International Business and technical consultants, Inc.(IBTCI) and USAID – Completed project
  2. Implementing Primary care nursing during intrapartum period in managing asphyxia


  • Neonatal Pain
  • Intrapartum Care
  • Maternal health
  • Hypertension & Treatment Adherence


  1. Kyololo, O. M., Kereri, D., & Marete, I. (2015). Parental Perceptions about Pain and Pain Management Practices in Neonatal Units: A Review. East African Medical Journal, 92(3), 141-146.
  2. Kereri, D. (2018) Breastfeeding Practices among Nurses with Children Aged 0–6 Months in a Referral Hospital in Nakuru-Kenya. Journal of nursing and health sciences vol.7 issue 1 version 8 Jan-Feb 2018.
  3. Kereri, D. K.& Kylolo, O. (2019). Maternal Involvement in Pain Management in a Neonatal Unit at a Referral Hospital in Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Nursing & Midwifery3(2), 79-85
  4. Mochama, R. S., Kereri, D., & Sanga, P. (2020). Challenges Faced by Nurses while Caring for Preterm Babies in the Newborn Unit at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital. Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health3(1), 40-47.
  5. Kereri, D, & Otenyo, S. (2021) Maternal views on neonatal pain treatment in the newborn uint of Nakuru referral hospital- Kenya. Journal of medicine, nursing and public health, 4(2) Accepted awaiting publication
  6. O, Otenyo, &D. K. Kereri. (2021) Beliefs about medicine and antihypertensive medication adherence among patients attending a county referral Hospital in Kenya. Journal of clinical medicine 3(3) Accepted for publication
  7. O, Otenyo & D. K. kereri. (2021) Illness perception and adherence to medication regime among patients attending a county referral hospital in Kenya. Journal of hypertension management. Accepted awaiting publication.
  8. Okumu, M.& Kereri, D. (2021) Comparison of birth preparedness and complication readiness among women receiving group and individual prenatal care in Gem sub- county, Journal of medicine, nursing and public health. Accepted and awaiting publication


  1. 2016:11th Moi University Annual International Conference – Eldoret Kenya 13-15th September 2016- Presented a paper
  2. 2015: 29th Kenya Progressive Nurses Association, Annual Scientific Confrence-Nyeri-18- 20th November 2015-Presented a paper
  3. 2014: Kenya Progressive Nurses Association, Annual Scientific Conference- KEMU -12- 14th November 2014 – Conference attendance
  4. 2014: 10th Moi University Annual International Conference – Eldoret –Kenya- 23-27th September 2014- Presented a paper
  5. 2012: The Annual National infection prevention conference Nairobi- 13-14th September 2012- Conference attendance
  6. 2011: The Annual National Nurses Association of Kenya –Nyeri –Kenya 5- 7th October 2011- Conference attendance


  • NURS 320: Labor and Obstetrics’ Emergency
  • REPH 403: Gynecological Nursing
  • PEPH 404: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Safe Motherhood
  • NURS 410: Palliative and Oncology Nursing
  • PHAM 205: Clinical Pharmacology


  1. 2010 to date: National Nurses Association of Kenya
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