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Donald Lubembe Mukolwe

Staff Information
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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept
Office Extension No.
536-20115, Egerton
  1. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (Nairobi),
  2. MSc. Applied Veterinary Parasitology (Nairobi),
  3. PhD, Veterinary Tropical Diseases (Pretoria)
  • Molecular Parasitology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (Nairobi),
  • MSc. Applied Veterinary Parasitology (Nairobi),
  • PhD, Veterinary Tropical Diseases (Pretoria)

Employment and Research Experience

  • February 2016 to December 2019:  PhD fellow - Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases (OIE Collaborating Centre), University of Pretoria, South Africa.
  • November 2015 to Date: Lecturer - Department of Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Egerton University.
  • August 2011 to April 2015:  Part-time Assistant Lecturer - School of Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and Technology, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
  • September 2010 to October 2015: Lecturer - Department of Agriculture and Animal Science, Bukura Agricultural College.
  • February 2009 - June 2010: Graduate Fellow - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi-Kenya. Working on Molecular characterization of the Infection and Treatment Method (ITM) vaccine for East Coast fever using minisatellite and microsatellite markers, as part of my MSc theses work.
  • January 2008 - January 2009: Graduate Assistant - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi. Giving lectures and practical demonstrations in veterinary parasitology to 2nd and 3rd year Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine students, University of Nairobi.
  1. David O. Odongo, Lubembe D. Mukolwe, and Kgomotso P. Sibeko-Matjila. Identification of genetic markers to differentiate cattle- and buffalo-derived T. parva isolates. 5th call for Kenya-South Africa Joint Research Program, funded by the National Research Fund (NRF)-Kenya and the National Research Foundation (NRF)-South Africa, Project period (2018-2020), total amount Kshs 6 million.

Journal Publications:

  1. Byaruhanga C., Akure, P.C., Lubembe, D.M., Sibeko-Matjila, K.P., Troskie, M., Oosthuizen, M.C., Stoltsz, H., 2021. Molecular detection and characterisation of protozoal and rickettsial pathogens in ticks from cattle in the pastoral area of Karamoja, Uganda. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases PMID: 33743472 DOI: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2021.101709
  2. Lubembe, D.M., Odongo, D.O., Joubert, F., Sibeko-Matjila, K.P., 2021. Limited diversity in the CD8+ antigen-coding loci in Theileria parva parasites from cattle from southern and eastern Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 291:109371. PMID: 33621717 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2021.109371 
  3. Lubembe, D.M., Odongo, D.O., Salih, D.A., Sibeko-Matjila, K.P., 2020. Microsatellite and minisatellite genotyping of Theileria parva population from southern Africa reveals possible discriminatory allele profiles with parasites from eastern Africa. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 11, 101539. PMID: 32993948 DOI: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2020.101539
  4. Lubembe, D.M., Odongo, D.O., Byaruhanga, C., Snyman, L.P., Sibeko-Matjila, K.P., 2020. Analysis of p67 allelic sequences reveals a subtype of allele type 1 unique to buffalo-derived Theileria parva parasites from southern Africa. PLOS ONE 15, e0231434. PMID: 32598384 PMCID: PMC7323972 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231434
  5. Obara, I., Githaka, N., Nijhof, A., Krücken, J., Nanteza, A., Odongo, D., Lubembe, D., Atimnedi, P., Mijele, D., Njeri, A., Mwaura, S., Owido, G., Ahmed, J., Clausen, P.H., Bishop, R.P., 2020. The Rhipicephalus appendiculatus tick vector of Theileria parva is absent from Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) populations and associated ecosystems in northern Uganda. Parasitology Research 119, 2363-2367. PMID: 32500369 PMCID: PMC7308261 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-020-06728-x
  6. Lubembe, D.M., Githigia, S. M., Chogo P., Athumani, H. M., Kitaa J. M., 2014. Management of Bovine Papillomatosis using an Autogenous Vaccine: A Case Study in Bukura Agricultural College, Western Kenya. Kenya Veterinarian 38 (1): 43-45.
  7. Jia, X., Ning, L., Jing, Z., Lubembe, D.M., Zhao, S., Wu, R., 2012. Genetic Variability of the Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop in Laboratory Closed Colonies of the Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Philippine Agricultural Scientist 94. Corpus ID: 83858242
  8. Patel, E.H., Lubembe, D.M., Gachanja, J., Mwaura, S., Spooner, P., Toye, P., 2011. Molecular characterization of live Theileria parva sporozoite vaccine stabilates reveals extensive genotypic diversity. Veterinary Parasitology 179, 62–68. PMID: 21367527 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.01.057


Book Publication:

  1. Shivairo, R.S., Inyagwa, C.I. and Lubembe, D.M. Veterinary Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. Students’ Guide Book, First Edition, 2018. Published and printed by Print Maxim, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 978-9966-114-77-8.


Book Chapters:

  1. Lubembe, D.M., Byaruhanga, C., and Obonyo, F.O. Epidemiology and Economic Importance of Tick-borne Diseases of Cattle in Africa. In, Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-Borne Diseases in Livestock, page 144-165.
  2. Inyagwa, C.I., Obonyo, F.O., Lubembe, D.M., and Mungube, E.O. An Overview of Hard and Soft Ticks and their Control Methods. In, Combating and Controlling Nagana and Tick-Borne Diseases in Livestock, page 166-194.
  1. Donald M. Lubembe., David O. Odongo., Kgomotso P. Sibeko (2019). Identification of East Coast fever and Corridor disease discriminatory sequence variations in allele 1 of the sporozoite antigen gene, p67. 27th World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) Conference from 7th - 11th July, 2019, Madison-Wisconsin, USA.
  2. Donald M. Lubembe., David O. Odongo., Kgomotso P. Sibeko (2018). Diversity of the sporozoite antigen gene p67 in Theileria parva field isolates from cattle and buffalo in southern and eastern Africa. 47th Parasitological Society of Southern Africa (PARSA) Conference, 16th - 18th September 2018, Tshipise Forever Resort, Limpopo, South Africa.
  3. Donald M. Lubembe., Githigia S. Maina., Chogo P., Athumani, H.M., Kitaa J. M. (2012). Management of Bovine Papillomatosis using an Autogenous Vaccine: A Case Study in Bukura Agricultural College, Western Kenya. 8th Biennial Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi joint with the 46th Annual Scientific Conference and 11th World Veterinary Day Celebrations of the Kenya Veterinary Association. 25th to 27th April 2012, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi-Kenya.
  4. Donald M. Lubembe., Ekta H. Patel., Ng’ang’a J. Chege, Githigia S. Maina., Philip Toye (2011). Control of East Coast fever: a comparison of the genotypic composition of two ITM vaccine stabilates. 45th Annual Scientific Conference and 11th World Veterinary Day Celebrations of the Kenya Veterinary Association, 27th to 30th April 2011, Kisumu Hotel, Kisumu-Kenya.
  5. Donald M. Lubembe., Ekta H. Patel., Ng’ang’a J. Chege, Githigia S. Maina., Philip Toye (2010). Molecular characterization of the Infection and Treatment Method (ITM) vaccine for East Coast fever using minisatellite and microsatellite markers. 7th Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 8th to 10th September 2010, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, University of Nairobi-Kenya.
  6. Donald M. Lubembe., Ekta H. Patel., Ng’ang’a J. Chege, Githigia S. Maina., Philip Toye (2010). Mini- and microsatellite makers: a potential tool for monitoring genotypic variations within the ECF vaccine. Kenya Young Scientists (KEYS) Seminar, 22nd October 2010 at Jumuia Guest House, Kisumu-Kenya.
  • Veterinary Entomology
  • Veterinary Protozoology
  • Veterinary Helminthology
  • Molecular Biology


  1. Co-supervisor: Eva Ivy Nyambura “Effects of the interaction of wildlife and livestock in game reserves on the distribution of ticks and tick- borne diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis’’. MSc student, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases (OIE Collaborating Centre), University of Pretoria, South Africa. Status - in progress.


Thesis Examination:

  1. Internal Examiner: Miriam Wamuu-ini Gathogo “Molecular identification and drugs sensitivity of African Trypanosome stabilates from livestock in Lamu County, Kenya”. MSc. Thesis, 2017, Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University. Status - graduated.


  1. Co-supervisor: Chimvele Choopa Namantala “Population genetics and antigenic diversity of T. parva in Zambia”. PhD student, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases (OIE Collaborating Centre), University of Pretoria, South Africa. Status - in progress.


PhD Oral examination:

  1. Marie-Françoise Mwabonimana "Assessing prevalence, biosecurity measuresassessing prevalence, biosecurity measuresand lost carcass-value associated with porcine cysticercosis along pork value chain in Busia and Kakamega counties, Kenya. PhD Thesis, 2021, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University. Passed with minor corrections.
  1. Registered with the Kenya Veterinary Board
  2. Member, Kenya Veterinary Association
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