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In the immediate past, I was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate – One Health Horn Project, a Collaborative Project by University of Nairobi, University of Liverpool and ILRI that conducts research under One Health in the tripartite interface of humans, animals (including wildlife) and environmental health. Previously, I was a Research Scientist and Acting Head of Epidemiology, Environment and Socio-economics Division, Biotechnology Research Institute, Muguga Centre of KALRO. Briefly, my responsibilities included but not limited to undertaking research in the application of agricultural biotechnology product value chains to tackle livestock diseases plaguing Kenya under One-Health-Approach. I worked briefly for an international NGO as a Programs Support Officer for European Union-funded projects where I was primarily involved in monitoring, evaluation and ensuring internal reporting to the donors. My interests include product research and development, diagnostics, vaccines anti-microbial resistance (AMR) among others.


01/04/2010 – 13/03/2014: Gifu University, Gifu City, Japan, PhD in Veterinary sciences – Molecular epidemiology.

10/2000 – 05/2004: University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.

01/1993 – 11/1998: University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, BVMS in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.

01/01/2016 – Ongoing: Egerton University, Kenya, MBA in Strategic Management.


Veterinary Science - Molecular Epidemiology


Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery


08/01/2023-03/05/2023 - Acting Chairman of Department of Veterinary Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology

01/08/2020 – Present - Lecturer – Veterinary Public Health, Epidemiology and Economics

Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHPT), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery,  Egerton University,  P. O. Box 536 – 20115, Egerton, Kenya.

01/01/2019 – 30/11/2020 - Post-Doctoral Research Associate – One Health Horn Project

Collaborative Project by University of Nairobi, University of Liverpool and ILRI.

  • Conduct research under One Health in the tripartite interface of humans, animals (including wildlife) and environmental health.

06/10/2015 – 31/12/2018 - Lecturer – Veterinary Public Health, Epidemiology and Economics

Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHPT), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery,  Egerton University,  P. O. Box 536 – 20115, Egerton, Kenya.

  • Teaching and supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, research through application of agricultural biotechnology product value chains to tackle livestock diseases plaguing Kenya under one-health approach.
  • Other responsibilities range from drafting competitive grant proposals to overseeing data collection and analysis, and from preparing reports and disseminations to reviewing peer papers.
  • Examinations Officer in the Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology w. e. f. June 2017.
  • Member of Governance and Quality Assurance Committee.
  • Administrative work, consultancies and any other assigned duties.

04/2014 – 09/2015 - Research Scientist (Veterinary Researcher )

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) – Biotechnology Research Institute, Muguga Centre, Box 362 Kikuyu 00902, Kenya.

  • Undertook research through application of agricultural biotechnology product value chains to tackle livestock diseases plaguing Kenya under one health approach. Responsibilities ranged from drafting proposals to overseeing data collection and analysis, and from preparing reports and presentations to reviewing peer papers.
  • Administrative work and any other assigned duties.

04/2009 – 03/2014 - Teaching / Research Assistant

National Research Center for protozoan Diseases, University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan

  • Assisting supervisor in teaching undergraduates and  in preparation of graduation seminars
  • Supervising JICA participants from developing countries in the laboratory
  • Cloning, Trypanosome in vitro cultivations , EST searches

07/2003 – 03/2009 - Research Officer (Veterinary Researcher / Epidemiologist)

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI-TRC)—Kikuyu, Kenya

  • Undertook multidisciplinary research to tackle primarily tsetse and trypanosomosis, and other livestock diseases plaguing Kenya.
  • Acted as Institute veterinarian for laboratory animals.
  • Represented KARI in the East Africa Semen and Embryo Transfer Association
  • Coordinated all research on improving and disseminating the Orma Boran trypano-tolerant cattle breed to farmers in tsetse-prone areas.

06/2008 – 03/2009 - Somali Programs Support Officer

 VETAID, International NGO—Nairobi, Kenya

  • Supported programmes development and implementation in Somalia, and organized and conducted internal projects reporting & monitoring  in Somalia among other duties
  • Improving Productivity and Market Access for Indigenous Chicken Producers In Western Kenya by Dr Judith Chemuliti, Prof. Stephen Mbogoh, Dr. Benson Kibore Kennedy Mochabo – National Research Fund (NRF).
  • Evaluation of per orally treatment efficacy of Ascofuranone (AF) against T. congolense and T. vivax in cattle (calf) (2021).

My interests include product research and development, diagnostics, vaccines, anti-microbial resistance (AMR) among others.

      1. Suganuma K, Mochabo KM, Chemuliti JK, Kiyoshi K, Noboru I, Kawazu SI. Ascofuranone antibiotic is a promising trypanocidal drug for nagana. Onderstepoort J Vet Res. 2024 Feb 8;91(1):e1-e6. doi: 10.4102/ojvr.v91i1.2115. PMID: 38426744.

      2. Mburu CM, Bukachi S, Majiwa H, Ongore D, Baylis M, Mochabo K, Fevre E, Howland O (2023): Prioritization of livestock diseases by pastoralists in Oloitoktok Sub County, Kajiado County, Kenya.
      3. Mochabo KM, Onono JO, Oluga GA, Nanyingi M, Mbaria J, Fevre E, Baylis M. (2020). Mapping out Zoonotic Risks in the Ruminants’ Value Chain and their Implication to Pastoral Livelihoods in Kajiado County, Kenya. Preprint, Research Square.
      4. Chemuliti JK., Ogolla KO., Mbogoh SG., Mochabo KM., Kibore BK. (2021). Practices and trends in last-mile delivery of poultry vaccines in rural areas in developing countries: the case of Newcastle disease vaccine delivery in Bungoma County, Kenya. bioRxiv 2021.02.19.431949; doi:
      5. Mochabo KM, Suganuma K, Thu-Thuy N, Zhou M, Kawazu S, Suzuki Y Inoue N (2018). Recombinant Protein from Trypanosoma Congolense a Good Diagnostic Antigen in Immunochromatographic Test. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 16: 1-21.
      6. Mochabo KM, Zhou M, Suganuma K, Kawazu S, Suzuki Y, Inoue N (2013). Expression, immunolocalization and serodiagnostic value of Tc38630 protein from Trypanosoma congolense. Parasitology Research, 112(9): 3357-3363.
      7. Suganuma K, Mochabo KM, Hakimi H, Yamasaki S, Yamagishi J, Asada M, Kawazu S, Inoue N (2013). Adenosine-uridine-rich element is one of the required cis-elements for epimastigote form stage-specific gene expression of the congolense epimastigote specific protein. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 191(1): 36-43.
      8. Munsimbwe L., Suganuma K., Yamasaki S, Mochabo K, Kawazu S, Inoue N (2013). Study on endocytosis and haemoglobin uptake in different developmental stages of Trypanosoma congolense, IL3000 strain. Journal of Protozoology Research, 23: 14-20.
      9. Mochabo MOK, Changasi RE, Muriuki G, Godiah LM, Karanja SM (2010). Tsetse and Livestock Disease Situation in a Ranch and Surrounding Farms of Makueni District, Kenya. The Kenya Veterinarian, 34: 1-12.
      10. S.O Nyamwaro, J.K. Chemuliti, M.O.K. Mochabo , K.B. Wanjala , A. Kagunyu , and F.M. Murithi (2008) Socioeconomic aspects influencing productivity and utilisation of camels in selected arid and semi-arid (ASALs) districts in Kenya,In: Book of Abstracts for the 10th World Conference on Animal Production,
      11. Mochabo MOK, Kitala PM, Gathura PB, Ogara WO, Eregae EM, Kaitho TD, Catley A (2006). The socio-economic impact of important camel diseases as perceived by a pastoralist community in Kenya. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 73(4): 269-274.
      12. Mochabo MOK, Kitala PM, Gathura PB, Ogara WO, Eregae ME, Kaitho TD, Catley A (2006). Participatory approaches in the control of camel trypanosomosis in Lapur Division of Turkana District, Kenya. The Kenya Veterinarian, 30: 1-9.
      13. Mochabo, M. O. K., Kitala, P. M., Gathura, P. B., Ogara, W. O., Eregae, E. M., Kaitho, T. D. & Catley A (2005). Community perceptions of important camel diseases in Lapur Division of Turkana District, Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 37(3):187-204.
      14. Nyamwaro SO, Murilla GA, Mochabo MOK, Wanjala KB (2007). Conflict minimizing strategies on natural resource management and use: the case of managing and coping with conflicts between wildlife and agro-pastoral production resources in Transmara District, Kenya. ECAPAPA report /Publications/Theme%201/Pastoral%20conference/Papers/NRMU.

1.Suganuma K., Mochabo K. M., Chemuliti JK., Kita K., Inoue N., Kawazu S. (2024). Ascofuranone (AF) antibiotic is a promising trypanocidal drug for nagana. Keynote Speaker in a Webinar on Veterinary, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Bioleagues.

2. Suganuma K., Mochabo K. M., Chemuliti JK., Kita K., Inoue N., Kawazu S. (2023). Ascofuranone (AF) antibiotic is a promising trypanocidal drug for nagana. 36th General Conference of  the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC)held in Mombasa, Kenya 18th - 22nd September 2023.

3. Mochabo Kennedy Miyoro, Nanyingi Mark, Onono A. Joshua, Fevre Eric M, Baylis Mathew. Mapping out Zoonotic Risks in the Ruminants’ Value Chain and their Implication to Pastoral Livelihoods in Kajiado County, Kenya. Sixth World One Health Congress Virtual Conference held in Edinburgh from 30th October to 3rd November 2020.

4. Mochabo Kennedy Miyoro, Nanyingi Mark, Onono A. Joshua, Fevre Eric M, Baylis Mathew. An Investigation of Zoonoses in the Dairy Value Chains and their Implication to Pastoral Livelihoods in Kajiado County, Kenya. Poster Presentation in the 3rd OHCEA International One Health Conference, held 24th – 26th July 2019, Kampala Uganda.

5. Mochabo KM, Kombo HK. The Mergers and Organizational Structure Effect on Decision-Making and Performance of Employees: The Case of KALRO. In Kenya Veterinary Association and Commonwealth Veterinary Association Joint 50th Anniversary Celebrations and International Scientific Conference held at Safari Park Hotel- Nairobi, Kenya on 26th to 29thApril 2017.

6. Mochabo KM, Keisuke Suganuma, Thuy NT, Zhou M, Kawazu1 S, Suzuki Y and Inoue N. Recombinant protein from Trypanosoma congolense a good diagnostic antigen in immunochromatographic test but fails to protect mice from lethal challenge. In 50th Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA) Annual scientific was held in Three Steers Hotel, Meru County from 27th to 29th April 2016.

7. Mochabo KM, Keisuke Suganuma, Thuy NT, Zhou M, Kawazu1 S, Suzuki Y and Inoue N. Recombinant protein from Trypanosoma congolense a good diagnostic antigen in immunochromatographic test but fails to protect mice from lethal challenge. In 3rd EANETT/HAT Platform Scientific Conference on African Trypanosomiasis and Neglected Tropical Diseases. Kinshasa, DRC 17 – 19th September, 2014.

8. Mochabo KM, Thuy NT, Suganuma K, Zhou M, Kawazu S, Suzuki Y and Inoue N. The potential use of recombinant protein in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunochromatographic test in the diagnosis of African trypanosomosis. In; Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2013,

9. Mochabo KM, Zhou M, Suganuma K, Kawazu S, Inoue N. Expression, immunolocalization and serodiagnostic value of TcIL3000.0.38630 protein from Trypanosoma congolense. In; 24th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) in Perth, Australia, August, 2013.

  • National Research Fund Reviewer
  • 2009 – Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbukagakusho)
  • 2000 – University of Nairobi Masters scholarship
  • Member of Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB)
  • Member of Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA)
  • Member of Kenya-Japan Alumni Association (KEJAA)
  • Chairman Emeritus, Gusii Veterinary Surgeons Welfare
  • Consultancies
    • Consulted for African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) on training of Qualifying the Workforce for AMR Surveillance for Africa and Asia (QWArS)year 2021/2022
    • Expert on Biotechnology, National Biosafety Authority, 2022 -2024.
    • Kenya Veterinary Board Examiner wef 22nd August 2024
  • Veterinary Epidemiology
  • Public Health
  • Veterianary Economics
  • Biostatistics
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