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P.o Box 536 Egerton

Otenyo Salome is a Medical-Surgical Nurse specialist, with advanced Life support and Simulation teaching skills.


  1. 2019-Upto Date: PhD. Nursing (Medical-Surgical Nursing) - Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
  2. 2013-2017: Msc. Nursing (Medical-Surgical Nursing) - University of Dundee
  3. 2012-2016: MPH (Health Promotion and International Health) - Maseno University
  4. 2006-2010: Bsc. Nursing - University of Eastern Africa, Baraton.


  • Pain Management
  • Helping Babies Breath
  • CPAP
  • Advanced pediatric life support
  • Simulation Teaching
  1. 2021: Scientific Communication and Publishing - Training Center of Communication and University of Nairobi
  2. 2019: Essentials of Pain Management - University Of Nairobi
  3. Research Writing in the Sciences - INASP Moodle
  4. 2018: Advanced Pediatric Life Support - Technion University, Israel
  5. 2018: Pre-Advanced Pediatric Life Support - Technion University, Israel
  6. 2018: CPAP certification - University of Utah
  7. 2017: Emergency Maternal and Obstetric Care Training - Liverpool School Of Tropical Medicine
  8. 2017: Helping Babies Breathe - University of Utah
  9. 2014: Paediatric Emergency Life Support Provider - National Resuscitation Council of Kenya
  10. 2013: Global Recognition and Assessment of the Sick Pediatric Patient and Initial Treatment - National Resuscitation Council Of Kenya
  1. April 2018- Up to Date- Tutorial Fellow, Faculty of Health Sciences, Egerton University
    • Assist in the teaching of undergraduate students
    • Assist in research activities
  1. July 2014 –April 2018- Senior Technologist, Faculty of Health Sciences, Egerton University
    • Resourceful person in coordinating nursing and medical students on the practical aspect of learning.
    • Strengthening capacities in terms of knowledge enhancement, skills upgrading, and attitude change at the school of health sciences.
    • Prepare skills laboratory for medical and nursing students by ensuring required materials are readily available as per the set standards.
    • Helping and guiding students achieve proficiency in practical’s before they are given a go ahead of attending to human beings
    • Evaluating medical and nursing students of practical skills through on campus simulations and assessments.
    • Curriculum implementation by participating in teaching nursing students enrolled at the university.
    • Guiding Medical and nursing students in the research process.
  1. Feb 2014- June 2014 -Technical Field Assistant- Network of AIDS Researchers in Eastern and Southern Africa (NARESA)
    • Supervision of the data collection at all the health facilities within the district.
    • Facilitating and teaching medical staffs on Emergency Pediatrics Life Support Skills
    • Involved in identification, triage, resuscitation and management of pediatric emergencies
    • Attending to obstetric emergencies like Post-Partum Hemorrhage, APH, eclampsia among others according to Ministry of Health Protocols.
    • Counselling vulnerable members of the community on the importance of seeking medical help for their children and its benefits.
    • Report writing as per the donor demands
  1. 2012–2014-Nursing Officer In charge of Casualty and Outpatient Department, Pandya Memorial Hospital
    • Ensure quality and continuity of care is strictly observed
    • Carry out surveillance and assessment of patients’ health.
    • Participate in the development of plan of action, monitoring and reporting of medical activities and propose analysis of these statistics.
    • Supervising and carrying out health education to patients, clients and families using a patient based approach.
    • Preparation of Duty Rota and making leave plans for the nursing and medical support team with the department
    • Ensuring and maintain proper documentation and statistics for proper patient/client follow up.
    • Ensuring that the department supplies are available, accessible and conservatively used.
    • Participating in weekly mortality reviews and analysis within the hospital.
  1. June 2012- July 2012-Field attachment- Busibwabo Dispensary, Busia District
    • Data collection and helping The facility in charge with daily supervision
    • Triaging and identifying the needs of patients attending the facility.
    • Health promotion through focussed health messages as per the audience.
    • Child and maternal welfare by participating in Vaccinating and immunising clients as per the Expanded Program on Immunisation Guidelines.
    • Observing and maintaining cold chain for the continuity potency of vaccines.
    • Weekly report writing to the Ministry of Health.
    • Organizing and participating in School Health Programs.
  1. April 2011- April 2012-Nursing Officer Intern, Jaramongi Oginga Odinga County Referral Hospital
    • Hospital Management with the guide of Chief Nursing Officer.
    • Deliver safe, direct care to an assigned group of patients, under the supervision of a qualified registered nurse
    • Work within Hospitals departments, Nursing division and familiarising with departmental policies and procedures.
    • Use nursing processes to work in collaboration with the healthcare team, implementing and documenting individualized nursing plans of care of age specific considerations, including discharge planning and patient/family teaching.
    • Administer medication, including IV medication, using Patients’ rights, document and communicate clinical findings.
    • Assist with procedures, ensure proper consent has been obtained when patient is scheduled for theatre operation
  1. August 2010- April 2011- Nurse: Kaimosi Mission Hospital
    • Performing nursing care to admitted patients in the wards.
    • Conducting deliveries and postnatal care of patients admitted at the maternity wing.
    • Triaging and resuscitation of patients with life threatening conditions
    • Participating in routine outreach activities to mobilise the local community on the importance of seeking medical help and benefits of attending Antenatal Clinic and hospital delivery.
    • Routine Health Education to the admitted patients on relevant health topics
    • Assisting the surgeon in scrubbing at the operating room.
  1. March 2010-July 2010-Nurse- Family Options Kakamega
    • Ensuring that couples are counselled on available family planning methods.
    • Ensuring that the surgical instrument are decontaminated and disinfected well before being used to clients.
    • Report writing and submission to the ministry of health of clients seeking reproductive health/family planning services.
    • Ordering of department supplies from The Ministry of Health.

Completed Research Projects

  1. Helping Babies Breath Training of Health Care workers
  2. Assessment of adherence to antihypertensive medication

Ongoing Research Projects

  1. Training of patients on home-based management of Covid-19
  1. Simulation Teaching
  2. Hypertension Management
  3. Covid-19


  1. Otenyo, S., & Kereri, D. (2021). Illness Perception and Adherence to Medication Regimen among Hypertensive Patients’ attending a County Referral Hospital in Kenya. Journal of Hypertension Management. Accepted For Publication.
  2. Kereri, D., & Otenyo, S. (2021). Maternal Views on Neonatal Pain Treatment in the Newborn Unit of Nakuru Referral Hospital. Journal of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health, Accepted for Publication in Vol.4 Issue 2.
  3. Otenyo, S., & Kereri, D. (2021). Beliefs about Medicine and Antihypertensive Medicine Adherence among Patients' attending a County Referral Hospital in Kenya. EJ-Clinic Med. Accepted for Publication in Vol.3 Issue 3.
  4. Otenyo, S. (2018). Factors Affecting Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication Regimen (conference Abstract). J Pharm Care Health Sys. Vol. 5. DOI: 10.4172/2376-0419-C3-033.
  5. Otenyo, S., & Maranga, A. (2018). Factors Affecting Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication Regimen among Hemodialysis Patients attending a Private Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 9(2); 755-760.
  6. Otenyo, S., Mutunga-Mwende, C., & Maranga, A. (2017). Management of Hypertension in Mentally Ill Patients: A Review of Literature. Kenyan Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2(2); 124-132.
  7. Maranga, A., Mutunga-Mwenda, C., Karonjo, J., Otenyo, S., & Adero, D. (2016).Determining Cancer-Related Pain management Practices by Nurses at Nakuru County Referral Hospital. EPH- International Journal of Medical and Health Science, 1:10.
  8. Adero, D., Mutunga-Mwenda, C., Ogugu, E., Otenyo, S., & Maranga, A. (2016). Implementation of World Health Organization Hand Hygiene Guidelines among Nurses working at a Referral Hospital in Kenya. Kenya Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 1-2; pp: 65-73.
  1. 2018: 11th World Congress on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Montreal, Canada, 28-29 Sept 2018.
  • NURS100: Fundamentals of Nursing
  • NURS101: Nursing Skills and First Aid
  • NURS102: Fundamental Concepts in Nursing Practice
  • PHAM200:Introduction to Pharmacology &Therapeutics
  • PHAM204:Clinical Pharmacology I
  • PHAM205:Clinical Pharmacology II
  • NURS463: Renal and Critical Care Nursing
  1. 2017: Nurses Association of Kenya.
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