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Dr Mosiany Letura Kisipan

Staff Information
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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept

A veterinary scientist with interests in teaching and research. Currently involved in teaching histology, embryology and gross anatomy to veterinary students as well as those pursuing veterinary para-professional courses. Passionate about improving teaching and knowledge sharing, research and adoption of relevant and practical alternatives to use of animals in veterinary training,

Key areas of research interest include cell biology, inflammation, terratology, microplastics in livestock and their produce, biology of Magadi tilapia, and male reproduction in testicondid mammals. The main research projects involved in include: Characterization of the inflammatory responses in the naked mole rat, documentation and description of congenital malformations in livestock, biology of Magadi tilapia and the structure of the nale reproductive system of sengi (elephant shrew).

Google Scholar
  1. PhD. Candidate, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. Master of Science (Veterinary Anatomy), University of Nairobi, Kenya 
  3. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM), University of Nairobi, Kenya 
  4. Certificate in Laboratory Animal Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Veterinary anatomy
  • Histology 
  • Embryology

Certifications/Vocational training:

  1. January - June 2019: Certificate in Laboratory Animal Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. October 2021: Image analysis course. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. October 2021: An introduction to experimental design and statistical analysis of in vivo experiments. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  4. February 2021: In Vivo Pharmacology: Biologic variation, reproducibility and predictability in preclinical drug testing in laboratory animals. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  5. 2020, July: Linear regression and modeling (online). Duke University, USA. 
  6. 2020, July: Inferential statistics (online). Duke University, USA. 
  7. 2020, June: Introduction to probability and data with R (online). Duke University, USA. 
  8. 2020, May: Why do we age? Molecular and cellular mechanisms of ageing (online course). University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. 2020, May: cell signalling (online). The Open University. United Kingdom.
  10. 2020, May: Understanding clinical research: Behind the statistics (Online). University of Cape Town, South Africa.
  11. 2019, June: Responsible conduct of research. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  12. 2011, October – December: Elementary Spanish language course. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Key Workshops

  1. 2020, June: Scientific Illustration workshop - Adobe held on 6th June 2020 offered online by the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
  2. Data analysis course using SPSS and ODK held on 29th July – 2nd August 2019 at Dalworth statistical and research training centre, Nairobi.
  3. Alternatives to use of animals in research and education. Held on 25th - 26th November 2015 at ARC hotel, Egerton University
  4. Research proposal writing and data management workshop held on 4th – 6th February 2014 at CMRT Multimedia room, Utafiti hall, Egerton University.
  5. Research and grant proposal writing training held in August 2011 at the Main Campus, University of Nairobi.
  6. Workshop on use of mobile technologies to support disease surveillance, education and knowledge sharing held on 23rd – 24th May 2011 at Upper Kabete Campus, University of Nairobi.
  7. Good laboratory practice (GLP) workshop held on 24th – 26th October 2007 at the College of Biological and Physical Sciences, University of Nairobi.
  8. Electron microscopy and stereology workshop held on 8th – 10th September 2004 at the departments of Veterinary anatomy and Pathology, University of Nairobi.
  • Current:           Chairman, Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology.
  • 2017 - 2023:    Examination officer, Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology, Egerton University.
  • 2013 - Present: Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology, Egerton University.
  • 2004 to 2013:  Tutorial fellow, Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology, University of Nairobi.
  • 2003 to 2004:   Project officer and team leader, Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany (VSF-G), Kenya-Tanzania Cross Border Project, Mara region, Kenya.


Community service

  • 2019 - Present: Chairman of the Board of Management, Ng'atataek Mixed Secondary School
  • 2023 - Present: Member of the Board of Management and Chairman of Academic commitee, Olkejuado High School
  1. Characterization of inflammatory/immune responses in naked mole rat. Funded by the Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  2. Documentation and description of congenital anomalies in Kenyan livestock. Funded by self and colleagues.
  3. Biology of Magadi tilapia: a collaborative work/research
  4. Microplastics in livestock and their products
  5. Safety and welfare issues in poultry value chain
  6. Reproductive anatomy of the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens)
  1. Inflammation, immunity and cancer
  2. Congenital anomalies in domestic animals
  3. Microplastics in livestock and their products
  4. Safety and welfare issues in poultry value chain
  5. Spermatogenesis in testicondid mammals

Articles published in refereed journals 

  1. Kisipan et al., 2022. Bodyweight, locomotion, and behavioral responses of the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) to lipopolysaccharide administration. J. Comp. Physiol. A.
  2. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. &  Abelson, K.S.P. (2020). Imiquimod does not elicit inflammatory responses in the skin of the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber). BMC Res Notes 13, 416.  
  3. Kisipan, M. L., Nyaga, S. N., Thuo, J. N., Nyakego, P. O., Orenge, C. O., & Ojoo, R. O. (2020). Lobar holoprosencephaly with craniofacial defects in a Friesian calf: A case report. Veterinary medicine and science6(3), 454–461.
  4. Kavoi, B.M. & Kisipan, M.L. (2019). A gross morphometric study of olfactory brain components in the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens). Int’l J. Morphol. 37(3):1003-1007.
  5. De Boeck, G., Wood, C. M., Brix, K. V., Sinha, A. K., Matey, V., Johannsson, O. E., Bianchini, A., Bianchini, L. F., Maina, J. N., Kavembe, G. D., Papah, M. B., Kisipan, M. L., & Ojoo, R. O. (2019). Fasting in the ureotelic Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, does not reduce its high metabolic demand, increasing its vulnerability to siltation events. Conservation physiology7(1), coz060.
  6. Kisipan, M. L., Orenge, C. O., Gacheru, D. N., & Ngure, R. M. (2017). A case of cranium bifidum with meningocele in Ayrshire calf. BMC veterinary research13(1), 20.
  7. Bianchini, L. F., Wood, C. M., Bergman, H. L., Johannsson, O. E., Laurent, P., Chevalier, C., Kisipan, M. L., Kavembe, G. D., Papah, M. B., Brix, K. V., De Boeck, G., Maina, J. N., Ojoo, R. O., & Bianchini, A. (2017). Metabolism and antioxidant defense in the larval chironomid Tanytarsus minutipalpus: adjustments to diel variations in the extreme conditions of Lake Magadi. Biology open6(1), 83–91.
  8. Wood, C. M., Brix, K. V., De Boeck, G., Bergman, H. L., Bianchini, A., Bianchini, L. F., Maina, J. N., Johannsson, O. E., Kavembe, G. D., Papah, M. B., Kisipan, M.L,, & Ojoo, R. O. (2016). Mammalian metabolic rates in the hottest fish on earth. Scientific reports6, 26990.
  9. Kisipan, M.L., Makanya, A.N., Oduor-okelo, D. & Onyango, D.W (2014). The structure, morphometry and vascular perfusion of the testis of rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens). J. Morphol. Sci. 31(3):146-155.
  10. Kisipan, M.L., Makanya, A.N., Oduor-okelo, D. & Onyango, D.W. (2011). The functional morphology and adaptations of the epididymis in a testicondid mammal, the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens). The Kenya Veterinarian 35:52-58.
  11. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. &  Abelson, K.S.P. (2023). Histopathological responses of the liver of naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) to lipopolysaccharide. Hepatology (Ready for submission).
  12. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. &  Abelson, K.S.P. (2023). Inflammatory intestinal injury in the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) after lipopolysaccharide administration. PlosOne (Manuscript being reviewed by co-authors).

Refereed conference papers:

  1. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. & Abelson K.S.P. (2022). Bodyweight, locomotion, and behavioural responses in the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) after lipopolysaccharide administration. A poster presented at the 15th FELASA Congress held in Marseille, France on 13th – 16th June 2022. Page 191.
  2. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. & Abelson K.S.P. (2021). Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is resistant to imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like skin reaction. Poster presentation at the AScandinavian Laboratory AAnimal Science (ScandLAS) sympposium that was to be held in Tallin, Estonia on 12th - 16th May 2020 but postponed, due to COVID-19, to 2nd - 4th November 2021.
  3. De Boeck, G., Wood, C.M., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2016). Fasting on a ‘big spender’ Lake magadi tilapia affects ionoregulation rather than energy budget. Society for Experimental Biology annual main meeting held in Brighton, UK on 4th - 7th July 2016.
  4. Wood, C., Brix, K.V., De Boeck, G., .. Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2014). Nitrogenous waste excretion, respiratory metabolism and swimming performance in the hottest fish on earth. Presentation at the Society for Experimental Biology annual main meeting held on 1st - 4th July 2014 in Manchester, UK.
  5. Johannsson, O., Wood, M., … Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2014). Air breathing in the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami – hypoxic and oxic behaviours: The role of reactive oxygen species? Genomes to Biomes 2014 first joint conference held on 25th – 29th May 2014 at the Centre Mont – Royal, Montréal, Canada.
  6. Papah, M.B., Wood, C.M., Kisipan M.L., et al. (2013) Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure in Lake Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami) and their possible phylogenetic significance. The soda lakes Kenya: Their current conservation status and management. A workshop held at KWSTI Naivasha, Kenya, on 3rd-7th December 2013.
  7. Ojoo, R.O., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2013). The Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia grahami): a fish thriving in adversity. Presented at: The soda lakes Kenya: Their current conservation status and management. A workshop held Naivasha, Kenya, on 3rd-7th December 2013.
  8. Papah, M.B., Kisia, S.M., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2013). Lake Magadi ecosystem: Current research trends and future perspectives. 1st International One Health Conference, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 23rd to 26th Sept 2013.
  9. Kisipan, M.L. (2011). Opportunities for e-learning at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi. A workshop on use of mobile technologies to support disease surveillance, education, and knowledge sharing in the veterinary sector, held in Nairobi on 23rd – 24th May 2011.
  10. Kisipan, M.L., Onyango, D.W., Makanya, A.N. and Oduor-Okelo, D. (2010). The epididymis of rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens): Structure, adaptations and role in sperm maturation and storage. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7th Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibitions, University of Nairobi, 8th – 10th September 2010.
  11. Kisipan, M.L., Onyango, D.W., Makanya, A.N. and Oduor-Okelo, D. (2008). Testicular blood supply pattern in the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens): Any significance in testicular thermoregulation? Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6th Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibitions, University of Nairobi, 17th – 19th September 2008.

Books and book chapters:

  1. Kisipan ML and Mwobobia RM (2024). The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber): a promising non-traditional model for biomedical research. In: Harikrishnan VS (Ed.). Animal Models in Research: Principles and Practice. (Under review) Singapore. Springer Nature.


  1. Kisipan, ML The morphology and morphometry of the male reproductive system of the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens). MSc. Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya. 2009.
  2. Kisipan, ML. Characterization of behavioral and histopathological inflammatory responses in the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber).Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Under review by external assessors.

  1. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. & Abelson K.S.P. (2022). Bodyweight, locomotion, and behavioral responses in the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) after lipopolysaccharide administration. A poster presented at the 15th FELASA Congress held in Marseille, France on 13th – 16th June 2022. Page 191.
  2. Kisipan, M.L., Ojoo, R.O., Kanui, T.I. & Abelson K.S.P. (2021). Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is resistant to imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like skin reaction. Poster presentation at the AScandinavian Laboratory AAnimal Science (ScandLAS) sympposium that was to be held in Tallin, Estonia on 12th - 16th May 2020 but postponed, due to COVID-19, to 2nd - 4th November 2021.
  3. De Boeck, G., Wood, C.M., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2016). Fasting on a ‘big spender’ Lake magadi tilapia affects ionoregulation rather than energy budget. Society for Experimental Biology annual main meeting held in Brighton, UK on 4th - 7th July 2016.
  4. Wood, C., Brix, K.V., De Boeck, G., .. Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2014). Nitrogenous waste excretion, respiratory metabolism and swimming performance in the hottest fish on earth. Presentation at the Society for Experimental Biology annual main meeting held on 1st - 4th July 2014 in Manchester, UK.
  5. Johannsson, O., Wood, M., … Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2014). Air breathing in the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami – hypoxic and oxic behaviors: The role of reactive oxygen species? Genomes to Biomes 2014 first joint conference held on 25th – 29th May 2014 at the Centre Mont – Royal, Montréal, Canada.
  6. Papah, M.B., Wood, C.M., Kisipan M.L., et al. (2013) Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure in Lake Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami) and their possible phylogenetic significance. The soda lakes Kenya: Their current conservation status and management. A workshop held at KWSTI Naivasha, Kenya, on 3rd-7th December 2013.
  7. Ojoo, R.O., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2013). The Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia grahami): a fish thriving in adversity. Presented at: The soda lakes Kenya: Their current conservation status and management. A workshop held Naivasha, Kenya, on 3rd-7th December 2013.
  8. Papah, M.B., Kisia, S.M., Kisipan, M.L. et al. (2013). Lake Magadi ecosystem: Current research trends and future perspectives. 1st International One Health Conference, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 23rd to 26th Sept 2013.
  9. Kisipan, M.L. (2011). Opportunities for e-learning at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi. A workshop on use of mobile technologies to support disease surveillance, education and knowledge sharing in the veterinary sector, held in Nairobi on 23rd – 24th May 2011.
  10. Kisipan, M.L., Onyango, D.W., Makanya, A.N. and Oduor-Okelo, D. (2010). The epididymis of rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens): Structure, adaptations and role in sperm maturation and storage. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7th Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibitions, University of Nairobi, 8th – 10th September 2010.
  11. Kisipan, M.L., Onyango, D.W., Makanya, A.N. and Oduor-Okelo, D. (2008). Testicular blood supply pattern in the rufous sengi (Elephantulus rufescens): Any significance in testicular thermoregulation? Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6th Biennial Scientific Conference and Exhibitions, University of Nairobi, 17th – 19th September 2008.
  1. Scand-LAS scholarship to attend and present at a Scand-LAS congress in Tallin, Estonia, on May 13-15, 2020.
  2. FELASA 2022 scholarship to attend and present at a FELASA congress in Marseille, France (June 13 - 26, 2022)
  3. Egerton University Achievers’ award for excellent work performance for 2013/14 acaemic year
  4. Erasmus Mundus research mobility at Complutense University of Madrid in 2011 and 2012
  5. Farmers’ Choice Prize for being the best student in veterinary anatomy for 1997/98 academic year
  6. Farmers’ Choice Prize for being the best student in veterinary anatomy for 1998/99 academic year
  1. Histology
  2. Embryology 
  3. Veterinary Gross Anatomy
  1. Kenya Veterinary Association
  2. Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science
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