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Faculty of Health Sciences
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Faculty of Health Sciences NTTC CAMPUS
Po Box 536, Njoro

I am a clinical nurse specialist/lecturer (Maternal/Neonatal Nursing) working as a lecturer at Egerton University, Faculty of Health Sciences.My career objective is to effectively, innovatively, and professionally perform my duties and responsibilities as per the mission, vision, and objectives of Egerton University in a manner that promotes my career aspirations while advancing the overall goals of the organization.

My career aspirations are to be an expert in clinical, teaching, students supervision, and research and to pursue scholarly excellence, and generate and disseminate knowledge and skills to students, healthcare workers, and the community and act as my students mentor and more so Participate in national-wide capacity building activities on behalf of the university.

I have a special interest in Reproductive health policy implementation gaps mainly in Maternal and Neonatal health. Therefore, in line with my research aspirations on Women‘s Sexual and Reproductive Health rights through combating the run-away Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) that includes Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), I have been involved in the improvement of health care for girls and women living with FGM and advocate, educate and create a supportive environment for socio-cultural change all aimed at abandoning FGM/C.Therefore through collaborations with teams from the Nairobi university under the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the school of medicine in the College of Health Sciences and Africa coordinating Centre for abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (ACCAF)  whose goal is the abandonment of  FGM/C in the African region in skills improvements in health care providers and the creation of teams in care provision, I have participated in an ongoing Research in Baringo county on prevention of FGM/C where the practice is common, using person-centered communication: An Implementation Research project which currently takes place in Guinea, Somalia and Kenya under WHO/UON/ACCAF.

I'm currently a trainer in the “Simulation on wheels and water safety project’ which is a partnership between; The Embassy of Israel, Nakuru County Government, Egerton University, Technion , Center for Global Engagement(Technion), Israel Institute of Technology and Mashav aimed at training health care workers and CHVs on life saving skills

  1. Aug. 2021 upto date: Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ongoing) - Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
  2. 2016: Master Of Science In Nursing ( Obstetrics Nursing & Midwifery) -MScN -The University Of Nairobi.
  3. 2010: Bachelor Of Science In Nursing (BScN)- Egerton University.
  4. 2001: Diploma In Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing(  KRCHN)- Kenya Medical Training College.
  5. 1995: Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE) - Kituro High School.           
  6. 1991: Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education (KCPE), Lebolos Primary School

Obstetrics Nursing and Midwifery.



  • 31st Jan -3rd feb 2022: midwifery training on emergency obstetrics and newborn care (EmONC) by the Nursing council of kenya in liason with liverpool school of tropical medicine (LSTM)
  • 4th-7th october 2021; workshop for development of advanced practice midwifery (APM) scope of practice and syllabi
  • 20-25 Sept 2021: Essential Steps for Improving Newborn Survival course  (USAID-Global Health elearning Center).
  • Sept 2021: Antenatal Care course  (USAID-Global Health elearning Center).
  • 12th -15th August 2018:Critical issues in OB/GYN and INFERTILITY workshop by Dr. Yuval Bdolah and Dr. Yuval Lavy, Hadassah Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel in collaboration with Egerton University held in Nakuru, Kenya.
  • 13th February 2018: Training on the Achievement in Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) training and testing by the University of UTAH in collaboration with Egerton University and Rotary international Held at the Faculty of Health Science, Egerton University.
  • Oct 2017: Certificate in participation in the 1st annual Scientific Reproductive Health Symposium in ‘Obstetric Emergencies” by the Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (KOGs), Members South Rift region-Held at the Ole-Ken Hotel Nakuru.
  • 13th -17th 2017:  Life-saving skills training on EmONC (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
  • NOV 2016: Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal care; a Competency-Based Training(EMONC)- By LSTM-RCOG International Partnership(LSTM) Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in collaboration with WHO, UON and Royal college of obstetricians and Gynecologists- Held in Nairobi.
  • MARCH 2016: Introduction to Simulation and Team Training by PRONTO International- University of California(San Francisco) in partnership with College of Health Sciences, the University of Nairobi held at UON.
  • May 2014: Innovative Teaching Methodologies and Clinical Mentorship; Partnership for Advanced Clinical Education(PACE Project) by the University of Maryland in collaboration with the University of Nairobi- Held in Kisumu.
  • NOV 2011: Hospital Waste and Hygiene Management course Conducted by; MeduProf-s: Fontys, University of Applied Sciences- Held in Nairobi. 
  • 2007: Health care workers Customer Care Training(Customer care, Patient's bill of rights, The therapeutic relationship with patients, Problem-solving techniques, Documentation in health care, Quality clinical practice & conduct-Nakuru PGH.
  • OCTOBER 2007: Introduction to Computer applications course-ST NINIAN'S Computer College.
  • MARCH 2007: Management of HIV/AIDS (Comprehensive Pediatric HIV Care Course) by NASCOP/USAID.
  • SEPT 2006: Injection Safety and Infectious Prevention and Control; Health Workers Training- Nakuru PGH.
  • June 2006: Injection Safety and Infection Prevention course (John Snow Incorporated Making Medical Injections Safer Project)

OTHER COURSES             

  • 7/5/2013: ISO 9001:2008 Refresher training for staff (Egerton University)
  • 7/10/2013: ISO 14001:2004 training (Egerton University)
  • March 2018 to DateLecturer/clinical nurse specialist- Egerton University.
  • December 2012-March 2018Assistant Lecturer-Nursing Department- Egerton University.
  • May 2012-Dec 2012Lecturer- Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC)-Nakuru 
  • July 2008-May 2012Senior Nursing Officer (Sno) / Ward Incharge/Manager - Provincial General Hospital (PGH) Nakuru 
  • July 2002-July 2008Nursing Officer (No) /Deputy Ward Incharge/Manager- Provincial General Hospital (PGH) Nakuru 
  • Sept 2001-June 2002Practicing General Nurse-KRCHN- Crater Medical Clinic 


  • 2018 to date: Departmental Nursing council Liaison officer - Indexing, registration, and internship of Nursing students.
  • 17/1/2017 to date: Coordinator/Thematic Head - Maternal and Neonatal Nursing thematic area.
  • 2019 to date: Member - Departmental disciplinary committee (Nursing). 
  • Sept 2017 to date: Academic Advisor/class teacher pre-service Nursing class.
  • June 2017 to date: Trainer - Simulation-based training (FHS).
  • 2014 to date: Member - Environmental committee (FHS).
  • 28/3/2013 to date: Member - Departmental Research Publication committee (Nursing).
  • March 2013 to date: Member - Departmental Curriculum Review committee (Nursing).
  • 2011-2013: Academic Advisor/Class teacher -January 2011: Diploma Nursing class(in-service)          
  • 2020-2022(Ongoing): A Project on a Health System Approach to the prevention of Female Genital mutilation (FGM/C) using Person-centered Communication: An Implementation Research Project in Guinea, Somalia, and Kenya under WHO/UON/ACCAF.
  • 2021-2025(Ongoing)-SIMULATION ON WHEELS’ AND WATER SAFETY PROJECT: A mobile capacity building project to improve maternal, neonatal,  basic trauma management  and water safety peri-urban and  rural health facilities and communities in Nakuru County. Secured a grant from israel Embassy and Mashav for commencing the project-Processing 
  • 2016-2020-‘HELPING BABIES BREATHE’.A capacity-building project to enhance health care workers knowledge and skills on immediate care of the newborn at the Nakuru County Referral Hospital, Kenya (Rotary International Global Grant (GG1862566))
  • 2017-Research consultant- Health facility Assessment Research in the Family Planning, Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health Program (FP/MNCH), HIV and Tuberculosis (HIV/TB), Reproductive Health/Pharmacy, WASH, Nutrition, HMIS/Health Records and Community Strategy activities Research under USAID/WHO/MOH, based in Kakamega county.
  • Maternal and Neonatal Health
  • Women‘s/Girls' Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights 
  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence(SGBV)
  • Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting(FGM/C)
  • Simulation-Based Training


  1. Kulei S, J., (2020) "Labour and Obstetric Emergencies" NURS 320, (Online). Egerton University E Campus, Available at
  2. Kulei S, J., (2020) "Midwifery Practicum" NURS 321, (Online). Egerton University E Campus, Available at
  3. Kulei S, J., (2020) "Puerperium and Neonatal Nursing" NURS 322, (Online). Egerton University E Campus, Available at


  1. Kulei S. J., (2021). ''Maternal awareness, Perceived disposition and Habit determinants to Neonatal Mortality among mothers delivering at a county referral hospital, Kenya. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing (JHMN), (Online) Vol. 6, issue No. 2 (2021), pp 90 – 97
  2. Kulei S,J, Maranga A,K,.(2020) ''Uptake of ‘free’ maternity services among women in rongai sub- county hospital, Nakuru county. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice ISSN 2710-1150 (Online) Vol.2, Issue No.3, pp 1–11, 2020,
  3. Ngutiku J M , Maranga A,KKulei S J (2022) Barriers to cervical cancer screening services among nurses working at thika level 5 hospital IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)Volume 11, Issue 2 Ser. V (Mar. – Apr. 2022), PP 40-48
  4. Kulei, S, J., ''Determinants of Domestic Violence among Women Attending Gender-Based Violence Centre (GBV) At Nakuru County Referral Hospital. Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health, 2021; (Online) Vol.4, issue No.2, pp 19 31,
  5. Maranga A,K, Kulei S,J. knowledge on the who analgesic ladder for cancer-related pain management among nurses at a county referral hospital Kenyan Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 2021; 6 (1): 39-48 ©Numid Publishers,
  6. Kulei, S. J. and Mukthar, V. K.(2017) “Uptake and Determinants of  Skilled Birth Attendance in Rongai Sub County Hospital, Kenya”- East African Medical Journal Vol. 94 No.11 (2017)November Issue.
  7. Kulei, S. J., J. Oyieke, Omuga and Mukthar, V. K.(2016 December) “Maternal Determinants of Neonatal Mortality among Mothers Delivering in Nakuru County Level 5 Hospital, Kenya”- Kenyan Journal of Nursing and midwifery Journal. Vol 1, no 2(2016)December Issue.
  8. Ngeno, L. C., Mukthar, V. K., Kulei, S. J. and Chege M. (2015 July) “The Determinants of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Uptake Among Children Attending Immunization Services at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya”- East African Medical Journal. Vol 92, Issue no 7.
  9. Chemoiwa, R. K., Mukthar, V. K., Maranga, A. K. and Kulei, S. J.(2014 Oct’) ‘Nurses Infection Prevention Practices in Handling Injections: A Case of Rift Valley Provincial Hospital In Kenya’- East African Medical Journal, Volume 91, Issue No. 10, Link-
  10. Mukthar, V. K., Maranga A.K., Chemoiwa, R. K., & Kulei S. J.(2014) ‘ The Uptake of Modern Contraceptives Among Women of Reproductive Age(15-49 years) Attending Maternal Child Health/Family Planning Clinics; The case of Rift Valley Provincial Hospital in Kenya’. East African Medical Journal, Volume 91, Issue No. 11, link-
  11. Kulei S,J. ( Sept 2011) 'The utilization of intrauterine devices by women of reproductive age (15-49years) seeking family planning in Rift valley Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya, Egerton University 6th International Conference.  
  1. 29th June-July 1st 2021: Qualitative Data collection Research training/presentation for the Research assistants on a WHO multi-country implementation Research on FGM by WHO, Human reproduction programme(HRP) in Nairobi Kenya.
  2. 7th October 2017: Simulated lifesaving skills in ''Obstetric emergencies'', 1st Annual Scientific Reproductive Health Symposium presentation by the Kenya obstetrical and Gynaecological society (KOGs), Members South Rift region- held at Ole-Ken Hotel Nakuru 
  3. 21st-2rd September 2011: The utilization of intrauterine devices by women of reproductive age (15-49years) seeking family planning in Rift valley Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya, 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo 
  4. Friday 19th May 2017: ABC/Maternal Resuscitation-simulated lifesaving skills, Seminar presentation of EMONC training held at Egerton University-faculty of Health Sciences  
  5. 14th June 2017: Neonatal Resuscitation-simulated lifesaving skills, Seminar presentation of EMONC training held at Egerton University-faculty of Health Sciences      
  6. 12th April 2017: Neonatal Resuscitation-simulated lifesaving skills, Seminar presentation of EMONC training held at Egerton University-faculty of Health Sciences.    
  7. 29th March 2017: ABC/Maternal Resuscitation-simulated lifesaving skills, Seminar presentation of EMONC training held at Egerton University-faculty of Health Sciences  
  • Nurs 100: Nursing skills, first aid, and Basic life Support.
  • Nurs 220:  Introduction to Midwifery and Pregnancy 
  • Nurs 320: Labour and Obstetric Emergencies
  • Nurs 321: Midwifery Practicum
  • Nurs 322: Puerperium and Neonatal Nursing
  • REPH 303:  Family planning and Emergency Contraception
  • REPH  403: Gynecology Nursing
  • REPH 404: Sexual, Reproductive Health and Safe Motherhood.
  • NURS 410: Palliative Care & Oncology Nursing
  • NURS 421: Gender and Health Issues
  • Registered and licensed by the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK)
  • Registration number BScN(KRCHN )989, Licence number  246275.
  • An Examiner in the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK).
  • A curriculum Reviewer in the Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK).
  • Member of the Midwifery Association Chapter of Kenya.
  • Member of National Nurses Association of Kenya (NNAK) Chapter.
  • Member University Academic Staff Union-Egerton Chapter

    • 2021: Participated in formulating scope of  practice and guidelines for Advanced Practice Midwifery(APM] in Kenya

      Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (January 2021) Kenya Registered Midwifery(KRM) Examination setting guidelines; Nursing Council of Kenya.
    • Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (October 2020) Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BScM) Curriculum; Nursing Council of Kenya.
    • Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (August 2020) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)Curriculum; Nursing Council of Kenya; University of Eastern Africa- Baraton
    • Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (July 2019) Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN) Curriculum; Nursing Council of Kenya; Catholic Hospital Wamba Consolata Hospital Wamba Nursing School.
    • Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (July 2019) Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN) Curriculum; Nursing Council of Kenya; PCEA Tumutumu Hospital Training College.
    • Kulei S.K (Reviewer) (July 2019) Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN) Curriculum; Nursing Council of Kenya; AIC Kapsowar Nursing School


Appointed Member of  Lebolos Secondary School Board of Management-Vice chair-2019 upto date

Member of African Inland Church

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