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Dr Kibaru Elizabeth Gathoni

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I am a pediatrician working as a lcturer in egerton University in the department of paediatric and child health.i provide services in the nakuru county hospital to the department of paeditarics in the newborn unit.I also provide mentorship to junior staffs

I have a special interest in health policy implementation gaps mainly in the maternal and the neonatal health.

I have been involved in collaborations with teams from the Nairobi universities and universities in Israel and the USA mainly University of Uttah and Nebraska University Medical centre in skills improvements in healthe vcare providers and the creation of teams in care provision


Masters of medicine in paediatrics and child health9 (MMED paediatrics), University of Nairobi.

Bachelor of medicine and surgery, Moi University.



General paediatrics and child health

  • 20 September 2022: NIDA Clinical Trials Network,good clinical Practice
  •  Sep 2021 -Mar 2022:International programme on preterm Nutrition 2021-2022.An education initiative in association with education foundation for the care of Newborn Infants supported by Nestle nutrition Institute Online course
  • September 2021:policy development and advocacy for Global health, Online training,University of Washington
  • 22nd to 26th March 2021: Newborn ETAT+ provider course(NEST,KPA, KEMRI, Ministry of health)
  • 4th, 5th and 12th Feb 2021: Validation meeting of comprehensive newborn care protocals (Ministry of health ZOOM)
  • 20th April 2019: Good clinical practice (NIDA clinical Trials Network (NIDA clinical coordinating centre)
  • 15th to 16th August 2019: New born and neonatal care course at Egerton university (KPA, National resuscitation council of kenya and KEMRI)
  • 1st to July 5th 2019: Standardization workshop for Action trial and iKMC,Held at VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital New Delhi ,India
  • 14th to 15th August 2018: Advanced Paediatric life support course (coordinators RAMBAM health care Campus, Israel) done in Nakuru Kenya
  • 17th April 2018 Pumani b CPAP orientation (Trainers from University of Nebraska medical school and Egerton university)Venue Egerton University
  • 12-13, Sept. 2017 Master Trainers for HBB, Global Educational program in Neonatal Resuscitation (Uttah University), Venue Egerton University.
  • 13th -17th Feb 2017:Lifesaving skills on EmONC (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).venue Eldoret ,Kenya
  • 15th Nov 2016 Training: Respiratory support in newborn-Bubble Continuous positive Airway pressure (Med quip Global)
  • 10th-13th Feb 2015: Leadership and health system management training for facilitators (USAID funded leadership management and sustainability project)
  • 4th -6th Feb 2014 :Research proposal writting and data management workshop (Egerton University)
  • 19th -21st Feb 2014 :DHS and SPA users training (Ministry of planning/ Egerton university)
  • 9th -11th May 2012: Pedagogy and Academic advising workshop for University lecturers (Egerton university)
  • 9th-11th Jan 2012: Innovative teaching Methodologies and clinical mentorship (Partnership for Advanced Clinical Education by- University of Maryland and University of Nairobi)
  • 20th october 2009 :European Paediatric Life Support course (Resuscitation council of UK)
  • 3rd-14th 2008 :K.N.H Lactation management (KNH, University of Nairobi)
  • 26th -30th 2007 Emergency Triage and Treatment plus Admission Care for sick children course –ETAT+ (WHO ) (KEMRI/Ministry of health)
  • 28thJuly-4th Aug 2006 Trainer of trainers’ course in TB/HIV collaboration activities ( NASCOP/NLTP)
  • 5th -7th June 2006 Case management training for implementation of the 2006, National Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Malaria (Ministry of Health)
  • 13th-17th Feb 2006 Comprehensive paediatric HIV care course program (Ministry of Health)
  • 1st-9th august 2005: Training on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/Aids (Ministry of Health)
  • 25 th2 feb 2005: The visiting scholar HIV training (New York University School of medicine)
  • 6th-10th sept 2004 Antiretroviral therapy training (Ministry of Health)
  • 10th-14th may 2004 :Trainer of trainers’ course for antiretroviral service providers (Kenya Institute of Administration)


  • 2019 Orientation on New born care in India under WHO randomized Trial on antenatal corticosteroids
  • 2018 Omaha in USA visiting university of Nebraska school of medicine orientation on evidence based and upto date care in maternal and neonatal units
  • 2017 -Orientation on Simulation based medical education at Israel national institute for simulation medical education at Telaviv -Telaviv university for linkage creation
  • 2005 -Orientation on HIV care at New York University School of medicine
  • August 2012 to 2018: Founding Acting chairperson, department of paediatrics and child health Egerton University Faculty of Health sciences
  • July 2011 – Current: Lecturer, Paediatrics & Child Health, Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya
  • Jan 2010-June 2011: Part-timer lecturer, Egerton university
  • Sept 2009 - June 2011: Paediatrician, Ol- kalau District Hospital
  • Sep2008-Sep2009: Deputy Chief Resident, department of Paediatrics,University of Nairobi
  • Sept 2006 to Sept 2009: Senior House officer in the department of Paediatrics,University of Nairobi
  • Jan 2004-Sept 2006: Medical Officer in charge of various health centers in Nairobi province
  • Oct 2002-Dec 2003: Medical Officer, provincial General Hospital Nakuru


2024:Arthropods as Vectors of Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance (AVIAR) (ethical Approval Stage)

Investigators: Prof Timothy R Walsh, Dr Kirsty Sands, Dr Chioma Achi, Dr Edward Portal, Shonnette Premchand-Branker, Kate Cook, Maria Nieto Rosado, Dr Brad Spiller, Dr Elizabeth Kibaru, Dr Damaris Adera, Dr Gregory Ganda

2023: Use of temp-watch in control of hypothermia among preterm neonates admitted in the Nakuru county and referral hospital newborn unit. Proposal stage.

Investigators: Dr Elizabeth G. Kibaru, Dr Lucky K, Dr Itimar Nitzam,Dr Ratul Narain

2023:The Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Treatment Failure in Low in Lower-Middle, Upper-Middle and High-Income Countries.

Investigators: Prof. Timothy R Walsh, Dr. Refath Farzana, Dr. Abdul Razak Mansaray, Dr. Brekhna Hassan , Prof. Carlo Federico Perno, Dr. Chioma Achi, Prof. Edoardo Carretto,Dr. Gregory Ganda, Dr Kenneth Iregbu, Dr Kirsty Sands, Dr Koen Pouwels Dr Lesly Neto Obala, Prof. Maciej Zukowski, Dr. Marlieke de Kraker ,Dr. Elizabeth Kibaru , Brig Gen Dr. Md Nazmul Haque ,Dr. Nellie Bell , Prof Önder Ergönül ,Dr. Paola Bernaschi, Dr. Rabaab Zahra , Prof. Shah Monir Hossain,Prof. Stephan Harbarth Dr Victoria Katawera, Dr Zikan Koroma( Study ongoing)

2023:Evaluation of Newborn Care processes at the Nakuru County Teaching and Referral Hospital: Cross-sectional study (data analysis stage

Investigators: Dr Elizabeth G. Kibaru, Dr E.I. Jananga, Mugo Peter, Nyaboke R, Balozi M, Muthomi K

2023 Ongoing: Safety and efficacy of sildenafil citrate to reduce fresh stillbirth, early neonatal death, and/or bag and mask resuscitation in term pregnancies in a low-resource setting: multicountry, two-arm parallel double-blind placebo control randomised feasibility trial, Collaboration between Egerton University and Alabama University at Birmingham. Awaiting poisons Board Ethical approval


2021 ongoing: WHO ACTION III trial a multicountry, multicentre two-arm parallel double-blind placebo control randomised trial of antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of imminent birth and late preterm period in hospitals in low resource countries to improve newborn outcome
(Study Site Paediatrician)
2016 ongoing: The Simulation-based medical education on Wheels project
A partnership between; The Embassy of Israel, Nakuru County Government, Egerton University, Technion, Center for Global Engagement(Technion), Israel Institute of Technology and Mashav
(Core team member)

2018 ongoing Clinical Information Network –neonatal (CIN-N)
the KEMRI / Wellcome Trust Research Programme has been working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in health facilities to help develop approaches to optimize the use of routine hospital data to improve the quality of care for inpatient children and newborns and help create better inpatient data so that it can be used in monitoring the quality of care and informing quality improvement initiatives. This project is currently active in 14 public hospitals collectively referred to as the Clinical Information Network (CIN).(Site paediatrician)

2019-2020 WHO ACTION 1 and 11 trial: A multicountry, multicentre two-arm parallel double-blind placebo control randomised trial of antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of imminent birth and late preterm period in hospitals in low resource countries to improve newborn outcome
(Study Site Paediatrician)
2016-2019: Improving Neonatal Mortality in Nakuru, Kenya through Healthcare Education and Capacity Building.International collaboration of Egerton University Kenya, Friends of Naivasha Kenya, University of Nebraska Medical School USA, and Utah University.Rotary International global grant #GG1862566 of 45,000
Main area of focus: Capacity building among healthcare workers to improve Newborn outcome
(Core team member)

2014-2016:Early Postnatal care for mothers and neonates in Nakuru Central District

Grant awarded: GSK Trust in Africa  100,000 USD

  1. Newborn medicine
  2. Adherence to standard guidelines
  3. Simulation-based medical Education
  4. Emergency paediatrics
  1. 2023: Kiptui, F., Miima, M., & Kibaru, E. (2023). Caregivers’ Beliefs on Herbal Medicine Use among Children under the Age of Five Years in Silibwet Sub-Location, Bomet County. Journal of Clinical Care and Medical Advancement, 1(01), 18–30.

  2.  April 2023: Influence of Husband Involvement during Antenatal Clinic on Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs among Mothers Attending Well Baby Clinics in Nakuru County-Kenya: A Quasi Experimental Study. Elizabeth G. Kibaru , Amos M. Otara

    European Modern Studies Journal, 2023, 7(1)

  3. 2022: Effect of Health Care Workers Training on Targeted Postnatal Care Package and Nurses Mentorship on Maternal Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs among Mothers Attending Well Baby Clinics in Nakuru County, Kenya: Quasi-Experimental Study

    E.G Kibaru,A.M.Otara,European Modern Studies Journal, 2022, 6(2)

  4. November 2021: Knowledge Of Postnatal Maternal Danger Signs Among Mothers Attending Well Baby Clinics In Nakuru County Kenya: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study

    A.M. Otara,  E. G. Kibaru, East African Medical Journal Vol. 98 No. 11 November 2021

  5. 2021: Growth and Malnutrition Assessment of Neonates Admitted to a Government Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya.Melissa Thoene,*, Nora Switchenko, Anya Morozov, Elizabeth Kibaru, Matthew Van Ormer, Corrine Hanson and Ann Anderson-Berry.International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition, 2021, 10, 51-58
  6. July 2020: Switchenko N, Kibaru E, Tsimbiri P, Grubb P, Anderson Berry A, Fassl B. Implementation of a Bubble CPAP Treatment Program for Sick Newborns in Nakuru, Kenya: A Quality Improvement Initiative. Glob Pediatr Health. 2020 Jul 30;7:2333794X20939756. doi: 10.1177/2333794X20939756. PMID: 32821774; PMCID: PMC7412892.
  7. Dec 2020: Antenatal Dexamethasone for Early Preterm Birth in Low-Resource Countries. N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 24;383(26):2514-2525. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2022398. Epub 2020 Oct 23. PMID: 33095526; PMCID: PMC7660991.WHO ACTION Trials Collaborators, Oladapo OT, Vogel JP, Piaggio G, Nguyen MH, Althabe F, Gülmezoglu AM, Bahl R, Rao SPN, De Costa A, Gupta S, Baqui AH, Khanam R, Shahidullah M, Chowdhury SB, Ahmed S, Begum N, D Roy A, Shahed MA, Jaben IA, Yasmin F, Rahman MM, Ara A, Khatoon S, Ara G, Akter S, Akhter N, Dey PR, Sabur MA, Azad MT, Choudhury SF, Matin MA, Goudar SS, Dhaded SM, Metgud MC, Pujar YV, Somannavar MS, Vernekar SS, Herekar VR, Bidri SR, Mathapati SS, Patil PG, Patil MM, Gudadinni MR, Bijapure HR, Mallapur AA, Katageri GM, Chikkamath SB, Yelamali BC, Pol RR, Misra SS, Das L, Nanda S, Nayak RB, Singh B, Qureshi Z, Were F, Osoti A, Gwako G, Laving A, Kinuthia J, Mohamed H, Aliyan N, Barassa A, Kibaru E, Mbuga M, Thuranira L, Githua NJ, Lusweti B, Ayede AI, Falade AG, Adesina OA, Agunloye AM, Iyiola OO, Sanni W, Ejinkeonye IK, Idris HA, Okoli CV, Irinyenikan TA, Olubosede OA, Bello O, Omololu OM, Olutekunbi OA, Akintan AL, Owa OO, Oluwafemi RO, Eniowo IP, Fabamwo AO, Disu EA, Agbara JO, Adejuyigbe EA, Kuti O, Anyabolu HC, Awowole IO, Fehintola AO, Kuti BP, Isah AD, Olateju EK, Abiodun O, Dedeke OF, Akinkunmi FB, Oyeneyin L, Adesiyun O, Raji HO, Ande ABA, Okonkwo I, Ariff S, Soofi SB, Sheikh L, Zulfiqar S, Omer S, Sikandar R, Sheikh S, Giordano D, Gamerro H, Carroli G, Carvalho J, Neilson J, Molyneux E, Yunis K, Mugerwa K, Chellani HK.
  8. Sep 2016 :Kibaru EG, Otara AM. Knowledge of neonatal danger signs among mothers attending well baby clinic in Nakuru Central District, Kenya: A cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Res Notes. 2016 Oct 25;9(1):481. doi: 10.1186/s13104-016-2272-3. PMID: 27782863; PMCID: PMC5078951.
  9. Aug 2015: Kibaru EG, Nduati R, Wamalwa D, Kariuki N. Impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy on hematological indices among HIV-1 infected children at Kenyatta National Hospital-Kenya:Retrospective study. AIDS Res Ther. 2015 Aug 15;12:26. doi: 10.1186/s12981-015-0069-4. PMID: 26279668; PMCID: PMC4537535.
  10. Mar 2015: Kibaru EG, Otara AM. Utilization of mother and child booklet among mothers attending well baby clinic in Nakuru Central District International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
  11. Oct 2014: Kibaru EG, Nduati R, Wamalwa D, Kariuki N Baseline Hematological Indices among HIV-1 Infected Children at Kenyatta National Hospital, International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp: (21-26), Month: September-December 2014, Available at:


  1.  Fridah J Kiptui, Miriam Miima, Elizabeth Kibaru. Caregivers’ beliefs on herbal medicine use among children under the age of five years in Silibwet Sub-Location, Bomet County (Kabarak University International Conference on Linking Industries and Academia to Strengthen Health Care Delivery and Health Innovations (June 2023
  2.  Nora Switchenko, Elizabeth Kibaru. Epidemiology of Neonatal respiratory distress and respiratory support utilization at an urban referral hospital in Kenya (accepted for poster presentation in the Paediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2022 meeting, April 21-25 in Denver, Colorado  USA
  3. Morozov A, VanOrmer M, Thoene M, Switchenko N, Kibaru E, Hanson H, Anderson Berry A. (2020) Growth Assessment of Infants Admitted to a Government Hospital Newborn Unit in Nakuru, Kenya. Virtual oral presentation at Midwest Global Health Conference and Nutrition & Growth.
  4. Switchenko N, Kibaru E, Tsimbiri P, Grubb P, Anderson-Berry A., Fassl B. (2020) Implementation of a Bubble CPAP Treatment Program for Sick Newborns in Nakuru, Kenya.  Virtual poster presentation at Consortium of Universities for Global Health. 

  5.  Switchenko N., Mairura, J., Munene, V, Tsimbiri, P., Anderson-Berry, A., Fassl, B., Kibaru E. Progress towards improving system capacity to use bubble continuous positive airway pressure (bCPAP) to treat neonates with respiratory distress in Nakuru, Kenya

  6. Switchenko N, Kibaru E, Slessor M, Fassl B. (2018) Healthcare provider attitudes towards and knowledge of bubble continuous airway pressure (bCPAP) to treat newborns in Nakuru, Kenya. Poster presentation at Western Society for Pediatric Research in Carmel, CA.

  7.  Switchenko N, Kibaru E, Fassl B (April 2018). Prevalence Of Neonatal Hypothermia In A Referral Hospital’s Newborn Unit In Kenya. Kenya Paediatric Association Annual Conference

  8. P. Tsimbiri, R. Margalit, E. kibaru, A. Maranga, A. Otara, C. Berkland (2018) Taking the Helping Babies Breath Program in Naivasha to the Next Step: Building an International Collaboration to Develop an Advanced Medical Simulation Training Center in Nakuru Kenya 9th Consortium of Universities for Global Health conference, New York (poster presentation)
  9. Kibaru E.G , Otara A.M (April 2016). Spousal involvement in maternal and newborn care in Nakuru central district, 16th Kenya Paediatric Association Annual conference (Abstract book page 17).
  10. Otara A. M, Kibaru E. G (March 2016).Essential Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Devolved Systems Evaluation of Facility Preparedness in Nakuru Central District, 40TH Kenya Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference (Abstract book page 65).
  11. Kibaru E.G Role of Probiotics in Paediatric Nutrition (August 2015) Kenya National Paediatric Nurses Conference
  12. Kibaru E. Gathoni, Otara A. Magembe (April 2015). Knowledge of neonatal danger signs among mothers attending well baby clinics in Nakuru central district 15th Kenya Paediatric Association Annual conference ( Abstract book page 27).
  13. Otara A. M, Kibaru E. G (Feb 2015) Early postnatal care for mothers and newborns in Nakuru central district: Role of health care providers, 39th Annual Kenya Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference (Abstract book page 32).
  14. Otara A. M, Kibaru E. G. (March 2015), Knowledge of postnatal maternal danger signs among mothers attending well baby clinics in Nakuru central district. 10th Egerton International Conference. (Abstracts book page 103).
  15. Kibaru E. G, Otara A. M (March 2015), Utilization of mother and child booklet among mothers attending well baby clinic in Nakuru Central District. 10th Egerton International conference (Abstract book page 95).


  1. 7th october 2017 Simulated lifesaving skills-Neonatal resuscitation. 1st Annual Reproductive Health SymposiumKOGs Nakuru Branch
  2. June 2017 Neonatal Resuscitation all steps Egerton University, EmONC training for MBchB and Nursing students
  3. May 2017 ABC/Maternal Resuscitation Egerton University, EmONC training for MBchB and Nursing students
  4. April 2017 Neonatal Resuscitation Egerton University, EmONC training for MBchB and Nursing students
  5. March 2017 ABC/Maternal Resuscitation Egerton University, EmONC training for MBchB and Nursing students


  • Nakuru  branch Kenya Medical Association's Star Mentor Award in recognition of the Outstanding Services to the Medical Profession 2024
  • Nakuru  branch Kenya Medical Association's Certificate of Merit in recognition of valuable input and dedication to the medical profession 2024
  • EUMEDSA MBCHB class 2022class gift  for being a mentor to the future Kenyan medicsNakuru County Referral and Teaching Hospital, Certificate of Outstanding Performance 2021
  • Kenya Medical Association Nakuru Branch, Social Welfare Distinguished Service Award. For Enhancing cohesion, doctors' Welfare, and mentorship among doctors of Nakuru county
  • EUMEDSA MBCHB class 2021 class gift  for being a guiding light to the future Kenyan medics
  • Female Academic Mentor Of The MBCHB class 2021. For Medical Students Egerton University
  • Best presentation in the health category-10th Egerton International Conference March 2015
  • Certificate Golden Heart –presented by Nairobi Road Secondary School in supporting the Needy Students 2013
  • Academic merit  (2000)–Moi University Faculty of Health Sciences in collaboration with Indiana University
  • Community-based studies COBES award (2000)- Moi University Faculty of Health Sciences in collaboration with Indiana University


Grant awarded: GSK Trust in Africa 100,000 USD

Rotary International global grant #GG1862566


involved in  teaching  students in clinical years in the areas of paediatric and child health with a special interest in newborn medicine

also involed clinical mentorship of junior medical officers and clinical officers and other  health care workers

For the postgraduate students only the ones iam supervising

Awaiting approval of postgraduate curriculum in paediatric and childhealth in order to mentor this important group


2018:Winnie Chepkoech Mutai a student from  Egerton University FEDCOS. Masters in research and public policy study ongoing in the second year

Title: Perception of Quality of care among postnatal mothers on Utilization of Free Maternal Health Care Policy -A Case Study of Nakuru County Referral Hospital.

2020: Fridah Kiptui  a student from Kabarak University MSc in family medicine  and graduated in December 2023

dissertation Title: Beliefs, attitudes, and practices of community health volunteers on herbal medication use among children in Bomet County, Kenya




     Registered and licensed by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board (MP&DB) Reg no A4812.


co-opted member- South Rift Branch Kenya Paediatric Association

Member, Kenya Medical Association.


Member, Kenya medical practitioners, and dentist Union

Member, University Academic Staff Union-Egerton Chapter



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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"