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12168-20100, NAKURU

Dr. Peter Oduor is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Surgery  and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at The Nakuru Level 5 Hospital. My interest are in Hand Surgery,Trauma reconstruction and Wound Care.


MBChB (University of Nairobi)

MMed Surgery (University of Nairobi)


Fellowship Plastic Hand and Reconstructive Surgery ( India)


Plastic Surgery, Hand and Trauma Reconstruction


2023 to date: External Examiner in the Department of Surgery, Moi University.

May 2016 to April 2022: Chairman of Department of Surgery, Egerton University.

2019 to date: Reviewer for East and Central African Journal of Surgery

2019 to date: Reviewer for Annals of African Surgery

2015 to date: Program Director, COSECSA Nakuru Site

2008 to date: Smile train cleft lip/palate volunteer surgeon

2004 to date: Volunteer Reconstructive Surgeon with AMREF

November 2010 to date:  Senior lecturer, Department of Surgery, Egerton University

March 2010 to October 2010:  Reconstructive Surgeon, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret

April 1997 to March 2010:  Consultant Surgeon, Ministry of Health

August 1988 to March 1997:  Medical Officer, Ministry of Health


Bacteriology of the diabetic foot in Nakuru

Effect of Chronic leg Ulcers on quality of life-submitted for publication

Antibiotic Use in the Intensive Care Units of the Kenya Critical Care Registry Participating Sites

Site Principle Investigatorfor the Building Respiratory support in East Africa Through High flow oxygen Evaluation (BREATHE) project


Wounds and wound management

Diabetic foot

antibiotic use in the surgical field


1. PUJ Obstruction: A Surgical Experience: G. A. Maranya, Oduor P East & Central Africa Journal of Surgery: Vol. 9 Number 2

  1. Vesicostomy: G.A. Maranya, Oduor Pand Y.A. Al Ammary Postgraduate Doctor Caribbean Volume 22 Number 4, July/August 2006.
  2. Reconstruction of Urethral Injuries; G. A. Maranya, Oduor P., Y. A. Al Ammary East African Medical Journal Vol. 84 No. 8 August 2007
  3. Comparison of open and closed burn wound dressing methods in children at the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru. Oduor PR: East and Central African Journal of Surgery , 2008  vol. 13 No. 2
  4. Surgery for ureteral complications of bilharziasis. GA Maranya, AY Al Ammary, PR Oduor: The Annals of African Surgery; Vol 4 June/July 2009 pp3-7.
  5. Adenocarcinoma of the colon in a 10 years old child: Siboe MM, Abdalla RA, Lakati K, Oduor P: The Annals of African Surgery; Vol 5, Jan 2010,47-51
  6. Epidemiology of Pediatric burns at the rift valley provincial hospital: Oduor PR:  The Annals of African Surgery; Vol. 6-July 2010; 32-36
  7. Spontaneous extrusion of Ventriculoperitoneal catheter through anterolateral chest wall: a case report and literature review: Ondari  J and  Oduor P; The Annals of African Surgery, Vol. 9, Jan 2012; 55-57
  8. Experience with Perforator Based Flaps for Wound Cover of the Leg and Foot at Nakuru and Eldoret in Kenya. P.R. Oduor; East and Central African Journal of Surgery. July/August; 2013 Volume 18 (2)147-152

10.  Parasitic Rachipagus Conjoined Twins: Surgical Management and Follow-up of a Case in Kenya. PR Oduor, K Nyamai; Annals of African Surgery - Volume 11, No 2 (2014) 54-57

11. Pre-axial polydactyly:  Our experience at the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru, Kenya: P. Oduor, S. Mak’Anyengo; East and Central African Journal of Surgery. November/December 2015 Volume 20 (3)117-127.

12. The prevalence of diabetic foot at risk (diabetic foot neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease) in a selected Kenyan Population, Dr. Oduor PR, Dr. Ondari NJ; International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 3 No. 12;December 2016, 63-74.

13. Distally based ulnar artery perforator flap for hand reconstruction and wrist defect closure. Peter Oduor: East and Central African Journal of Surgery. Vol 23(1) April 2018 38-41

14. Implementing the Trauma Evaluation and Management (TEAM) Course in Kenya, Katherine A. Hill, Erica D. Johnson, Mark Lutomia, Juan C. Puyana, Kenneth K. Lee, Peter R. Oduor, Jana B. MacLeod: Journal of Surgical Research. Vol 232, December 2018, Pages 107-112

  1. Samuel Wanjara , Robert K. Parker, Davies Cheruiyot, Nobert Kipkoech, Mark Lutomia, Peter R. Oduor, Mathenge Nduhiu, Michael Mwachiro:A cross-sectional survey investigating the impact of COVID-19 on surgery training at teaching hospitals accredited by the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa. East Cent Afr J Surg. 2021;26(2):49-58. doi:10.4314/ecajs. v26i2.2
  2. Peter Oduor, George Jeremiah, Eugene Egunza, Samuel Wanjara: Chronic leg ulceration caused by an absent inferior vena cava in a 52-year-old-man: A case report from Nakuru,Kenya, East Central Afr J Surg. Nov 2021.
  3. Samuel Wanjara, Peter Oduor: Hand injuries in Kenya a chaff cutter menace, F1000Research Published 04 Nov 2022
  4. Carolyne Njoki,Nabukwangwa Simiyu,Ronnie Kadu, Wambui Mwangi,Demet Sulemanji, Peter Oduor, Dilanthi Gamage Dona, Dorothy Otieno,Teddy Thadeus Abonyo,Patricia Wangeci,Thomas Kabanya,Selina Mutuku,Anastacia Kioko,Joy Muthoni,Peter Mburu Kamau,Abigael Beane,Rashan Hanifa,Arjen Dondorp, David Misango,Liugi Psani, Wangari Waweru-Siika: Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics, and Outcomes of 4546 Adult Admissions to High Dependency and ICUs in Kenya A Multicenter Registry-Based Observational Study,Critical Care Explorations Journal; February 2024, Vol 6(2). DOI:10.1097/CCE.00000000000010366
  5. Book Chapters in Wound Management: An Illustrated Textbook ISBN 978-9914-9678-9-0

1. Comparison of the open and closed methods of burn wound dressing in children at The Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru: Presented at the Association of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa Annual Meeting in Mombasa in 2009

  1. Epidemiology of pediatric burns at the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru: Surgical Society meeting in Nakuru in 2010
  2. Perforator based flaps for coverage of the distal third of the leg: Presented in ASEA meeting in Kampala, Uganda  in  December 2010
  3. Post burn contractures –a neglected condition: Presented at the ASEA meeting in Lusaka, Zambia in December 2011
  4. Knowledge attitude and practice of diabetic patients on foot care at The Provincial General Hospital , Nakuru presented at the surgical society meeting in Kisumu in 2012
  5. The prevalence of diabetic foot at risk at The Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru presented at the KSPRAS meeting in Nairobi in 2012
  6. Pre axial polydactyly: Our experience at The Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru presented at the KSPRAS meeting in Nairobi in 2012
  7. Ulnar Artery Perforator flap for wrist and hand defects presented at The ASEA scientific Conference in Mombasa, Kenya in December 2016.
  8. Ulnar Artery Perforator flap for wrist and hand defects presented at the Kenya Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (KSPRAS) International Conference at the Nairobi Hospital in June 2018.
  9. Patterns and Prevalence of Chronic leg ulcers at Nakuru Level 5 Hospital and how they affect the Patient’s Quality of Life: Presented at The KSPRAS Scientific Conference at Whitesands Hotel, Mombasa, May 2022


  1. Surgical Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, Nakuru, Kenya in March 2010
  2. Association of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa Annual Meeting, Kampala, Uganda, December 2010.
  3. Association of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa Annual Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia, December 2011.
  4. Surgical Society of Kenya Annual Scientific Conference, Kisumu April 2012
  5. Kenya Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Society Conference in Nairobi, August 2012.
  6. Burns Symposium, under Burns Society of Kenya at the Boma Hotel, Nairobi: 25thOctober 2014.
  7. Wound Care workshop under Wound Care Society of Kenya held at The Mombasa Hospital: 2ndApril 2016 as Facilitator.
  8. Wound Care workshop under Wound Care Society of Kenya held at The Mombasa Hospital: 2ndJuly 2016 as Facilitator.
  9. Ganga Operative Hand Course at Ganga Hospital, India: 8th-10thJuly 2016.
  10. Fat graft workshop held at upper hill Medical Centre, Nairobi under Kenya Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons: 22nd- 23rdAugust 2016.
  11. Burn Symposium under Burn Society of Kenya at Travelers Beach Hotel, Mombasa: 1stOctober 2016 as Facilitator.
  12. 13thInternational Cleft Congress 2017, Chennai, India: 8th-11th February 2017.
  13. Breast Surgery Workshop under Kenya Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: 10th-13thApril 2017.
  14. Wound Care workshop under Wound Care Society of Kenya held at Ufanisi Resort Hotel, Kisii: 5thMay 2017.
  15. 6thPan African Association of Cleft Lip and Palate Conference at The Nairobi Hospital in 25th-27th March 2018
  16. Annual Wound Care Society Conference at The Nairobi Hospital 28thApril 2018.
  17. KSPRAS 5thAnnual International Scientific Conference 2018 28th-30th June 2018.
  18. Annual Wound care Society Conference Watamu, June 2019
  19. KSPRAS 6thAnnual Scientific Conference, Mombasa, 26th-27th May,2022
  20. Burn Society of Kenya Symposium, Nakuru, October 2022
  21. Surgical Society of Kenya, Mombasa, April 2023.
  22. COSECSA scientific conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia December 2023

Kenya Society of plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Wound Care Society of Kenya

Surgical Society of Kenya

Kenya Medical Association

Indian Society of Surgery of the Hand

International Society of Burn Injury

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