1. Mukthar, V. K., Maranga A.K., Chemoiwa, R. K., & Kulei S. J.(2014) ‘ The Uptake of Modern Contraceptives Among Women of Reproductive Age(15-49 years) Attending Maternal Child Health/Family Planning Clinics; The case of Rift Valley Provincial Hospital in Kenya’. East African Medical Journal, Volume 91, Issue No. 11
2. Chemoiwa, R. K., Mukthar, V. K., Maranga, A. K. and Kulei, S. J.(2014 Oct’) ‘Nurses Infection Prevention Practices in Handling Injections: A Case of Rift Valley Provincial Hospital In Kenya’- East African Medical Journal, Volume 91, Issue No. 10
3. Maranga, A. K., Mukthar, V. K., Dr. Mutunga C, S., Chemoiwa,R. K(2016) .‘Hospital governance for the Counties in Kenya, ‘Ephasis on Government-Run Institutions'. EPH-International journal of Medical and Health Science Vol 1, issue-11 P2.
4. Chemoiwa, R.K., (2020) ‘ Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing ' NURS 450, [Online]. Available at https://elearning.egerton.ac.ke/course/view.php?id=1058
5. Chemoiwa, R.K., (2020) ' Research Methods for Nurses' COMH 310, [Online]. Available at https://elearning.egerton.ac.ke/course/view.php?id=1110
6. Chemoiwa, R.K., (2020) ' Epidemiology and Medical Statistics for Nurses' [Online]. Available at https://elearning.egerton.ac.ke/course/view.php