Prof. Nzula Kivuva KitakaDirector - DMRM
Directorate of Marketing and Resource Mobilization
The Directorate of Marketing and Resource Mobilization (DMRM), formerly known as Directorate of Institutional Advancement (DIA) was created in 2009, is mandated to be a prime agent in organizing support for University activities from Donors, Philanthropic Foundations, Friends, Corporations, Government Policy Makers, Alumni, Media and Council Members.
The functions of the Directorate are:
- To develop strategies, including prospects for the mobilization of financial resources for the advancement of the University.
- To develop strategies for publicity and branding of the University.
- To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing interventions.
- To advocate on behalf of and enhancing the marketing of the University locally and internationally.
- To provide guidelines on the maximization of income and cost-cutting interventions of the University, among others.
Quality Objectives
- Increase the University revenue generated from the University Giftshop and University Bookshop by 15% annually.
- Increase Egerton University Alumni (EUA) membership by 15% annually.
- Enhance internal and external communication by producing University newsletter (Newslink) twice per year.
- Market and publicize the University at least twice every year through print and electronic media.
Nakuru County Government
Narok County Government
KCB Bank K. Ltd
National Defence University - Kenya
Nation Media Group
Pelt Security
Mediheal Hospital
Co-operative Bank of Kenya
Njoro Canning
Kenya Forest Services
National Youth Service
APA Insurance
Kenya Water Towers Agency
Water Resources Authority
Kenya Red Cross
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
Geo Dev