Egerton University 43rd Graduation Ceremony

43rd Graduation Ceremony

Graduation is an exciting moment which marks both an ending and a beginning; it gives warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. Egerton University, as a world-class university for the advancement of humanity, is determined to ensure the continuity of its graduation traditions while simultaneously seeking to guarantee the safety of its faculty, students and stakeholders during this COVID-19 pandemic period. The 43rd Graduation Ceremony shall be held through a virtual platform, while observing the government directives.

Join us during this occasion as the Chancellor, Dr. Narendra Raval (Guru), D.Sc.(hc) EBS confers Degrees and awards Diplomas and Certificates on Friday, 18 June 2021.

You will be able to join us through ZOOM. The ceremony will also be streamed live on all Egerton University social media platforms and on this website.

Since the ceremony is virtual, graduands and parents / guardians are not required to be physically present and graduation attire will not be issued to the graduands at this time.

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