Egerton University, in partnership with Bayer East Africa and the Kenya Water Health Organisation (KWAHO), recently launched a handwashing facility to promote hygiene and prevent the spread of disease. The facility, which was officially unveiled on campus, is equipped with state-of-the-art handwashing stations, as well as educational materials to teach students, staff, and visitors about the importance of hand hygiene.
The handwashing facility is part of a larger initiative aimed at promoting water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in the local community. The initiative, which is supported by Bayer East Africa and KWAHO, aims to improve access to clean water and promote healthy hygiene practices in schools and other public spaces.
The launch of the handwashing facility at Egerton University was attended by a number of dignitaries, including representatives from Bayer East Africa, KWAHO, and the university administration. During the event, speakers emphasized the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of disease and praised the partnership between the university, Bayer East Africa, and KWAHO for making the facility a reality.
Bayer East Africa's Head of Communication Mr Anthony Maina, noted that "Bayer is committed to supporting sustainable development in Africa, and this handwashing facility is an important step in promoting hygiene and preventing the spread of disease. We are proud to have partnered with Egerton University and KWAHO on this initiative, and we look forward to continuing to support similar projects in the future."
The Kenya Water Health Organisation (KWAHO), which is tasked with promoting the health and well-being of the Kenyan population through improved access to clean water, praised the handwashing facility as an important step towards achieving the organization's goals. KWAHO's Executive Director Mr. Patrick Alubbe, said that "Access to clean water and improved sanitation is essential for the health and well-being of our communities. We are pleased to have partnered with Egerton University and Bayer East Africa on this initiative, and we look forward to continuing to work together to improve access to clean water and promote healthy hygiene practices in Kenya."
Egerton University's Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Isaac Kibwage, also spoke at the event, saying that the handwashing facility is an important step towards promoting hygiene and preventing the spread of disease on campus. He also noted the importance of educating students, staff, and visitors about the importance of hand hygiene and the role that the university plays in promoting WASH in the community. The Vice Chancellor was accompanied by the Deputy Vice-chancellor Administration Planning and Development Prof. Richard Mulwa , as well as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs and Research Prof.BenardAduda.
The Handwashing facility is expected to be a model to other institutions and the community around the university. This is aimed at educating the public on the importance of hand hygiene and how to properly wash their hands to prevent the spread of disease.
In essence, the partnership between Egerton University, Bayer East Africa, and the Kenya Water Health Organisation (KWAHO) has led to the successful launch of a handwashing facility that is expected to promote hygiene and prevent the spread of disease on the university campus and the surrounding community. This is a great step towards promoting WASH in the local community, and the initiative is expected to be replicated in other public spaces in the future.
After the official launch and handover of the handwashing facility to Egerton University, the university has taken steps to ensure the maintenance and sustainability of the project. The university has set up a dedicated team to manage and maintain the facility, which includes regular cleaning and servicing of the handwashing stations, as well as restocking of soap and other supplies. The team is also responsible for monitoring usage of the facility and ensuring that it is being used effectively.
In addition to the maintenance team, the university has also incorporated the handwashing facility into its ongoing WASH education and awareness campaigns. This includes educating students, staff, and visitors about the importance of hand hygiene and the proper techniques for washing hands to prevent the spread of disease.
The university has also established a monitoring and evaluation system to assess the effectiveness of the facility and make necessary adjustments to ensure its long-term sustainability.
The university has also established a working formula with Estates department, the Water and Sanitation department, the County government, Ministry of Health and the Students Union led by their President Mr Denis Odero to promote and sustain the facility.
According to the Alumni Relations Coordinator Dr Hillary Chakava ,who oversaw the project till completion, the university is working on a system of students and community involvement by encouraging them to use the facility and also educating them on the importance of hand hygiene and the proper techniques of washing hands to prevent the spread of disease. This will help in creating awareness and promoting the culture of handwashing in the community.
In conclusion, Egerton University has taken steps to ensure the maintenance and sustainability of the handwashing facility through the establishment of a dedicated maintenance team, ongoing education and awareness campaigns, and partnerships with local organizations. By involving the community, the university is fostering a culture of hand hygiene and promoting the long-term sustainability of the facility.This collaboration was initiated by Directorate of Marketing and Resource Mobilization led by Prof. Paul Kimurto,Alumni coordination office led by Dr.Hilllary Chavaka,Dean of Students led by Dr.Muthamia,Alumni Association board led by Dr.Wamukuru.The university students,staff,Vice-Chancellor wish to sincerely thank Bayer East Africa and KHAHo for establishing a WASH facility at Egerton University.
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