The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Isaac Kibwage, received trophies that Egerton University won at the National Drama, Music and Film Festivals held from 14 to 23 October, 2021 at Meru University, whose theme was “Advocating for Social Responsibility Through Performing Arts in The Post Covid-19 Era.” The event took place in Main Campus in Njoro, and in attendance were acting Deputy Vice-Chancellors Prof. Micah Chepchieng (Academic Affairs), Prof. Bockline Bebe (Research & Extension) and Prof. Richard Mulwa (Administration, Planning and Development). Also present were the Dean of Students Prof. D. Odero-Wanga, Patron University Drama Club Dr Raphael Gacheiya and University Chaplain Rev. Dr Samwel Nduati.
The students scoped awards in the following categories: Best play in English; Best Presentation – Play; Best Original Play; Second Runners Up, Best Presentation Mashup; Best Scripted Play in Kiswahili; Best Student Director of Kiswahili Play; Best Play in Kiswahili; Best Play for Film; Second Runners Up, Best Film Overall; Runners Up, Best Actor; Best Scripted Puppetry; Best Hand Puppetry; Best Stage Performance on Wildlife Conservation; Best Stage Performance on Anti-Corruption; Best Stage Performance on Environment Conservation; Best Stage Performance on Community Mobilization/impact Focus; Best Stage Performance on Disability Mainstream; Best Stage Performance on Governance and Human Rights; Runners up Twinning Mime; Runners up Best Presentation, Mime; Runners Up, Modern Dance; Adjudicators Award, Comedy; Best Presentation, M.D; Twinning Stand – Up Comedy; Best Performing Male Artist in Stage Performance; First Runner Up, Best Actress Film; Second Runners Up, Best Actress, Film; Runners Up Best Choreography M.D; First Runners Up, Best Cinematography; Best Costume Design; Best Costume Film; and, finally, Second Runners Up, Original Film
Members of the Egerton University Drama Club on 17 November 2021 at Main Campus perform The Village Well, which won the Best Original Play at the National Drama, Music and Film Festivals held from 14 to 23 October 2021 at Meru University. The play tackled themes on anti-corruption, community mobilization, governance and human rights.
The Drama Club performed The Village Well, which won the Best Original Play. The play tackled themes on anti-corruption, community mobilization, governance and human rights.
On behalf of the Chancellor, University Council, Management Board, Senate, staff and students, the Vice-Chancellor takes this opportunity to congratulate the Egerton University Drama Club for their exemplary performance.