Egerton University in collaboration with Sokoine University and the University of Zurich cordially invites you to a Workshop themed " Towards Circular economy development in coconut production".
The Workshop will conduct a Net Map Analysis of stakeholders on current activities toward a circular economy, by exploring opportunities, power positions and influence, challenges and leverage points toward the transition. This work is part of the CLOC East Africa Seed Money Grant 2023 for the project: 'TOWARDS A CIRCULAR COCONUT PRODUCTION SYSTEM THROUGH BETTER UTILIZATION OF (BY) PRODUCTS AND STAKEHOLDER COLLABORATION' that was awarded to the three Universities with Egerton University.
The Workshop will be held on 6th July, 2023 from 9 A.M-4 P.M at Pwani University, Kilifi. The Zoom Link Details
MEETING ID:940 3748 4818

Please do feel free to join us and engage with us on ideas to enhance stakeholder co-creation of solutions aimed at alleviating the economic losses witnessed among coconut stakeholders.