BioInnovate Africa Fellowship for Women Scientists (BA-FWS)




27th Nov, 2023

Call for Applications : Nomination and application deadline: Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 23:59 hours East Africa Time

BioInnovate Africa Fellowship for Women Scientists (BA-FWS)


 1. Context 

BioInnovate Africa is the largest regional innovation-driven bioeconomy platform in Africa, comprising over 400 scientists and innovators based in more than 130 organisations. It currently operates in eight countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. BioInnovate Africa was established in 2010 with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) based in Nairobi, Kenya. The mission of BioInnovate Africa is to enable scientists to translate innovative bioscience research ideas, inventions and technologies into practical uses that benefit society. This is crucial as the countries accelerate efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, and search for more sustainable solutions that conserve biodiversity, reduce carbon emissions, and mitigate and help the region adapt to climate change.  The BioInnovate Africa Fellowship for Women Scientists (BA-FWS) provides opportunities for early and mid-career women scientists to work with and learn from the diverse BioInnovate Africa bioeconomy projects and benefit from the vast networks in the region. The Fellows are hosted in BioInnovate Africa organisations outside their home countries for a period of three months, where they gain experience and establish networks to advance their skills, innovation capacity and overall career progression. 

2. Themes, projects and topics
Prospective applicants to the 2024 Fellowship call should select two topics from any of the following themes of BioInnovate
Africa projects:
a. Phytomedicine
b. Food and nutrition
c. Biomaterials
d. Biopesticides
e. Biofertilizers
f. Bioeconomy policies
Placement of a Fellow in a project is guided by the Fellow’s choice of a theme of interest and an independent assessment by
BioInnovate Africa Programme Management Office (PMO) of their capacity to work in BioInnovate Africa supported project.

3. What the Fellowship provides
The Fellowship package includes a round trip air ticket (from home country to country of host organisation), modest monthly
stipend of US$ 1,000 and health insurance for the Fellows outside their home countries.

4. Benefits of becoming a BioInnovate Africa Fellow
a. Practical experience: Each Fellow is placed in a BioInnovate Africa supported project, working alongside peers in
biological based research and innovation. This hands-on opportunity provides an all-rounded experience in
developing, testing, producing and commercializing impactful innovative biological based ideas and technologies.
b. Career development: This fully supported Fellowship includes one-on-one mentorship by leading research scientists
and bio-innovators, as well as access to entrepreneurs and leaders in bio-innovation in eastern Africa and around the
c. Knowledge and skills improvement: The Fellowship ensures access to advanced training opportunities to nurture
practical skills in applying scientific knowledge for beneficial societal use, as well as leadership skills in managing
innovation projects.
d. Networking: Fellows are assured of interaction with other Fellows, project teams and researchers/scientists in the host
organisations. This widens their network and creates opportunities for scientific collaboration.
BioInnovate Africa Fellowship for Women Scientists (BA-FWS)
Call for Applications π
Nomination and application deadline: Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 23:59 hours East Africa Time

5. Expected outcomes of the Fellowship
BioInnovate Africa Fellows will continue to interact with each other and the teams they have networked with and be able to
develop their ideas into bankable bio-innovation projects in the region. Beyond the Fellowship, and upon return to their
respective organisations, Fellows are expected to contribute to innovation ecosystem building, and serve as role models for
other female scientists.

6. Eligibility
a. Female nationals or residents of Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
b. Master’s degree holder in any of the following fields: biological, chemical or environmental sciences, medicine, ICT,
agriculture, engineering or any other closely related field.
c. Early and mid-career female scientist affiliated to a university, research institute, or a legally registered private firm,
which is currently participating in a BioInnovate Africa supported project (See list here).
d. Readiness to take up the Fellowship on a full-time basis, and in another BioInnovate Africa country.
e. Not a previous Fellow.

7. Application requirements
All applications MUST be accompanied by:
a. A motivational essay of between 500- and 700-words detailing interest in the Fellowship, and how the Fellowship
will contribute to career advancement. Applicants should clearly indicate the BioInnovate Africa theme to which
their idea applies. The idea should have potential to develop into a possible bio-innovation project on completing the
b. An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae, which includes two referees with knowledge of the applicant’s educational and
professional qualifications and capabilities.
c. A signed letter of support from the applicant’s head of organisation or department, written on official letterhead. The
letter should describe an applicant’s suitability for the Fellowship and commitment by the organisation to grant
sufficient leave to the Fellow to participate in the Fellowship.
8. Application and selection process
a. All applications should be made through the online application system Only applicants recommended by heads of respective partner
organisations will be considered.
b. The deadline for application is Tuesday, 16 January 2024, 23:59 hours East Africa Time. Late applications will
not be considered. Applications sent through email or post will not be accepted.
c. After the application deadline, BioInnovate Africa Programme Management Office (PMO) will screen the
applications received through the online system for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete applications will be
rejected. Qualifying applications will be evaluated by an independent panel of experts set up by the PMO. The panel
will select up to 5 applicants in this round of the call.

9. Award of the Fellowship
Successful applicants will be notified by 9 February 2024. Successful applicants will be expected to undertake and complete
the 3-month Fellowship by December 2024.
For more information about the Fellowship, please contact:
The Programme Manager, BioInnovate Africa
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, icipe, Duduville Campus, Kasarani
P.O. Box 30772-00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone: +254-20-8632433
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.