Statement by Amb. Dr Hukka Wario, PHD, CBS, chair of council, Egertion University on 7th December on the occasion of the 39th Graduation
Our Guest of Honour, the Honourable Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Education Amb. Dr Amina Mohamed, The Chancellor, Egerton University, Professor Shem Wandiga, Chancellors of other Universities present, Members of the Governing Council, Egerton University, Chairs of Governing Councils of other universities present, The Vice chancellor, Egerton University, Professor Rose Mwonya, Vice chancellors of other universities present, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Members of the Egerton University Senate, All Members of the Teaching as well as non-Teaching Staff , Members of the Students Council, All invited Guests, graduands, parents and all Alumni present, all continuing students, the Egerton University Neighbourhood Community, Ladies and gentlemen.
On behalf of the Egerton University Council I take this opportunity to welcome you to this 39th graduation ceremony as we join the graduands in celebrating their achievements. I am most delighted to stand before you today, to celebrate with you, particularly those graduating today, your great journey to your much cherished and much deserved diploma or degree. The end of long awaited journey is here. This is your day. It is a historic and august occasion, a turning point in your life. We stand before you together with your fellow students, lecturers, professors, supervisors, parents, and friends as witnesses and celebrants of your great, and I must say, enviable achievements. Right at the onset, on behalf of council and this entire congregation, warm congratulations to you. Of you graduating today, we are all, all, truly very proud.
Mr Chancellor Sir
Let me use this occasion to thank the Government for the unwavering support it has been given the university in terms of annual budget for both recurrent and capital expenditure. I appreciate the University Management Board, the Senate, staff for their hard work and commitment whose fruits we are witnessing today. I must also appreciate our students who have also remained disciplined and peaceful during the year making learning to proceed without disruption.
Our efforts to transform this University have received enormous support from various quarters. I would like to thank the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education, and other government bodies such as the National Research Fund for availing research funds to students, and the Higher Education Loans Board for the financial support to most students. I wish to also thank our development partners The United States Agency for International Development, USAID, the World Bank, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency, JICA, The Regional Universities Forum, RUFORUM, the Master card Foundation, the Government of the Peoples Republic of China, the Government of the Netherlands, and other partners for assistance to Egerton University in various projects. I would also like to thank the community in the neighbourhood of the University, for providing a harmonious and conducive environment for a friendly and peaceful co-existence with the university community.
Mr Chancellor Sir
As the graduands join the ever growing and strong Egerton University Alumni, of which we are very proud, I urge them not to forget to give back to their Alma Mater. You owe this University, individual and corporate social responsibility. Council, together with Management and Senate are toying with ideas such as strengthening the Egerton University Press, to publish books, peer reviewed academic journals and the results of research by both students and staff, to add to the nation’s growing knowledge economy. In such and other initiatives, we shall rely on you as alumni to chip in and make your contributions in cash, kind and in ideas to help this University forge ahead in its service to the national and the international community. We shall count on your goodwill and support. For continuing students, Council, together with Management and Senate are consulting on introducing an Undergraduate Mentorship Programme, where students will be asked to link with members of Alumni of their choice, with the help of the University, to be provided with mentorship throughout their study period. This will help guide their academic growth and career choices.
Mr Chancellor Sir
The University is faced by the challenges of incomplete projects. These include the Administration Block, the Horticulture and Agronomy Complex which will house the flagship Faculty of Agriculture and the equipping of the Physical Science Complex. I would like to ask our government, which has always been supportive to continue giving us a helping hand in seeing these projects to completion. As the Chair of Council, I would like to assure you that Council and Management will work hard to seek for more resources, from near and from far, to supplement government efforts, to advance the University’s mission of offering quality education to students and generate knowledge for national and the global knowledge economy.
Dear graduands, lend me your ears.
As you go out into the world, do not forget that there are many out there less fortunate than you are. Many who have had no opportunity of education, let alone university education. It’s your duty and obligation to give a helping hand wherever and whenever you can, in imparting some of your knowledge and skills so that they can also improve their livelihoods. Knowledge is something that you dont have less of, by sharing. You lose have nothing to lose by sharing knowledge. Its a win-win for both the giver and the receiver. Both parties are the better off for sharing.
As you go into the world, as you go to serve, and serve with honour and pride of achievement, uphold our national values which we cherish and hold so dear to our hearts. The values enshrined in our constitution: patriotism, ; respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual citizen; democracy and participation of the people; sovereign power as belonging to the people; equity and social justice; inclusiveness, equality and human rights; non-discrimination and the protection of the marginalized and compassion for those in need and for the less fortunate in society; mutual respect, tolerance and fair play; freedom of conscience, of expression and an equal opportunity for all; good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability and finally , the rule of law and the primacy of the constitution as the law supreme, putting all our efforts to achieving sustainable development for our country.
Once the Chancellor confers degrees and diplomas upon you and dissolves the congregation, you will go. Go and serve the people across the country with honour, dignity and pride, knowing very well that you lead best through humility and service to all.
May finish by saying, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all.