Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education,
Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education,
Chancellors of Other Universities present
Chairman, Egerton University Council
Council Members, Egerton University
Chairpersons of Councils of other Universities
Vice-Chancellor, Egerton University
Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Egerton University
Vice-Chancellors of Other Universities
All Guests, Members of Staff, Graduands, Parents and Guardians
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is an honour to preside over this 43rd Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University. To the graduands, I congratulate and applaud you on your individual and collective achievements on reaching this significant moment. This Graduation Ceremony is a culmination of excellent results brought about by your persistence, resilience and determination. Even as you celebrate this momentous achievement, many students started this academic journey with you but did not complete the journey.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Over the last few years, our University has contended with challenging moments. Thankfully, for all the hardships, Egerton has prevailed. The University continues to be an example of the enduring spirit of perseverance and commitment.
Change is inevitable. As the adage goes, the only constant in life is change. When you stop changing and growing, you cease to thrive. The COVID-19 pandemic has now become the most significant catalyst of change. It has changed how we work and how we interact with each other. We continue to adopt innovative ways of attaining our vision of a world class university for the advancement of humanity.
As a University, we must stay the course of improvement and meaningful change. I, therefore, call on all staff and students to support the institutional leadership so that we may all reap the benefits of a more responsive, resourceful and effective university system.
I challenge you not to rest on your laurels but to continue striving towards even greater goals. Excelling in all facets of life requires discipline, leadership and character. These qualities undeniably form the core of a fulfilled and rewarding life. Discipline consists not in succumbing to external pressure but in cultivating mental habits which leads to desirable actions.
If there is anyone thing that is evidenced by your daily choices, it is your character. Character is a collective term for the qualities that you have that sets you apart from other people. When we talk about someone having character, he or she has traits such as courage, honesty, loyalty and integrity. To develop character, start by highlighting your most important values, then uphold those values even in situations that seem unimportant. Also, surround yourself with people you admire to inspire further and strengthen your character.
Leadership is not about being appointed or elected to an office. Leadership is an attitude cultivated over time. It is about having aspirations beyond your wellbeing, working with others to advance the common good.
Graduands, you must have the confidence and courage to be leaders in whatever field you choose to pursue. It may seem more easier to stay where you are than to follow a new path, but this is fear talking to you. Have the courage to remain firm on your journey. It will be worth it in the end.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I conclude, I hope that we have moulded you into wholesome men and women rich in character, bravery and emotional intelligence to withstand whatever comes your way.
I wish you well in all your endeavours.
Thank you and God Bless You.