P.O Box 536-20115


(051) 2217989
(051) 2113248


Egerton University had invited bidders for the below mentioned tenders via tender notice dated 23rd September,2020 on the Public Procurement Information Portal and on the University website

Kindly make note of the following clarification pertaining to the tender below:

A. EU/ONT/001/2020-2021: Tender for Servicing, Repair & Maintenance of Printing Machine for University Press (A Two Years Frame-Work Contract).

That supplier sought clarification on pages 19 and page 20 (i.e. that the items No. 1 and items

no.9 have been repeated twice, that item number 1 i.e. Magic cutter (challenger guillotine) cutting

machine are two different machines and should be separated and that item no 1 on Section GTO

 52-1 Printing Machine is missing in section F).

Section F. Price Schedule for serving, repair and maintenance of Printing Machines,

S/No Type of Machine Frequency of serving Qty Unit Price Total Cost
1 GTO 52-1 printing machine  Major service twice a year  2    
2 Magic cutter cutting  Major service once a year  1    
3 Challenger guillotine  Major service once a year  1    
4 MKIII Auto perfect binder  Major service once a year  1    
5 Challenge companion vibrator  Major service once a year  1    
6 Foil blocking machine  Major service twice a year  2    
7 Double multi-head stitching
 Major service twice a year    
8 Fuelmer stitcher  Major service twice a year  2    
9 Rollem performed  Major service twice a year  2    
10 Manual block master  Major service twice a year  2    


Signature of tenderer:                                    Stamp:                                              


That in line with section 82 of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015 That the tender sum as submitted and read out during the tender opening shall be absolute and final and shall not be the subject of correction, adjustment or amendment in any way by any person or entity.

B. EU/ONT/002/2020-2021: Supply and Delivery of Natural Building Materials, Hardware, and Plumbing materials.

That the bidder sought clarification on the following:

  • That the tender security/bond are separated per lot thus unfair considering the tender is a single tender with different lots


That interested bidders are required to submit one (1) No. bid bond of kshs. 50,000.00 as per the instruction on the tender notice and NOT every tender security per lot. That interested AGPO Groups are required to dully fill, sign and stamp the tender securing declaration form on page 53 (i.e. just one tender securing declaration form regardless of the number of LOTS quoted) together with the valid AGPO Certificate from the national treasury. 

  • That it is unfair to have 120 items in one LOT and that bidders MUST quote for all items as per the items no. M10 on pages 20 and page 21 under the appendix to instruction to tenderers and that the special groups categories supposed to submit such a tender considering even the big hardware’s shops do not offer all this at a go.


  • That interested bidders are required to fill all the items per the interested LOT (as per the items no. M10 on pages 20 and page 21 under the appendix to instruction to tenderers).
  • That the tender is an open national tender and NOT reserved to special groups. That the special groups specializing in the supply and delivery of general hardware materials are encouraged to participate.
  • That the schedule of requirements are general user items that are easily found in hardware stores.
  • And that this being an open tender the 14 days given to interested bidders is sufficient to enable bidders to prepare and submit the tender taking into the consideration all the items required.

All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Thank you.

Samson Chira Murigi
Procurement Officer
AG Head of Procurement Department